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rial, flal, to. CARNARVONSHIRE MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1II General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in j and for the County of Carnarvon, will be held 1 at the County Hall, CARNARVON, on Thurs- day, the Twentieth day of October, 1904, a quarter past ten o'clock in the forenoon. The Grand and Petty Jurors, all persons bound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence or to surrender in discharge of their bail, and all Appellants, Respondent and their Witnesses, are to appear at the County Hall aforesaid, on the day and at the hour befor^mentio^d^o^vEL Clerk of the Peace. Carnarvon. c359r!49y402 COUNTY OF MERIONETH. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1888. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next Quarterly Meeting of the Standing Joint Committee of Quarter Sessions and. County Council under Section 30 of the above Act will be held in the County Hall, Bala, in the said County, on Tuesday, the 18th day of October, 1904, at the hours of Two o'clock in the afternoon, when the Committee will proceed to the consideration of the business relating to the application or management of the County Stock or Rate within the jurisdiction of the Com- mittee under Sub-Section 3 of Section 30 of the said Act, and all persons having any demand against the Committee are requested to forward particulars thereof in writing ib the County Treasurer at Dolgelley on or before the 15th day of October, 1904. Dated this 22nd day of September, 1904. ROBT. JONES, y378m Clerk to the said Committee. COUNTIES OF CARNARVON AND ANGLESEY. Winter Assize, County No. 5, to Wit. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the JJN Assize and General Gaol Delivery for the Winter Assize, County No. 5, will be open at Carnarvon, on Tuesday, the 25th day of October, 1904. All Justices of the Peaco, Mayors, Coroners, Bailiffs of Liberties, Jurors, Persons bound by Recognizances, Prosecutors, Witnesses, Chief Constables, and others having business at the said Assizes are hereby required to attend at the County Hall, Carnarvon, aforesaid, on Wed- nesday, the 26th day of October, 1904, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. Dated this 28th day of September, 1904. LLEWELYN ENGLAND SYDNEY PARR Y, Esquire, Sheriff. Hugh Corbet Vincent, Esq., Bangor, Under-Sheriff. Carter, Vincent and Co., 4, Church Street, Carnarvon, Acting Under-Sheriffs. c344 11 ANGLESEY MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS, 1904. "iy OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next 1\ General Quarter Sessions of the Peace | for the County of Anglesey will be holden in I the Shire Hall, LLANGEFNI, in and for the said County, on Wednesday, the 19th day of October, 1904, at Ten o'clock in the morning precisely: — The charge to the Grand Jury will then be delivered by the Chairman, and the Court will thereupon proceed with the Criminal and Civil Business. The Clerks to the Justices of the several Divisions are requested to transmit to me at my Office, at Beaumaris, seven diays before the Sessions all Depositions, Returns of Fines, Con- victions and Recognizances, which shall have been then taken, together with instructions for Indictments. JOHN RICE ROBERTS, Clerk of the Peace. Beaumaris, 24th September, 1904. I y393h83c332 MERIONETH QUARTER SESSIONS. fv OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next A\ General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Merioneth will be held in the County Hall, at Bala, in the said County, on Tuesday, the 18th day of October, 1904, at 11.30 a.m., when the Grand and Petty Jurors will be called and the Court will proceed to bear and determine all matters brought before them in the following order—1.—In the trial of prisoners. 2.—In the hearing of appeals. 