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Bmimss Announcements. .t. »MMMWMMTAWMAMM* w. PRICE JONES, 17, High-street, DENBIGH, Sells TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, &c., At MERCHANTS' PRICES, therefore Compare W. Price Jones' 2/- Tea with Tea generally sold at 2/6. Compare W. Price Jones' 2/6 Tea with Tea gener- ally sold at 3/ Compare W. Price Jones' 3/- Tea with the Finest Tea you can get elsewhere. Is compliance with the request of many ef his customers to sell Patent Medicines and Proprietary Articles on the same system as he sells Teas, fee., W. PRICE JONES sells Allen and Hanbury'a Prafected Cod Liver Oil 4 9 for 4 0 Alleock'. Porous Plasters l li08 AJkaram, Dr. Dnnbar's 2 3 Allen's Zylobalsamran 3 620 Allen's Hair Bestorer 6 ,0 „ 3 7 Albion Milk and Sulphur Soap 0 6 „ 0 4 •Beotham'a Corn Planters 1 1 £ 0 10J Bond's Marking Ink 0 60 3 Brown's Troohes 1 Ii" 0 lOt Brand's Essence of Beef 3 02 4 Brown's Chlorodyne 1 1 £ „ 0 10 £ Brown's ChlorodyneTroohes. 1 1J „ 0 10 Cannon's Lime Jniee and Glycerine 1 0 „ 0 9 >. »» ii 0 60 41 Cleava Tagroebens Soap 1 610 Ooc¥les' Yùll!4 1 ij010 Glarlt's Blood Mixture. 2 6110 <*>aindin». 0 4 & 0 6 Barry's Reralenta Food 1 7 & 2 8 Dredga'g Heal-all 1 lfcforO 10* »»ne»' Pain Killer 1 14 „ 0 10A D^*ngh'i 0od Lire* Oil 2 6 ,,110 de Cologne (h«8t) 2 6 „ 1 6 £ Brow* Emulsified Ood Lirec Oil.. 3 0 ,,2 1 Salt 2 9 „ 2 3 £ «minf'j Powflef 1 1A „ 0 10 £ 2 6 „ 1 10 Uoddard's Plate Powder. 1 0 „ 0 8 Itonmy's Ointenetit I Ii" 0 101 1 » 0 10* HefPg Ertract of Malt „ 1 7 Jewsbttry and brown's Tooth Paste 1 6111 Joy's Asthma Cigarettes 2 61 9 lay'. Pswm of Linseed 1 Ii" 0 lOt 5., ii n n <« 0 9J m 0 7^ Leflng'a Extract of Meat 2oz. „ 1 3 • w »» h ••4OB. 2 3 ^aploMb'* Pyretic Saline 2 6 „ 1 10 £ 0pl«r's Exfrrae* of Malt ,,23 Maltine .4 2 9 „ 2 3 *aJtma with Hydrophosphites 6 6 „ 5 6 *«tioan Hair Restorer ,,28 Neare'aFood 1 0 „ 0 8 £ VulfV™ 1 6 „ 0 8 pariah Food 0 9 „ 0 6 J»pi«r Fayard ,,0 8 r«pper s Quinine and Iron Tonic.. ,,3 8 „ »> Taraxacum and Podophyllin ,,2 4 IW'sSoap 1 o ;,0 8 „»» „ unscented 0 4i Bttract small I0d., largest 6 6 lawn of Aniseed 1 UforO 10A judge's Food 1 0 „ 0 8 Wawlands' Maccaasar Oil „ 2 l RooWaPiUa l o 10* ^egeU'sapup.. 2 6 „ 2 0 8JtL, •• •• •• •• M 1 H„0l0i l 1| „ 0 10* Seidlets Powder 1 0 „ 0 8 l ;;Y y 4 6 Jan Houten's Coc«» Is., Is. lld^jM^#^? light's Coal Tar Stean, for 0 4 flow's Syrup H „ 0 10 Sf*«°ne perdoz. 4 9 "jfd Seed (Canary and Hemp) 0 2 (Ricket's). 0 10 Blade 1 0 for 0 8 1 6 „ 1 4 3 0 „ 2 2 V°coatina 1 6 12 cS" Dandelion) 1 611 Cor^\?Xtract (Bran8on's) 1 0 „0 8J 0Ur (various makers) 0 8 „ 0 6 Cream of Tartar 1 8 1 4* DS? ?°.wder 3 0 „ 1 4 Ponder (Smith's) 0 6 „ 0 4* Df>»^Scu^8 (Spratt's, London) 22 0 „15 6 Esl«8CU«^ (Barr's» Liverpool) 20 0 „14 6 sence of Rennett—per gal. 3 6 garniture Polish (Adams) 0 8 „ 0 5* Composition (Harris 1 0 „0 7 KidReTiver 1 0 0 7 J 2 ? feL,ni?e 1 I J !| ^r°m (Genoa) 01Q ..0 6 «W^antaidMay'ssaW) I 0 S 7 # 6 » 9 5 .$ 8aSSr?r 0 5 „ 0 3* 1 S S ? Sfa^u ^arb°nate. 0 8*0 2* <^rawiy°s?afjn'S'1 in 5'lb' P^8-" 0 6 0 4 Sn^ y Seeds 0 8 0 41 ci0?wmon (8roun^> 4 o 2 o (Homr 1 8 to 2 8 Mace 0 8 n 1 a fcwfaa* i 00iwf I 4 o rj I — Publication. 6 N°BTS.3iL.f S ILLUSTRATED r- FAMILY MAGAZINE." Ihe beat T?NIC^I Vr "• ONE PENNY. ii8hed^Sfwywalazi-Be forthe Household. Pub- cd by W, H. Danes, Valo-strect, Denbigh. