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ANGLESEY COUNTY COUNCIL. The fumual meeting of this Council was leici in the County Court. Buildings, Llan- gefni, on Thursday, there being present: Aldeiman W. R. Jones (chairman), Alder- t men Samuel Hughes, Captain Thomas, Dr Edwards, John Williams, J. R- -Dalies, J; Roberts, Chven Griffith, Thomas Williams^ 1. W. Jones, C. F. Priestley, Goune-illorn Tho.- inas Owen, G. J. Roberts, David Robert, Dr Roberto, Richard. Roberts J, t. Jones, William Prytherch, John Edmundt, O. Lloyd Jones, J. R. Hughes, Rev J G. Jones, ll. L. Edwards, R. P. Jones OWelll Pierce, J. Moretan. Pnchard, R. W. Ro- berts, Rol,ert Jones, Humphrey Owen, 0. H FoSkX, J. Rie", Roberts, David Wil- liams WT T. Jones, Thomas Williams, Hugh Thorns, John Hughes, William Thosnas, John Jones, Colonel Hampton Lewis, Henry Roberts, Robert Lewis, Evan Williams, Lewis Hughes, and the Rev David Rees- ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. L' Alderman W. R. Jones, the retiring chair- Inan, before proceeding with this business, ac-ked the members of the Council to accept his beat thanks for the gr-e&t courtesy and assistance they had rendered him during his year of office. Owing to this, he hoped that the dignity of the chair of the Anglesey CoulltyCouncil had not been impaired. Mr 21. W. Roberts moved the election of Mr Wis Hughes to the ohair for the ensuing yean1.—Thisi (was seocindfcd by tMT Oweci Pierce.—Before this was put to the meeting, iMr 0. H. Foulkes moved a vote of ihaaks to the retiring chairman, and this was unani- mously agreed to.—Mr Lewis; Hughes was then unanimously elected to the chair. He wished to thank them for the kindness they had done him that morning by fixirng upon him as their chairman. It was an interesting occasion, when they bore in mind that tune Countv Council had now been in existence for 8i, years. Very inifiny dear faces had left them during that period, some never to re- I ttm). He prided himself upon one fact in Particular in connection with his public life, <vnd that was that he had had the honour of breaking old traditions in the county by moving to have the first democraitao magis- trate in Anglesey, namely, Mr Hugh The- mes. The work cl the County Council in the past had amply justified that measure of ) loc-al government. A further measure was coming on quick enough. VICE-CHAIRMAN. I On the motion of Mr Thomas Evans, sec- onded by Mr Samuel Hughes, the Rev David Rees was unanimously elected vice-chairman. —Mr Pees thanked them for the honour they had etccie him. His consolation was that he hoped that kis superior would always be pro- 8ent at, all the meetings during the year. JOINT POLICE AND OTHER COMMITTEES. The following memibers were elected on the joint police committee —Messrs Samuel Hughes, 24 votes; O. H. Foulkes, 24; A. ^cKillop, 22 D. Reea, 22 Lewis Hughes, 19: W. R. Jctoes, 17; Hugh Thomas, 17; Thomas Evans, 17; Harry Clegg, 15; Iw- Jones, 14; J. R. Hughes, 13; J- • 12.-The finance and road and brldgo ^nimittees were also balloted for, but the Papers were not counted.—The rest of the coninutteea were re-elected, with the only alteration that those members who had not attended during the year were eliminated. It was decided not to eiecC a fairs I this year, Mr W. R. Jones remarking that it would be well to let the present arrangement °f fairs prove its own efficiency. W the secretary of the Humanitarian Uague was read, asking the Council to take into consideration the possibility of applying to the Home Secretary for an order similar to that obtained by the Middlesex County Council, with respect to the protection of I "vild birds. The protection of wild birds' <x>mjmifrlttee Tvtas TeHe&ectoedJ and Idie iWtier handed over to them. This committee had ^•een defunct for two years. OTHER APPOINTMENTS. The chairman was appointed) returning ofS.cer, and the vice-chadrman a representa- iJivc on the Court of the University of Wailm. 4 A BIG LOAN. The next business was to receive the re- tire of the oommititee appointed; to ootasider the question of borrowing £14,250 required for county buildings and additions to the Denbigh Asylum. The committee s report '>a'.oJ as committee, reports | that considerable correspondence has ttaken place with regard to the terms upon which tt>oney can be borrowed by the County Coun- cil but that it does not appear to the oom- mittee expedient at present to obtain a per- trianent mortgage, end that the money re- quired cannot be conveniently raised by the i^ue of countv stock, as the sum is too small. The Metropolitan Bank of England and "ales has offered to lend the money required for three years 3Ib three per cent. on the Actual balance due, with the option on the Part of fhe Council to repay any part or the ,hole earlier if it is so desired, on giving months' notice of their intention; and aa the expenses attending such loan are fcrifW, ^ouir tocanmjitltiee\ recommends that this offer be accepted, aiyi that tlie_ money obtained/1 as follows ^Immediately, ^2400; in June or July next, £ 3600; Janu- RTT, 1898, £ 4500 June, 1898, £ 1200; Janu- ;ily, 1899, £ 1350; December, 1899, t'ital, 214,250. Of tfchese amounts I-30th ^'ill be paid bacjk every year during the three at the expiration of one, two, and tree years from the date of each advance. J)r Edwards, chairman of the committee jnoyied the adoption of the report. ;-—Mtr Hugh Thomas did not quite agree with the re- V'-nnnendati'on to negotiate the loan in sucn lcistalments covering three years: Prew fent rate of interest was very low, j>ut pe_r- hapg in two or three years h^nce it would considerably higher.