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I UNIVERSITY OF WALES. THE KING RESIGNS THE CHANCELLOR- SHIP. NEW TITLE FOR HIS MAJESTY. The Court of the University of Wales held its Annual meeting at Aberystwyth, on Friday, when Dr Isambitrd Owen, senior deputy-chan- cellor, presided. Councillor R. J. Jones (mayor) having officially welcomed the Court, The Deputy-Chancellor said that they had received that day a letter which gave them pro- found sorrow, yet profound gratification. The letter was as follows— "Marlborough House, Pall Mall, "21st Nbveanber, 1901. "Dear Dr Owen,— "I am commanded by the King to request you to inform the University of Wales that in consequence of his accession to the Throne, he finds it necessary to resign the office of Chancellor, which he has held with s;) much satisfaction to himself since 1895. "The King has come to this decisibn with much regret, and only after full consideration, but feels that it would not be quitesuitahle that the Sovereign should remain the Chancellor of any university. "When I add that for similar reasons, his Majesty has already relinquished the -presidency of three institutions in which his special personal interest is well known, I feel sure thati both you and the other members of the University will fully understand the grounds of his present action. "It has given his Majesty sincere pleasure to watch, as he had had the opportunity of doing during the past five years, the early success of the University and its steady advance to its J present position. "He ha.s been deeply gratified by seeing how fully the foundation of the University by his respected predecessor has been appreciated by the people of Wales, and how ready they have been to take advantage of it. "He ha.s observed with .satisfaction the diligent care with which its business, both academic and general, has been administered bv its authori- ties and officers. the high standard of learning that they J-.jve reached, and fl., industry with which the students strive to attain to it. Not least has he been interested in seeing what the Lniversity has been doing to encourage the scholarly study of the Welsh language and to T e or> the scientific teaching of theology in "So auspicious a beginning augurs wen foi the future of the University, and his Majesty trusts still to learn of its continued advance m prosperity and fame. "The King desires to express his personal thanks to the officers who have so ably served under him, to congratulate the Court, the senate, the guild, and the theological board upon the results of their work, and to offer his best, wishes to the graduates and the students for their future success in life. "His Majesty finally commands me to say that it will afford him much pleasure to retain a titular connection with the University; and. should it be agreeable to its members." it will give him great satisfaction to assume and bear the honorary title of Protector of the Univer- sity of Wales. "Believe me, yours very truly, "(Signed) FRANCIS KNOLLYSf." The reading of the letter was concluded amidst loud cheers. The Deputy-Chancellor said that there could be but one feeling, and that of the deepest re- gret, on hearing that his Majest- was unable to continue in the office of Chancellor. Yet, all must fully appreciate the reasons which had led him to his step. There could also be but one opinion as to the great graciousness of the a-ct, which was entirely spontaneous on his Majesty's part, in desiring to assume the honorary title in connection with the University (cheers). With respect to the title that his Majesty had proposed, it was one perhaps not. widely known, but it was a title that for four centuries success- sive Kings and Princes of the Royal House of Pbr'tucinl had home in connection. w:ith the university of Portugal. Had he (the speaker) known the terms of the letter earlier, lie would have ventured to have drafted a memtoriall expressive of their feelings upon the subject, we thought that the best plan would be to submit the terms of the memorial art:, a later stage, of the meeting. In the. meantime, he ) moved] the following resolution — "The Uni- versity Court, learning with the deepest. regret, that the, King finds himself unable to continue to hold the office Qf Chancellor of the University, desires to express its most humble and lovai gratitude to his Majesty for the inestimable services his tenure of the office during the past five years has rendered to the University, and not less for the most gracious terms of his Majesty's message and for the purpose to assume and bear the title of Protector of the University a proposal which the Court most deeply ap- preciates! and most gratefully accepts" (hear, tiear). Sir Lewis Morris seconded the' resolution, which was carried A private meeting of the. Court was afterwards w 1CT1 was enthusiastically a,greed to ask celk>r1Ce WalCS t0 aCWpt lKvst of Chan- cellùr. l>a:*se.d yote °f condolence upon the death of Principal Jones, of Cardiff, and at a congregation in the afternoon,, conferred the honorary degree "in absenria" of Doctor of i it- erature on the Rev Canon Silvan Evans. THE THEOLOGICAL BOARD. This report w:ts presented by Dr Fairbairn, who, in the course of a long speech, justified1 the action taken by the Board, and he was thaiiked by the Court "for his excellent ipeech. ifhere was a question as to the advisability of making the report public, and Professor Reichel pointed out that the theological colleges had accepted }the report, and they looked to the University to come to their aid. Therefore, the objection to making the report public at once fell to the ground. Eventually the report wa.s adopted. Th.e Court, agreed that, a grant of JE50 for j *kdled assistance required by the vloe-dban- cellor in discharging the duties imposed' upon him by the charter of the. University and by the Acts of the University Court. The Court then adjourned. GOVERNORS ENTERTAINED. At the invitation of the Mayor and Corpora- jiiom the members of the Court and others sat down to an excellent luncheon, which was pro- vided at the Hotel Cambria. The Mavor pre- sided. DEGREES CONFERRED. The ceremony of conferring degrees took place at the Royal Pier Pavilion, which was crowded, .The lists have already been published, and1 the conferring of the degree's went on amid n. storm of applause. Enthusiasm was roused by the announcement of the Doputy-Chalrtcellor that the Kintr had assumed the title of the Protector of the University of \Vales. Principal Rhys addressed the assembly in Welsh. Int eloquent terms, he alluded to Chancellor Silvan Evans, who was precluded by liisi advanced age and the inclement weather from being present that day, to receive, the degree of Doctor of Literature. The degree was then conferred, Mr J. H. Silvan Evans, M.A.. receiving it on behalf of his father, Canon Evans. A NEW FELLOW. The Court. sat in the evening when Mr Her- bert .1. Fletire. a student of the Aberystwyth College, from 1897 to 1901. was admitted a Fellow of the University. In. reply to Mr Charles Morgan as to why Questions were not set on the History of Wales nt. the. last two- matriculation examinations. ■ "ncj™l Reichel said that, there was a. difficulty in in- questions of a type upon Welsh history I hlCh wouid suit the schools.'







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