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JJarliammtarg |bikc, Io Parliament.—'Session 1907. CARNARVON CORPORATION. (Confirmation of Agreements with the National Electric Construction Company Limited, in relation to Electrical Undertaking and New and Further Powers to Corporation in re- lation thereto Power to Exercise Powers and1 Discharge Obligations Through and By Agents; Transfer of Powers Divestiture of Powers and Relief from Liability; Power to Enable the National Electric Construction Company Limited! or Others to Exercise Powers and Discharge Liabilities of Corpora- tion; Sanction of Execution of Works by the Corporation and the National Eleotric Oonstrcctaon Company Limited and of moneys borrowed and expended in respect thereof; Further Borrowing Powers for Purposes of Eleotrioall Undertaking: Provisions as to Mode of Repayment, Payment of Interest and Discharge of Borrowed Moneys Amend- ment of Carnarvon Electric Lighting Order 1902; Incorporation and Amendment of Acts and other purposes.) OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that appli- 1^1 cation is intended to be made to Parlia- ment in the ensuing Session by the Mayor, Aldermein and Burgesses of the borough of Carnarvon, in the county of Carnarvon (herein- after called "the Corporation") for leave to bring in a Bitll for the following purposes (that ie to 6ay): — 1. To confirm or provide for the confirmation ■with or without modification of the indentures, agreements of arrangements entered into be- tween the Corporation and the National Elec- tric Construction Company, Limited (herein- after called "the Oompany"), in relation to the electrical undertaking of the Corporation and for the provision by the Company of a supply of electrical energy in the borough, the laying of mains amd the completion of works in con- nection therewith and the furnishing, sale and hiring of electrical wires, fittings and lamps. sun A particularly an indenture made the 18th day of .June, 1903, between, the Corporation of the one .part and the Company of the other part, an agreement under seal dated the 22nd day of July, 1904, and made between the &ame parties and an agreement under seal dated the 7th October, 1904, and made between the Company of the one part and the Oorporatiqji of the other part, and to empower the Corpora- tion and the Company respectively to complete and carry out the same with or without modi- fication. 2. To empower the Corporation to contract with the Company or any other Company or person for the execution anil maintenance of any works needed for the purposes of the rsupply of electrioity for any public or private pur- poses within the borough or in any part of the said borough in pursuance or in extension of the Carnarvon Electric Lighting Order, 1902, con- firmed by the Electric Lighting Orders Con- firmation (No. 2) Act, 1902 (hereina.fter referred to as the Order of 1902), and the supply of wires, fittings, lamps and Incidental mattem. 3. To empower the Corporation by any con- tract with the Company or any other person to exercise and discharge through the Company or such other person as aforesaid as the agent of the Corporation, all powers given to the Corporation and all liabilities imposed on the Corporation by the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888, or by the Order of 1902. 4. To authorize the Corporation to transfer assiun, lease or otherwise convey all or some of the powers, rights, and privileges conferred upon them by the Order of 1902, to the Con- struction Company, or to any other Company or person, including a company to be formed by them for the purpose of taking such trans- fer, assignment or lease, or to such company or person as may be approved by the Board of Trade for such consideration and subject to such terms and conditions and either absolutely or for such other period as may be prescribed by the Bill, or to be authorized bv Parliament. 