—Mir J. Moreton Pn- "hard remarked that there was not the re- motest possibility of the money market going IP in that, period. He would not accept Mr Thong's proposal to fbcttrow Jfehe ^e amo!untj now in one lump sum before they deeded it, and plaoo the balance in the bank at nothing per cent.-The report wasi then accepted!. Mr Mweton Prichard, suggested that a small loan cwnmttr.ee be appointed, hut this question wap adjourned, to the next ordmary meeting of the Council. THE PROPOSED EXPLOSIVES FACTORY. The next business was to receive the report of the committee appointed to hold an in- quiry in relation to the intended application by Mr D. Paisley for permission to erect) Q factory for making nitro-compoundis on the elJlllmon- of Tvwvn Trewan.—The -conuiaitttee ^ported that "they had decided to elefer giv- 1;11,9 their decision until the applicant has de- Posited at the office of the clerk of the peace at Holyhead an ordnance map on the 25-inch s'<do showing the sibiatien and boundaries ?f the proposed factory, and of every build- *rig and mound proposed to bo erected thetre- -U1, and of the pools intended to be provided, Itnd .aftso ^ccwing the jpit|BLtion of effery S elling-house and; other buildings and rail- way within one mile of the proposed factory. The said map to be deposited before the 1st April, and the committee will report final- ly to the Council at the April meeting.—Mr Samuel Hughes, in moviing the adoption of the report, said the committee had not ar- rived a.t a final decision in the matter.—The L Report was agreed to. CORRESPONDENCE. &c. I Among the many letbers. received from ^any sources upon various matters, there Was one from the Tied Bouse Tenant^ League falling attention to the serious losses SIUP- tained by tied tenants' and other licensed retailers generally from shoTt measure in ales, beters, stout, &c., supplied by brewers 3ffid others. The Council could not make' out ^"hat they had to do with this malbter at all, 'Several mennbera remarking that the "tied" Petyple should look after their own interests, "nd the Chairman observing, amid latighter, even if this grievance bad a solid founda- tion, the temperance party might perhaps re. gard it as a very good thing that short mea- sure was meted out to the "pubLics." The letter was placed on the table.—A letter was received1 from the officer commanding the Anglesey Royal Engineer Militia asking per- mission to use some of the cells in the Bearu- miaris Gaol during the preliminary driil and training of this year. This wasi at once gratnted.—There was placed before the Coun- cil an order of the Local Government, Board conferring cci nine urban district councilsl in which Menai Bridge was included, and adso the Llangefni Urban Coutocil, certain powers of a parish council under motion 33 of the LocaU Gofretamient Aot, 1894—The draft scheme for the suggested .amalgamation 0 0 Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries^' is- tricts was referred to a committee-er was read from Mr J. R- Davies an ^ng the Council, oni behalf of himsel an e family, for the vote of condolence passed at the last meeting of the dered that an applaca/tion be made tO the Local Government Board for ^lotron to oorr- row £ 14,250 required for the^ere no county buildings and better bigh Asylum; but it was con»id £ not to order the seal of the afiixed to a mortgage aJJQOunt at present. OOUNTY ItsTE BASIS. The county rate basis as altered m Pr- ance of the Agricultural Ratmg Act.1896 Was approved of, the d^k expxai«,ng that the narlsh of Amlwch had been divackd into three sections; also Llaniestyn mto wo, and Holyhead tYro-urbain aaid ruTal. MAIN ROADS. Mr Lewis Hughea moved the following "That is it is probable in the revision, of local taxation subventions will be made from the Consolidated Fund towards the maintenance of main* roads, the. Council be requested to consider and decide what principal thorough- fares to the several railway stat,ions and other principal tihoroughfares in the county, should be declared main roads, and to place the same in the class of main roads." -The mo- tion was pessed, a proposal to, refer the matter to the roads committee being lost. TJGHT RAILWAYS AN IMPORT- ANT PROJECT. The last matter on the agenda was to read a letter from Mr Theophilus Rowland, Llan- erchymedd, as to light railways. The writer stated that he had come down to promote light railways in any part of Anglesey where they were wanted. Even before the passing of the Light Railways Act he had been thinking of constructing such lines in Angle- sey, but there were then great difficulties in the *'ay which the Act! hadj now" removed1. He merely wished for the consent of the County Council, as a preliminary step, and then a syndicate was ready to take the matter in hand at once.