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ANDREWS & CO., Wine and Spirit Merchants, DENBIGH, desire to announce they have been appointed 1 Sole Agents for the THREE SHELL' Brand of Non-Alcoholic Beer and Stout in Bottles. > I Can be Sold during Prohibited Hours. APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL CONTROL BOARD. .4W"" Brewed JMoJL-t CLIMCI Hops. No Restrictions. Nourishing and Digestive. Telsphohs No, 48, J ■ TAILORING DEPARTMENT* j T. R R utter Is now showing a New Stock of Goods bUITABLE FOR THFj REASON. A'qnite Up-to-Date Selection, which has to ba seen before realized. — FELf HATS: CaPS, TIES, «&o I all AT MODERATE PRICES. I Sole Agent for BU BSE BUY'S COATS, &e. n5 Higi Street, DENBIGH, o 6- h,ll£' I i¡\6, t¡ HAND BREWED; J 1:(, WELL STREET, j RUTHXN. ) R. ^ROBERTS, || H^olosalo fend Retail I Wine and Spirit Kerebaati kegs to call the attention of the Gentry I and Pnblio to Ma celebrated Rome-Brewed b!X\iItQ.OlI of Molt and Hops), which may be supplied in Casks of 30, 18, and! 3 gallons. Prices II?x»ioes -on Dublin Stoub and Burton Ales, in Caeks anfl Bottles. „ Gainesa'B Extra Stoat; Barclay and Ferfcms, London Soon*; and Baae & Co'b Burton Ala- in Cask and Boitelae. Plnspt. Brotah aid Irteh Whiskies anf f forfca, 6barytioi &nd Cla%mmagaas ot well-knowR j farauda. KILL THAT INSECT. TOMMY l-Sand jour oals ••out yonder'' eome tins of Harrison's Nii-prry Percale-they'll bo very t acceptable. When you haven't tins to wash, there's « big hanoe you'll have coinpmioaa." A libble Harrieon'a Pomade kills every insacfc on hair and body. Insist on having Harrison'* Nursery Pomade, "Tiosof Comfort," afc and 9d. Bo^d by all Chemist s—or by ro^t from Harrifon, Chemist, Rending. ForDenbigh: Harriton Jonea&G'o., Chemists. High-sSjreetj. 8b Aoaph: J Emryo Jones, Charaisft Ruthin: Rouw & Sone, Chemists, Sb Feber'fl Square. Bettwsycoed: it Parry. •mrl} t ESTABLISHED 1870.] Mrs. WOOLUSY' j t jj,J ',1", V f¡ .Ii ,lid .11::4 SERVANTS' REGISTRY, Rtsfthin 1m"d. :f.?6z:d"lj\1". WANTED,Tgood Cook* and Oook-Goaetala for Rhyl, Chesticr. PreaWyn, and Denbigh Hou^o for Wamagton, T)er,bigh, Rh> 1, Bnd Cheats Hosssmaids, Laundry Maidfl, FDid Glials, KitohenmaidB, and U^dsr..Bervant, InsSoMJAMsT .r, :.Po 'i'(IV,:A _J. '1.t:l"o/.t f') j SBGISTHY. u; J. '{.JI. J. ¡, i. '(\ I, Post Office Lane, DENBiOil. WANTED, Experienced and Piain Gooiia Conka Generals, good G-ener*s, and Young Girls for JightJ hoase work. Die. engaged: Elderly Parson as Housekeeper. in small family. Farmers' Opportunity. Levei* Bi»oa.' Pam Nut Cakes and Meals FOR AIL STOCK GIVE SPLENDID RESULTS. For prices and further details apply J. DOWNING, DENBIGH Z64 jc iii. 5 jtesiiii lissilili j Women who waken in the morning feeling-languid, faint, wenk or dizzy, L fi_ need a remedy that will strengthen the system, tone the nerves and "j < improve the blood. Beecham's Pills have been a Dlessing to women for T I" over sixty years. They have proved themselves a safe and dependable 8a k remedy for relieving and removing the peculiar ailments from which gl w nearly every woman suffers. Whenever there is need— Sa I I t '1" L correct stomach disorders, improve the digestion, purify the blood and Jj I ni establish regular and healthy conditions. They act as a helpful tonic L jC to weak women, and may be safely taken as they do not produce any J pu disagreeable after-effects. Compounded of well-tried medicinal herbs jT «■ and contain no harmful drugs. To relieve morning lassitude, to bring J J back health, strength, rosy cheeks and clear skin. Beeoham's Pills are F C recommended as a helpful medicine "9 l S for pal, £ iitkii Wimci ? J" Sold everywhere in boxes, labelled ls-3d and 3s-0d. F' <■ « c. « SHOPPING TIKE- Cbfisimis is Shopping timo, an3, a1?