3.—In hearing motions and in the transaction of such other business as may be brought be- fore the Court. And Notice is Hereby also Given that all Grand and Petty Jurors, all persons bound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence or surrender in discharge of their bail, and all appellants, respondents and their witnesses, and all persons bound by recognizance in any civil proceeding are to appear and be in atten- dance at the time and place aforesaid. Appeals t') be heard must be entered with me not later than two o'clock in the afternoon of the day preceding the Sessions. Dated this 22nd day of September, 1904. ROBT. JONES, y379m Clerk of the Peace. Re DAVID WILLIAMS, Deceased. Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd and 23rd Vic., Cap. 35, intituled "An Act to further, amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees." Tv, 6TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all X ^1 Creditors and other Person^ having any Claims against the Estate of DAVID WIL- LIAMS, late of Havelock Cottage, Warehouse Street, Llandudno, in the County of Carnarvon, Car Proprietor, Deceased (who died on the 27th I day of August, 1904, andi whose Will was proved in the Bangor District Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 12th day of September, 1904, by Robert Roberts, of 50, Mostyn Street, Llan- dudno, aforesaid, Draper, and Daniel Roberts, 01 No. 11, Augusta Street, Llandludno, afore- said, Coach Builder, the executors therein named), are hereby required to send the particu- lars, in writing, of thcir "Ciaims to us, the under- ■sigined, the Solicitors for the said IExecutors, on Or before the 1st day of November next, after which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said! Deceased amongst the Persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had jiotice; and they will not be liable for the Assets of the said Deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed to any Person of whose claims they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 28th day of September, 1904. CHAMBERLAIN AND JOHNSON, Llandudno, Solicitors for the Executors. K li. SON- ♦njL,PO«T*K8 GENERAL ABVXKT ING AGENTS, i, FAIR VIEW, HOLYEtAB. Pima IArKe Poatin* Sitwtioua ia Hoit prartMRt pwria of TOWR and Cowniry for 11 milta arwurf. An 0ri18Nl punctually ladfewM N, oad dwo «t tmmhwU* iini*- •TIT ART KEtAL WORK IN OATBi AND GRILLES. il fc7T il jXa-cll A IRON HURDLES, WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, 44. H PEASE AND IOXlt Manufacturer, Is arA 17, SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL. The Original WIDOW,4W,EL Cha Oi iginal 4 -carded Certificate of Merit for the cure of all -rre,,ulari,tiee, anaemia, and all female com- P'^ints. They have the approval of the Medical P'otrdsion. Beware of Imitations. The only genuine and original are in White Paper Wrap- pers. Boxes Is 1!d and 2e 9d of all chemists, Or poft, Is 2d and 2s 10d. Makers, C. and 2- TvEARSLEY, 42, Waterloo Road, London, E. (late of 17, North Street, Westminster). Wote White Wrapper). Sold in the Colonies. ■ ———■— Vtnders. COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL. THE Anglesey Education Committee invite JL TENDERS for the supply of good House Coal to the Elementary Schools in the County, which is divided into 13 Districts for the pur- E08e. Tenders may be Bent in for one or more districts or for the whole County. Forms of Tender and lists of the Schools included in each Dietriot may be had on application. Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before Tuesday, Ootober 4th, and mast specify particularly the kind and quality of ooal. R. H. WILLIAMS, h77nya Education Offices, Llangefni. (Mutation. THE WHITE SISTERS, St. Helen's Convent, Caernarvon, who have tiheir Frenrib Diplo- mas, will be pleased to give LESSONS in French, Music, Drawing, Painting, and Fanoy Needlework. The Sisters will also open a' Private School taught by a Sister with English qualifications at their Convent.