5. To divest the Corporation of any powers, rights, or obligations conferred or im,pose-d Upon them by the Order, and to rel;ieve the Corporation .from liability in respect of any acts or defaults of the Company in respect thereto, and, if tbougiht fit, to alter or amend the pro- visions of the Order of 1902, and to authorize the Corporation to enter into and' carry into effect agreements with the Company for that purpose, or to confirm any agreement or ar- rangement ,whioh may have been entered into or which may be entered into, before the passing of the intended Act. 6. To authorize the Corporation on the one tend and the Company on the other hand, to enter into and carry into effect agreements for the exercise by the Company of the powers re- spectively conferred upon the Corporation under or by virtue of the Order of 1902. and for the supply of electricity by the Company under the Order of 1902, and to enable the Company to exercise the powers, rights and privileges and' perform and discharge the obligations and lia- bilities conferred or imposed upon the Corpora- tion by the sa-id Order, and to relieve the Cor- poration from any obligations or liabilities imposed upon them by the said Order, and to sanction, confirm and make binding upon the ipespective parties thereto any sudi agreements or arrangements which may have been or may be entered into prior to the passing of the in- teinded Act. 7. To sanction and confirm the construction and execution of works, the borrowing and ex- penditure of moneys, and all other acts and deeds of the Corporation in relation to or in connection with the oonst-ruction and execu- tion, maintenance, and use of the several works, mains, plant, apparatus, wires and fit- tings made, erected, laid, purchased, hired and supplied in relation to the electrical under- taking of the Corporation, and to indemnify the Corporation from any liabilities to which they are or may be subject by reason of any such acts or deeds as aforesaid. 8. To empower the Corporation for the pur- ges of their electric lighting undertaking to raise further money and to apply to the purposes of the Order of 1902 and the Bill, the fjeneral district fund pnd the general district rate and any other funds or revenues over which they hiave control, and any moneys they are now authorized to borrow, and to borrow further sums by way of debentures, mort°-a?e deben- ture stock or annuities, and to charge such moneys on any of the be fore-mentioned rates and revenues and upon the estates, under- takings, rates, rents, revenue and other pro- perty of the Corporation or upon all or any of them. t 9. To vary or extinguish all or any rights or privileges inconsistent with or which would or might in any way interfere with the obiects and purposes of the Bill, and to confer other ricrhte and privileges, and to incorporate with the Bill,- with or without exception or varia- tion, all or some of the provisions of the Elec- tric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888. and the Electric Lighting (Cla-uses) Act, 1899. and, if thought fit, to exempt the Corporation from all or any of the provisions of the said Acts or "1an" of them, and so far as may be necessary to alter, amend, extend, or repeal the •^rorision.s of the Carnarvon Electric Lighting Order, 1902. and any other Ac-t and Order relating to or affecting the Corporation. Printed copies of the Bill will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House of, Commons on or before the 17th day of Decem- ber next. Dated this 14th day of November, 1906. R. O. ROBERTS, Carnarvon, Town Clerk. A. RHYS ROBERTS, 63. Queen Victoria- street, E.C., Parliamentary Agent. c648 E. D. J05™ & SON, BILLPOSTERS & GENERAL ADVERTISTNXJ AGENTS, t. FAIR VIEW. HOLYHEAD. All Billposting and Distributing PersMwily attended to. GALVANISEITCORRUGATED SHEETS, G all warranted sound, 3ft., 8d; 4ft., lid; 6ft., Is M; 6ft., Is 4d; 7ft., Is 6d; 8ft., Is 9d; 9ft., 2s; 10ft., 2s 3d each. Ridging, 3d per foot; Spouting, 3^d per foot.—Butler, Boll Works, Wolverhampton. Eistablished 1828. BARBED FENCING WIRE, IN, ^CWT. REELS, 224 yards, 6s 6d per reel; plain galvan- ised wire, in lcwt. bundles, 700yds., tOs per cwfc • wrought iron standards, I 's each. — Butier, Beil Works, Wolverhampton. Estab- lished 1828. < r i, < ROOFING FELT, Zs 10d, 4s, 5s, per roll of 25 yards; Black Varnish, 8lbs. for Is Red Oxide Paint, 71be. for Is 6d, including tin; Wire Nails, 10s 6d, Out Nails, 10s per cwt!—Butler, Bell Works, Wolverhampton. C5653 Jparlianmxtarji :loti!t+ In Parliament.