* *.ho time for Shopping has no-v been re,,zu latei and j limited by i.btl Authorities, you vf!!l bel ww«j to selpc*' your Christmas Gdoi from our nniq'ia l-Stcok ci Navel i;s bsfora 'hose you pamicula-.Jj 1' fancy aro snapped c-p by ecme .ens ckc. | I We are cffarlng 5 on a splendid sc-kctio-s cf ( end tho ve'y labost ideas i;i | Toy .;J=e1t'i'G. iSomothirj; rire for tbe Childron, ? >mrilhio^ nice for the L-iiiie?, FO^oilring n:ca f >e yone j iScldier and Sailor friends, sad somabbiog cice j fc yonrself. I OcnKi to-day ard iaepeoii cur difphy of the Mechanical T«y ?. Packo*i GhoTj'&'pi Mechanical Figii'SS. Oracknrp. China Ware. Chiiabtaas DaooratioiiS. Artistic Handb«rchi«f Bosa: Cbristm?^ t!ake». ("love Boxes. Ohjknroa^ Padding?-. Jewel Bc-xee. Mitcj Pier-. Owinc: to ehorfc supplies our S-ock the Season is VO) y iimitsd, to ploase.call early to secujo the btsb ^isk. I The Shc-pa for r^Qvaltl&s. < J POWELL JOIIES, M tlJ I. <= \1 II [u Y j COMFE c;r i om 12 R CEKTIiiL CAFE, HIGH &TJBJSET, ANtl CLWYD CAFF, VALE STREET, DENBIGH. I DENTISTRY* I Painless Extractions, Fiilinga, Artificial Teeth, MB. B, HANLON shbicBda fcrrnraiilj, DKiMTitkL RCOMB, B^lNKSCSH, 11.b M*. Phcfeo grupher, V&le Btacei., every Wediaesday, IS (boS KGT.HIS, ovBiy Fall" Day and 3?d Monday, at KGT.HIS, awiiry Fall" Day and 37 d Monday, at I Mf. Geo's, Ironmoicjgus, Ulwyd Btrest, 12 tc á.3a. CORWSN, First Friday and Fair Dr,y, at Mr. Samual Jones, Gon £ ectioa«, Bridge Street, 12 m to 6 j H0LYW3LL. at BRADLEY'3, HIgU Jfereat, every Fddftw fmm 2 6 ¡ Tar/KtHOiss Ko. Biiy C I To Parents, CsaardSaras, and Othops* THE London & Sanoh@st@r Assurance Co., Ltd- will forward (pOq/) free) oa application a iibil bookleb and particulars thowing how the following sums of aC- 25, £50, £100, or ^S1tOOOj rray be provided foe CHILDREN on the I attainment of Ages 14 02 21 years. Considerable eacce-ss ha« "Handed this met'iod of roakiog provision lor Children of ail ages-upao mitu-.iry-to meet) that very interas-mg and important porind cf their live", wben a substanfjiul ehui would assist in the completion of education for a Professional or Comnjsrcial career. Also LirE, A.Nn E- N *rJ OWil ASSURANCES to mrei the rrq 'i?tmenr-s of &)i c'ibk?cs. The SaU6»t features of \:11.0 CoMPiKJt's Tablss are ATTRACriYENESa. MoDKIiATS hATES OF PREMIUMS NON-VEXiVTlOU3 FOLIC? CONDITIONS, I'rompl iPijymeat 01 Claims, Liberal Tbfatmeht o? Pclicy Eo..dees. Th Company has added to its fuodll more than One MtSJicm Pounds darirg the las>t;T £ N YEAHS. Ea^abiisbed in tho 1800 tho Ccmpar.y csc jart!y claira ibe i I ow,iug -'cuid Com- mercial princip'ea. maderate rate?, genercc? conditions and bighiy tffinenl) maDagaairnt; i It; s i havj soactnifdthcrl for tha Lcndon and Manchester Assarance Gr-mpany u -kgca cf euccoes wbich can tniy be dstciibtd as rcm?.r&- ab;c and oommetudib'.e. The CowptBy has paid over 4 MILLION POUNDS in Ci!