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---------AT THE FOOT OF THE…


AT THE FOOT OF THE HILLS. TRUE STORY OF A GIRL'S ESCAPE At the village (;f Troedyrhiw, in South Wales, lives, with her auut a Miss Hog, Hancock. The village is very suitably named, for, as the \Veish derivation denotes, it lies at "the foot of Of bills," in the IVft "Her plump and p appearance." Valif. From het pluajp, PL as mt a p p e a r a n c e one would hardly sup pose that she had had a day's ) do ess in er I i f e. Yet, within a cnmpara. tively short time, she has passed through a most try- ing, and ap parently a mortal, illness, which, indeed, made her friends despair that she would ever recover. Doctor after doctor was called in without seccess, a change of air and other means v.ere tried, and all without success; and when a lingering decline and death seemed the only prospect for her, a chance recom- mendation bad such eminently gratifying results, that Miss Hancock was able to pre- scnt the hardy looking appearance in which the reporter fouud her. Miss Hancock, whose address is 36, Tyn- taldwyn Terrace, Troedyrhiw, near Merthyr Tydvil, willingly granted an interview. She stated that she was twenty-one years o'd. About eighteen months previously she con- tracted a cold as the result of a slight chill, and it developed into symptoms of a most serious kind. It is Miss Hancock's opinion that she had dropsy. She was rendered ex- tremely pale, weak, and feeble, and was not fit to do the household work which she had previously been doing. She states that she was very despondent, for she not only con- salted local doctors, but was attended by medical men at Merthyr, and also went away for a change, and yet after some months she made no improvement. Then it was, by one of those lucky chances which often have such a vital influence on human affairs, that she heard of the great benefits a neighbour bad received from Dr Williams' Pink Pills. commenda- On this re- c ommenda- tion Miss Hancock procured six boxes of the Pills, and after two boxes bad been used she began to feel consid- erable bene- fit. She was speedily convale- scent, even- tually be- coming as strong as ever, and Able to do her work." able to do the work which bad been too much for her just before. "Upon parents," says a well-known doctor, "rests a great responsibility at the time their daughters are budding into womanhood. If your daughter is pale, com- plaius of weakness, is 1 tired out' upon the slightest exertion if she is troubl d with headache, pain in the side if her temper is fitful, and her appetite is poor, she is in a condition of extreme peril, a fit subject for the development of that most dreaded of all diseases-consumption. If you notice any of these symptoms, lose no time in procuring Dr Williams' Pink "Pills. They will assist the patient to develop properly and re- gularly they will enrich the blood and re- store health's roses to the cheeks, bright eyes and a lightness of step will surely follow their use, and all dangers of consump. tion and premature death will be averted. Wise and prudent mothers will insist upon their daughters taking Dr Williams' Pink Pills upon the approach of the period of puberty, and thus avoid all chances of disease or early decay." Dr Williams' Pink Pills cure not only cases like the above, but all the many disorders which arise from an impoverished state of the blood and nerves such as ansemia, pale and sallow complexion, general muscular weakness, loss uf appetite, shortness of breath, pains in the back, nervous headache, early decay, all forms of female weakness, hysteria, paralysis, loco- motor ataxy, sciatica, palpitations, low vitality, and wasting strength from any cause. These Pills are genuine only with I the full name, Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and are sold by chemists and by Dr Williams' Mcdiciue Company, 46, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C., at 2s 9d a box, or six for 13s 9.1. They are unrivalled as a tonic and strengthening medicine for both sexes.

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