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QDfffdaI, Segal, 4r VAYNOL ESTATE. RENT AUDIT. SE RENTS will be received fs NBERIS, on SATURDAY, tlielet, Llanberis and Dinorwic Dist: t iLHELI, on MONDAY, the I9tl NARVON, 011 WEDNRSDAY, tBst. NARVON, on THURSDAY, tbeBt Llanddeiniolen). GOR, on FRIDAY, the 23rd in NARVON, on SATURDAY, theet deiniolen tenants aloe partile- to attend on the proper day. N. P. St Tirion, 6th January, 1891. :rH AND SOUTH WALES ¡ LIMITED. HUNDRED AND FOURTH DD. j TICE IS HEREBY GIVE! a Dividend of Ten Shillings petfor ialf-year ended 31st ultimo, on tal ie Company, and a Bonus of Fi^gs Share (making a total distributee of 15 per cent.) will be paid tto- jtore, tree of income tax, on and afth tint, at the Head Office and His ?hehTRANSFER £ 9KS willkD om this date t.;°J^ lnfant> R r\rs <ierof the Directors, R. MEREDITH Liverpa, Liverpool, 2nd January, 1891. Of Special Importance to AAnd Builders. CARNARVON UNIOJ RURAL SANíTA111 AVTIl NOTICE IS HEREBY ONCE AEN that the Local GovernmenUve allowed, under their seal dated-ch, 1880, the Bye-laws made by the Gttlle Carnarvon Union acting as the lhry Authority with respect to New Bl. Every person intending to buildo a penalty of Xb unless he shall St in vriting to the Sanitary Autiioril an ntention, and at the same time the be surveyor, Air R. H. Parry,, a omplete set of Plans and Sectuch atended Building (in duplicate- on RACING CLOTH), together withtion i writing of the materials of m in- stded that such Building sbn- :ructed, and of the intended mooage I id means of Water Supply. The Plans above referred to out to K ie Surveyor, Mr R. H. Parry, GCar- trvon, six days at least before^ of eeting, otherwise they will not bed, it laid aside until the following r Copies of the bye-laws may be 1 f;: By Order, J. HENRY THOM* Clerk to the abo' Rural Sanitarjv. ?4th December, 1890. 83 NOTICE. T a Meeting of the Owners amiyers ¡ L of the Penmaenmawr Locament f trict, held under the Public Act, 5, on the 23rd day of December the ord Hall, Penmaenmawr, in thstrict, following Resolution was duly 1, viz: That the consent of the OWDRate. payers of the Penmaenmawr ivetn- ment District be given to the Imawr j Local Board for to promote n Par- t liament to empower the said lard to supply the District with Waty ard maintain existing and construWater Works, diversion of Watersulsory Purchase of Lands, Easementaters, and outstanding interest in Alines, and Minerals, lev} ing of Rateiarges igreement with Public Bodie?ersons tor supply of Water, Powers 'erence .0 Promenade, Beach, ForeslxSands, owers to the Local Boat.icense persons following certain cab pay a ubhc Band, regulate Stre&icians, arther power as to Bye-laws aalfcies, owers to apply and raise Mdmend- aent or repeal and incorpo:ts and ther Powers he said Resolution was duid by a ity of the Owners and Kate of the district, who voted thereone said og. CHARLES H. D^IRE, iL. „ SummoiScer. ?d this 24th day of Decernb* -4881 e WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Fr) JTICE IS HEREBY GI\t'a]t /Creditors and Persons havfjjajms enaands upon or against 0f jIAM WILLIAMS, late golen, mia, Blaenau Festiniog, in 0f' meth. Grocer (who died oj day of November, 1890), are ?CJUjre(j I nd in the particulars of ttm and mds to the undersigned, t'itor for .dministratrix of the deceaa." before 1st day of January, 1891. otjce js by also Given that after tfyle j inistratix will distribute tl\ < deceased amongst the Pdntitled ito, having regard only t'ajms 0f h the taid Administratis sn have — notice, and will not be liable assets any part thereof so distr^Q any » reons of whose debt or clam all not udve then had notice. [ D&ted this 30th day of Decen G. H. ELLF '« of Blaeri|>i, „ c4888 Soli(itor for the tratix. MRS. KATHERINE V S. I DECEASf Tursuant to an Act of P o anci I passed in the twenty-Qfp-, ?nty_ third years of the reign co jesty, cap. 35, nend the Law of Property anfp^ *'e 0eg » NOTICE IS HERE a'U Creditors and Persons h!iving\jm8 or Deffiands upon or against th of KATHERINE WYNNE JONES, late ley Place, Beaumaris, in the county o^yt ,widow, Deceased (who died on or abo tl, day ot December, 1889, and