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:s 0 Preliminary Fees. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY in large or small t.ujiis (not less than. £10) ON BORROWEK'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE. Established Forty years, and now lending UPWARDS OF JE80,000 ANNUALLY, Prospectuses, terms for advances, or any information desired, will be supplied free et ch<ir^e on application either paTsonally or by letter to GEORGE PAYNE AND SONS, 3, CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL. Attendance every Thursday Afternoon at 5. King Street, Chester. Ci ^>> £ 1 1.CCGMM'JPAHOIS. i £ 10 to £ 1*000 cn tuese Tw-' Short Periods. £ £ a. d. £ ;L •• d- 10 Beyav ii 5 0 400 Repay 450 0 0 10" lo 7 6 5GQ „ 542 10 ?,(• 10 0 600 „ 6i6 0 u i0 53 15 0 700 „ 78o 10 (i 60 „ jo o 0 800 „ 900 0 C 10U 112 10 0 900 „ 1012 10 0 800 „ 2.2b 0 0 iC-00 „ 112a 0 (, 5r"'0 7)01 10 0 SO BONDSMEN OR SURETIES ivE^LIRED. Existing ioan> paid off. Prospectus tonal free p-?r romrn of pc-iapply to Manager, Ri. BANGOR STREET, CARNARVON THE NATIONAL ADVANCE AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY, Ltd. IS expressly Established and Registered Pursuant to Act of Parliament to liKiie Private Advances without Loan Oiuco fuunalities. To all Classes (Maie or jee- EDUi-d); riiOM £10 fJ £ 1000 ON SIMPLE \v KITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY, for any immediate need or private use; tc itai'fc in busing, to furnish your house, u- StLi, t, in busing, to furnish your house, tot: buy stock when the market is low, to pay rent or rates. Ca?h sent by post if aesired. v,n\ can get money privately nere, as in terviews are -unnecessary, and references are not required. Genuine applications never I refused. The advance can be paid oack by monthly, quartetlv, or half-yearly instal- ments, or if desired the advance can remain out up to five years by paying interest only. I SI no object. Xalecest a?d BW-g f L-we-it in England and Wales, StrlCt L-we-it in ^neland and Wales, ^a'y Md straightforward dealings guar- S Borrowers paying MtosUonate 10- terest elsewhere are requested t0 apPly t(j qc (Vhen existing loans can be paid off «n Ur-er advances made at much lower rates oMnLrest. It -M co.t I.otfcjns but may save you pounds, by \PP^ fJ,r strict conhaence in English or Welsh, for -ur free prospectus, .vr> Txr. THE NATIONAL ADVANCE A^ VESTMENT SOCIETY, L1L)., 10, DEAN ST., BANGOB, or direct to the Head Office: I 4,1 Corporation St., Manchester I Established 1887. Telephone City 4370)-2. t. _I.a. FOB IjuSHfESS OR 1'AIVATE II USE. CASH FROM £ 10 TO £ 6,000. NOTE OF HAND ONLY, Granted O PRIVATELY to Tradesmen, Faimei*, #hibiicafl8. and All Classes, at moderjtc, In- ftMrs*L, «od by the following Easy Rep y Loan from £ 1 Monthly. loll from £ 2 Monthly. £ 100 Loan *rom £ 4 MontHy. fg? Loan • from £ 15 Monthly. }■- wUirr diuot to an Old Estaoliahed miZ may rely on getting the money, o,'?9 "rOHN DALTON STKl^kAi -MANCH-SSTER. /SHARING CROSS B A N K C ESTABLISHED 1870. LIVERPOOL BRANCH: 8, DALE J STREET. Head Offices • 28, Bedford Street, Strand, London^ W.C., and 39, Birixop^rt. Street Within, London, E.C. Branches: Cardiff, Leeds, Bradford, Dublin, Etc. 'Assets, £ 1,607,949; Liabilities, £ 1,236,871, Surplus, £ 371,078. LOANS of £ 30 to £ 2000 few hours' notice in Town or Country, cn personal security, jewellery, stocks, sharea and furniture, without r«- "^Stocks and Shares bought and s°ld- It per cent. allowed on Current Account Ðalances. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards receded Babject to 3 months' notice oi withdrawn!, BabjlTto rmS? notic o( withdrawal, j Bubfec Ft IT J™notioe of withdrawal, 7 T).C. per annum.. Subject to IT J™notioe of withdrawal, 7 T).C. per annum.. Special terms for longer periods. Notice mav be given at time of Depositing. Interest* paid quarterly. Owing to th. nature of our investments, we are,^ ;U oav rates of interest on deposits that will compare favourably with dividends pa'do" almost any class of stock or injuring the safety of capital. -nosi- boen established for 40 years, testifies tion in the banking world to-day fewtifaea to the success of our business me -rrTue to the satisfaction of our or cp 11 for prospectus. — A. WILL tad H. J. TALL, Joint Managers. ¡ \SH ACCOMMODATION £ 20 TO 1/ £ 1,000. Inter eet 2s 6d in the £ for agr £ 20 repay £ 22 10s. £ 50 repay £ 56 »• B50 repay 233 15s. C100 repay L112 10« W. JACKSON, 70, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. -*Y|ONEY LENT PRIVATELY. £ 5 TQ~&1,000- AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE FOR AGREED PERIODS. NOTE OF HAND ONLYI at the following Tatesi:— Loan. £ 5 repay £ 5 7 b £ 10 repay £ 10 15 JE20 repay JB2110 0 P,30 repay JS52 5 0 B50 repay L53 5 0 .£100 repay P,107 1D0 £ 1,000 repay JB1075 0 0 Email repayments accepted by special ar- tangement, or if desired the advance can out by paying Interest half yearly, distance no object, can be seen personally daily in North Wales for interviews by ap- pointment. Existing Loans can be paid cff and larger advances made at much lower Interest. StTict privacy guaranteed whether business done or not. Do not hesitate. Apply personally, or if inconvenient to call apply bv letter, as business can be arranged bypoet You wil avoid paying extortionate interest and heavy repayments above vour means by appying to THE MANAGER. 16. STATION ROAD,. COLWYN BAY. -1 CLMK'S B 41 PILLS I are warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and pains in the back. Free I from Mercury. Established upwards of.O years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company■ Lincoln# $$on*g; i — — CASH ADVANCED j Privately, without Fees, Fuss, or Delay. From JEzo upwards, on personal Signa- ture or with security. Having a larga connection amongst clergymen, profes- Isional gentlemen, tradesmen, farmers, and private persons, we are in a position to quote lowest rates of interest. If intending Borrowers will simply state their requirements a qualified represen- tative will be sent to applicant's resi- | dence direct from head office, prepared to I complete the transaction on mutually advantageous terms. Existing loans paid off and advances made at reduced rates of intercut. If desired business can be transacted by post; apply in strict con- fidence to the direct lenders — (avoid agents)- F. LAWRENCE, Ltd., 14, Jermyn St, Piccadilly,London, Telegrams, Endmost," London. 