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roffíÛal, Segal, &c. | ANGLESEY PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION. A! 1892. LL Persons having any Claims against the High Sheriff cf Anglesey are requested to stlnd in the same forthwith to the undersigned. J. LLOID GRIFFITH, Stanley House, Under Sheriff. Holyhead. cll05 WESTERN SEA FISHERY DISTRICT. ■ "HE Committee have resolved to appoint resident Bailiffs at each of the under- mentioned Ports, namely, St. Dogmaels, New ^uay, Aberayron, Aberystwyth, Borth, Aber- Q°vey, Barmouth, Pwllheli, Carnarvon, 'Holy- flead, Bangor, and Conway, at an annual salary £ 10 each, with allowance for boat hire paii. "—Applications for the appointment, with art J nvited, ani should be sent in to 016 not later than the 31st August next. R. CASSO^, Clerk to the Committee. -rortmadoc, 12th July, 1892. cl098 In the matter of a Deed of Arrangement for benefit of Creditors, dated the 29th January, *°92T executed by WILLIAM HUMI-HBBYS, of JJolgynfydd Uchaf, Llanrug Farmer. JVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors of the said WILLIAM ttWPHEEYS, at the above date are to send full fticulars of their Claims to the Trustee (Mr b' II. Owen, Auctioneer, Carnarvon), on or T*il?re the 30TH of JULY INST., otherwise, they jv. he excluded from the benefit of the vidend about to be declared. MORRIS OWEN, n Solicitor for the said Trustee. Carnarvon, July 15th, 1892. cl096 Tap, HONBLE. CHARLES HUSSEY" PANTON VIVIAN DECEASED. UIURSUANT to the Act 22nd and 23rd Victoria, Jr Cap 35, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that j, persons having any CLAIMS against the of the H0Ni CHARLES HUSSEY jA^XON VIVIAN, late of Plas Llanddyfnan, rJ^2efni, in the County of Anglesey, deceased Ult (*'0C* on ^ie March, 1892, estate, and letters of administration of whose j. sonal estate were granted out of the Principal Co^'stry of the Probate Division of the High the pf0*' *^us^ce on the 5th day of May, 1892, to to fi Ul Claud Hamilton Vivian) are requested particulars of such claims to us the o« rs'Rned, Solicitors for the said administrator ^hioh ore day of July, 1892, after tribu? sa*' administrator will dis- °Hv t ^le a83e*s the deceased, having regard *ecp; the claims oE wh'ch he shall then have 1892^ n°tice. Dated this 30th day of June, ein?GB0URNE STEVENS & POWELL, 7, Lincoln's Inn Fields. "k^BSTERN SEA FISHERIES DISTRICT. ^V^TICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN of the inten- nKtion Local Fisheries Committee for I0f °0ve District to apply to the Board of Trade 4,»»enOHnifrmati0n of the following additional and ^^Bye-laws to be observed within the Th BYE-LAWS. ^ise6 tollowing Bye-laws shall, unless other- WPecified apply to the whole area of the THQ „ SEA FISHERIES DISTRICT, except in ^ctinSe8rto w^'c'1 the provisions of the 13th l88» »n ^le Sea Fisheries Regulations Act, apply be tJrlat no Mussels less than 2 inches in length 2 TL*!0 or removed from the Beds. that Bye-law No. 3 shall be amended and \as follows 3. No person shall use any seine, draft or drift net for taking mackerel or herring, or any stake net for taking mackeiel or herring having a mesh through which a square gauge of one inch measured across each side of the square, or four inches measured round the four sides will not pass without pressure when the net is wet. and no person shall use any seine, drp.ft or drift net for taking sparling having a mesh through which a square gauge of three-quarters of an inch measured across each side of the square, or three inches measured round the four sides will not pass without pressure g when the net is wet." *>twn^ person who shall commit a breach to a er of the foregoing Bye-laws shall be liable the ^eila^y Dot exceeding for any one offence c0jlt.uni °t twenty pounds, and in the case of a to an additional sum not ^hici P°unds for every day during ^°rfeii offence continues, and in any case to tat"6 • an^ instrument used or sea ^sessnn nV1 C3ntravention of or found in the ^'d Bye.ia^V1 P°i6UU uullLriiVemuK of the uAnd NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEiN w a copy of the foregoing Bye-laws may be pa* 9(^ ^ree charge or be obtained on Client of one penny at my office in High :*et, Portmadoc. the y Person objecting to the confirmation of e above Bye-laws or any of them may forward b tat«ment of his objection in writing to the ^rade 00 or before the 19th day of fP8T' 1892, and such Objector is required Stiit Saine time to forward a Copy of the ^leaent to me. ated this 28th day of June, 1892. RANDAL CASSON, Clerk to the Committee. Address-High Street, Portmadoc. cl092 TFCEECHAM'S FILLS. For Bilious and Nervous Disorders. EECllAll'ô PILLS. ]J 7 For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. T) EECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. GEC!1AM'S_PILLS. Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. aEECHAM'S PILLS. For Giddiness. RISECHAM'8 PILLS, For Fulness and "welling after Me&ls. PILLS. IfAre a wonderful .M edicíne for Females of —* Are a wonderful Medicine for Females of all Ages. T^EEGHAM'S PILLS. Are Adapted for Old and Young. [)EECHAM'S PILLS. 1 For Dizziness and Drousiness. BEECH am'S" FILLST" 7 For Cold Chills, Flushings of' Heat BEECH AIRS PILLS. Will llestore the Rosebud of Health to Every One who Uses Tbeoa. BEECUA Nl'S^PTLLy. ^For Blotches on the Skin. BEECHAM'S PILLS! For Disturbed asleep and Frightful Dreams. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Costiveness and Seurvey. BEECUAMSnPILLS". Are the Best Medicine for Female Coin- plaints. X>EECHAM'S PILLS Q The First Dose Gives Relief in 20 Minutes. BEECHAM'S PILLS. .0 Are Recommended by Medical Men. =- XVEECHAM'S PILLS. Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. EECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. .0 Will Recommend Itself. BEECHAM'S TOOTHPASTE. ..0 Is efficacious and economical. EECHAM'S TOOTHPASTE. Cleanses the teeth and perfumes the breath. EECHAM'S TOOTH~PASm -t-) In collapsible tubes, Is each- EECHAM'S PILLS -t3 and EECHAM'S TOOTH I'AOTH -0 Sold everywhere. Prepared only by; the Proprietor, THOMAS BRncHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. Sold by all Druggists and Patent .Medicine Dealers every- where, a33 rBlue&ooId^ Extract of I printed ^mj 1MB Bf m Double I label. py m Strength. | EAII DE-COLOI(-7'NE'. Preferred by everyone. Always highest awards. To be had of all Chemists and 8tores. I London Depot, 62 New Bond Street W. Ferd. MiHhens, 4711 Cologne. • (Bltttaxnl. TO THE ELECTORS OF I iiK COUNTY OF ANGLESEY- GENTXEMKN,— I BEG to return my warmest thanks to the Electors of Anglesey who in the recent con- test recorded their votes in my favour, and through me wrestled to maintain the integrity of the Empire and religious liberty. Wales has given her verdict for dismember- ment and Roman Catholic ascendency. Nevertheless the principles and creed for which the minority have fought will ill God's good time triumph, and the satisfaction of seeing right and justice maintained will not be denipd to us. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant, MORGAN LLOYD. July 18th, 1892. cll07 TO THE LIBERAL ELECTORS OF L EIVION. GKNTLEMEN,— I desire to tender you my mcst profound thanks for the great honour you have, for the third time, conferred upon me. The overwhelming strength of the Liberal Party in the constituency has been demons- trated in the most decisive manner; The Tories have twice put forth their utmost strength against us. They were beaten in 1885 by a majority of 1962, and now after an interval of six years they have been beaten again by the existing majority of 2594. When the circum- stances under which this great increase has been obtained are considered its significance becomes still more apparent. It has not been gained by money expenditure. During my membership I have confined my subscriptions in the constitu- ency to strictly political objects. It has not been gained by territorial influence. The parochial influence of all the great landed estate, without on this occasion excepting Glynllifon, has been exerted to the utmost against us. Neither has it been gained by an increase in the population. On the contrary, the population of some of our most populous districts has seriously diminished since 1885. It has been gained entirely by the unbought energy of our Liberal workers in every district, and a firm reliance on Liberal principles, and the enlightened intelli- gence of the electors. Eivion in 1885 marked the highest point in the Liberal tide, and she has now surpassed herself. J. BRYN ROBERTS. Bryn Adda, July 15th, 1892. cllOl TO THE UNIONIST ELECTORS OF THE CARNARVON BOROUGHS, GENTLEMEN,— I THANK you warmly for the cordial support given to me as your Standard bearer in the late contest. More enthusiastic and hearty sup- port was never given to a candidate for Parlia- mentary honours. Though the majority of the Electors have decided against us, the result cannot be discour- aging to the Unionist pa?ty. The support given to me notwithstanding the largely increased Radical majorities declared by the surrounding; Welsh Constituencies in- dicates the strength of the Unionist feeling in your Boroughs, and gives every incentive for renewed exertions. I did not appeal to the Constituency as a stranger, but as a Welshman who, though having represented for nearly 30 years an important English constituency, had not during that period been unmindful of the educational and ether interests of the Principality. j The efforts of some opponents, to whom I have been indebted for signal marks of appreciation in the past, to depreciate