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF WINTER Drapery Goods AT DENBIGH. r R. ABTHUR DAVIS, High Street, DENBIGH, H AS much pleasure in announcing that his CLEARANCE SALE WILL COMMENCE ON y/ednesday, January 25th, and be continued FOR FOURTEEN DAYS. At these Sales it is the custom to make GREAT REDUCTIONS throughout the Establishment, the chief object being to clear off the stock of WINTER GOO r¡.i¡f.W' No effort will be oparecIA"ff that end, (jI'J'i and Genuine ni& maY be depended upon.. Department; the increasing ess of these Half-yearly Sales, being 8r p; sufficient guarantee of their genuineness. One of the largest DRAPERY STOCIig In the Principality will be placed before the jpuljlk at greatly Reduced Prices; The following being a few special quotaticais: j 60 Ladies' TJlters @ 1/11. 350 Ladies' Corsets fi) 1/ty. 300 Mens' Fashionable Felt Hats 8 1/4. 60 Pairs Blankets, Slightly soiled, will be very cheap. All the remaining stock of Men's Over Coats will be reduced under cost price to clear. 10 dozen Men's Shirts, Iii) 8d. each. 20" )? ii) I/- 15" €> 2/3 wortHi 200 Boy's Trousers,a) H Jd. Also the whole of the Stoch t-edtt.vWIoi- FOURTEEN DA. YS. y < R. D. HUGHES, DISPENSING and FAMILY CHEMIST, Jledical Hall, DENBIGH, Has much pleasure in drawing the attention of his patrons to his special stock of articles suitable to the coming season. U G H F, S COMPOUND I ESSENCE OF HOREHOUND I | FOR THE COMPLETE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting I of Blood, Whooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Soreness and Tightness of the Chest, Hoarseness, and all other Lung Complaints tending to C 0" N S U M P T ION. Important Testimonial from DR. PiEUCE, Coroner of the County of Denbigh. Of all Patent Medicines which have come under my notice, the Compound Essence of Horehound' is the best, safest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, &c." In bottles, at Is. ld" 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each. TOOTHACHE AND TIC DOLOREUX PILLa. In cases of Neuralgia Tic-Doloreux their effect is as certain as it is wonderful, and if taken and persevered in according to the directions, the above distressing complaints will as certainly vanish as ever they existed. In boxes at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. HUGHES' APERIENT ANTIBILIOUS OR BED-PIOOM PILLS. The most efficacious remedy for Bilious Complaints, violent Head-ache. Indigestion, Dimness of Sight, Sickness, Loss of Appetite, Flatulency, Torpid action of the Liver, Lowness of Spirits, and all Diseases which arise from a derangement of the Stomach and Bowels. The term Bed-Room Pills is given to these mild and agreeable Aperient Pitta from their being so requisite a Medicine in every Individual's JJod~-Iiooin. Th&tit is well ltpplied. is proved by the known fact, that all those who have been 80 fortunate as to obtain them, iiwariably keep them so near at hamil, as to be able to talcs one or two the last thing at night when required, EFFERVESCING FRUIT SALINE. ''if: An effervescing and tasteless Salt. )it use is especially calculatlfntain health and 00H"0 AROMATIC QUININE AND IRON TONIC. This pfgprfction contains Quinine and Iron in a high state of purity, and is the most agreeable, efficacious, strengthening agent yet discovered. THE ROYAL DENBIGH SAUCE Prepared from an Ancient Recipe," acknowledged to be the best sauce for fish, fowl, game, soups, hashes, gravies, hot or cold joints of all kinds. This celebrated Sauce has secured the unqualified recommendation, of several leading members of the faculty, by whom it is not inaptly termed—^Nature's Digestive. — RESPIRATORS AND CHEST PROTECTORS OF THE BEST MAKE. EMOLLIENT, unequalled in its effect in preserving the Skin from the action of the frost and wind- very refreshing. Glycerine Jelly. Milk of Roses. lowland's Kalydon Godfrey's extract of Elder flowers Glycerine and Rose Water. Superior cold Cream. THE CAMBRIAN