—For further particulars apply to the Rev Mother. c232 Iftotten. f) 1 to £ 6000 advanced on Not* of H«md X/XVs alone, irithout Roods, Publicity, or Okargs* of any description whatever, unlem buduM* is dione. No Bills ci Sale, and the ttmotewt privacy guaranteed. Oa receipt of ap- plication, representative Trill wait upon you by appointment, and odvanoa you tha amount re- quired, repayable by wasy instalment* to oai* TOUT own oonvenMrnoe. Special ruutea for rthort periods. Write (in confidence ]T to actual lender: C. WELLS, Corridor Olwnberl, Market Plwo, LEICESTER. alSi MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. rip' TO £ 1000.—To Farmers, Tradesmen, XnJ Hotel and Lodging-House Keepers, and 'to all Responsible Householders Worthy of fredit, upon Note of Hand Alone, in any part of England or Wales. Loan £5 To Repay B5 15 0 op .£10 „ £11 10 0 JJ B20 „ JB25 0 0 jB30 JJ JB34 10 0 „ C50 „ J357 10 0 B100 „ JB115 0 0 Larger amounts in proportion. Special terms arranged to suit borrower's own convenience. Letters immediately answered. Prospectus free on application. Call or write, in strict con- fidence to the NATIONAL LOAN SOCIETY, 19, Queen Street, WREXHAM. Head Office 41, CORPORATION ST., MANCHESTER. NO PRELIMINARY FEES CHARGED. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY In Large or Small Sums (noi less than B10), ON PROMISSORY NOTE ONLY. During the last 20 years the total amount lept by the undersigned EXCEEDED £ 1,250,000. For prospectus and terms apply, either per- sonally or by letter, to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL. Established 1870. TH E C H A RING CROSS B A N K T (Established 1879). 119-120, Bishopsgate St. Within, E.C. )T 88, Bedford St., Charing Cross, W.C. J LoDd)0IB- Assets, £ 597,790. Liabilities, £285,680. Surplus, £ 312,110. Loama of JB50 to 25M made on any class of leomrity. Two-and-a-half per cent, interest allowed on current accounts. Deposit* of JB10 and upwards received aa under: 5 per cent, per amn., subject to 3 months* notice of withdrawal 6 It M »> 7 ,# »» 12 „ Special terms for p^wjnda. Interest# p»td quarterly. The .Termin^y^ [Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine neT cent. and ? re. Nate investment. -Write or oaN for Prospectus. A. WILLIAMS. ) Joint am U. J. TALL. I Managers. A LIVERPOOL GEN TLEMAR having a large amount of uninvested CAPITAL at h;ø command, will Lend same In the strictest privacy In sums of B10 to B1000 to any respec. table person (male or female) In any part of the (Inited Kingdom, on the security of their own promissory note, witho nretlea, delay, or law barges.—The amount oorrowed can be repaid by eapy. instalments, or arranged to suit bor- rowers. Also on Deeds, Mortgages, Dock Bonds, Jewellery, and Goode of every descrip- tion at a low rate of interest. As this office is a bona-flde private oonoern, and not connected wlth any loan office, Is requested that habitual borrowers will not apply.—For further pariicn- Me call or write WILLIAM CAMERON, Melville-ohambera, 50a, Lord Street, Liverpool. Telsphoaa No. 1197. Telegram a, finance, & "-pnot_ V38M6 LADIES Recommend NUR^E NUR^E WOOD'S HEALTH PILLS. THE only Safe and Reliable .1. hemedy for Irregularities of the System and Femald Ailments, Warranted non-injurious Su- perior to Apiol, Pennyroyal, &o. Price 3/- per box pott free on receipt of postal order. Obtain. able only from G. WOOD, 29, West Street, r,eice,ter. (Mention Paper.) f358 LETTERPIUSSS PRINTING. