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NOTICE OF REMOVAL. E. A. HOOPERS FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT ? 18 THE BEST FOR ALL CLASSES OF FUNERALS. .I FURNITURE REMOVED To all parts of the KINGDOM. WINDSOR MEWS, SALOP ST., PENARTII PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. t*ja MA&fuil @a9 WINDSOR ROAD, PENARTH Give Best V&!oe In ? FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS. Inspection Invited ? '—— Correspondence Solicited —— —— Cycles for Hire )lR G. C. J{eWHldj, rROFE55UROFMU5tG, Organist and Choir-Master of Windsor Road Jongre- gatioua! Church. Receives and Visits Pupils for INSTRU- MENTAL, VOCAL & THEORETI- CAL ':l'uition Pupils prepared for the various local Musical Examinations. NUMEROUS FIBST GL/\SS TESTIJ40jiiAbS Prospectus may be had on application Address—Mozart House Windsor Road W!bb)AM CAMPBEbL. Glass and Vhilia Burner & Riviter 65, SALOP STREET 1fenarth. New SpFings and Guards put 10 CaMing pork Ai! Linds of Cutlery ground and set. No connection with any other person in the trade. BREAKrAST—SUrFER. E P P S S CBATErUL—COMrORtT:NG. COCOA 3_30V-M,G WATER OR MILK. t. õ =- i" l. '<:il;il i; r; l\)-; Ø" I\- .11\ MI1! T7 51) S: CELEBRATED ORGANS & PIANOS. For Catalogues, address, DANIEL L BEATTY Washington, New JerBey t CHEAP POULTRY FOOD SOLD BY J. WJHLITE 44, Dock Road, PENARTH. W. JEANS, II Coach Builderl Wheelwright Shoeing and General Smith SALOP STREET, PB.NARIlt. Near the Plymouth Hotel.) C Ninnes Dm!!)G and REFRESHMENT ooms, I &, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. Hot Dinners. Tea and Co&ee. Cold Meats. Abated Waters. PHOTOGRAPHS RE-COPIED AND ENLARGED, ALSO PICTURES FRAMED All Work done on the Premises. I —— R. TANNER, —— J Essex Cottage, New Plassey Street, PENARTH. SAMUEL GARWOOD, Salop Stireet, PRACTICAL Layer of Drain Pipes and W.C. Repairer. ? Mason Work & undertaken Over 25 Years' experience. Excellent References given mc)orrie-r"acle Bread E. BISHOP, CONFECTIONER 4, GLE8E STREET, PENARTH. Sole Agent for LJ P T 0 N S TEAS. \VOMAN'8 FRIEND. RAYNE'S SPECIAL MIXTURE" The most powerful and effectual c?edicme known. Quick, safe, and certain. Never fails to relieve and cure all irregularities, no matter how caused. Post free, with full instructions to any address 219 or 5/U G. W RAYNES, Oogan Orug Stores, 1, Penarth Dock. You can be Cured By a proper and timely use of the great Norwegian remedy. SEA. WEED LUNG LIFE, which possesses marvetlous Soothing, Tonic, and Balsamic Properties for all Throat, Chest, and Lung Complaints, it is the great cure for Sore Throats Coughs, Colds, Bron. chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness and Consumption Mr Andrew Wilson, of Middlesborough, has written of it as follows :—" &ir,—Permit me to infoirn you of the great benefit derived b\ me from the use of "Sea Weed Lung Life." I sutured from a severe cold on the chest, but after one bottle I was quite relieved." Immediate R,:lid'. Pfjmpt Cure. The European Medical Society recotntnends it as the most reliable for all Bronchia! awd Chest Diseazes Thousands are cured at) over Europe. One bottle wiL relieve the most obstinate case. Let every sufferer t{ive it a trial. Sold at 2s .Id, and !s lid.; Post Free, 3s, and Is 3d. Wholetsalt- Agents for Great Britain :-Sanger and ()Il" 489, Oxford Street London P.S.—Send 3s or Is 3d in Stamps to Sanger anc Sons, 489, Oxford.street. <, ).t<:ou, for a bottle. which wi,U be sent by return < pot to any part of be County. Or to Jacob ilexes, ManafactUfiaE Chemist, Pecarttt Chief Ue. 1 i AIR. & MRS. BUCKLANE, Wardrobe and Fnr3 ? mture Dealer. The Oldest Established Dealer. in Penarth.—23, Salop Street. FOR SALE, a taHdng Parrot and Cage, Duchess ? Stand and Tables, Wardrobe with p)ate g!as? d?or and Rre proof safes.-Appiy. Buck!aud, -The Oid Firm," 23, Satop Street. RESSMA,KING.Mis,a Price (late of Hereford) D Dres8-maker, 4, High Street. Penarth. Latest Styles. tjtg-uaranteed. Moderate Charged. YyANTED immediately, Apprentices and Itn provers t3 the Dress and Mautte-Metkin? Apply Miss Larke, 59, Winder Road. ° r)RESSMAKING. Wanted Apprenticea at onca 2' High Class Trade.-A pply Tucker and Stowed 1, Oakleig-b Terrace. -.< ?.OOD WORKSHOPS TO LET.—Appiy C7?c?< — OiRce, Penarth. 'pUBNISHED APARTMENTS. -Siti irio,.i-oom and F one or two Bedrooms in Windsor-road, Penarth; —Apply No. 7, Chronic:e OSce. TRHREE Gentiemen can have comfortable LODG- INGS for One Guinea per week; separate bed- rooma; piano, gas.—Apply S., "Penarth Chronicle'" OSce. WANTED.-A Strong Gid, (about 15 or 16) to sleepbome. Apply M.S. "Chronicle Office A STRONG L-?D, Experienced m Be.r B.?n!ing-. -??- Apply—Manager, Masonic Buildiu??, PfnarLh ,'?/fUSIC PupHs wanted by Certincated Teacher ?'? terms 10s per quarter.—Apply Mu?io, care o; Mrs Sketch, Hickman-road, Penartb. INSTRUCTIONS in Violin and Shorthand—26, Ivy JL Street, West Cottages, Penartb. In

. 'IONA' and 'KATE'