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I Jfiubltt UJeefittgs, &c. PROVINCIAL ^TEDDFOD, OSWESTRY, 189G. Objects, Prizes, etc., now ready; QA Ce b>' post 2-Jd, to be obtained from "—■—-5etary, 22, Park Street, Oswestry. C513N _N CARNARVON CHRYSANTHEMUM SOCIETY. THE SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION °F THE ABOVE SOCIETY WILL BE HELD n TlHTIiSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1895, AT TIIE DRILL HALL, CARNARVON. pRIZE List and Particulars free per Post on ^Plication to the Hon. Sec., r T. 0. MORGAN, 23, Segontium Terrace. c30lR guild HALL, CARNARVON. VISIT OF THE CELEBRATED ELLIS COMPANY. ROTRBFRY EVANS, Miss LILITH A ELLIS, Miss MAY LEIGH, Vill a lar§e ompany of London Artistes I aPpear in the Greatest American Drama, Qw "THE SLAVE GIRL," ^ncinj MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, for Six Niyhts only. :— Q spite of great counter attractions at ^icketS^estry> hundreds were unable to obtain C S' l^^le Pres3 reports state This is the Us, an ?T1Pany Mr Rothbury Evans has brought ttaVelhia 18 known to brmg the best Companies SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE CELEBRATED BANJO TEAM, r,T ALSO THE DfvVSAMPION BONES SOLOIST. MISS THE DOUBLE FACED BLACK GIRL. i As th Prices 2s, Is, and 6d. ^ivat crus'i for tickets have been so great, a ^isWearly door wil1 be °Pen at 7 for Persons XicJ^° avoid the crush. Castl ^ts mav be obtained from Mr Rowland, ^tSquare". c531E • Jj»T THE 14TH ANNUAL ^HlN CHRISTMAS SHOW | WILL EE IIKIJ) N Friday, DECEMBER 20th, 1895. rt-^ A'1' ALTERATIONS IN SCHEDULE OF PRIZES THIS YEAR. (P0LUE Dogs, Welsh Terriers, Fox Terriers. 3&leg Poultry, and Pigeons open to North *Qot« 'u§§s' Butter, Vegetables, Fruit, Grain, tloney, &c., &c. LADY PRESIDENT ^Rs NAYLOR LEYLAND. r. VICE-PRESIDENTS Is WORSHIP THE MAYOR AND W. LEATHES, ESQ. Prizes, Entry Forms, and all ers shortly. Una- ALDN H. WILLIAMS, Secretary. r' 18' October, 18955. c488E 102 ANGLESEY HUNT, 1895. hii Comptroller:— "^e Lord ALEXANDER PAGET. Deputv-Comptroller:— Sir THOMAS NEAVE, Bart. Ladv Patroness:— Mass LiLLIE MORGAN. '.rlIE ANNUAL BALLS will take place at the On r?r^N HALL, BEAUMARIS, ? £ SdAV 5th # THTTRSDA1 7th, -»0 VEMBER next, at 9.45 p.m. X^jL ladies' Ordinary will be on Wednes- i^e Germ' November, at 7.30 p.m., and 7th Nov *?eu's Ordinary on Thursday, the Wiliiam S1 er> at the same hour, at the The v? ulkeley Arms Hotel, Beaumaris. ^overnVl r°Cessi°n will be on Thursday, the 7th Q.t .bout. 3.30 ROBERT EDWARD OWEN, Bea, Hon. Secretary. 1st October, 1895. c454w THE ANGLESEY HUNT 4 STEEPLECHASES 0 (Under National Hunt Rules), H ^^DNjjjSDAY, NOV. 6th, 1895, y kind permission of Sir R. Williams- Bulkeley, Bart., WILL TAKE PLACE ON CASTLE AND FRYARS FIELDS, BEAUMARIS. ^ES for Ladies' Plate, Visitors' Plate, *We CT e Anglesey Hunt Stakes, and Selling 5 aTri6 °n SATURDAY, 2nd NOVEMBER, and for j f-ulj s' Race on TUESDAY, 5th NOVEMBER. r{ particulars can be had on application to &ea. WlLLIAM GRIFFITH, Secretary. arnaris, 23rd October, 1895. c523w W^GLESEY HUNT MEETING, 1895. INT TO POINT STEEPLE- CHASES. 0„ T TO BE RUN FOR fRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8in, 1895. 