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BANGOR CITY COUNCIL. The monthly meeting of the JLllgur City CouncH was held on Wednesday night. Present; Councillor J. E. Roberts (mayor), presiding; Aldermen Donald Cameron, Ed- Ward Jones, Thomas Lewis, GoCond Savage, Dr Ltnsfoid Jones, Conncilors R. Owen, ■^ J. Williams, W. A. Foster, R. Roberts, 'Henry Lewis, Richard Davies, Robert Hugh2s, P. S. Gregory, Edward Jones, W. Hayne, Richard Widiams, H. Hughes, W. P. Mathews. Dr Grov Edwards, John WiU- 1i:a.Ills, Eugene Clarke, Mr R. H. Priohard (town clerk), Mr J. A. Rudlwar (deputy town clerk), Mr Gill (surveyor), "Mr Smith '^w>en (accountant), and Mr Worrall ^sanitary Inspectür): A COMPLAINT. A letter was real from Mr W. A. Dew, W-ellfield, containing as to the liisulficiency of the pressure of gas supplied to his house ^<1 offices. The manager was directed to look into the matter mid remedy, if possible, the defective supply complained of forth- with. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COM- MITTEE. The finance comniit^e,- reported that the Oodlector had collected £1374 10s 8d during the past month. There were JE5774 18. 4d d'Ue to, and £5566 13s 3d due from trea- surer <cn tlhe respective accounts. The accountant produced a bond for a loan of £700 at 3ï\: per cent. for live years for gas and wiater puqiosvs, for the examination and signature of the committee. Councillor Henry Lewis, the Mayor, and Councillor Richard Davies were asked to interview the town clerk in regard to his bi'li of costs in «onnect.:on with the Pier and Feny Act, 1894, and to report- to the next meeting. They recommended pavment of bills to the alt1Úuut of £4045 7s 8d. Councillor Henry Lewis, in moving the ^-option of the report, asked whether it :W-as competent for the finance committee 10 refuse to pay any bill, and had they the power to revise the bills of the commitiees. He was afraid that the bills of the com- r ■Uoittees came at the taill end of the agenda, ^1 consequently rushed through without due consideration. 'Councillor Dr Grey Edwards seconded the IliàloptioIl of the report. Colonel Savage suggested that in future the committees shouild put the consideration of 'bills the first item on their agenda. Several members having approved of the 's^88'-estion, the report was adopted. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. Messrs R. Davies, Thomas Lew s, Edward Jones, Robert Hughes, T. G. W illiams, and Col0Tieii lavage were appointed a committee to manage tlie ferry and pier. A FINAL OFFER. It was decided to offer Mr Morgan a aallary of 27s per week, on condition that he ^Undertook the duty of collector, in addition his duties as manager, every alternate Sunday, or whenever Wiifein Edwards whs ^gaged as a 'boatman. This oiler to be iin.'il. THE ENGINEER'S RiEi>ORT. Mr John J. Webster, engineer of the pier, ^ote to the effect that during the past lr»with the extreme end of the fixed super- structure of the pier had been reachde, and 111 piles had been screwed, out of a total of 118. The timber deck, &c., was wcid ^vanctxl, while the other work was pro- gressing favourably. THE PIER COMMITTEE. ^Pressed their regret that the site for the "pposii of the material arising from the ^edging operations had not yet been decided UPon, thereby causing great inconvenience to committee in completing the scheme, rind that no further delay would occur in ttih':)it connection. The borough accountant IePorfced that on the instruction of the cliair- jj^n, he had inspected a small steamer now a4. Barmouth, and in his opinion it well adiapted for the purpose in view, ue owners had offered to sell this boat ^ivered at .Bangor for the sum of £150. u,.v 'had also offered to arrange a trial at s-louM ^ie committee wish, on their ■l. staking to pay the expenses of such jr It was proposed bv CounciilLoir Robert •Hugh e;s, seconded by his Worship, and rc- 1 that the owners of the steamer be T^fornieJ. that if they will bring the .steamer Bangor at their own risk, the committee *ill undertake to pay the sum of £5 towards the expense of the transit and hire of such Vessel for one week's trial on the ferry, the Collllnittee to bear the working expenses during the week's trial. In the event of 'the committee purchasing the steamer, that the above-mentioned £5 be allowed as part lament. I Councillor Richard Davies. in moving the ~^Jption of the report, said that Mr TV eb- the engineer, was down at Bangor t litis \e\:k. and that he (the speaker) had pressed him that they were anxious about the ^"edguig. He had asked Mr Webster to some reasonable offer thait. the council accept, and he also told him that in pr obability they could not get any place hereon to deposit the dredging material the deep sea. But hc gav Mr Web- distinctly to understand that the com- mittee had not yet decided upon the matter. ^OHttcilkxr H: Hughes seconded. .Councillor Henry Lewis asked whether \h:e-re was any necessity for the purchase of a steamer, seeing that the expenses connect- with the steaiiutea* were alreadv .mounting Up rapidly. 