—Session 1907. BlRJbLLN 11 HAD CORPORATION WATER,. (New Rcservous, Roads and Road Diveirsioais, Aqueducts and other Works; Compulsory Purchase of Lands for Works, and of Lands withlin the Drainage Areas of the Rivers Alwell and lire nag; Power to Collect and Impound Waters of the Rivers Alwen aalJd (Btrniig; Acquistition of Commonable Lands; Compensation Water; Power to Deviate Vertically and Laterally; Agreements with Owners, &c., of Lands as to Drainage Power to take Part only or an Easement of Property Retention of Superfluous Lands; Acquisition of Mines or Minerals under Lands Protection of Waters and Waterworks from Pollution, &c.; Supply of Water in Bulk or oth,erwitse to Urban, Rural, or Sianitary Authorities; Re- peal of Sections 53 of Birkenhead Corporation fgaa ajid Water) Act, 1881, and 199 of Birken- head Corporation Act, 1881; Power to Levy Rates and Alter existing Rates, &c. Differen- tial roor Rate in Bebington and Oxton wards under certain circumstances; Alteration and Enlargement of Borrowing Powers; as to Creation of Renewal and Reserve Funds and iSlinking Fund Incorporation, Afonendmeot or Repeal of Acts, &c.) NOTICE IS HEIREBY GIVEN, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session by the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the county borough of Birkenhead, in the county of Chester (here- inafter called "the Corporation"), for an Act for all or some of the following purposes (that is to say) :— To enable the Corporation to make and maintain the reservoirs and waterworks herein- after described, together with all works which may be necessary in connection therewith or ancillary thereto, or required for collecting and impounding the waters which by the intended Act the Corporation will be empowered to take \dKlt is to say) In the counties of Denbigh and Merioneth-- Work No. K).—An aqueduct (No. 3), con- sisting of a line or lines of pipes commencing at the termination of the aforesaid aqueducts Nbs. 1 and 2 (Works Nos. 8 and 9) in the parish of Cerrag-y-diruidion and terminatinjg at or in the intended Olawdd-newydd tanks (Work No. 11), hereinafter described, in the parish of Derwen, such aqueduct being situate in the parishes of Gerrig-y-druidion, Llanfi- liangel-glyn-myfyr and Derwen, in the county of Denbigh, and the parishes of Bettws-gwer- fil-goch in the Rural District of Edeirnion and Giwyddelwern, in the county of Merioneth. Together with all proper dams walls embank- ments filters filter beds overflows sha-fts tunnels adits aqueducts culverts cuts sluices water- courses weirs wash-outs meters gauges manholes rails sidings bridges engines machinery chan- nels conduits matins pipes stand-pipes junctions valves drains hydro-electric apparatus tele- graphs telephones apparatus roadways ap- proaches fenoes building's works and conven- iences connected with the hereinbefore described works or any of them or incidental thereto or necessary or convenient for conducting con- trolling inspecting clea-nsinjg repairing or man- aging the waterworks and together with full power and right at all times oi approach and access to the works aforesaid or any of them. To empower the Corporation to acquire by compulsion or agreement and to hold for the purposes of the intendled works and for other purposes of the intended Act the lands, houses and buildings in the several counties, parishes and places aforesaid, and to acquire by compul- sion or agreement rights or easements in, over or connected with any lands, houses or build- ings. Duplicate plans and sections describing the lines, situations and levels of the proposed works and the lands in or through whrioh they will be made and also duplicate plans showing the laiids and property intended to be compul- sorily taken for the purposes of the intended Act, together with a book of reference to such plans containing the names of tihe owners and lessees, or reputed owners and lessees, and the occupiers of such lands, houses and other pro- perty, and a copv of this Notice, as published in the London Gazette, will on or 'before the 30th day of November instant be deposited for public inspection as follows (that is to say} — With the Çlerk of the Peace for the county of Merioneth at his Office at Portmadoc. And on or before the same day a copy of so much of the sand plans and sections as relates to any borough, uihan district, rural district or parish in or through which the intended works will be made or in which a.ny lainds are intended to be taken are situate, together with a copy of so muoh of the book of reference as relates to such respective areas and a copy of this Notice as published in the London Gazette, will be deposited with the officers resipectivetly hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) In the case of a county or other borough, -with the Town Clerk of such borough at his office. In the case of any urban district not beinsr a borough, with