\)rm. and its total Funds now exceed I MILLION POUNDS. J I (The L. & M. is allied wiih tho National Amalgamated Approved Society (cQoraberthip esceccl 2 million;) for National (liealchj Insurance). GLADSTONE VILLAS, HUrHIN ROAD, DENBIGH. Superintendent: E. LLOYD ROBF<BT8j BRONHWYLFA," I the noted Eatabligbmont for WELSH LAMB & MUTTON. H. Dryhurst Roberts, FAIVIILY BUTCHER, BBONHWYLFA and 19 and 20, MARKET HALL, bbmbigh THE VERY BEST QUALITY oif. HOME- FED MEAT oidy supplitd. Horoe-curcd Hams and Bacon. Corned Be6f. Pickled Tongues. Sausages In Season, '&c. AU Orders promptly attended tcv^Tidal^O'-der iieptcially BoJicited IS 3 iKSJEBSHE^ 'ZJhCSZZZTiKLTTFWTz liFIilglllllll B g I d 5 I i HOW can I increase the pur-1 I A cliacmg power of every I pound wr icii I am about Jo spend S on Furniture ? i 1 The woluhon of that problem will be | found m car free catalogue and our I ShowroorM. While W5 only supply artistic, s-v :ii!t*buUt furniture, our | pcrf?x: • end sc ling J or$a,n:-ss$,xt enables m to quoto prices j | iliat i«*c much below those charged | eissv,We for the tame articles. No I master whether you • j | ^aam^ijageEJEiiig I I Fi?s p m f J* fH p P o p h I* M Mill J J Ripiwpilaiff your money will go farthest if you 1 purchase from 1J.K. I Faef^ worth iiofigg^ g We nllow 2/- in t>.e £ 5 discount for Cash. | P&yrnents can be arranged to suit Cusloiaera' 5 convroisnce. No olyeotiosable agreemenU to si?n. Evtry Article manufactured under oar own direct control and sapei vision. Wc -v y carriage to till parts. Goids delivered in Fr!v. -c Vans. Ever Furnih1r,r, Requisite stipplied. Good VaJae and satisfied Custcmen account Par the ^{jeiioraenai urowili of our business. Gmaftgqatee. «f„^vrpSS" article that cioca Dot II give ab^ol-rtte satisfaction. I tj W7-t to cr can far CrAaJospaa. "WJ I rVW1't1 T-»^rAtV^^r^rg^:M;«'tt?g5ga5M?'A<ai^y'JSJi3'.V''tTiwwg^yp. 8 ¡¡¡ 111 ( 11.t ifeLOBEl LJ FapssisisSnsa' I S KSIra eMBSD | (J. II. Gha.NT, IVoprkfor). I I Pl!as0? j 1 LIVERPOOL. f | Bi<a!es3 Haws 8 t:y 8. | 1 jGa?iy Closing, fjia.^urday i p.m, | .s"{¡¡¡'O:iL.LJ.1III;¡;.¡:¡¡"\It Railway Fare AfSowed. SSMC- BYDDLETON, ,¡:t ¿. .AH¡ Ei2',¡¡ J L U fW :l Faraairy JBwfcolieK1, MARKET IfJrALL, BEKBiaK. .lJ. .,t..L) jJJ.¡ .1\, .i. BEoT QUALITY HOPE-'FSO MEAT Supplied., Welsh Lamb Mutton a SPECIALITY, 1I.il \L OBDER SOLICITED. Icoue S B Tys ? € David Thomas, Flaisisai., Hntlhin, Licensed Valuer i AND Estate Agent. Valuations: Tenant FArm-3, Mortgage Bilapid'-MSons, Fire Loss and Fiunituro. Stock-takiog "nd annuii). V»laat*om of FARMS and ntbcY CONCERNS undertaken for private Ividi rae l'üx purp»ee», and Ba'scce eiheeis p! spared showing PH fi and Loes. ISYENT0i;iE3 carffully prepared and oxaoiiaod my..1 h 1 '■■niiiiiwanniTHi wii »rm»*n«nriirrn-i;iiy i■I'-f-iviratirtrfi11vi-\n<n mhitommw—mwh Wiu.slc-al- Mm. W. A. LLOYD F.I.G-.C.M., A. Mck. T.O.L. (}il;aIJ,; Pmno, SiB.gi2ig^ Harraoay. Cotrnterpoint, -&c Musical Jsslimments Sfipplied ci leading .first-class Firms, PIAKOS FOR HIBB. 4. Market Street. KOTHIM. Miss Cecilia Anwyl. PRfiFtSSOR Or PlAliCFORIS. B3-, Drive, Wallasey, Liverpool, Visits Denbigh every Saturday. P1AXOFORTE TECHNIQUE (Matthay Methcd-os required by the L.R.a.Lj V Exam.) Pupils en ccmxence ab any date. 18a.c Miss G. FOWNAL JOSHES, Teacher of Music..Crgaa and Fiano. For further particulars apply The LodgCi Kanftolwyd Hall, rr. Ruthin. 