0 'Councillor Dr Grey Edwardsi •ex,pja.ined Mr Smith Owen had been pressing the ^Unittee to have a steamer, as it wOll:d ^ve a large amount. ( Th-e report was adopted, and the council **Voided to resolve itself into committee with a riew of considering the advisability of ^kino- ur<renit nieaKores with regard bo ^txlging. ° MRS SCHWABE'S PROPERTY. The fenr and pier conu'iuittee re'commciiid- the coui'cil to apply to the Local Govern- '^nt Board for power" to borrow- such sum as ^y be necessary to enable I'e committee purchase Mrs Schwabe's projreity at the jMce fixed by the arbiitrators, and to pay expenses -incadmtetl to the .irbitration h.at the town clerk be authoriKi'd to take 'U.p thje abitratoa-s' award iimii'ediately he Te«eive<l notice that the award has been ^le. > The Town Cfiei'k announced the awaid of -Mr Saville, of London, the uimpire in the ^bibraition proccediiigs hold at the George Hotel, in Jfovemilber last, between Mrs ^hwabe, of G^ngarth, aaid the Bangor ^-()ip4>iHyton. The subject of arbitraition was ,the vacation J ihe Gazelle Tavern and land ^joining, on t" Anglesey side of Ga<rt3i f/Tiy, which is included in the purchase of ferry rights bv the corporation, tinder ^eir Pier, &c., Act. Mrs Sehwabe, the ^"uer of the property in question, asked *7000 for it, whilst the coip'vralion, who ^re bound to purchase, offered £2500. The yiupire fixed the vaJue at £2998, his own <=ost¡;¡ being £99. In answer to Mr T. Lewis, the Town Clerk that the full amount would not be as- 'Oertained imtil the bills had been taxed. /Mr R. Davies It is a great reduction from :tehat, they asked, and I think we ought not grumble. The report was adopted. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Phe "electric lighting ^omtnittk'o r000111- ^1(-jnded that the council apply to the Local oveTn,ment Boaii'd for sanction t<i borrow for the purpose of providing an metric lighting plant for the borough.—Dr .,r°y Edwards, in moving the adoption of 1 T,ePort, sadd the (\stimato was £ 13,000, Uttl ^le ^^uiittee thought it well to have a pen^ irK>nev at their backs for other ex- Tmrv.iSl suc^ as the procuring of the license, ,]e °f meters, &c. It might also be fable to have a little money in hand in I case it was desired to extend the mains. Alderman Thomas Lewis felt bound to protest, against the adoption «>f the recom- m'enJaibion. lest he should appear inconsist- ent when he opposed the application, as he intended to do, before the Commissioner. Councailor W. Bayne also protested against the recommendation. It was most unfor- tunate that the council and the town were divided on this question. Alderman Cameron le.t bound to admit that he JiiJ not approve of Hú" with the same energy as at Hist. They had ail along been told that the expense of the electric plant would only be ;S1<5,000. and when they suggested it night] be mvre, they were simply floored, and told that that was the estimate of OIK of the most eminent experts on the subject in the kingdom. XGAV that that statemen/t had served its purpose, tire promoters had changed their tactics, and added a couple of thousand pounds to the estimate. He did net consider that was fair. They ought to have been told sooner. The addition might net seem large, but he was one of thes'e who were convinced it would not stop there, but it would be found that £15,000 even would not cover their expen- diture. On those grounds he would oppose the recommendation of the coinaiiItt.ee, as well as on the ground of putting extra ex- penditure on the rates. Alderman Savage was in favour of delay. Councillor T. G. Williams held the pro- posals of the c&niiimttee offered Mm the least of two evils. They proposed to spend £13,000 en the electric light the oihei- scheme would cost £30,000. Councillor Heniy Lewis .repudiated the insinuation that the promoters had misled the public. Everyone knew who had any experience that the cost of the undertaking was one thing the legal expenses must always be added to that. Alderman Thomas Lewis was surprised to find the statement that the other scheme would cost £30,000 brought forward again after it had been denied and exploded over and over again. Dr Grey JDLLwardfs having replied, the K-oamcil divided, ami' adopted the recom- nuendation of the committee by fourteen votes against nine. SANITARY AXD BUILDING COM- MITTEE. reported as follows: —Dr E. J. Lloyd at tende.d tihe oommiHtee to answer oartadn charges made againsfb him. Having heard Dr Lloyd's explanation and defence, the committee are unanimously of opinion that the charge of having interfered in the matter of engaging nurses had little foundation in fact, and that in all he did to influence the officials of the corporation at the borough hospital to allow themselves to be vaccinated, and then vaccinating them himself, he had committed1 an error of judgment and per- formed duties which he should not have dome without the consent or instruction of the oammittee, and that the first case Sent in by him to the hospital being one out of several in the same house, was one which he should not have recommended for admission or urged the sanitary inspector to admit as he did with undue pressure.—After a dis- cussion, the report was adopted. A STATION AT LLANGAFFO. A communication ivlas .read from the London anI North-Western Railway Com- pany to the effect that the question of having a station at Llaingaffo was under consideration.


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