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MORE PUBLIC-HOUSES WANTED. Aftetr the ptassimg of tihe new LLoeniaing Act, the matgdstraiteg throuiwiwoiut the aown1:ttiy suddefrtliy found that in tihe iintt.en-asts' (Jtf tibe puiblic ? was most necessary to reduce the iniunlber of liioemseid hiouses. The discovery was, no dpwbt, am honest one; suicflx discwaries must be mcwLe some time or other, and the fact that it was made im- medtialttety after the pa^isfng of tihie new Aiatr otf cotunse, does aot »igaa4ilfy. Havrimg maide tihia discovery, the Litoanising beauohies at oaw pro- oeedied1 to act, and refused a nuimiber of lioerases. IJJhis wte a greiat adtvanwe upon arayftihtinig they fctoldi ever done before theiiir gireiat dasooverv, but it was by no means sufficient to satisfy miodJaraite refommeps who, Ithrooigih soane unmagtisterial antiidupatliian, had lloaiig ago dilsooveried1 the desir- aibiillity of reduicinig the numbeir of fconses. Patlh- etiic atppeiaJs amd even, pointed refermces to pos- sable fTuAhor dewlkvpments madle from tihe Bar with all the efficacy of paild e(Iloquenoo did not succeed1 in shaMlng tihe maigisteir'ial' aaniviatii/on, and iflne ladensWB w.enit. Some people are saiiid to bedieve thaft this h)ad sKMneitfiiing to do with some recent dhiamigies in political repregentlaitii'on,, and it is suggiestetcL that those changes an turn inspired some rttciexut speaciiea of the Prime jMjiaaister. H«i\" it may be remarked that the discovery by the Prime Minister of the justice, iqf cMnpemsatfen must bo made at some time or other, and the fact that it was made immediately after the (political changes referred to does not signify, of course. Now, the Quarter Sessions have given the ma- gisterial upper ten, as it were, the opportunity of bringing wider considerations and more mature judgment to bear upon the action of the divisional Benches. These wider considerations and more mature judgment are possible, appar- ently, because of less local knowledge, and this arrangement must be regarded1 as one of the glories of the (British Constitution. The framera of that Constitution must, in their wisdom, have seen the possibility of a sudden magisterial discovery entailing some hardship upon individuals and some inconvenience to the public. To suggest that the Prime Minister's speeches have in any way affected the county Banches is, of course, very improper, for they have resented any such interference, rt may appear strange to some minds that whereas divi- sional Benches, immediately after the passing of the new Act, thought fit to refuse the re- newal of a number of licenses, the county magis- trates should, immediately after the Prime Minister's «peeohes, have granted a considerable number of appeals against those decisions, but the zeaJ of the county magistrates cannot be doubted. They are anxious to lessen drunken- ness, they have said so, and they have allowed some of the divisional decisions to stand. For instance, in the county of Carnarvon, they have so far reversed 'the decisions of t'he local benches in six cases. If !they lhad (been influenced by any Ithreats in high places, !they would, of course, ha.ve r-evorsed) all the decisions. They are simply anxdous to decrease) drunkenness, and1 they come to rthe ¡conclusÍ!on that, contrary to the professed aim of the 'new Act, fbhalt can best tbe done by restoring some of the puiblic-housca which the divisional -Benches t'houg-'ht fit to close. The question arises, of (course, as 'a natural result of this, whether the aim iof the county just ices could not Suave been ibetiter realised by restoring the whol," Jot. or even by adding to the number. Seeing it-lM- this a&&ins to be t3u4r view, it is rat'her to be regretted that, possibly to some degree as a boncession 110 the local' Benches, they abstained from carrying out the«r (policy to its logical oorfclusiioitt. What we iwairt, in .order to secure peace, we are daily told, tg a. huge Army and Navy. Whialt 'we iwant an order to decrease f drunkenness evidently as more ^public-houses. We shall have them (by and (by, no doubt.






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