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, PLACARDS, PROGRAMMES, TICKETS, DAMCJE CARDS. CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, ADDRESS CARDS. LEGAL FORMS, MEMORANDUMS, NOTE PAPER. "HERALD" OFFICE, CARNARVON. CLUB CARDS, CLUB RULES, CLUB ACCOUNTS. PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, SERMONS QUARRY REPORTS, QUARRY ACCOUNTS, QUARRY RULE8. ACCURACY, NEATNESS, DESPATCH. LETTERPRESS pRINTfNG. "THE GRAPHIC." CONTAINS every Saturday Illustration* by c the best Artists, of all the current events of importance, portrait* of celebrated persons, and original drawing.—Sold by all^Booksellers for 6d, or post free 6Jrd, from tie C. -1- fttraird, bomtom, W.O, Entertainments, &t. LLANDUDNO PIER COMPANY, LTD. Secretary Mr Samuel Hughes. The Pier Company's Popular CONCERTS. Conductor: Mr Arthur W. Payne. Deputy Condootof Mr Walter Haigh. LLANDUDNO. pERRY'S jyjINSTRELS PERFORM IN THE HAPPY VALLEY DAILY AT THREE. NOTE.—When the weather is unfavourable for the Happy Valley performance, the Enter- tainment will take place in the PIER VARIETIES EXHIBITION, under the lllge Pier Pavilion, Entrance from the Promsfcade Valley Road; and every evening until farther notice, commencing at 7.45. rl48 EGYPTIAN HALL, PAVILION ANNEXE, Happy Valley Road, LLANDUDNO. First Door beyond Grand Pavilion Top Entrance Every Afternoon at 3, Evening at 8. MR TOM BARGER, the Great Fred Mac- cabe's only successor. The popular Comedian, Ventriloquist, Vocalist, Dialect Actor, Female Impersonator, and Negro De- lineator, and the most marvellous rapid costume changer on record, supported by his Talented Family, in their unique and refined Drawing- room Entertainment, entitled Society and Variety. THE CELEBRATED BARGER FAMILY. Two Hours in LaugMerland! NoW aita t No Interval! A Lightning Programme) Admission, 6d. Front Seats, lB. Doors Open every Afternoon at 2.30, for is- Every Evening at 7.30, for 8. Children, Half-Price. rl57 THE LLANDUDNO COACHING AND CARRIAGE COMPANY, LTD. COACH TOURS from Llandudno. Ail the Coaches start from the St. George's and Queen's Hotels. Grand Loup Tour from Llandudno.—"The Prince of Wales" leaves daily at 9.45 a.m. Fare 12s. Grand Loop Tour Round Snowdon Daily. Fare 10s 6d. Bettwsyooed.-The "Old Times" leaves daily at 10 a.m. Fare 7s. Penmaenmawr.—The "Wonder" leaves daily 10 a.m., and 2.30 p.m. Fare 4s. Colwyn Bay.-The "Express" leaves daily at 10.50 a.m., and 2.30 p.m. Fare 2s 6d. Bodnant Hall and Gardens.—The "Rocket" leaves every Tuesday and Saturday at 2.30 p.m. Fare 4s. Aber.—Coaches leaver every Wednesday and Friday at 11 a.m. Fare 5s. Superior Private Coaches caln be had on application; also Rubber-Tyred Carriages, Waggonettes, Dog-Carts, Pony Traps, Saddle Horses on Hire. by Day, Week, or Month. Booking Offioes The Coach Offioe, Queen's Hotel Gardens, Clonmel Street, and at the Pier Gates. $et[ri( £ S. CHILDREN'S SPECIAL SERVICE MIS- SION.—President, Rev. E. A. Stuart, M.A., Vicar of St. Matthew's, Raysfwater, W HOLIDAY GATHERINGS FOR CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE will (D.V.) be held in LLANDUDNO, on the Beach opposite Gloddaeth Crescent (by per- mission of the Urban District Council), from August 4th to September 4th, 1904, by MR. EDWIN ARROW SMITH, assisted by Rev C. E. Tyndale Biscoe, M.A., Kashmir (C.M.S.); and Messrs J. A. Luce, M.A., Pembroke Coll-ge, Oxford; J. H. Jor- dan, B.A., Hertford College, Oxford E. Ogden, B.A., Keble College, Oxford; S. B. Hartley, Oriel College, Oxford; P. Lewis, Worcester College, Oxford; P. W. Low, Worcester Col- lege, Oxford; E. F. S. Ramsbotham, Balliol College, Oxford; R. L. Reiss, Balliol College, Oxford; S. de J. Lenfestey, M.A., Peteriiouse, Cambridge; A. F. Jackson, Peterhouse, Cam- bridge and lady workers. SUNDAYS.—3.30 Children's Service in the Happy Valley; if wet, in the Town Hall. 6.30: Address to Public and' Private Schoolboys (over 10) at York House, York Road (fourth turning to the right up Gloddaeth Street on the way to the Conway Shore). 6..30: Address to Girls at Sywell House, Church Walks (adjoining Tram- way Terminus). 