and condemn when I incident in a contest, which I hoped would be conducted on the lines of the great public ques- tions before the country. The unprecedented and scandalous personal abuse, misrepresentations, and scurrilous attacks I had to encounter in the organs of my opponents gave also to the contest an unenviable distinc- tion, but to many lionourahle opponents through- out the constituency who deprecated such a course, and w hi found it compatible with differ- ences honestly held, to treat me with personal respect, my thanks are due and unhesitatingly given; and it is a source of gratification to me to have received since the termination of the contest pleasant evidence of their respect and esteem. The Government of Lord Salisbury which has secured unbroken peace, restored tranquillity and prosperity to Ireland, and so largely contri- buted to the best interests of Wales, and of all classes in the kingdom has been defeated by a nominal majority of 40, a majority less than half of the number of Irish Nationalists, which fact ( sufficiently indicates the position of the new Government, and proclaims at the outset that cnother General Election will soon be upon us. The facts and figures of the contest now ended significantly point to a pronounced reversal of the present decision of the country, and in Wales, as elsewhere, we shall find that promises of legislation, impossible of fulfilment, will not in the coming struggle have the same effect as in the last. To you, gentlemen, whose generous support I received, I owe a lasting debt of gratitude. Towards mv opponents generally, I entertain no other than the most friendly feeling, and though having no political connection with the Carnar- von Boroughs, it will always be a source of pleasure to me to have it in my power to do anything to promote the best interests of all classes in the Constituency. Yours faithfully, cllll JOHN H. PULESTON. EADK'S PILLS. LADE'8 PILLS All who suffer from Gout or EADE'S PILLS Rheumatism should! imme- EADE'S PILLS dialely have recourse to EADE'S EADE'S PIT T S PILLS. Hundreds of Testi- TTAHTT'a nTTta monials have been received from RHT i a "a11 80rt8 an(i conditions of rjA.DE b [,I ILLS men," testifying to the wonder- EADE'S PILLS ful power these Pills have in EADE'S 'PILLS giving relief in the V6ry worst E YDF'S PILLS cases- These Pills are purely EADE'S PILLS [EciLn^ Fe"?eCtly 8afe in INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, AND LIMBS, And have the largest recommendation ever given to any Patent Medicine of its class. REMARKABLE TESTIMONY FROM WALES. COULD NOT SLEEP FOR PAIN. GOUT "2, Dewinton-terrace, RHEUMATISM Llwynypia, GOUT Rhondda Valley, RHEUMATISM Deat eit^Yo^Oou^S e GOUT Rheumatic Pills are a famous RHEUMATISM remedy, and one of the best I GOUT ever came across. My wife has RHEUMATISM been troubled with Gout in her GOUT hands for twelve >rears> ^d the oTTTTiTTTif rpTQ"\f P^in was almost unbearable i xtxl £ jU 31 A JLioiu gome nights she could not sleep GOUT for pain. I resolved to try a RHEUMATISM bottle of your Pills, and to my GOUT surprise, after she took tbrco RHEUMATISM doses> the Pain left her hai.ds. GOUT They are a great boon to man- R PTTTTTiVf A rrToi\T kind, by the blessing of God. You can make what use y°a like <J»UU 1 0F this.—Yours truly, RHEUMATISM "CHARLES WAKE LIN. Mr George Eade, 11 72, Goswell Road, London." EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS are sold by all Chemists, in Battles, Is l|d and 2s 9d, or 2 sent post-free for Postal Order by the Proprietor, GEORGE EADE, 72, Goswell Road, E.C. Ask for, and be sure you obtain, Eade's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. EADE'S PILLS. a 157 PRINTING—Orders accurately neatly, and U prcmally executed it the Herald Oilice.'at l Lowest Remunerative Rates Jjublk Meetings, &c. LLANEERTs DOG, POULTRY, SflEKP, COBS, HORTiCULTURAL SHOW AND JU MPlXGr C 0i PETITION TO BE HELB ON THURSDAY, A UGUST 25th, 1892. I ENTRIES close AUGUST 15th. Schedules on application to J. LLOYD WILLIAMS, c i 10'> Ty G wyn, Lianberis. ANGLESEY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL SIIOW OF CATTLE, &c., WILL BE HELD AT LLANERCHYMEDD, On WEDNESDAY, 3rd AUGUST, 1892. PRESIDENT J. LLOYD GRIFFITH, ESQ., M.A., Holyhead, ViCE-PRRSIDENT MR T. JONES, C.C., Bodewryd. PRIZES OVER E245 are offered for Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Donkeys, Poultry, Butter, Single and Double Tandem Turnouts, Jumping, &c. A Grand Parade of Horses will take place immediately before the Leaping. Full List of Prizes and other information may be obtained on application to JAMES E. HUGHES, Secretary. Bryucuhelyc, LIanerchymedd. cl065 y1049 I (Biiucattott MASTERS AND MATES PREPARED FOR EXAMINATION AT 33, SAINT JAMES STREET, LIVERPOOL. Academy conducted by Captain W. M NORBURY. F