1 CORRECTED CONDITIONS. CHALLENG CUP, presented by tioT, i t^bard-Rayner, Esq., to be run under ■^■unt Rules, and to be won 3 years fide jjSlvely by the same person, open to b-ma- ^gje Uriters that have been regularly hunted in or Carnarvonshire. About 2 miles 2 hunting country. POINT TO POINT WELTER ECIIASE value about £ 25 (in cup or S,t 0ver about 3J miles of fair hunting y, under National Hunt Rules, open to ^t A hunters that have been regularly r, ^ith any hounds in Denbighshire, Car- VVej ^shire, or Anglesey during this season. W 14st. lOlbs. and over. There will also econd Prize. Riders to wear ordinary 3 ll1g Dress. POINT TO POINT LIGHT RivG;^HT STEEPLECHASE, Cup value £ 25 the Ladies, over about 3^ miles of fair Ojw country, under National Hunt Rules, bona-fide Hunters that have been $hit. ariy hunted with any hounds in Denbigh- ^arnarvonsbii e, or Anglesey during this <HSo7 Weight 12 71bs. or over. There will of a Second Vrize, and the Third will save betakes. Riders to wear ordinary Hunting °r further particulars apply to IR WILLIAM GRIFFITH, Secretary. •maris. c524w LLYWELYN EIN LLYW OLAF. j ^TlONAL MEMORIAL. ^esident: The Right Hon. Lord KEN YON. ] easurers: ROBERT ROWLAND, Esq., J-P-. j D Plas-isa, Portmadoc; H0MAS' Esq., L. P. Bank, Builth. Secretary: Rev GWYNORO DAVIES, j J.P., Barmouth. \V}1(L. ,De left for the Subscribers to decide e the Memorial is to be erected. L, ,sonie copy of Sir Lewis Morris's Ode, ever-6 n e^n Elyw Olaf," will be presented of a shilling and upwards. £ rai,?^cOND SUBSCRIPTION LIST. p -vards, Esq., Knighton ..110' iviio,, Edwards, do. I 1 0 ^dvrards, do 1 1 0 1 tr^ 110' Uev p ni.ySw>yr Llewelvn 1 1-0 Edwards^D.D., Bala 1 1 0 Mar rJ^avies) Esq., London ..110* Clifford j p avies> do. lie! Charles Esq-» Cardiff 1 1 0 J- WynfoS M'A 1 1 ° tQrd Phiilips, Esq 0 15 0 C519WN | Cheap Printing at the "Herald" Office. ^ntltoaiTS. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. AUTUMN EXCURSIONS. — On FRIDAY, jCjL OCTOBER 25th, and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th, short and loig period EXCURSION TICKETS Will be issued to MANCHESTER, LIVER- POOL, Stockport, Birkenhead, Chester, Sheffield, Buxton, Matlock, Huddersfield, Bradford, Leeds. &c. For full particulars as to Train Times and Fares see handbills to be had at all Stations. Further information in regard to Tourist and Excursion arrangements can be obtained from Mr W. H. Gough, Passenger Superintendent, Oswestry. ALFRED ASLETT, c501ym Secretary and General Manager. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. CHEAP One Day and Week End Tickets to LLANDUDNO. — Every Saturday and Monday during October, Cheap Return Tickets will be issued to Llandudno by through Trains as under:— On Saturdays. On Mondays. From a.m. a.m. a.m. Portmadoc 7 0 or 10 55 7 0 i riccieth 7 13 11 5 7 13 Pwllheli 7 15 10 40 7 15 Third-class Fare for the Double Journey, 4s. The Tickets issued on Saturdays will be available to return from Llandudno on the Monday following date of issue by the 8.10 a.m. or the 6.10 p.m. train; and those issued on Mondays will be available to return on the date of issue only by the 6.10 p.m. train. Children under Three years of age, Free; above Three and under Twelve, Half-price. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. Passenger Superintendent's Office. Oswestry, September, 1895. c479ymN CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN RATES JL WELSH MUTTON and other FRESH MEAT is now conveyed by Passenger Train at HALF PARCELS RATES at owners' risk, between all stations throughout England, Ireland, and Wales, Minimum 141bs per consignment. No less charge than 7d. For full particulars apply to the Station- masters at all Cambrian and other Companies Stations and Booking Offices, the Cambrian Railway London Office, 41, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C., or to Mr W. H. Gough, Passenger Superintendent, Oswestry. ALFRED ASLETT, cll7ymB Secretary and General Manager. "PUREST—BEST" SNOW WHITE LINEN!! USE ONLY tmwEwc NIXEY'SJGL ■■ BAG ■ BLUE READY FOR USE. J Large" d. and id. bags; and in y Stores and best mjn^i f T n 7 | Pfrfjffl Grocers & Oilmen. PREVENT COLD, j COUGH, INFLLENZA, BY TAKING ftaymansSalsam OF HOREHOUND. On FIRST APPEARANCE of CHILL. A Safe and Speedy Remedy for COUGH, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, and all Chest and Lung Disorders. Extract from recent Letter:- It would be impossible for me to keep about without your Balsam. My father used it 'egularly it was the means of lengthening his ife, and I can say the same. Thomas Davies, r8, John St., Merthyr Tydfil, Nov., 1894. Sold everywhere, price Is lid and 2s 9d. a36 •FOR THE BLOOD IS THE UFE" WMMliidkII WORLD-FAMED IkUil.hl.MHHII.