8.0: Address to Parents, Guardians, and Christian Workers in the Town Hall (no children admitted). 8.0 Addresses to Adults on the Shore, opposite Llovd Street. WEEiK-DAYS (Except Mondays).—10.15: Devotional Meeting in the Town Hall. 11.15 Service on the Shore. Meetings for Public and Private Schoolboys at York House, York Road, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.30. Address to Girls on Thursdays, ',at Sywell House, at 6.0. Women's Meeting on Wednesdays at Sywell House, 8.30 p.m. When the weather is unfavourable, the morn- ing service will be held in the Town Hall. Hymn. Books, etc., can be obtained at Mr Woodley's, 127, Mostyn Street. To ensure the metings not lasting over an hour, it is earnestly hoped that those attending them will kindly endeavour to be as punctual as possible. Cricket, Games and Athletic Sports, Pic nics, etc., for Boys and Girls, will be arranged for. Admission by Ticket only. rll2 I ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THE "gUNDIAL" METAL pOLISH Artioles cleaned with this Polish retain their brightness for a great length of time. IT IS THE BEST. a666E AJftOLUTSLT PUM. DIXON'S « FAVOURITE" gOAP. t. Y, "it 6" M TUI.i8. Dales' 601^5 MEDAU Dubbin b Makes BOOTS and I HARNESS waterproof as a Duck's back, soft as velvet, and wear 3 times as long; pleasant od- our allows polishing. 22 Exhibition Highest Awards for superiority. Tins 2d, 6d, Is. 2s 6d of I Bootmakers, Saddlers, Ironmongers, &c. Mnfy E. Dulwich, London. a291 I^tFER* MAN Suflenxig rrom JNiiKVuUa JT4 and PHYSICAL DEBILITY should «ead for valuable pamphlet explaining hew .v N«TOU» organic derangements may be iuccessfully treated without 8toma.ch. medication. The method 18 eM, and plowant, and will effect a perfect and permanent cure. Sent -Itd, Pawt yrM.—AddMox, 0. E. NORTON, 50 and M, Gbaieny Low, Lradra, B.O. Jfafcal»IUk«4 It run- Uttsinm J4dlltsses. CORONATIONCHINA. W. WILLIAMS JONES. 22, BANGOR STREET, CARNARVON, t is Displaying a Beautiful Collection of f GOSS CHINA, with Coronation Device and with Arms of Carnarvon and Wales. Prices from 6d each. SPECIAL NOVELTIES in STERLING SILVER CORONATION SOUVENIRS. c429 AJIAB XJxlB CORNS, CORNS. CORNS <7 Quickly Removed, vitkoit Pain, by the new discovery, ESSENCE OF HOUSE-LEER THE ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDY. An entirely New Preparation, free froa Caustic, or anything cawing irritatio* to iàt akia. Has been tried by many personi well-bowa to the Proprietor, and has not yet failed to iftd a perfect removal of Corns and Warta. Succeeds where all other plastais and cauttM have failed. Price fed and le went per post for 7 and 1J Stamps. HAMILTON t JONES. Chemtai. JaANGOR £ SSTA-BLIBHJCI) a i FOR THE PROTECTION OX T&ADB. S T UB B S" MERCANTILE OI.TIOIS (8TUBBS' Ltd.), 41, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, it. Bibeexibere, by ebtaiaiag tbnelj iatwagause tkroufk rim aTATUS INQUIRY BEPAKTMJLSZ, any AVOID MAKING BAD DXBT8. Every xradatr should read STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, Vfiiih which is iomjed a Supplem»wt eoa.tidaii&| LISTS OF CREDITOR* msder all the important faik'rea. THE COMMERCIAL REGISTERS coratain more thaa NINE MILLION REGISTERS. DEBTS RECOVERED PROMPTLY. and remitted to 8ublcribcll On TUESDAY aad FRIDAY in eadh WHIt. BRANCHES at Aberdeen., Birmii^h*M, Blackburn, Bradford, Brightom, Bristol, Bel- fast, Caxdiff, Cork, Croydoa, Dublia, Diidee, Edinbmrgh, Exeter, Glaagow, HnddieraleM, Hali, Leeds, Ledoevfceir, Lirerpool, Londea. (Weal End), Manchester, Newoairtle, Nerwieh, Nottingham, Plymouth, Pertanontih, SiheffiesiA, Sanihamptoa, SvndleirlaiBii, BWUiIIIIo. Wedver hamptom. SUB-OFFICES.- Butm, Oambridfe, Bertf, Broifries, Glouoeeter, Greenock, Grimsby, Halifax, Haialey, Lweraiem, Ipswieh, Limeriek, Londonderry j KiddluboW, Newport (Mea,), Norfchamptoa, Oxford, Perth, Preston, Readaaif, gtookton-on-TeeB, Torqiay, Walsall, Waierfetri, Worcester, York. TERMS.