c713 LADIES' COLLEGE, BRYNTYSILIO, CARNARVON, PRINCIPALS The MISSES SHiSAD, Certificated: Cambridge University and Trinity College, London, COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, LLAN- DUDNO. FIVE "Resident Assistants (three University _L Men), Twenty Boarders; six passes in Cambridge and one prelim. Law in 1891. W. A. WHISTON, c1086 Principal. DOLGELLEY, NORTH WALES. DR WILLIAMS' ENDOWED HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS PROVIDES a thoroughly good Education at a moderate cost. For particulars, address Miss Feurings, Head Mistress, to whom applica- tions for admission should be made at once. cll02 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH W \LFS. R IXI opens on OCTOBER 4th, 131 1892. Entrance Scholarship Examination com- mences September 20th. The sum of S500 is expended annually in Scholarships and Exhibitions, one-half of which are confined to Welsh candidates. The First Professional Course in Medicine of the Univer- sities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, aud put of the Science Course of Edinburgh may be taken at this College. For Prospectus and Scholarship Syllabus apply to the Registrar. cl052 CITY OF LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL NAUTICAL COLLEGE. THE new Nautical College, under the control of the Council of the City of Liverpool, will shortly be opened at the premises lately occupied by the Royal Institution School, Col- quitt Street. The College will include the following Depart- ments :— 1. A School for Boys intendiug to go to Sea, providing a thorough Nautical Education, which will include the Curriculum of the Science and Art Department in Mathe- matics, Navigation, &c. 2. A School for Apprentices and others in actual Sea Service. 3. A School for the preparation of Candi- dates for Certificates in accordance with the latest requirements of the Board of Trade. 4. A School for Masters, Officers, and others, desirous of extending their knowledge of Nautical Science and kindred subjects. 5. Lectures on subjects of general Nautical interest. A Syllabus, containing full information, is in course of preparation. Application for copies, and for further particulars, may be made to the Head Master. JAMES GILL, F.R.A.S.. Liverpool Nautical College, c4 21 and 23, Colquitt Street, Liverpool. FRIARS SCHOOL, BANGOR, N.W. A FIRST GRADE ENDOWED GRAMMAR SCHOOL. CHAIRMAN OF GOVKHNING BODY The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. HEADMASTER W. GLYNN WILLIAMS, M.A., late Foundation Scholar of St. John's College, Camb., and for- merly Classical Composition, Master at Ton- bridge School. Fjrst-ciass Classical Tripos, 1874. ASSISTANT MASTHRS J. M. A. THOMSON. M.A., Clare C)Il.,Camb., Classical Tripos, 1884.-E. W. LOVEGROVE, B.A., late Scholar of New Coll., Oxford, First- class Mathematical Moderations, '1889, First- class Mathematical Finals, 1891. D. H. DAVIES, B.A., London University College of North Wales, W. R. GRIFFITH, South Ken- sington (Drawing). HONOURS gained since 18S0 Ten Scholar- JjL ships and Exhibitions at Oxford and Cam- bridge (including Major-scholarship of £100 at Trinity Coll., Camb., and two Meyrick Scholar- ships of £80 at Jesus Coll.,Oxford),and nine others at the University Coll. of N.Wales, Lampeter, and other Provincial Colleges, Members Prize for English Essay at Cambridge and two first classes in Classical Tripos and over 130 Certificates, with numerous honours and distinctions in the Cambridge Local Examination. In the Modern Form Shorthand and Civil Ser- vice subjects take the place of Classics. Drawing is encouraged throughout the School. The School is now annually examined by the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. Tuition Fees, £8 per annum under, £ 10 over 14. Boarding fees £ 42 per annum. Next Term begins on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th. For further information apply to the Headmaster. TILE J)E EES BILLPOSTING COMPANY, LIMITED. PROPRIETORS OF OVER 300 STATIONS in Newport, Pontypool, Brynmawr, Nantyglo, Blaina, and Risca. Contracts arranged for Billpostirg in all part of Wales. GEO, DICKINSON, Manag jr, Newport. a972 TERIFIC SLAUGHTER OF BICr PROFITS. iEVOLUTON IN THE TEA TRADE. — THE fTAR SUPPLY STORES. DIRtJT SHIPPERS. DIRECT RETAILERS. ALL INTERMEDIATE PROFITS SAVED. FROM INHA, FROM CHINA, FROM CEYLON. ABSOLUTELY PURE. Being the largest Tea Rtailers in the Kingdom, we are now offeriug (this seas kings) HE FINEST TEAS THE WORLD PRODUCES at Is lOd per lb. NOHIGHER PRICE. WHY PAY MORE ? GRAND TEAS AT Is 8d, Is 6d, Is 4d, and Is 2d per lb. SUGARS, GROCERIES, PATENT MEDICINES, &c.. AT LONDON STORE PRICES FOR CASH. HIGH PRICES ABOLISHED AT THE?STAR SUPPLY STORES, 33, HIGH STKEET, CARNARVON. Also at HIGH STREET, BANGOR, HIGH STREET, BETHESDA, HIGH STRlET, RHYL, MARKET