-U FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from all IMPURITIES, it can- not be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kindr., its effects are marvellous. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Pimples on the Face, Cures Scurvy. Cures Eczema. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cnres the Blood from all Impure matter, from whatever causes arising. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its ualue. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. 21, Orchard Street, Warrington, January 5th, 1894.-1 am pleased to say that your Blood Mixture and Lotion, used and prescribed, has ione my daughter Elizabeth, aged 16 years, a world of good. About eight months ago she was attacked with a severe skin disease. I took her to the hospital here, and she attended for six weeks. I then took her to the Manchester Hospital for four months, but neither of them 3id her a bit of good. I was obliged to take her from her work. At last, I was persuaded to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, and now I thank God I lave done so, for, I am happy to say, the disease [ias disappeared, and, I can safely say it, the medicine has worked a miracle in my daughter's life. Everyone that knows her says it is a wonderful that after only having taken three bottles, to see the difference in her appearance now and a few weeks ago. This is quite un- solicited, ana I send it hoping it will persuade ather possible sufferers to try your valuable medicine. I remain, gentlemen, yours grate- fully, ELIZABETH BO^LE. — Witness: Charles Price, ^8, Batuerssy Lane, Warrington." Sold in Bottles <is 9d each, and in Cases con- taining six times the quantity, lis each, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the ^reat majority of long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors through- Dut the world or sent to any address on receipt 3f 33 or 132 stamps, by the P^roprietors— HIE LINCOLN DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. TRADE MARK-BLOOD MIXTURE. ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, and do not be persuaded to take an imitation or sub. stitute. Shipping. NEW Zf,,ALAND.- REDUCED FARES. INTENDING Settlers approved by the Agent jL G, n jral receive passages at reduced rates by the SHAW SAVILL AND ALBION Co.'s and the NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO.'S Steamers. Anply I to AGENT-GENERAL FOR NEW ZEALAND, is, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Also to Agents for the above-mentioned Companies. C368N ABE HD KEN LINE TO AUSTRALIA. Via Tenerife and Cape Town in 42 days. Aberdeen.. Capt. A. T.Wills..3659 tons, Nov. 25 Australasian, Capt. Spalding, 3651 tons, Dec. 24 nPHE Steamers of this favourite Line sail X from London monthly, taking saloon and third class passengers to Tenerife, Cape Town, and all Australian and New Zealand Ports. Fares to Australia, Cl4 14s to £ 50; to Cape Town, C8 8s to JE26 5s.-For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson and Co., 7, Billiter Square, London, E.C. c95y84w AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA. First-Class, full-powered, Iron Steamships. ACCOMMODATION for Passengers equal to any European Line. Steerage Outfit Free. Passengers and Goods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THIS IS THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTE TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & Co., 19, and 22, Water Street, LIVERPOOL. LOCAL AGENTS :— W. J. Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon. R. R. Stythe, 39, Bangor Street, Carnarvon. H. J. Williams, 50, High Street, Bethesda. Richard Roberts, Bethesda. J. T. Williams, Meirion House, B. Festiniog. T. Evans and Co., Station Chambers, Rhyl. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES REGULARLY EVERY THURSDAY. BEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST EX- PEDITIOUS ROUTE to Canada, Manitoba, the North-West Territories and British Columbia, the Western States of America, and to all points on the Pacific Coast. SPECIAL RETURN RATES FOR TOURISTS. Write for Handbook of concise information and advice, also of latest maps and pamphlets, supplied Free by Allan Brothers and Co., 19, James Street, Liverpool; or to W. J. Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon; W. D. Jones, Old Bank, Holyhead; R. G. Humphreys, Bookseller, High Street, Portmadoc; J. R. Cadwaladr, Agent, 7, Bowydd View, Blaenau Festiniog; J. H. Jones, Llanrwst; W. H. Davies, Stationer, Bank Place, Denbigh Owen Jones, auctioneer, Ac., Old Post Office, Penygroes; Thomas Evans and Co.. Station Chambers. Rhyl. 11022& WHITE STAR LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via. Queens- town every Wednesday. *Majestic, Wed., Oct. 30* Adriatic, Wed.4 Nov. 6 Cotton not carried on Passenger Steamers. SECOND Cabin will be carried on the voyage S marked thus*. Steerage passage, at Low Rates, including Cutfit free of charge, to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. The splendid Vessels of this line are all of the largest class, uniform in model and arrange- ments, and unsurpassed in the completeness of their appointments. Saloon and State Room amidships. Apply to Robt.Owen, Ship & Insurance Broker, and Wm. J. Williams, 7, Market St., Carnarvon O. E. Parry, Slate Merchant, Dolwyddelen; David Rowlands, Penygraig; W. M. Jones, Church Street, Llangefni; R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigiau Mawr, Talysarn H. Hughes, 8, Market Street, Amlwch; W. D. Jones, Auctioneer and Valuer, Old Bank, Holyhead; W. O. Williams, Denbigh Street, Llanrwst; R. C. Evans, 1, Minafon, Dolgelley; Messrs Thomas Evans and Co., Station Chambers, Rhyl; William Edwards, 7, Williams Terrace, Llanberis; or to ISMAY IMRIE and Co., 34, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C., and to 10, Water Street, Liverpool. c17E CUNARD LINE. FIVE AND A THIRD DAY PASSAGES. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS FROM LIVERPOOL CALLING AT QUEENSTOWN. i FOR NEW YORK. FOR BOSTON. ETRURIA..Sat., Nov. 2 CEPHALOXIA, Th., Oct. 31 CAMPANIA, Sat., Nov. 9 CATALONIA, Th., Nov. UIIBRIA..Sat., Nov. 16 I SYLVANIA, Th., Nov. 11 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at mo- ;j dcra,te fares for FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers; also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA. Steerage Passengers to all parts of America JI and Canada at low rates; those by Boston i steamers book to New York without extra charge. JI THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY. LIMITED, JI 8, Water Street, Liverpool; Or to their Agents:—Mr W. J. Williams, Jt Secretary North Wales Quarrymen's Union, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon, and Mr R. Roberts, Old Post Office, Bethesda. c4976w NANTLLE VALE. W. GRIFFITH JQAVIES, Member of the United Billposters' Association, I BILLPOSTER & TOWN CRIER, PENYGROES, R.S.O. Billposting in the neighbourhood done at most