—Aeow«tLaif to r*fiir«Mttta. PROSPECTUS fonrarded en ap?lte*fti>i<2 to Mty of the »V»r* ( tl«M. &11 MIDLAND GUN COMPANY. Dept. 8, Demon Gun Works, Vesey St., Birmingham. GUNS FROM 258.10 £ S5. FAR-KILLING GUN is AT WHOLESALE PNCBS.- Double Breechloaders from 2bs w >210. Hammerleae from jM to £20. Hammerlesa Ejectors from R,8 o j625. 5000 Guns and Rifles usually in stock ready for immediate delivery. Send three stamps for a Price List. We make every part of a gun in our own works, and sell direct to the user atone small profit. We send any gtm on approval, pay carriage both ways if not satisfactory, and return n full. We take any second-hand (fun, central or pin-are breech or muzzle-loading, in part payment for a new one or will buy any second-hand gun for cash. I I FOR ROOKS. PIGEONS, RABBIT8. 15s Single barrel 12 bore breech-loading shot con- verted from rifles and bored by an improved >rocess fot long range and great penetration, unequalled for rook, pig-eon, rabbit, wildfowl, and all long-aSatance shooting price, 15s; or better quality and improved Bafety action price, 20s. GUN REPAIRB.-Gunl by any maker promptly re. paired, very best material and workmanship, at abon half dealers' charges. New stocks or ne* barrels fitted barrels browned or bored Gun converted from pin to central fire, and done up new, at small cost. Exact Price given for all repairs if desired before the work Is commenced. Guns may be sent from any part o the United Kingdom by parcel post for Is. CARTRIDGES.—" Best of All." The best Smokelea powder Cartridge ever made, price 7s per 100, or 600 for 88s, 1000 for 63s; "Sudden Death.' The best Black Powder Oaftridges, 5s per 100 01 47s 6d per 1000. Lots of 100 and upwards delivered carriage paid to any station In England or Wales. Everything in Gone, Rifles, Revolver)), Gun Implement* and Cases at WHOLESALE PRICES. aS28w BU COLLEC BS I EXTENSIVE COLLECTIONS OF I Hyacinths Tulips Narciss Liliums Snowdrops Crocuses Scillas &c. Best qualities at most moderate rates- Dclivtred Fret by Rail or Parcel Post. DE8CRIPTIVE CATALOGUE 592 POST FRES. DICKSONS BULB Best qualities at most moderate rates- Dclivtred Fret by Rail or Parcel Post. DE8CRIPTIVE CATALOGUE 592 POST FRES. DICKSONS CHESTER/ TO SECURE tihe GREATEST PUBLICITY for your Announcement*, ADVERL'I&B te t&e "HERALD." I is the "HERALD." I jusintba Addresses. JONES AND MILLER, BREECHES AND TROUSERS MAKERS, TAILORS BY APPOINTMENT TO ADMIRALTY. Messrs Jones and Miller beg to announce to their numerous customers the arrival of a large and well-assorted Stock of SUITING, TROUSERINGS, AND ART COATINGS for the coming so on. Bole Agents for Henry Heath and Co., Hat Makers to His Majesty the King. pt Soott and Co., is to 11 LONDON HOUSE, CARNARVON. Telegram, MiUer, OPUR von. Telephone, 0193. OWEN AND SONS, FOR HIGH CLASS MILLINERY. TAILOR-MADE COSTUMES AND JACKETS. UP-TO-DATE SUITS TO ORDER FROM 45/. SMART READY-MADE CLOTHING. LACE CURTAINS AND BAMBOO FUhNITURE, Ac. GOLDEN EAGLE, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1874. National Telephone No. 20. E. NOBLE, MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURER, CARN A R VON. ASK FOR NO. 10." I Watson's THE WHISKY DUNDEE. OF THE WISE. AGE & QUALITY GUARANTEED. Agents for this District: ARMSTRONGS 4SL CO, WINE A SPIRIT MERCHANTS, CARNARVON. Samples on application. i: BEE HIVE TEMPERANCE HOTEL TURF SQUARE, CARNARVON. MODERATE CHARGES, AND EVERY ATTENTION. BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, LUNCHEONS, TEAS, AND REFRESHMENTS, BEDS. MODATION FOR COMMERCIALS IN THE CENTRE OF THE TOWN. PROPRIETOR, EVAN OWEN, BAKER & CONFECTIONER, THE POOL-STREET BAKERY, CARNARVON, National Telephone, No. 9. c60rI9iw TELEPHONE No, 15. