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HOW TO FURNISH FOR CASH ONLY I LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE VISIT rnnMWR COMPLETE FURNISHING STOLtEt THE PlOJNJ^tt 9 to 19. BOLD ST., UVEBPOOt. BIIrY THIS STATEMENT by inspecting THE SPLENDID STOCK OR SEND FOR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. .I %IW OOLQUHOUN'S! QENUIMEI SOOT 0 E1 TWEEDS YARNS and HOSIERY. Telephone 389 The Dame OOLQTJHOTJ5 hM for the put twenty years stood for all that 18 genclao In Sootch WOGoilm (KxxU. They are giuranMed to be rawitfTatffared from pare wixl only, and go through tbe variooa procaw t» the flnistfed article In the mill, vM t cnaer Mr. CoujaHOCm'i supervision. •OX OP SAMPLES POST PREX, containing « Mlecv rave at LADIKS' an4 SSHTIAKSI'S TVS3D8, &UM, j BLA5UTS, XJITTll& ¥30La, K08IB1.T, etc., laten ltyle and ikadas, wtii fee mM. j an roquMt. < Any Ungih cut mt Mill Pricit All Carriagu Paid. Writ* for SmnpU». TO WOOL. OROWERB. THAT DO TOU DO WITH I0U& WOOL t Do jrou make the moat of It 1 Too cm do this by lending it direct to my Mills and taring U manufactured Into any kiad j of Woollen Cl«th. I here over 400 peKoriw, and pay carriage on all wool sent dm.1 I tend patterns poet free 'fCr tpatroae to wihiet whicli cleth and pattern they like 1 their wool made into. j A. COLQUHOUN, "»•« "SS&LT""™0 "D. ,&UKBIGB BffilliXi, OAIiASHIEX^B, o.CJ" W"f%O VVMT* XOt WA*JI*NT.FC9. UIJUMMI MI II I Â- Telegrams Mallet, Liverpool." | ROBERT ISAAC, LIMITED, I 4 FISH. GAME. & POULTRY PURVEYORS; ICE MERCHANTS. 23, GREAT CHARLOTTE STREET, L I V E R P 0 0 L. I WE CATER FOR ALL fHliJ LEADING HOTELS, HYDROS, ETC THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. CONTRACTORS TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. 25 SUITS TO MEASURE FOR NOTHINGI In order to familiarise the readers of the "Carnarvon Herald" series with our new ad-dress we have deckled to make and present to each of 25 gentlemen a Suit to Measure absolutely FREE of cost. All that you have to do is to write a letter for Patterns of our 21a Suits (valued at £ 3 3e), "which Till be sent you with full instructions how to measure yourself. If your letter is among the first 25 read by our Advertisement Manager, on W~ediiesda-y morning, May 6th, at 9 a.m., we shall, as stated above, make you a. Suit to Measure absolutely Free of Charge. Every application must contain lid in stamps to defray part postage of patterns. Persons send- ing more than one application will be disqualified. The names of the fortunate winners will be published in "London Daily Express," "North Mail," and "Midland Express," on Friday To tbose persons who have a difficulty in securing copies of the above-mentioned papers we will forward result direct, provided! stamped addressed envelope m forwarded for th. purpose. Applications must be addressed: "FREE SUITS," CURZON EROS. (Dept. 76), 60, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C. (Late Aldei-sgate Street.) a543nm