the Clerk of the Urban Dis- trict Council, at his office. In the case of any parish, having a Parish Council, with the Clerk of the Parish Council. or, if there bo no Clerk, with the Chairman of that Council. In the case of any parish comprised in a. rural district and not having a. Pairish Coun- cil. with the Chairman of the Parish Meeting at, his residence and with the Clerk of the Dis- trict Council of sudh Rural Diistrict at his office. Any parisb named in tin's notice which is not also a Counit-y or other "Borough or an Urban District or is not stated to be in a County or other Borough or in an Urban District or in a Rfural District is a pariah Saving a. Parish Coun- eil W(it.h the Clerk or Chairman of which. the ibeforementioned deposit will be made and suoh deposit will if made with the Clerk of the Parish Council be made at his office or if he h«« no office a-t his resid>ence and if made with the Chairman of the Parish Council will be made at his residence. The foregoing is so much of the notice of the intended application as relates specifically to lands or works situate in the County of Mer- ,loneth. 11' < The whole of the notice has been published I in full or sent for publication in full in the London Gazette in the present month of Nov- ember. "lllL.- Printed copies of the intended Act deposited in the Private Bill office of the House of Commons on or before the 17th day of December next. Diated this Fourteenth day of November, 11906. d. A,T.FRED GlTLL, Town Clerk, Birkenhead. SHERWOOD and CO., 7, Great George- street, Westminster, Parliamentary street, Westminster, Parliamentary I A gents. 11154 Established 1847. O VANS AND 14 0 N. J COLLIERY AGENTS AND COAL MERCHANTS. *2«-T),re for the noted "Mofl* Hall." "Ba.m. and "Westminster Coals." Trr-rV to Station at, CVViery Pricw j All kinds of Coals always Ire- ,II rVwtr*etors to His Majes-tv'w OoverT.rr^nf:, tb" P^roaTTOTishrrfi Conrsfv Cotn»?il. fee. •cwitlTff • THilwav Station, Carnarvon I Oflke: Slate Quay, Carnarvon. c64< i CONCERNING FASHIONS. Continual Fresh Deliueries of Now Goods et WATERLOO HOUSE, Castle Square, CARNARVON, Latest Styles in Ladies' & Children's Coats. Costumes, Millinery; Blouses c&0. I D. ROBERTS invites inspection of the same, and his Choice Stock of FURS, which are very much below market value, all marked in Plain Figures. yoh798 — JONES AND MILLER, TAILORS AND BREECHES MAKERS, HATTERS AND HOSIERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY HEATH. SOLE AGENTS FOR SCOTT & CO., HATTERS TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING & ROYAL FAMILY. ———— -j.vg] TAILORS TO THE ALMIRALTY BY APPOINTMENT, LONDON H 0 USE, CAR N A R V 0 N. PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARDS. BOOKS OF ALL THE LEADING PUBLISHERS. Call early in order to avoid disappointment. CHRISTMAS CARDS READY FOR FOREIGN MAILS. CHRISTMAS PICTORIAL POST CARDS, j CAR ADO C ROW-LAND, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 17, CASTLE SQUARE, CARNARVON. 0146 a*' PRIVATE XMAS CARDS (ENGLISH AND WELSH).! 800 DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM, PRICES BANGING FROM 1/6 TO 10/6 PER DOZ. Order Early for Foreign Postage. Sample Book sent out:gratis on application. F R A*N CIS, HIGH STREET POST OFFICE, AND TOWER SHOP, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. O. EVANS & SON, OLD FOUNDRY WAGON WORKS, CARNARVON ALL REPAIRS TO RAILWAY WAGONS UNDERTAKEN BETWEEN PORTMADOO AND CARNARVON, AND CARNARVON AND RHYL. WAG ONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. e&11 SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, PRACTICAL PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, DECORATOR, GRAINER & WRITER ALL WORK CONTRACTED FOR. ESTIMATES FREE. JOHN H. REES, STANLEY STRE BIT, HOLYHEAD. A ,Large*Assortment of NEWEST PAPERHANGINGS ^Always in Stock. Pattern Books sent, to any Address. AU. Kinds of PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, &o., kept n the premises. h MAKING IT PAY YOU TO COME HERE FOR YOUR CLOTHES HAS GIVEN US THE LARGEST TAILORING BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRY. GIVE US A CHANCE TO COMPETE WITH YOUR FAVOURITE TAILOR. If he wins, we'll oheerfally doff our hat to m. WE MEAN TO KEEP OUR REPUTATION. Style,"Fit, Qaality and Price prove our power with the Public. A great Shout of Approval. R. W. WILLIAMS, THE PEOPLES' TAILOR, THE EMPORIUM, OLD COLWYN. b2 boft SpvcigwrMit g,bbr £ ssts. THE NELSON EMPORIUM, CARNARVON. LEADIN