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'::",:=-.-.=----% MAYORS'…


'=-=- MAYORS' SAY iS NORTH WALES I CArU'iAKVON POITLA-P* SEI.iLC11VX OF ALDKRMAN C. 1 j. 1 w i.i x 1 The Carnarvon Town Council assembled on Monday, at noon, i'or the purpose of electing the Mayor tor till;) Ltixxg yeui: ill cession to Air. R. Crvvy liocliiOii jJaviej. JTr. Ltivies presided over the preuminiary proceedings. Alderman It. Parry said he had much plea- sure in proposing Aiucrman J, P. Gregory as Mayor. Ho had been a. splendid councillor for a great many yeai^, anu wa.- now nearly the senior member, 2\1 c. Gregory did not often uilK at their meetings, but there was no more dutiful, conscientious, or painstaking member "ueioiiging to the Council (uear, hear). He had many qualifications for the post, but he lacked one, which, however, was u_a. absolutely essen- tial even in the onLe of Ji.yor. The present iMayot got over the dilhcuily very well indeed ^aaignter). He (the speaker) was sorry that all the councillors could not be present in ocmsequence OL the stnuus Uines.s 01 their col- league Mr. Lloyd-barter. He feit sure that everv member of Lhe Council, as weil a-s every townsman, sympathised with Mr. Calter, and hoped he would soon be back among mem. CounciUor J. Pnci!ard_ seoonaed the motion, and heartily entiorsod vvaat na.d been saiu (cheers). The motion was carried unanimously, and Aidermau breguiy tiiereupoa took trie seat vacated by the ex-Alayor. Tht- new At ay or said he was extremely ob- liged lor the honour conferred upon him that o^V- As a native oi the town, he was proud or the honour, and would do his utmost to fulfil the duties which devolved i^on^him. lie ha.d been orfered th« honour a tell, times oe- fore, but he had declined it on the score that he was not well accusuuined to public speak- iliS" He did not think he could possibly refuse at the present jiLU-^tuAe', and he hoped hs (would be given strength to promote the welfare of the town. lhe gieat drawback was that there was no but he hoped that the unmarried ladies at ihc town would assist him in that matter (loud laughter). He thanked ail foe the cordial manner ui which he was re- ceived. and proposed a vote of thanks to tHe ex- Mayor for his services. Councillor Peter Angel seconded. Mr. Davies, who wi. loudly cheered, sa i it -was usual OIl such an occasion to ioo-. back upon the year's business. Nothing gre.t, bad happened during tho y"ar. It had uetn an tx- cseptionjEilly qUlet OL. The most impcitant thing in the town's history was the bestowal of the freedom of the toiough upon the Chan c.- lor oi tae Exchequei. lney lial not uuiburked on any great schema, uivnvinjc heavy vxpau- diture" Tht^ did their best to make tne Coun- cil's properties* pay their way, and he thought that the Council's main ci/uty tor some years to come would lie in this direction. They had lost two mei-ibers. -Alr. T. H. Edwards, who was always a very able Uid firm critic, had left them, and they were -;omg to lose the services of Councillor W. G. i bonus, who, as chairman of the Electricity Committee, did a great, work. Both Mr.' and ".Mrs. 'llwmas had ..given him every assistance in connection with the .Mayoral duties, and he had to thank them for it. They all hoped that Mr. CI.ter would speedily re- cover and take his j- ace with them on the .Council. Councillor John Pri-iiard was appointed de- puty Mayor; while Alderman Richard Thomas and^ Alderman D. T. Lake were made returning officers for the Eastern and the Western ard, respectively. It was resolved that the Mayor and aldermen compose the Watch committee. REFERENCES AT THE POLICE COURT. Before proceeding :th the ordinary business of the Carnarvon Borough Police, jjlouit, on .ionday. Alderman Richard Thomas, senior magistrate, said they were verv sorry that tEls would be the last time for Mr. K. Gwyneddon Davies to preside at the court. Oaring the time he had been there he performed his duties admirably, always administering justice tem- pered with mercy,-Aldermau Lake seconded.— Mr. Nee (who acted as magistrates' clerk), speaking on behalf of the solicitors practising in the court -bore testimony to the exee.'k-ni man- ner in which the Mavor had carried out his duties, and Supt. G-niiith and Mr. H. U. Ro- berts i i socjlated th-rrjselves with Lhe-e re- marks. The .Mayor, in reply, expressed his thanks to the magistrates for the great c-ourtesty they had extended to him during his year oi' office, and also to the solicitors practising in the court, and to the magistrates clerk. He also complimented the police on the excellent way in which thev had performed their duties.


....--' PWLLHELI


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Asthma, Bronchitis

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