reasonable terms, and all orders punctually and carefully executed. a A REAL BOON TO LADIES, TO Especially those who wish to know LADIES TO of a safe, certain, and speedy re- LADIES TO medy for all irregularities and ob- LADIES TO structions, a remedy which under LADIES TO the most trying circumstances and LADIES TO in the most difficult and LADIES TO OBSTINATE CASES LADIES TO NEVER FAILS TO AFFORD LADIE9 TO RELIEF, LADIES TO GENERALLY IN A TEW HOURS. LADIES TO No case hopeless, failure is simply LADIES TO impossible, as Mrs Snow, of Den- LADIES TO mark Hill, Camberwell, writes:- LADIES TO "By adopting your treatment my LADIES TO anxiety and misery was over with- LADIES TO in twenty-four hours, although for LADIES TO over three months I had been daily LADIES TO taking pills and other things iu LADIES TO vain. Half the quantity you sent LADIES TO proved effective to my intense joy LADIES TO and surprise." LADIES TO A sworn guarantee is enclosed LADIES TO with all testimonials and medicine, LADIES TO which is inexpensive, as one bottle LADIES TO at 4s 6d (by post, 4s 9d) is usually LADIES TO sufficient for any case. LADIES TO Full particulars will be gladly LADIES TO forwarded to any lady on receipt LADIES TO of addressed envelope. LADIES TO Write private to— LADIES TO Mrs T. M., LADIES TO 145, STOCKWELL ROAD, LADIES TO LONDON, S.W. a3050 LADIEE- I 13usinrss PAPUR PAWB. Xofel Xewyckl, 8WEL SWIL, A-ilgofion JereboariL Jones, Y sw. (Ap Xebat). I ckleelireu Tachwedd 2. PAPUR PAWB. X del Xewvdd, SWEL RWIL, Adgofion Jerefooam Jones, Ysw. (Ap Nehat). I ddechreu Tacliwedtl 2. PAPUR PAWB. Xofel Xewtydd, •SWEL SWIL, Adgofior .ieraboain Jones, Ysw. (Ap Xebat). I ddechrer rPnehw<xkl 2. PAPUR PAWB. PLANTING -SEASON. HARDILY-GROWN FOREST, FRUIT, AND ALL OTHER TREES AND PLANTS, EVERGREENS, ROSES, &c. PRICED CATALOGUES POST FREE. DICKSONS NUBSBRIES, CHESTER. c520E REAL SILVER GOODS, Suitable for Presentation, &c. A Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. DIAMOND AND DRESSING RINGS. The most Handsome Variety in North Wales. WEDDING RINGS. Useful Present given with each Ring. Finger Size Card free on application. WILLIAMS JONES, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN, 22, BANGOR STREET, CARNARVON. OLD GOLD & SILVER BOll. In-r & EXCHANGED. M c467w R JL JL XI (Aitirch Gwyrfai). BILLPOSTER & TOWN CRIER, Ac., LLAN BERIS. P.S.-All orders punctnally attended to, and done at the most reasonable charges. a i RT METAL WORK IN GATES AND GRILLES. < 7 )f !J' ¡., I r. 1" 1' .!J.I WI J MiiliiiisEi U" Pli! .A4t ]'I. IRON HURDLES, WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, &c. W. H. PEAKE AND SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 25 AND 27, SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL. [' BULBS f K t Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Li Hies. Crocuses, Sci lias, I Snowdrops/irises, &c. BEST QUALITIES AT~^WE8T PRICES Delivered Free by Rail or Parcel Post. Descriptive Catalogue No. 455 ? f POST FREE ON APPLICATION". DBCKSONS Bulb Growers & Importers, & Importers, CHESTER.$ ■LYONS'INK# GOLD MEDAL, HEALTH EXHiBITION, "Retained wh.n 211 art: It is /J}. -1 o-;Du.,z gUFANTS^^ik 1NVAUDS AND^THE AriSO. Bender's Food is sold u TINS by Chemists, Evtryvrhcrco eUPJURE CUREDo^r s J. gHERMAN, Hernia Specialist, «endB his &«| — ■ Ml information, post free, 7d. 64 "SsSKJ*"1 & 26 SS&SiJH business Sbbrcsscs. R. R. STY THE, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, ESTATE AGENT, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, OFFICE:—39, BAXGOR STREET, CARNARVON. SALES of every description undertaken. Inventories and Valuations made. Probate, Admin- istration, Bankruptcy, and other Accounts prepared. Loans and Mortgages negotiated. Auditor for the Carnarvon Corporation, Carnarvon Harbour Trustees, and for other Societies and Companies. c275\y_ LETTERPRESS PRUflNG GOOD and CHEAP at the « HERALD' OFFICE, CARNARVON. I M P O R T A N T. Every Householder should burn only CARTER'S CLEAN COALS. Unrivalled for Brightness, Cleanliness, and Economy. 