STREET. HOLYHEAD, and BROAD STREET, NEWTOWN. cl064ylO48 n < 11 1! r r ft n n) rt The loest remedy fcr Acidity D I N N LJI* d H D S of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indi- gestion, and the safest aperient M A P U P Q I A f°r delicate Constitutions,Ladies, IVI MUlfEaOlrla » Children, and Infants. Sold throughout the World. CAUTION— Sefith»t "DINNEFORD AND CO." is on every Bottle and Label. c907 FRANCIS MORTON AND CO., LIMITED HAMILTON IRON WORKS, GARSTON, NEAR LIVERPOOL, Take this seasonable opportunity of inviting the attention of Agriculturists to their 11 A GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON ROOFS TO COVER STACK AND-FOLD YARDS, HAY BARNS, &c., &c. F. M. and Co.'s THITCH SUBSTITUTE" was awarded the Silver Medal of the ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. LOUDOE OFFICE: 17, VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. c820 H.P. SKIDMOREaC 'acHcrmvanel BIRKENHEAD UftV IS >Y0 SHIFT MLSHEETS rlLi SHECTia SHEDL | | v^zz: j'j j'd c934vi;4 HOLLOW AY'S PILLS Puiiiv the Blood, correct. Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, AND BOWELS. • invito; ate and restore to health r^'i-iated Constitutions, and are invalua'V in nil Complaints incidental to Fei«Hfe3 ot all ages. For children and Tm; a.ed they are priceless. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLCSTAY'S EstshI:shment, 78. NEW OXFORD STREET date 533, Oxford Street), LONDON. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. -■*•13-—Advi«e Gratis at the ahovf; address, daiIv. between the hoars of 11 apd 4. or by leikr. PRINTING. CIRCULARS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS. BEST WORK AT LOWEST RATES BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDB AT REASONABLE PRICES. MAGAZINES FROM ON SHJiJLxNG PFR VO LTJME. I HEP. A in OIFICi. CARNARVON. ART METAL VOR.K IN GAllES AND GRILLES. (i-i tl 11 y Mi 1 frill 11 itfei I! 1%^ IHON HURDLES, TJIKE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATID IRON ROOFING, &E. W. H. PEA&E AND SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 25 AND 27 SEED STREET, LIVERPOOL, c2402 THOMSON'S PATENTED jIB tMMTED or SLOTTED fl RIVETS Hpquire no hole noi burr. Can be driven and thoroughly clinched wlii, an ordinary hammer. Should your U.ce or saddle git out you can make a safe repair job with a few of these Kxts and a stone, if nothing better is at hand to drive therewith. For making and jofiig niiil-bands they'are a long way ahead of hooks or lacd These rivets do not cut any- thing out of the T)eJ1 r.nd thereby weaken it. For repairing harness, porto uslenns. and hundreds of common breakages tliey are y invaluable. A shirliiig's ivortUor ;<jse rivets can save many guineas to any farmer, horseV>a. or hr- household. If ironmongers in >• town cannot supply you yet we will upon receipt k' 4/- send you, posi paid, threap gross of the most Wal sizes, together with a pocket hand-tool for holding 91 lengths and sizes, or send 2 hand-tool for holding 91 lengths and sizes, or send 2 for a sample box, « assorted sixes, with hand-tool. Illustrated circular, KMug fuller information, in each box, or sent on application. BIFU3CATEI RIVET CO., LTD., WAlR^GTON. Ironmongers skclii j tlICS. guods will be advertised. HABDAWAY & TOPPING -LJL (Late Boulagne-sur-Mer) Have now commenced business for the season at their NEW and ONLY address— FLUSHING, HOLLAND, Where Ai ,1. communications must be in future ne addressed. The oldest established firm in the 1:' l- NO REPRESENTATIVES. a707 GUKJi BROTHERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, HOI. TREAD. I PREVENT INFLUENZA, COLD, AND COUGH BY TAKING 'e-P T' JV HA OMAN'S A T C! A BALSAM ON FIEST APPEAEANCE OF COLD I Oft CHILL The. £ )o^t Certain and Speedy Reairt.lv tor IKFLUEN^iA, COUGH, COLD, HOABSSNESS, and 4!. Disorders of the Chest and Lungs. 1 EstracU from recent unsolicited Letters :— ILL VfVli ASTHMA, it saved my life.' USED IT FOR 30 YEAKS none to equal it yet. 'I MOiT HEALINGCough iiixtaie 1 ever tried.' « USED WITH CHILDiJEN with marked good.' CURED MY COLD at once, heartily recommend it.' GOOD NIGHT'S REST; Cough gone this morn-ins; I STEENG-THE2TS VOICE, nothing; so much as it.' Prep»r:;3onlyby A. Haymin and So.d everywhere, price Is. l|«i. and 29. Sd 1 a2033 JUiifcoags. LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. COACH TOURS IN NORTH WALES. SEASON 1892. ARRANGEMENTS have been made for a A series of combined Rail and Coach Tours. in North Wale< for the sensou of 1802, embracing all the principal points of interest, including Llanberia (fur Snowdon), Uettvrsjoed, Swallow Falls, Fairy Glen, Conway Fulls, Tandy Mill Falls, Peomachno, Trefriw, Capei Curig, Beiiu- maris, Bangor, Carnarvon, Penrnyn Slate Quar- ries, Vale of Nant Francon, Vale of Gwynant, Penygwryd, Ogwen Lake, P,eddgeJert, 'Aber- glaslyn (Bridge and Pass), Barmouth, Port- madoc, Aberystwyth, Towyn, the Festiuiog Narrow Guage Railway (t: j Toy Railway), &c., &c. Programmes, giving f till 1 rticulbrs uf times, fares, &c., with a brt>f c—nption oi tho route taken, can be obtainui gratuitously at the stations. All information respecting these tours may be obtained on application to Mr E. Wood, District Superintendent, Chester, or from the respective coach proprietors, G. FINDLAr, General Manager. Euston Station, May, 1892. cÐ32 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS, TOURIST TICKETS (available for Two -t. Calendar Mouths) are now issued from the principal stations in England and from all the principal stations on the Cambrian Line to Aberystwyth, Barmouth, Tuwya, Aberdovey, Borth, Dolgelley, Harlecb, Portmadoc, Criccieth, Pwllheli, ,Builth Wells, Rhayader, and Brecon. Also from the principal Cambrian Stations to Penarth, Tenby, Pembroke Dock, Llandrindod Wells, Llanwrtyd and Liangammarch Wells, Rhyl, Abergele, Llandudno, Carnaivon, Holy- head, Bangor, Soutliport, Blackpool, Buxton, Matlock, Lnncaster, Morecambe, Windermere, and Lake District, Scarborough, Harrogate, &c. Isle of Man, Scotland, Ireland, &c. CHEAP 14 DAYS' TICKETS are also issued from the principal Cambrian Stations to Llandrindod Wells, Llangammarch Wells, Llanwrtyd Wells, Builth Wells, Rhayader and Brecon. And from the inland stations to Aberystwyth, Barmouth, and other Coast Watering Places on Cardigan Bay. I A WEEK AT TRE SEASIDE, — Cheap Return Tickets are now issued every FRIDAY I and SATURDAY, until 30th SEPTEMBER, 1892, from Whitchurch, Kllesmera, Oswestry. Lian- fyllin, Welshpool, Newtown, Llanidloes, Builth I Wells, Brecon, Machynlleth, and principal intermediate stations. Also from Glandovey and Portmadoc to all Watering Places on Cardigan Bay. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. Oswestry, June, 1892. cyl031 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. ON MONDAYS, JULY 4TH, 11TH, 18TH AND 25TH, 1892, CHEAP DAY EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued to BORTH AND ABERiSTtfYTH, with privilege of break of return journey at Glandovey for the LLYFNANT VALLEY, CWM- RHAIADR, and GLASPWLL CASCADE, as per undermentioned particulars:-From Pwll- heli, depart 6.0 a.m.; Afonwen, 6.15 a.m.; Criccieth, 6.21 a.m.; Portmadoc, 6.30 a.m.; Minffordd, 6.34 a.m.: Penrbyndeudraeth, 6.38 a.m.; Talsarnau, 6.42 a.m—Third ciass fares for the double journey to Aberystwyth or Borth, 3s. Harlech, G50 a.m.; Llanbecir and Pensava, 6.58 a.m Dyffryn, 7.8 a.m—Third cl&ss fares fer the double journey to Aberystwyth or Borth, 2s QfI Clalorea under twelve, an.)f far^ First Class Tickets issued at double the Tnird Class Fares. Holders of Tickets by above Excursion wishing to see the above-named Waterfalls :md Valley may returned from Aberystwyth by t!)e 10.40 a.m. train for Glandovey, arid proceed to their destination by the 5.35 p.m. trdin tr. ;a GIan- dovey. A conveyance to and from the LJyflJant Valley meet the trains.— Fare, Glandovey to Llyfnant Valley and back, Is each. Passengers return the same day by ordinary I trains as underFrom Aberystwyth, 4.15 p.m,; Borth, 5.15. p.m. Tickets, bills, and every information to be had ) at the above-named stations. A. ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. Oswestry, June, 1892. clOGlym CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. I EXCURSIONS to the LLYFNANT VALLEY, J GLASPWLL CASCADE, and CWM- RHAIAUR WATERFALLS. On- ot the most delightful Day Trips in Wales. Cheap Return Tickets will be issued t > GLANDOVEY (for the above-named Valley and Waterfalls) daily i (Sundays eXCel,,teli), JULY 1st to JULY 30th, 1892 (Cheap Tickets will also be issued ii) August and September. See other Bills). II Outward Fares for the double journey From Train. a.m. 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class s. d. s. d. s. d. Pwllheli 7.10 80 6 0 4 0 Criccieth 7.29 70 5 3 3 6 Portmadoc 7.40 66 4 9 3 3 SX, f M0 « ° 46 so! Harlecb 7.5.5 5 6 4 0 2 9 Llanbedr j 8 0 0 3 9 2 6 & Persarn J • Dyffryn 8.5 46 3 6 2 3 Children under 12 years of c half-price. Passengers must chants at Barmouth and proceed from there by train due to leave there at 9.10 a.m. Return train is du« from Glandovey Station at 5.35 p.m. The Official Guide Book to the Cambrian Rail- ways, Picturesque Wales," and p»mphlet Where to Stay," containing information as to Inland Hotels and Inns, Farmhouse and Country Lodgings, can be obtiiinted at the Bookstalls, or on application at the Company's Offices or Stations.