Gr LINES THIS WEEK. MAGNIFICENT SHOW OF SMART FURS. CHOICE STOLES AND MUFFS IX SABLE, MINK, FOX MARTEN, BEAVER., SHUNK, TEIRSIAN LAMBS, &c. LADIES OUTFITTING & CHILDREN'S WOOLLEN UNDERCLOTHING. LADIES BLOUSES AND SKIRTS A SPECIALITY THIS WEEK. EXCEPTIONAL PURCHASE OF HOUSEHOLD LNLEN, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, SHEETS, Etc., Etc. GENT'S OUTFITTING AND READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, ALL AT POPULAR PRICES. TAILORING. LARGEST SELECTION IN NORTH WALES OF TWEEDS, Etc., Etc., FOR OVERCOATS, SUITS, BREECHES, Etc. FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED* —————— THE NELSON EMPOEIUM, BRYMER & DAVIE S, Proprietors. c211 THOMAS. AND EDWARDS, MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURERS CARNARVON & LLANGEFNI. SP€CiaSN^WDON GINGER ALE. SNOWDON SODA WATER. STONE GINGER BEER. LEMONADE, ETC. c446 H. EDWARDS' CYCLE DEPOT, HOLYHEAD. LARGE STOCK OF SECOND-HAND LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S CYCLES TO CLEAR, Cash 01 Easy Terms. Inspect ow new supply of latest PHONOGRAPHS and RECORDS. UNDOUBTED BARGAINS. H. GWYNEDD WILLIAMS, WATCHMAKER. JEWELLER AND OPTICIA STANLEY STREET, HOLYHEAD. GOLD BRACELETS, GUARDS, GEM RINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERP. Visit the obove Old Establishment. 12 Carat GOLD WEDDING RINGS a gpeciaiity. Private Room for fitting. Mangles from 35e. Sweepers from 10s 6d. W. A JONES, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER ABERGELE ROAD (TOP OF DINGLE), COLWYN BAY. —————— TeL 18y4. ALL KINDS OF USEFUL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ENAMELLED AND TINNED HOLLOWARE. PAINTS, VARNISHES, PETROLEUM, ALL KIND OF OILS. GARDEN GOODS, TRELLIS, AND VIRGIN CORK. WRINGING, MANGLING, & WASHING MACHINES, At Lowest Cash Stores Prices. GRATES AND RANGES. — ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS DONE. — All Orders Promptly Executed. Estimates Free. b20 WWI [DONT HURT YOUR FEET v and tear your stockings by wearing old style I E Made by the new Patent "Tackless 5ystern" I t entirely without the use of nails or tacks in the ■ inner sole.'A&kfor the"EEZEE-ORTTACKLESS j BOOTS and SHOES and you wilt obtain a perfectly ■ flexible boot, and comfort such as you have never I known, making walking a pleasure ^^s=====s^if\ 1 Ladi^'Boots 15'6" Shoes iOfe Jy 1 ■ Gentlemen's » i3^" Shoes 15'6 £ ?/ JjJ V Ta.n V" extra. W for Illustrated Descriptive I Booklet name of nearest Jy I J -L fWfhYtlfrfflriTimiiiftnrifKentienKayflvtoerMM, Agent, sena post card to | lie-; E F- B LToll ICE.STER. The Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Aciaity of the c t Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, a m.os,\ Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Aperient for Regular Use. Di NEFO MAGNESIA A r (Dffiria!, Jjegal, &r, BOROUGH OF SWINDON. LOANS. THE Corporation of Swindon, Wilts, are prepared trie receive Loans of £ 100 and upwards lor a term of 3 cr 5 years, or at 6 moat-fas' no:ce, at lij 10b p<-f cent, interest. The Loans will be secured bv mortgage oi the rates, without cost to the lender. For further particulars a-ppily to Mr A. E. Dean, Borough Accountant, Town Hall, Swin- don. By Order, ROBERT HILTON 1 r Town G1-rk. Town Hall. Swindon. c602» Re ROBERT HUGHES, formerly of -Fron- dirion, Rhostryfan, in the County of Carnar- von, but late of o03, W. Monroe iii., Chicago, Deceased. PURSUANT to the Statute 22 and 23 Vict. P C 35, Notice is Hereby uiven that all Persons having any Claims against the estate of the above-named Deceased, are required to send in particulars thereof, in writing, to us on or before tne 23rd day of November ir.st., after which date the real and other estate of Deceased will be be sold and •oktribut-ed accord- ing to law. Dated this 6th day of November, 1906. NEE and GORDON-ROBERTS. Carnarvon. Solicitors to the co-heiresses-at-law and personal representatives of Deceased. c633 THE COTTAGE HOSPITAL, LLANDUDNO. THE following Gifts have been received at the Sarah Nicol Memorial Cottage Hos- pital during the past month, for which tlut Board of Management return their grateful Thanks: — Flowers, weekly, Mrs Broome vegetables, weekly, Mrs WTa.fn\vright; papepB, Mr Baniett; celery. Mr6 Routledg?: papers, Mr Holdea; pressed meat, Messrs E. Owen and Son&; hare, Anonymo-os.; hamper of a.pples, Anonymous cabbages, Mr Kidd grapes, Mrs WaAnwright; celery and vegetables, Mrs Houtledge harvest tiianksgiviiig at the English C<«]gregaitiorjal Chapel, £ 1 6d; harvest thanksgiving at the Welsh -Independant Chapel, £ 1 7s; harvest thanksgiving at tlh« Welsh 'Baptist Chapel, £ 2 0s 6d; harvest thaaiksgiving at the English Presbyterian Chapel, 13s 6d; the Jewish Residents at their New Year Ser- vice, 10s 6d; grapes—ha<rvest thanksgiviiim at Holy Trinity Church; the Little Orme Quarry collection, 18s 2d Hospital Gate Box, 5d. A. M. FELTON, Secretary. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION OF RUTHIN. APPOINTMENT OF JUSTICES' CLERR. 1 r 11 HE Justices of the above division, which JL comprises 16 Parishes, hereby invite ap- plications for the appointment of a Clerk, which appointment will be made on Monday, the 26th day of November, 1906. at 12.15 p.m., and will operate on and from the 3rd day of December, 1906. The Salary will 'be fixed by the Standing II Joint Committee for the County, in accordance with the requirements of the Acts of Parlia- ment in that behalf. The Salary r-aid to the late Clerk was at the tate of £ 145 per annum.. A knowledge of the Welsh language is es- sential, and the Clerk appointed must have an office in Ruthin, and will be required to provide and maintain during the tenure of the office an indemnity to the vtuue of £ 500 in terms to the satisfaction of the Justices. Canvassing of the Justices will be a disquali- fication. Twenty-four copies of the application, ac- companied by twenty-four copies cf three re- cent testimonials, must be sent to me, the undersigned, not later than the 19th day of November, instant, and endorsed "Clerkship to the Justicee. Dated the 5th day of November, 1906. W. S. WILLIAMS. c631 Acting Clerk to the Justices. Cmters. TENDERS are invited for (1) P^ntTngThe whole of the exterior wood and iron work of the Bungalow at Dinas Dinile Hote), (2) Repairs and Alterations to the same build. (2) Repairs and Alterations to the same build* ing. Specifications can be seen at my office* Endorsed Tenders to be delivered to me on or before the 24th inst. LLEWELYN LIX>YI> JONTES, Ascliitect and Surveyor. Tower Buildings, Qaa-narvon. c653v801j TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of Two Villas, and also additions to the Glen, Portmadoc, for Captain E. Lloy<L BajTy. .4 The Plans and Specifications can be inspected at our Offices. Separate Tenders for each branch of work to be sent (sealed and endorsed)^ to us not later than Wednesday, the 14th inst. The lowest or amy Tender will not neces- sarily be accepted. OWEN MORRIS ROBERTS and SON, M.S.A., Architects and Surveyors. Portmadoc, 3rd November, 1906. y778 Stcanwrs. SOUTH AFRICA.—Royal Mail Route.— UN ION CASTLE LINE.—London and ^Southampton, to Cape Colony, Nata], Delagoa Bay, Beira, etc., calling frequently at Madeira Las Palmas, Teneriffe, Ascension and St. Helena. Weekly Sailings. Fast Passagft. Superior Accommodation. Best Route. For rate of passage money and all further imforma- tion a.pply to the Managers, Donald Cnrrie and Co., London, or to Local Agents. 0 ———— — -——9 llpsnrairft. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS; SICKNESS. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. BURGLARY AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE RISKS Insured against by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capital (fully subscribed) £ 1,000,000. Claim* paid £5,000,000. 14, CORNHILL, LONDON. A VIAN, Secretary. Mr N. O. Jones, Cambrian Railway, Dalgellay. Mr E. Edwards. Goods Station, Holyhead, Mr B. Williams, Cambrian Railway, Oswestry. Agents required in unrepresented districts. Liverpool Office: 41, North John Street. a.]f-4 rt is said that Marconi will soon Get in touch with the Man in the Moon, And between you and me, His first message will be: "That delicious drink, 'Stym,' is a boon!" STYM? THE GENUINE WHEATLEY'S HOP BITTERS I SHEFFIELD. I Of Bottlers Refreshment Hou«e*# and Licensed Trader* everywhere. __9. DR JONES, D.D.S, &c., SURGEON DENTIST, CRAIG (,\Vj; (Opposite the Railway Station), BANGOR. Dr JONES visits LJangefiii eferj Thursday at L^dwigan Road Lianierchymedd from 10 to 1. with Miss Owen, Druid House, and at Amlwch from 2 to b, with Mr Hughes, Stationer, 8, Mar^sfc Street, Tuesdays, October 23rd, November 20th, December 18th. kbenezcr, Lldnr«g. and Llanberis, ifrst Tues- day after Pay Day. Ako at Ebeaezer, Tuesoay morning before Llanberis Pay Day, from 10 to 12. Bcthesda, first Tuesday ;"1.:t.e-: Pay Day. .P&atfor every day e.^eep* Tufosiij? "M Thursdays.