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C'OLWYN BAY PETTY SESSIONS. SATURDAY.—Before* tho Rev W. Yen- aid ea Williams (chairman), Dr Venabies Wil- liams, T. Parrv, Esq., Johti Porter, Esq., Ah T. Mason, Esq., and W. Ellis, Esq. THE AGRICULTURAL RATING ACT. —Mr Mns-m and Mr Ellis, before the actual business of tine court cc.œmeneed, delivered .•judgment in the appeal of the' Surveyor of Taxes against the overseers of the paciishies d Bettwsynrhos and iLLanfa.irnaihaia,rri, and the assessment eomm;: tte<e. It appears that the. Sc. Asaph Union Assessment Oomtmitte'e hsd reduced the rating to one-half under the Act cited above on laaid within Ooed Ooeh a.nd Gaithewisn Parks, belonging to Mr R. W. Wynn and the trustees of Genera.! Wynne, respectively, and situated in the parishes of Betiwsynrhos and I-^arafaCrtalhhiiiarTi. The contention of Mr Clemmt, who appeared for the Inland Revenue, wa.s that the lands in question were not agricu.tura.i lands, while Mr Churtcn, of Chester, who represented the respondents, maintained that it was agricul- tural land, and as such came under the opera- tion of the Agricultural Rating Act, which c .me to operation this year. The judgment was as follows —We do nob 'give effect to the notije of appeal served by the Surveyoir of Taxes, inasmuch aa it has been. proved to } VUT saus-faotion to ba unfair or incorrect on ;iie following grounds, that the lan-d (referre-l to in the colium inserted in sU'oh notice and headed "description of praperty") ia agricul- tural land within the meaning of the Agri- cultural Rating Act, 1396, a¡::(lJ used as pas- ture ground only, and that such agricultural land is not land occupied together with, a house; sa a park, gardens, or pleasure grounds, or land kept or preserved, mainly or exclu- sively for the purposes of sport or recreation, or land) used as a race-course, and we direct j that no alcera.tion.shall be made in the state- ment of the overseers for the parishes of Llan- fo iritalhaia.rn and Bettwsynrhos. so far as Te- lata to the subject of appeal. We make' no order as to oosis." ALLEGED FURIOUS DRIVING.—Wil', i Ii:.m Ealev. IMos.yn-street, Llandudno, was charged with furious driving.—Mr Amphletlt :h::feaid.ed.—The oa.se was dismissed. DRUNKENNESS.—A man named John Old-field, Park-read, Colwyn Bar, was fined for drunkenness. RATE OASES.—A number of rate cases wore heard, and orders for payment granted. —Mr Amphlett (Messrs Porter and Amphlett) •arrpeared for the distrioi council TRAVELLING ON TTIE RAILWAY WITHOUT A TICKET.—1Two young men r.-ime-d David W3Iiam>3' and Ilclward Jones, Colwyn Bay, pleaded guiliv to travelling on :ho London and North Western Railway between Conway and Colwyn- Bay on the 15th ult.—Mr Fenna appeared for the pro- secution.—The defendants were each fined 20s and costa FIREWORKS.—'Mary Long and Richard Weber, junior, eolwyn Bay, were charged with letting off fireworks in the public street, j Th 0 case was dismissed. STRAYING.—Catherine) Hughes, Old Col- wwn, was jslia.rged with allowing two asses to scrav on the public highway.—Tlte defend- ant, who pleaded: guilty, was fined 28 and > RIDISG A BICYOUE WITHOUT A | LIGHT.—A stylishly-dressed young man r.med Henry M. G. Preece, Oolwyn Bav. pleaded guilty to riding during pa^ohibtted hours with-it a light.—Defendant was nned IDs and cos^its. DTSMISSFD.—Benjamin Pierces a rural postman of LlanfaiTtaHiaiam, and who for- merly ocotmied a farm at Lh.rvgemniiew, was charged with attempting to commit suicide.— P.O. C. E. Jones stated that on the 3rd instant ho heq,nl shouting in the direction of the river Elwy. and en going to the place found the defendant in a pool. His fe-et. were :n the water, and his head on the bank. Defendant, who had been drinking, explained that he had lost his way, and fallen int) the river. Witness took him home, and had taken cara of him since.—Ln re/nlv to the magistrate^' clerk, the officer said he charged the. man withi attempting to oommit, suicide. he had heard from a wteess that he had threatened to do away with himself.—Mr Graham, who appeared for the defence, stated that there was actually no cise for him. to ^Tiforer. It wae evident enough that Pierce had fallen inkio the river through having lost his way-—The Bench dismissed the case, and coneraihtlated the officer for his kindness to tho accused.

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