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS, HUGHES, FISHMONGER JOHN HUGHES, FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY SALESMAN, 12, MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO. SHELL-FISH, GAME, POULTRY, Ac., FRESH TWICE DAILY. THE NOTED SHOP FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. 166N A New Departure s B Elue-BURY&BROWMS I ORIENTAL— s I P3STE I I/. I <3 Iso i nPors 1/6 & 2/6^ Or\lyGer\uir\e. I The n"ictwo I A ■ I *111 A ■ VI A Cure for Gout, ■ I k ■ SH V M ™ W Rheumatic Gout I and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the ^^eSVra^v;Tp*fa» Stomach, Headache, Heartburr., Indig^tion, ,7enftle «•« Kn.tt.ton Bilicw and the Sickness of DINNEfORÐ:S HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT Are the Best Medicines for ale COMPLAINTS OF THE THROAT, CHEST, LIVER, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels; Skin Affections, Coughs, Colas, Influenza, Bronchitis, Asthma and Inflammation of the Lungs. ——————————-———-——— "WRUFAGTimtO mu AT 7% IE, OXfOU STREET, IZZX1. BOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND MEOlGltf t" I ABERDEEN LINE TO AUSTRALIA. Y'ia P1:r""ôt T«*ri £ !» iii C&pi T- kM 43 d»TS. Sophocles Oct 4 Bei'amjs Nov. 15 Nmeveh Oct 25 { Maiaihos (t.s. DEC. 6 THE SIwumss •) t-faw i*TTo^.Tii« Liu reti1 trmm London aWr«. tatsr oHn-joft aiid :.kzr«- ttiMti pmagert to Tauüfe. O&.pe T01n, *a4 all Au«trab*« aad Zewwd Pirrtei. A«toa|i», MI6 w £70; te Ot.f Town, £9 9s to £36.-For partiaiulars auplj to 0-. Tkompwn 0. 7, MMtar Bqm, London, :1.0. e17'" JlailicaiTs. CAMHRIAN RAILWAYsT BRASS BAND CONTEST. Crystal Palace, JD October 1st; Kennel Club Show, Crystal Palace, Ootober 18th—20th; Dairy Show, Octo. ber 4th—7th, and Brewers' Exhibition, October 15th—21st, Royal Agricultural Hall.—On Sep- tember 30th, October 4th, 17th, 18th and 19th, 1904, Cheap Excursions will run to LONDON (Eustoo). B304W A WEEK IN SOUTH WALES —On Friday and Saturday, October 7tib and 8th, 1904, Cheap Excursions will run ùO Cardiff, iMerthyr, Swansea, Newport Seatb, etc., etc. Full particukms at the Stations, or from Mr W. H. Cougfb, Traffic SuperinteDdenit, Oswestrv. ——— WEEK-END EXCURSION TICKETS are W issued every Friday 2-li,} Sa-t-urday (until further notice), to CARNARVON, BANGOR, HOLYHEAD, and LLANDUDNO (via Alon Wen), available for return on the following Sun- day (where train service permits), Monday or Tuesday. ——— TOURIST TICKETS are issued from the Principal Cambrian Stations to all HEALTH RESORTS on the Cambrian Rail- ways, also to watering places m England, North Wales, English Lake Dist.net, North East Coast, etc. ———— ALTERATION OF STATION NAMES.— A The following alterations will take plaoe on and from July 1st, 1904:- Glandovev Junction to be "DOVEY JUNCTION." Glandovey to be hGLASD1"1T,L" NOTICE is Hereby Given that on and from July 1st, 1904, the RETURN HALVES of ORDINARY TICKETS wiii bi arailablt aa ander:— For distance* up to and including 20 milø si Two days, and from Saturday to Monday. For distances exceeding 20 milea: Six months. Tourist Ticketw to and from this Oompany't Stations will in future be available for iix months instead of two montha u formerly. C. S. DENNISS, Secretary and General Manager. TRAIN ALT E R A T IONS. THE following Alterations will be made cn JL and from October 1st, .1.904:- DOWN. The 8.5 a.m. Oswestry to Aberystwyth will leave at 8.20 a.m., and be later Throughout. A New Train will run on Mondays only, leaving Osweetry at 9.20 a.m. for VVelshpo-cl, t calling at all intermediate stations. The 10.15 a.m. Whitchurch to Oswestry will be discontinued. 