BOUQUET. I Uletegantand almost everlasting perfume,universally f idmi red. Superior and very old English Lavender 'Fatei Genuine Eau de Cologne. Violet Powders, delicately perfumed. A Large Stock of FHB Turkey and honey-comb Sponges. Sponge Bags. An estea sive stock o Tooth, Nail, and Hair Brushes. Flesh an d Bath Gloves, Dressing Combs, of every kind, Ci xnation Tooth Paste. Victoria Dentifrice, PATENT MEDICINES. Social Ag ent for Ellis's celebrated Mineral Waters (in Syphons). CiGARS and Tobacco of the finest brands. OILSJ R, AIFLT0> COLOURS, AND VARNISHES, REGENT HOUSE, RUTIIIN. Established 1829. M ESSRS. EVANS & Simoks, FAMILY DRAPERS, And SILK MERCERS, A firsUclass Trade, conducted on principles.^ strictest ECONOMY, having always for ction a large and choice stock 0 OOJ)S. LONDON and PA 0 O.D S. Dressmaking in all it ranches. Jackets, Paletots, &c., J^mde by Tailors. FAMILY MOURNH0 WAREHOUSE. TAILORING AND OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, Regent Epmc, Castle-street, Ruthin. N J. SIMON J. I_ Has always on hand a splendid stock of WEST Oil ENGLAND CLOTHS, SCOTCH AND WELSH TAVEEDS, from the best makers, and warranted to wear. A goodft guaranteed. Try our Tweed Suits at L2 10s. RJL O SUFFERERS! Couglis, Colds, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Loss of Voice, and all Affections of the Chest and Lungs often terminating in CONSUMPTION are immediately relieved and quickly cured by taking QALMON'S Balsam of Horehound and Aniseed, which is the best and safest remedy for the above-named complaints. Sold in Bottles at Is. ld. and 2s. 9d. each by Salmon, chemist, Denbigh in Ruthin,by Mr.Magin, chemist. GALMON'S Quinine and Iron Tonic. Highly recommended for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux, Nervous and General Debility. The most agreeable and efficacious, strength- ening medicine yet discovered. The Proprietor has received many unasked-for 1 1 fiiii9:i;¡j¡¡ø.' ,(1{0 s. ûd. and (double the size) 2s. 9d. each from Salmon, Denbigh Magin, Ruthin and through all chemists. s AL le!'O N'S Stomach and Liver Pills are much appreciated by the public, and should be tried by all who are subject to BILIOUS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, aS they have proved themselves to be an INFALLIBLE CURE. In Boxes at 7d. and Is. I1d. each. Free by post to all parts for 9 or 15 stamps from THOMAS SALMON, CHEMIST, DENBIGH. BEDSTEADS complete with Mattresses j) FOR THE PRICE OF A BEDSTEAD ALONE. OUR 26s. "RELIABLE 11 Full-size, Strong, Iron, Ornamental BEDSTEAD, with BEST STRAW MATTRESS, has no equal. GREEN, High-street, Denbigh. Why suffer those ugly and unsightly excrescences on the hands and feet. eac in, e, Which possesses the most extraordinary property of eradicating the most paiafal CORN or WART in a few days, without the least pain-proving itself a per- fect boon to thousands of sufferers. Its application is Easy, Simple, and Cleanly. T 11 Vi All who suffer from 1 CORNS and WARTS, Should use this unfailing remedy. To be had Of all Chemists, at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d., by post for 15 and 36 stamps, with Testimonials and full directions. Wholesale Agents—MAW. SON, & THOMPSON, London; EVANS, SON, & Co.. Liverpool; BOWERS' BDM, GBINDUSY & SON, Chester.. Established 1825. w. T. Rou,, MEMBER OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL BO OlE Tr, ST. PETER'S SQUARE, EUTHIN, Most respectfully solicits the attention of his numer ous customers to the following list of his Preparations :— The Perfume of Perfumes, BOU\V'S CELEBRATED XV LAVENDER WATER. This well-known Perfume is prepared only with the finest English Oil