0 C. CARTEjR & CO., 4, CASTLE STREET, CARNARVON, COLLIERY AGENTS AND COAL MERCHANTS. THE BEST ARTICLE IS THE CHEAPEST. c287 M- THE NEW FUR NIT U REV A N. iv THE LARGEST VAN IN NORTH WALES. HUMPHREY THOMAS. I PMC HASS MUSIC SIC TO All PARTS UFTHE CQUNTRY ] Y, ROAD RAIL FMrs TESTIMONIALS. ON AP PLICATION. i Practical Upholsterer, Furniture RsmovarA Carpet Maker, 22, SOUTHT^N'HALLT, CARNARVON wo,\ to toT* ý. .-t ;9- DINNEFORD'S, MAGNESIA Thf rej^edy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest Aperient for delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ,B j You often hear of other Extracts which CLAIM TO BE { J "JUST AS GOOD" as ? III III LIEBIQ "COMPANY'S" 118 118 EXTRACT OF BEEF, J these Claims only call attention to the -fact that the Company's Extract is THE STANDARD for quality. i FRAY BENTOS OX TONGUES ARE THE BEST. SAVES HAND-LABOUR. A <VBajr~| VENUS SOAP1 V M JL M %# WASHES EVERYTHING. J • NOTICE I NOTICE IT NOTICE TIT ■ J The latest date upon which the^Books will be received from Competitors, will K MELLIN'S PAINTING COMPETITION TOTAL VALUE .OF PRIZES, £105. JSB 'TpHE Proprietor of Mellin's Food for Infants and Invalids is willing to send to applicants a mfr copy of MELLIN'S PAINTING BOOK," with full particulars of the above Competition. it is desirable, to avoid disappointment, that early application be made, as letters will ^H| be attended to in their regular order according to date of receipt. The Prizes will be as follows One Prize Of £ 20. for the Best Coloured Book.—Open to all, Two Prizes of aexo. each for the Two next Best Coloured Books. Open to young people not exceeding 18 years of age. jU Three Prizes of^s. eWh for the Three next Best Coloured Books. Open to children not exceeding J5 years of age. Wk Ten Prizes otC2 IOS. each for the Ten next Best Coloured Books. Open to children not exceeding 12 years of age. oB Fifty Prizes consisting of either a well-dressed Doll or a Box of Tools, at ■NT the option of the successful Competitor, for the Fifty next Best Coloured Books. Vfk Open to little folks not exceeding 9 years of age. jgg Address enclosing Id. to cover postage, "PAINTING BOOK DEPARTMENT," H|L m MELLIN'S FOOD WORKS, PECKHAM, LONDON, S.E. m Wwk Mention this paper. ijfly ONE MOMENT, PLEASE :-Sufferers from Gravel, Lumbago, Piles, Pains in the back, Dropsy, Wind Complaints, Diseases of the Kidney, Bladder, Stone. Stricture, Sciatica, Rheumatism, and Gout, will find a positive cure in HOLDBOYD'S GIUVEL PILLS. Try a small box, and if not satisfied your money will be returned. Price Is 11d, of all Chemists, or post free 12 stamps, from Holdroyd's Medical Hall, Cleck- heaton, Yorks. Don't be put off. If you cannot get them, write at once to the proprietor, and a box will be sent post free. c22lN A BOOK FOR MARRIED WOMEN.— The information contained in this book ought to be t nown by every married woman, and it will not harm the unmarried to read. No book is written which goes so thoroughly into matters relating to married women. Some may think too much is jold; such can scarcely be the case, for knowledge is power and the means of attaining happiness- The book can be had I from Dr T. R. ALLINSON, 92 Box, 4, Spanish Place, Manchester Square, London, W.. in return for a. Postal Order for Is 2d. ft449a -fttotrrg. -fttotrrg. IfO^Y. Private Gentleman is willing lTJL to make cash advances from £ 5 to £ 500 I to all respectable persons, male