—TheCascade and Waterfall are reachel through the Llytnart Valley, and the distance from Glandovey S:aticn to Cascade and back is about five miles, and to the Waterfall and back about eight miles, hut to relieve the walk a ROAD CONVEYANCE will run from Glandovey to Caerhedyn (which is in the Valley), leaving Glandovey on arrival of the above-tiamed train. The Conveyance will return -from Caerhedyn Farm at 5,15 p.m., arriving at Glandovey in time for trains to all Stations named herein. The charge for each adult passenger from Glandovey to Caerhedyn is 6d., and the same for return journey. Holders of the Tickets by the Road Conveyance will receive every information as to the routes to the Waterfalls fiHd fishing in the Llyfnant and the Lake from Mr Jenkins, Cae- rhedyn Farm, who has the superintendence of the Conveyance. ExcuiSionhts preferring to ] walk the whole distance should be careful to make enquiry as to the way to the Valley, Cascade, and Waterfalls, as they may easily take the wrong road.—REFRESHMENTS Tea, Milk, and other light Refreshments may be had at Caerhedyn Farm at moderate Prices.— The trip through the charming Llyfnant Valley is regarded as one of the most delightful in Wales. Excursionists should nlso ascend the Hill at the back of Caerhedyn Farm (only a few minutes' walk), from which a magnificent view may be obtained, including Cader Ièris, Arran Mawddwy, PlinHmmon, and the other moun- tains; also Cardigan Bay, Glandovey Castle, Borth, Aberdovey, and the course of the rivers Llyfnant and the Dovey for many mnpg. Mr Jenkins, proprietor of the Caerhedyn Farm, will show Excursionists the Wny. Excursionists are reminded not to mistake Glandovey Junction Station for Glandovey. By kind permission of the proprietors, Sir Henry Wiggin, Bart., and Richard Peyton, E.q.. the Glar-pwli Cascade and Waterfall are open to the Public tree up to the 1st November, 1892, and Visitors axe requested to prevent, any damage being done to the Cascade approaches. Access to them is through private property, and permission to visit them is given on the express understanding that Visitors will confine themselves to the proper route to and from the falls and will not disturb or remove the roots of any ferns or flowers. ALFRED ASLETT, t Secretary and General Manager. Company's Qlfiges, Qsyrestrj, Jufidi 1 Sv2, cym ■ ■ I CAMBRIAN t RA I i. \VA i S. CHEAP ONE DAY AN'D WEEK-i ND TICKETS TO LLANDUDNO, OA KVKII? SATURDAY «i» M ON OA Y. UNTIL FUlli'iiER NOTICE I^UIEAP i:EXURN TICKETS wili be issued to LLANDUUNO l'v Tl-ir.cj'r. Trains as uru.tr i OIU'MA! ;OC. 7 "V 10.18 a.m., on SA i URD A y, 01 7 a.m. on MON 1JA i'. 4s (Third Class Fare for the Double Journey), 1 he Tickets issued on Saturdays will be avail- able to return from Llandudno (,n the Monday following date of i^.jo hv the 7.40 a.m., or the 6.20 p.m train; au.. r.fi;.? « ¡. ca Mondays will be av-:iiflb.e to ) d. urn mi dfito cf issue on iff by tbe 6.20 p.m. trai Children under th:- e years of age, li\above three and under twe .i.alf-fate Picturesque Wab (illtitrated) the Official Guide Book to the Raut-ry.- edited by Mr Godfrey Turne.. price 6d„ and paTcph:«t Where to Stay," .a'c-rnaatiu1* ie— specting Islands, II- find lune, Farm Hocse and Country Lodgit. iu Wild aud Pintur. Wales can be outarIed at the be ?kst;uf;, ..r on application at the Cuiapany's OSices ot Stations. The Tickets are n: r- and are only available to and from the stations upon them and by the trains specified on the bills. The issuing of through tickets is subject to the conditions and regulations referred to in the time tables, bills aud notices of tbe respective companies, ori whose railway they are available and the hoider, by accepting a throagh ticket agrees that the respective companies are not to be liable for any loss, or damage, injury, delay or detention caused or arising off their respec- tive railways. The contract and liability of each company are limited to its own radway. Tickets, bills, acd every inforauation to he had at the above-named stations. ALFRED ASLETT, yc Secretary and General Manager. ^luvrpmg. CARNARVON, MENAI BRIDGE, BEAUMARIS AND LLANDUDNO. THE SPLENDID NEW SALOON PASSENGER ST; AMER "SNOWD 0 N (or other steamer) will sail almost daily (Sundays excepted) unless prevented by uuforseen cir- cumstances, leaving Carnarvon ab 'at 2.30 p.m., and will arrive at Llandulno about 5 p.m. FARES: Carnarvon to Menai Bridge and Bangor, 1st class, Is 6d 2nd class, Is. Carnarvon to Beaumaris, 1st class, 23; 2nd class, Is 6d. Carnarvon to Llandudno, 1st class, 3s; 2nd classs 2s. clOóO LIVERPOOL AND NORTH WALES L S.S. CO., LTD. DAILY SAILINGS fScxnAYS EXCEPTED). "BONNIE PRINCESS LEAVES. ARRIVES. Liverpool 10 45 am") Llandudno 1 15 pm VMenai Bridge 2 45 m Beaumaris 2 15 pmj Menai Bridge. 