'Piione, 4508 Mayfair. I MONEY IIH1 PRIVATELY f jeao TO £ 1000. £ 20 repay £ 22 10B £ of) repay £ 56 5s. £ 30 „ £ 33 15e. £ 100 „ £ 112 10s. Theea terma quoted axe for short periods. Loans for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months can be arranged, and interest charged proportion- ately. Gail or write to the weii-known Financier WOOLFE JACKSON, 120, BROOK STREET, CHESTER, 7, ST. MARKS TERRACE, WREXHAM. J-AT0 ■ £ '5'000 ADVANCE bv Ilri- Wi»v rate Lender on £ ka;>ie Promia- :orj Notoa. No Bills cf £ »}«>. and &b- ute privacy guiran^d. i'ir ji .letter Of ipp!:oation rcceive? prompt 4t't»ntion, and •»=.; aaing bori'owcr< are waited upon by a *i>i-e3snt6tive who 1.3 empcv/sred to ectn- transaction on terra § mutual" a-r. •••Ai'.g'id, NO CIIARG2 b.i:lg mad« anlesi au:taally completed. Spsci*) ^otationa for Short Loans. Writa in COil ?dpao» tc 1 vLr.B. Corrido? Clisrsber*. Leicf-ist.?? (GLOBE! I FUSNISHSHG CO. ( I PEMBROKE PLACE, I I LIVERPOOL. J LEADING, LARGEST, J? and MOST £ LIA8iF >L f HDUSi FUBNISHEDS. X I CASH OR 1 IEASY PAYMENTS! B All furniture we sell is manufactured under n Hj our own control and supervision. B SATISFACTION CUARAHTEED I OR MOHEr HgTURNEO IN FULL. I Whether transaction is for cash or on easy B payments, price includes R FRE1 AMD 8A7: 1 DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS. | Payment# may be made either weekly, B monthly or quarterly. We we always willing to arrange H TERMS TO SUIT THE | CONVENIENCE bF CUSTOMERS, I There is no interest charged, nor any extra I charges of any kind. I FOR CASH A DJSCDUP^T § OF 2/- in ths £ IS ALLOWED 1 You will save money in furnishing by M inspecting our stock or sending or writing I for our IS >LASCE ILLUSTRATED JT CATALOGUE Free bj a post or en application, GLOBE! GLOBE FUINiSHINC GO. (J. R. flIRANT, Proprietor.) PEMBROKE PLACE, LIVERPOOL. BELFAST HIOH STREET. Fa^cVFE.R I ;to' LA DES To Prove the Superiority of ELLIS'S i ILLS llOR i!'EMALES, I will send a free trial packet post paid. Prepared from the original recipe of a celebrated Nurse and never fail in restoring regularity. Safe, certain, and apeedy. Pills that never disappoint. Thousands of letters of thanks, testifying to their speedy efficacy after ail other things been tri-fid in vain. Each pur- chaser sends back testimonial, as they afford relief in every instance. There is nothing to equal them. Is. 3d. per box. Special extra strong pills (recom- mended), 4s. 6d., post paid in plain wrapper, with full directions and ad- vice. Supplied through the poet only åv Mrs ELLIS, 27, Surrey Lane, Batter- frea. London. An interesting Guide, 48 pages, 60 illustrations, sent free with each box. MANFUL NESS.—An interesting and i. instructive BOOK can be had FREE describing a safe, simple and Scientific Sys- tem which has been practised for over 20 yefers with unexampled success, tog-ether with ever 1000 Testimonials giving absolute proof that the severest crtses of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, DECAY of VITAL i FORCE, WASTING WEAKNESS. VARI i COCELE, etc., have been PERMAN ENTLY CURED WITHOUT Stomach Medicines, Electricity, Charge of diet or habits, loss of time or occupation. A for i i mer sufferer writes "It has made life ag?. worth living." Apply to-day, enclosing '2 stamps for postage in plain envelope, nhd mention this paper. A. J. LEIGH, 92 nd 93, Gt. Russell Street, London. W.C. c73 ILL1 I Lao its Praeis\u^Tp.io: I I ft?!0L STEEL PILLS 1 H f ffiplaafttory Booklet and T€Ftii35mii,a J? yd i by aU ChtfHuit 1AA y*r box, (*r post fret /<>?* S Leslie Jfartyn,Ltd.34Dalston-!ane1Lordoa a Mi i dinI II — —————————————————————— w ILLIAM-, E VANS, 1 BILLPOSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, AND TOWN CRIER, j TALY8ARN. ALL POSTERS and HANDBILLS en- trusted to him will be personally at- tended to, and the beat publicity given to same in the Quarry district. of PENYGROES, NANTLLE. TALY8ABN.



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