or female. Shopkeepers, Farmers, Cov,"keepers, others, for long or short periods on their own note of hand, at a reasonable rate of interest. Apply, by letter only, which will receive prompt atten- tion, to J. Lewis, 120, Queen Road. Everton Liverpool. al269o MOSEi. C1ASH ADVANCED, from £ 5 to £ 500 cn the J Shortest Notice, to all respectable persons (male or female), Tradesmen, Workpeople, Farmers, Clerks, and others. NO BONDS- ME N. SXKIC IE ST SECUEC Y G UARAN- TEED. Any person in need of an immediate accommodation should apply without delav ta the MANAOKR, PRIVATE LOAN OFFICE" 15, Egerton Street, Chester. Easv Renavniems. interest less than any other Office in the Dig- trict. Letters immediately attended to. No connection with any other Office. 11.476 „ Esr^LrsiTEi, 1885. NO BONDSMEN. JL'A IU immediately Advanced to ve.VerL5las! of respectable Borrowers lr.ion Note of Hand alone at Lower Interest and J .ier Repayments than any other office. If pt.ple wno are dealing with other offices, and paying the usual extortionate interest charged by them, will apply to me I will pay those offices off for them, and advance them what they require at Half the interest they faave been paying those offices. SPECIAL T2RMS TO FARMERS. Letters immediately attended "to. D,stance mvobject. Mr J. P. JONES, 25, Cfe- llepa, BANGOR. a574 MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY !!—Money Lent at a few hours' notice, from £ 5 £2000 on note of hand, to respectable Persons (male or fornale), Clergymen, Pro- fessional Gentlemen, Shupkespers, Farmers, Cab and Car Proprietors, and others, for long or short periods; also on deposit oi GOLD as4 SILVER PLATE, DIAMONDS, DOCK BONDS, &c. Advances aJs<? made on Freehold or Leasehold Property.-Apply personally, or by, letter (which will receive prompt attention), R. JONES, Mortgage Broker, Venice Chambers, 31, Lord Street, Liverpool. P. S.—Strictest secrecy may be relied on in all transactions. Plowe note Address. a7lE r MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. To Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodging-house £ 500 perS' aud ot;hers in sums of £ 10 up to ON BORROWER'S OWN NOTE OF HAND. Without sureties, at much lower rates than usually charged. Repayments arranged to suit Borrower's requirements. Extensive business done for 25 years past. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. For prospectus and terms, apply personally or write to GEORGE PAYNE. Accountant, TT a r\cc. -RR Crescent Road, Rhyl. Head Office: 20, Kennedy Street, Manchester. Established, 1870. se326j I SPECIAL. £10,000 AWAITING INVESTMENT. IF in urgent need of Money for BUSINESS or other purposes, write or call upon Arnold Murgatroyd and Co., who are prepared to advance E5 to JE1000 on BORROWERS' SIMPLE PROMISE TO PAY. Money advanced at lower interest and easier terms than by so-called banks and money lenders, and BORROWERS may APPLY with perfect CONFIDENCE. Prompt and straightforward dealing assured. Advances made upon Annuities, Life Policies, and other satisfactory securities at 5 per cent. All transactions strictly confidential and com- pleted without unnecessary delay. Genuine applications imvited. Particulars sent per return post. ARNOLD MURGATROYD AND CO., Victoria Buildings, 9, Corporation Street, Man. Chester. a473n Y| ONEYi MONEY!! MQNEXil W. HUGHES-ROBERTS, Accountant. Personal attendance at 7, CHURCH STREET, CARNARVON, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, AND AT 7, HOLYHEAD ROAD, BANGOR Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. MONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE. FROM mo TO £1000. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. NO SURETIES REQUIRED, Repayable by easy Monthly, Quarterly, or Half-yearly instalmeuts to suit borrowers. MORTGAGES ARRANGED. Mr Hughes-Roberts arranges Loans from JE100 to £20,000 on Mortgages of Freehold and Leasehold Properties. RENTS AND DEBTS COLLECTED. All applications by post must be sent to 7. Church Street, Carnarvon, where Mr Roberts resides. e52E A LIVERPOOL GENTLEMAN ba*» -ing a, large amount of uninvested capital at his command, will LEND same in the strictest privacy in sums of JE20 TO £1000. to any respectable person (male or female) ia any part of the United Kingdom, on the security of their OWN WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY, without sureties, delay, or law charges. Also on deeds, mortgages, and dock bonds. AT 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. The amount borrowed can be repaid by easy instalments, extending over a period from one to five years, or capital can remain so long as the interest is paid. As this office is a bona-fide private concern, and not connected with any loan office, it is requested that habitual bor- rowers will not apply. For further particulars call or write to the actual lender, WILLIAM CAMERON, Melville Chambers. 50A. Lord Street, Liverpool. Tele- grams "FiPance," Liverpool; Telephone No. 1197. c65y67 Established 1875. No Fees. No Bondsmen. (JTO £ 3000 immediately advanced to every oUO class of respectable borrowers upon Note of Hand alone, at Lower Interest and Easier Repayments than any other office in Cheshire The strictest secrecy observed in every trans- action. If people who are dealing with other offices, and paying the usual extortionate inter- est charged by them, will apply to me I will pay those offices off for them and advance them what they require at Half the Interest they have been paying those offices. The money is ad- vanced at borrower's own house, thus saving them the trouble and expense of a journey. Farmers can have cash on terms that no other office can possibly offer. The number of years that we have been established is proof sufficient of a straightforward and bona-fide manner in which our business is conducted. If voti cannot get an advance from me it will be useless apply- ing elsewhere, as no respectable application is ever refused. Letters immediately attended to. Distance no object. Note the address:—J. HARRIS. 13. Newgate Street, Chester. a550w NO FEEP. MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES, DELAY, OR PUBLICITY FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS. NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANTI, 1 3, Commercial Buildings, Cross Street. 1875. MANCHESTER. Capital £ 200.000. Private and Prompt Advancer- on Borrowers Not- f Hand Alone, to all Pei- of res-nc- t:1,hi ¡. v anù responsibilny. from £20 to .£2003. /able by easy instalments or in one sum' as arranged. A Guarantee given to strictest privacy. NO LAW COSTS. Advances also made on Mortgage of Leasehold orlreenold Property, Shares, Scrip, Policies, < £ c., at > > 4 TO 6 PER CENT. INTEREST. Applications from any part of England or Vvales receive precisely the same attention as those applying in Manchester. }. or further particulars call or write to MR ROBERT JAMES, Resident Manager. SiT.cur. NOTICE.-This Bank is not connected with ai-iv loan societies or so-called advance companion trading as professional mon e-, lenders, and the usual objectionable lean office routine entirely dispensed with. Owing to our immense business throughout the country we are able to lend money at ordinary Bank Charges, and the sum borrowed can be repaid by Easy and Long Instalments, or can remain at interest for a term of years. !c39N PRINTING 1 T>RINTING! T>RINTING Accuracy JL Neatness, A Despatch, HERALD OFFICU. CARNARVON