3 30 pm") '"Beaumaris 4 0 pm >Liverpool 8 0pm Llandudno 5 15 pm J First Saleon Monthly Tickets, CI os. For Fares and all further particulars apply to Messrs T. Cook and Sons, Messrs Swan and Leach, Limited, or to T. E. Barlow, 20, Water Street, Liver- pool. N.B. St Tudno's" sailing withdrawn for a few days. c833y23r461 THE ABEEDEEiN him. LONDON TO AUSTilALLA, Via Cape of Good Hopa, in 4:2 days. Thermopylce Capt. A. Simpson 3,711 tons..Sept. 20 Australasian ..Capt. T. F. Spalding ..3,630 tons„Nov. 30 THESE magnificent full-powered steamers will saii as above f jr MCLBOUctNTS and SYDNEY, taking passaagers for doil Australian a ad Now Zealand Ports. The a^coonnouation for first and third-cia3S passengers is very superior, and a surgeon wili accompany each vessel. Fares—Salo-.a, from 40 guineas; Third-class from 14 guineas. For parti- culars apply to Geo. Thompson and Co.. -1. Leadea. ball Si.reet, London, E.C. -,100y722 STEAM. COMMUNICATION BSXTBRM LIVERPOOL,BAi'TGOii, MEN :1 3IUDGB 'XiTi* CARNARVON. r iVKRPOOL, CiSNAEV:N AND MKNAI EnJ STRAITS STKAWSHtp COMPANY.—Th« qrsi-kssti and ch'jo^ist Goods taraaMitbst.WBffaLi'fsrpiva t.Lid NV.rth 'Valas.—Trii- Sr.«am:;?s PRTNCB JAJA, KING JA JA, or other steamers taavos ths West Sid«, Traralgw Dcek, liivwpov!, WMsasday vith floods Wednesday and X&tnrd&y tor Czrm~v»i and ir djjs, and otrrr.irjy for SiiUgOr. g-jr Y: ./haS, to, Aichardf, i K'ilis, and KtO., 18, Jfcjan 'Htrdst, !L-jrcrjwol; » nt C'-r/ii-rroiij John I'.o.Vi ait' i ■. Vi Ncv Harbour. ''■rJt,T-To iajara ",I.' G b hv (rfitii; 2 v AMERICAN: L I UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS L lV II f: POOL TO PillLA r;z L P H I A Fissc-Class, full-povvored. Iron. Pt^Hmsiiips, ,4 OCOMMODATIOJS for equal to 1:1. any European Lia Passengers daa Gooda lanaed at Philadelphia en the Wharf 01 the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. itOAD. THIS 13 THE SHORTEST AND BfiST ROUTE TO THii WESi. A'jph to RICHARDSON, "ND CO. P> ro 22c Water Street, LiV ii2LPOOL. LOCAI. AGENTS W Williams, 7, Mr»rketStreet, Cam&rvoa iiicbsrd Roberts, BevLesda, Scephan Robert. Glyllifou Hotel, Slaenaa fwsti'iioR. c—21—f ALLAN L1 IS E. itOYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED KTATES (Under contract with the Canadiaa Government for conveyance of the Canadian Mails). Saloon 10 Do iS Guineas; Second Cabin, LO Ss. Steerage. £4. CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDlTIorS ROUTE c to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the N..rth- IVest Territory, British Columbia, and the Western States of America. Special Emigrant and Touriet rates. Through trains daily to the Pacific Coast, and Emigrant Sleeping Cars without extra charge. Western bound emigrants acoompauied by a Special conductor. A substantial Goversimant Bonus for families taking up land m Mauitjoa, the North West Territory, and British Columbia. Free Land Gratis of 160 acres. Special handbook of contuse infcrmation, the British delegates' new reports, and a'1 latest maps and pamphlets free. Apply go the owners Ajian Brothers & Co., Liverpool; or to W. J W liiams, i, Market Street, Carnarvon; W, D. Jones J Bank, Holyhead; R. G. Humphreys, Bookseller lireet, Portmadoc; John Richard Cadwalair 13, H.igh Street, Blaenan Festiniog. .r.?2_- WHITE STAR LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via Queens;.c\vi:, every Wednesday. *TEUTOSIC.Wed., July -7 B»iTA.NSic..Wed., Aug. 3 K_'ECOND Cabin will be carried on the voyage marked thus*. The splendid Vessels of this line are all of the largest class, uniform in mode! and ar- rangements, and unsurpassed in ihe ccmpletene^sof their appointments. Saloon and Stita Room amid- ships. Steerage Passage at low rates. Apply to Robert Owen, Ship and Insurance bro'.ar and William John Williams, 7, MarketStreet, Carnar- von; Richard Roberts, Bethesda O. E. Par ry, Slate Merchant, Dolwyddelen David Rowlands, Penj graig; W. M Jones, Church Street. Llangefni; R. G. Roberi s, Rock Cottage, Creigiau Mawr, Taiysarn H. Hughes, S, Market Street, Amlwch W. D. Jones, Auctioneer and Vaiuer, Old Bank. Holyhead; W. O. Williams, Denbigh Street, Llanrwst; R. C. Evans, IjMinafcn, Dolgelley William Edwards, 7, Williams. Terrace*, Lianberis; cr to IsjfAY IURIE & Co., 34, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C., and to 10, Water Street, Liverpool. 7 CUNASI) LINE KOIili ll.Ufi STEAiEHS. FROM LIVERPOOL VIA QL^t.N.vTO'N. To NEW YOBE. To BOSTON. Szmu .Sat., July 23 j SCYTHIA fb., July 21 KTHUUIA Sat., July oO CATAI.oxiA.Th., July 28 A "J KAMA Sat., Aug. 6 I PAYON i A Th.. Aug. 4 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FIRST and SECO.Jr. Class Passenspers; also though to CHINA, JAPAN, NLW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA, STEERAGiS PASSENGERS to all parts > f America andC,mada at Low Rates; those by Bos ton Steamer, booed to NEW YORK without ectra cuarge. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED 8, Water Street, Liverpool Or to their Agents:—Mr. W. J. Williams, Secretary, j North Wales Quarrymen's Union, 7, M: rket Street. I Carnarvon, VUa Mr, J.i. 14Old Post Office Bethesda V497Q