—Mr -Rowland being pre- sent, the Chairman called upon him to state his case to the meeting. He said that the syndicate, cf which be was a member, was prepared to construct a line from Holyhead to Amlwch. It wasi generally agreed that the direction of that line was all right as far as Llanfechell, but between that place and Cemaes there was a difficulty, some being in favour of having it constructed in, a cer- tain direction and others in another direc- tion. But that was a matter which would be better left to the engineer. Another line which they proposed to construct was from Llanfair P.G. to Llangoed. The matter had been before the Beaumaris Town OouncaU on the previous evening, but unfortunately, owing to illheatlth, he was nob able to attend. However, he understood that the town coun- cil were uftranimoulsly iin favour oif) the scheme. With reference to any other line or lines tthe syndicate would be glad to re- ceive and consider any suggestions which the County Council might make. But the great point—and he wished to ten them so straight- forwardly—was to have the coast clear to start something at onoe, so that the syndicate might obtain a footing in the county before anybody else came along.—Mr Rowland1 was evidently indisposed, and he was accommo- dated with a chair.—In response to a call for an (explanation firom BetauTnaris, Mr Hugh Thomas said that this mafttter had been brought before a special meeting of the town council the previous nigfit. The council, on the proposal of Sir Richard Bulikeley, re- solved that they would nob offer any ■obstruo uoni to the project, and in. fact they were prepared to support the oonøtruotoon of the line from Llanfair P.G. to Llangoed (sup- pressed applause). He understood) that ib was intended, according to this scheme, to have a narrow gauge liJne along the highway. -The Chairman (addressing Mr Row- land) said that the matter iiad, been brought forwardl at such a shore notice that it coold not have 'been properly indicated in the agenda. \But the Council quite under- stood the harry. The Light Rai.wavs Com- •mfcssikxniers received such afppucations only twice a. year, in May and October arid un- less the preliminaries were gy\ through at once, it woula throw the wh ).e thing back for another twelve months. He could tell tMr [Rowland that the Council were in favour of such schemes, and of oourie* Mr Rowland (himself having been a. promoter of scores of other lanes, they saw that the matter was in good; hainds>; tm. at the saJte time, legal ajidf other technicalities would have to *be ob- served.—Mr (Rowland: This is only, the first step. Wo are seeking your consent as a County Council to bring th-? roauer before the Light R'dways Oommis ioners.—The Chairman Just fco —■—.—A Member But, Mr Chairman, I want to know what is now before the meeiting 1 There is no motion of any kind, as fir as I can see.—Several Mem- Ibers: Let the clerlk gitve his opinion.—The Clerk then said they couzd not. give their consent to adif puch thing unless they were definitely informel where it went to. There nvas nothing before them. They couldt not gpe their cdnient without firist t-f a. sce.jg the ma(p and) ptans, &c., of the propafcd 'lines. His oipinioai as regarded the Beau- maris line wa*. that if they h.-id it con- structed, they :wou[H spoil Beaumaris.—Mr J. Riice Rql-vrts re mark ed thv: if time pressed so much, there was a solut'oi) of the difficulty by reiferring the wHoL- matter to the Light Railways Committee. It might be a serious thÙf, if the Council that day re- solved to givi> Mr Rowland a centra sanc- tion, without first of all considering the de- tails.—(Mr Rowland said that, if the matter I waa postponed for another lli(p,21 or so, the syndicate would rot be <i/bV to come forward for mother «we've months, owuig to r mesons iwnion nadi already been explained. But if they ofotamed the consent of the road autho- rities now, something would be done at once. They proposed' to go along the roai Is, in every case, aaid not through any private property.— Dr [Roberts remarked that trie Beaumaris road' was 81 narrow one as it was, and if a tramway was coinstrueted along its side, he couldl not understand how it co'ild be aad^ without m^iruJctmg the whole length of tihe road.—Co.onel Hampton Lewis said that the syndfoate wou3dl halve to compensate every householder from (Menai Bridge to 'Beaumaris, and the making of that tramway iwou4 therefore, cost themlilllOootJhan making ling a main line of rauway, (H0 did not think •they couldl find in the whole of the United Kingdom a similar length of road in a rural district where more compensation would be required) than this.—Ultimately, it was re- solved to refer the matter to the Light Rail- ways Committee, the said committee to meet I as soon as possible. Our representative had a ibrielf converaa- tiomL with Mr Rowland) at the dose of the meeting, and elicited fromi him the fact that all the lines were inltended to be run along existing roadfe, the gauge to be narrow, and the traction electric, the overhead wire to be used, with ornamental iron posts, which, Mr -Rowland1 said, were far better looking than the ugly telegraph posts íOOW to be seen along almost every road in the country.

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