1 The 2.15 p.m. Special Express from Welsh- pool to Aberyet-svyth, Barmouth. &c., will be [; discontinued. I! Tlie I'd.It' p.m. Express from Whitchurch to I Aberystwyth, Barmouth, ts.c., will be dis- continued. The 1-20 p.m. Talyllyn to Aberystwyth, Bar- p mouth, &c., in connection witli the 10.40 a.m. from Cardiff, 10.55 a.m. from Newport [MOD.), 3 &c.j will be discontinued. The 4.20 p.m. Welshpool to Abeiystwyth will be discontinued. A Tram will leave Whitchurah at 4.25 p.m. for Wrexham, Oswestry, Welshpool, New- town, and Llanicllocs, in connection with the b.O p.m. Express irom Manchester i.London- ( road) and 2.40 p.m. from Liverpool (Lime Streets On Thurgdiays onHT this Train will also have a connection to Llanfyllin. ] On Saturdays only, throughout the printer, a Train will leave Moat Lane at 8.10 p.m.. for I Aberystwyth and intermediate Stations, in connection with the 4.25 p.m. Tram from Whitchurch, Lb p.m. irom Welshpool, and 5.35 p.m. from Brecon, arriving Aberystwyth 9.55 p.m. This Train forms a connection with Trains from .London ihuston) at 1.30 p.m., Paddington 2.15 p.m., Birmingham (New Street! 6.6b p.m., Snow Hill 4.40 p.m.. Man- chester (London Road) 5.0 p.m., Liverpool | (Lime Street) 2.40 p.m.. Crewe 5.45 p.m., aLl all parts of the country. I The 5.20 p.m. Whitchurch to Aberystwyth will be discontinued. The 9.50 a.m. Moat Lane to Builtli Wells will leave Moat Lane at 10.15 a.m. The 2.15 p.m. Moat Lane to Brecon will leave at 3.10 p.m., and the intermediate times be altered throughout. The 7.50 a.m. Machynlleth to Pwllheli will leave at 8.35 a.m.. and be later throughout. The 10.28 a.m. Machynlleth to Pwlineli w:ll leave at 11.5 a.m.. and the intermediate times be altered throughout. Inic Train wlil have a connection irom Aberysm-ytu, leaving that Station at 10.25 a.m. The 9.0 a.m. Train from Bangor will run through to FwJtheh. UP. The 7.15 a.m. Aberystwyth to Oswestry wjil be discontinued. The 8.40 a.m. Aberystwyth to Machynlleth will be discontinued. The 9.10 a.m. Aberystwyth to Whitchur h will leave at 8.10 a.m., and be retimed through- out. c The 9.5 a.m. from Barmouth, and 9.35 a m from Aberystwyth to Merthyr, Cardiff, New- port (Mon.), &c., will be discontinued. The 1.50 p.m. from Barmonti. 2.15 and 2.45 i p.m. from Aberystwyth to London iLuston and I Paddington), Birmingham (New Street and Snow Hill), Manchester (London Road!, Liver- pool (Lime Street), &c., will be. discontinued. The 10.0 a.m. Train from Abervstwvth will leave at 10.25 a.m. from Machynlleth, Bar- mouth, Pwllheli, and Intermediate Stations. The 9.50 a.m. from Pwllheli, 11.40 a.m. from Barmouth, and 12.15 p.m. from Aberystwyth, will leave Pwllheli at 10.30 a.m.. Barmouth 12.7 p.m., and Aberystwyth 12.30 p.m., and be retimed' throughout. The 11.15 a.m. from Pwiiheli will leave at 10.40 a.m., and Barmouth 12.48 p.m. (This Train will run during October and June onlv*. A New Train will leave Pwiiheli at 11.0 a.m.. and run through to Bangor. I The 4.25 p.m. Pwllheli to Port-madoc will cot run. The 9.15 p.m. Pwllheli to Ponmadoc win leave at 8.50 p.m., and be earlier throughout" The 6.40 a.m. Brecon to Moat L;ne wÙf: leave at 7.25 a.m., and be later thrrnvViuvit FAST TRAINS will run as un £ r 1.10 p.m. from Aberystwyth to Wehhnr l A'boery-st wyt.b. artSS TV«th to and from ail parte. L°" 5 Tr*WS Tables Pa^cu^ars see Company's Time C. S. DENNISS, ^e-cretary and General Manager. Oswestry, September, 1904. a372 T? A »TT J1 (Aiareai Gwjrfa^), MLLPOBT*R k TOWS CRIER, 4«.. LLANBERI8. P.8.—All vri«r» jwB'fiiutiJy ^lt* •>* «Aii VkaTy** tj^REK TO JUIl &!<. n .1.' ing naweoos a^d .rtrr-ericn# pr«»rripuos« trd compourds, whicb do you no go"-d h^it only ruin your dig«rtir<> W'n,8 to to*, and I irill »end ron a Book which a QUI^K and CERTAIN cur* h:>r iost flxreng"ih, wa-etiM etc., from whatever can^a ariadag. No Stomach No Elertrcity SpMimeas^of Iew«r» IWd GuArant««4 Gimnifia: It ia AB *y»t>ei3, AAO. I tcrnptlomuy foiicwtd th« obone, and am batter mAl1 than '.wwrt-v tm-j (j. G."— "Cumot 1. Deit^.r than I ,'1m at t>re#«at. n it a perfect cure.—K. G "—Book wit seskri, powt froM, two rtamps.—A. G. LEIGH, 92 aad S9, (hut Ru* sell-street, Blooioubttry, Lomios. &.4 at and be ea.NČ. finrmtmoL Ymnf OMN "ia- 1