141-1:1 SC3SOLASTIC. School. PRINCIPAL—MIBB IfOULRES. Pupils prepared for jffixamtn&tlona. | i*?ivafca is. Mmlm I Ff^ssclia jari4 Fainting, ij 87^0?3J If — Denbigh Gotsrsty S'shooi for Boys. 13 E A 30 Mr8 D. H. D&Vr&Si Gltu (Lcri'd.)j Assisted by « St-.ia of well qsiuHfietl Tcjuhcr*. Tborougli preparation tot Professioral, Salolaatio, SdcnUfii feed ContncrclaS pQfiUifcf. bias wfJl-fqoippeS L^bara^oriej 1mJ Wtark'ticpSj as wetl as PioSa for Agri. cultural voik. Fess S2 psr term, Tfxc-bookg, Sc., supplied free. ÂppÚ<:atiowJ bt Bacsu.dt-.I; to meaa the txparee's of maint»inancu at ihr- Scbooi to ba t- Iz duiiu^ the fi sa wefck i oc Jan- Uifv ci-April 10 ihe k, Mr. A. F0Ui.K^a-R0BERT3,_ Eo ici a. Swan tiJOac I RUTH 8 N SCHOOL- HEAD MASTER — E. W. L'ovogyovo, M-A. (Cxon BemcMmo Scholar of New College, First Class Honours in 76a. 0 I St. ft staph Gowwty Schoo j JFermorly 7?uo.ov..cd Grammar 3choai), C'vAir.msui u' the Governors THK Rxv. THE) LORD BISHOP OF ST. ABAPH Vice CJ'hah-roan Ti^hRY A. OLE AVER, ESQ J,p, ISisAD M'assbh EDWI33 LiAI5<EIi, M.A. (St. John' College, Cau:bridge), B.Se. (Isfe Division), Loadan Certificated and Registered Reaches, Cr.AasiCAn M/iSTiiut: JAMES BOYD ROBERTSON, B.A. Sad ¡ Clag CiftwieHl Hono^ra, Maderfttiona, and LiSi. Hem., St. John's Ooilugc, Oxford; Keriia'erad. BCTFSQK \IAoTE3 HAECLD J A KCN, B Sc. (Honour), lh kilJ B?ftolar, Misncheacar Trained and Ceitifico'ed Teacher. 141BYPOD: AKn GBOffVAPET Miss GWE^LLIAN JOH.S'il'ON, BA. (Walee), Ee.;onciary Teachers Garcifiiate. I D rA MAI-seb AND TtuuHia 03 Vocai L Mcrtiic X. R. ONEg. G.tliifh)1.erl Taaehet. M.1HUAL 1HS22VC2Q8 EnNZST CVrfEN. } | 'UiK Scbooi stemlis on elora^d groand lu I .J,. a poaitiiozs v/hiah ooinniauds a view of [ he plclurosqco Vufa 01 Oiwydt and within 5 tiiiKures' walk oi nhs Oafeodrai and Railway Bii'.iion rsoslvod for Pifivatia Taltlja i. liOlidaj-3. For paEiiloulars apoly to the Head Maabiji o So FRSD W. GRIMSLEY, Cleri as tbo Gavaiu-Jca. 18:1 A<!Ðph, SPECIAL NOTICE. We have during this lamentable NATIONAL CRISIS honosfcly endeavoured, and can confidently claim to have succeeded in supplying our OaetomefB with the Groceries, Flour & Provisions &t the < LOWES! POSSIBLE PRICES, and will do everything in our power to crry out the same in the fatnrt. "We Ask. You TO Compapa out* F pices. R. oweF& SON, STAR BUILDINGS, DENBIGH. W!irQhuc,sG!! D;AMOB» BuiLDUSGfl DHNBIPH. Tel 36. "arBonfa Christmas Cards, Exclusive Designs from RAPHAEL TUCK'S ART PRODUCTIONS. Delicate Etchings and Photo- gravures, with Mezzo-Tint Effects, Unique Coilection of Japanese and British Toys, Dolls, etc. Oainty Confections. HIGHEST AWARD CHOCOLATES. ARNTon fa, VALE STREEj, (OPPOSITE STATION APPROACH), DENBIGH. P423 JLd O S fjp A TE COUGH AFTER USING CHERRY COUGH BALSAM. Price, 10^i. and Is. Gj. P.r C >ttls. — -1 et a BSottl-a To-Day I and T C! TT LOSE YOURS. íiiiii: -r:r. It getg Jcwn to tho rrot of the trouble p-nd sets it right. It is the most e £ fec':ive remedy for doughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Inflaeczi, &3. Electt'ic Flash-Light Lamps Stocked at all Prices. BENSOT-f EVANS & CO., Dispensing and Family Chemists, S B <L'F H! DENBIGH JL 'I (Telephone No. 28). 1129. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery. 0' -==.==-=._==- Christmas Presents. i Patriotic Christmas CardSr Stationery and Fancy Goods in Great Variety. H. W. JONES, 32, Vale Street, DENBIGH. ATE. DO l J