of Lavender, and has stood the test of a quarter of a century. It is an exceedingly powerful perfume, and cannot be surpassed in point of economy by any of the foreign essences in repute, or any articles of a similar nature. In bottles at Is. 3d., Is. 9d., 2s. Gd., 3s. 3d., and 5s. W.T.R. wishes to warn the public against spurious imitations of this Celebrated Perfume. I)OUW'S EXTRACT OF ROSEMARY, For Cleansing, Strengthening, and, Promoting tll, Growth of the Hair, This Wash will be found a most pleasant article of the Toilet. Being a spirituous Yvash, and free from any greasy matter, it may be used frequently with the utmost cleanliness. It entirely cleanses the head from dirt or dandriff; and by its action on the roota of the hair, stimulates its growth, and prevents it turning grey. In bottles Is. ROUvV'S MARKING INK., —— This Ink has the following advantages; It requires no Preparation, It will not Injure the Finest Cambric, It remains perfectly fluid, It flows readily from the pen, It carnwt be Obliterateii by TVashing In bottles 6d. and Is. ROUW'S BAKING POWDER, For malting Bread, Pastry, Biscuits, Paiica kt-g) Rice Cakes, dc. This Powder contains no alum, and can be con- fidently recommended as the best in the market. It is prepared from ingredients guaranteed to be pure, and contains nothing deleterious to health. It is perfectly wholesome, and can be used for making all kinds of unfermented Bread, Pastry, (be. It is in use by all the leading families in the district, and once used will be always used. A house-keeper, writing, says: It is the best I have ever used." Confectioners will find it one of the greatest improve, ments, and very economical, it being only necessary to use half the quantity of butter when using this Powder. In tins 6d. and Is. IJOU\V'S Preservative Tincture For the Teeth and Breath. A few drops sprinkled on a wet tooth w^waJaEB^aroduces a pleasant lather, which cns and preserves the teeth, hardens the tar* tar, and arrests dental decayi .Jt takes away the smell of tobacco, and imparts a sweet fragrance to the breath. For children or adults whose teeth shovf signs of decay, its advantages are part. mount. In Bottles Is. 6d. Rouws Victoria Dentifrice. This Dentifrice has been found one of the best Tooth Powders ever introduced. Speedily re* moving all acid formations of the teeth, and thus preventing decay. In boxes Is. ROUW'S Preservative Tooth Paste. For cleansing and preserving the teeth, and rendering the gums firm and healthy, if from any cause they have become spongy. In Is. pots. ROUW'S Glycerine Jelly. An elegant Preparation for Chapped skin and cracked lips, and rendering the skin soft and white. By the use of this preparation all Roughness and Redness, whether caused by frost, east winds, or the sun, is speedily removed. In 6d. bottles. ROUW'S Effervescent Saline Aperient Is introduced as a substitute for the bulky aid nauseous mineral waters now in use. For removing Impurities in the Blood, Indigestion, Sickness, Headache, Eruptions of the Skin, and Stomaeh Derangements, it will be found very beneficial. In bottles Is. Gd. ROUIVIS Insect Powder, For the Instantaneous Destruction of ImtctSi This invaluable Discovery, whilst totally harmless to Animal life, is certain death to every tribe of Insects, whether infesting Dogs, Cats, &c., or for household purposes. Genuine Eau de Cologne, Violet Powders, Atkinson and Piesse and Lubins Perfumes, Toilet Soap, Tooth Preparations, Preparations for the Complexion and Hair, And all other Toilet Requisites. t Special Agent for Ellis's Mineral Waters, Spratt's Dog Biscuits. Eley Bros. Sporting Ammuhiti(Hl). Price's Patent Candles.