whose -as proved by theRevd. Hugh Davies OWu- mynydd Vicarage, in the said county oy, the Executor therein named, on the 1 qi g March, 1890, in the Bangur District R f f the Probate Division of the High Court are hereby required to send in the par f their Claims and Demands to the un the solicitors to the said Executor, on [ the 12th day of February next, end J Hereby also Given that after that (lay Executor will proceed to distribute the 1 le deceasd among the parties entitled Lving regard only to the Claims ofv he Executor shall then have notice, 11- thereof be liable for the assets or r f ptiit ;o disttibuted to any person C:6 COtice" shali not ihen h^ Dated thk > j%ih day or January, 1891. *'• ivI°" ROBERTS AND LAURt, c4C08 Llangefni Anglese%' | *"o]'cAorS to the said &X? 1 1800, at-,d of the l N°Siof f GIVEN tbtl Court by Thoma<>' vv-il-1 e"te(l to t!v fg difficfpri m i 'i Jiud that the s sUting at London m tht fef], bbt'y tbe Oo 1891, and any Cfe-ditn/ £ ua-v JANUA said Building k%deK rf°r-Contr,butor^ to'- Siaking of n* Order f0- fh!I?w13 1° °PP0K«y said BuiMfag Soclt^ i WlI\(hvZ Up 0f should appear at th^L^'tf the above or his counsel for thii n. ,leonn^ by iiitn. the petition Will be fnrn, 'P?S0' Rud a contributory of Vhi 5 «° !in->r creditor requiring the sam/bT%-Baild^. Soci payment of t;)e T by tJe undersigned jDated this 8fh dav f,u g0 f°r the sarne Agents for ^ecSfo'^ Kow, London,' THOMAS ROBERT EVANS, c4907y3l80 o i HoI37llead, i_jM Solic.tK.fOT tbo Petitioner. remember lost a basW !l Lad.y' ™ho they wl: Address Mrs FiptA obli^ Street, Manchestw, er* • ^PPer Bro'c C4901 LADIES' COLLEGE. BRYMTYSILIO, CARNARVON, PBINCIPALS The MISSES SHtSAD, Certificated: Cambridge University and Trinit) College, London, School duties will be resumed Jan. 27th, 1891. c35 BRAMPTON PARK, NEAR HUNT- INGDO. JUNIOR PUPII-S educated while being treated for their STAMMEBING. I'rin- cipaL Mr. B. Beasley, Author of Stammering ts Treatment" Adult stammerers should read this book, post free 13 stamps. tt4901 ST. DAVID'S SCHOOL, OAllNAltVON (in Union with the Society of Science, Letters and Arts). PRINCIPALS: THE MISSES JONES. Assisted by Resident Certificated Governesses and Masters. Highest references. Terms on Application. Next term commences Tuesday, January 20th, 1891. c4807 SCIENCE CLASSES. PRIVATE LESSONS and EVENING CLASSES IN SCIENCE. PREVIOUS STUDENTS very successful—NO JL FAILURES. Special Courses adapted to the requirements of bcgineers' Apprentices and Pharmaceutical Chemists. Further particulars from ALFRED WILLIAMS, c715 WATKULOO PORT. LLANDUDNO COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. PRINCIPAL MR W. A. WHISTON. ASSISTANTS; AIR W. ROWLRY, Int. B.A. MR H. L. RATCLIFFE, B.A. MR SPENSER PKARCE, B.A. Boys now preparing for the Junior and Senior University Local Examinations and Loudon University Matriculation. Special Commercial Course. c4519yl8S7 BEAUMARIS SCHOOL. ri^HEKE will be an Examination, about B January 19th, for Four Exhibitions of £ 15 per annum, open to natives of North Wales, under 14 years of age, and tenable at least for two years. The subjects will be Arithmetic, Algebra, English and Grammar, Geography, Dictation, and Elementary Latin. Leaving Scholarships to the value of E120 are given annually to the highest boys proceed- ing to a university or university college. A Class has lately been opened for boys intended for the Civil Service (Class II) under a master who has had successful experience in preparing for this, as also in the teaching of Shorthand and Book-keeping. c48t6 SHREWSBURY HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, COLLEGE HILL, SHREWSBURY. HEAD-MISTRESS MISS CANNINGS. The Spring Term will be,.in on TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th. PROSPECTUS and Forms of Application for B admission may be obtained at the School or from the Secretary of the Giris' Public Day School Company (Limited), 21, Queen Anne's Gate. London, S.W. A Preparatory Department is attached to the School. c4876 THE GRAMMAR AND COLLEGIATS SCBGOL, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1836. PRINCIPAL-MR. J. LEWIS JONES, B.A., High Honourman, Prizeman First Rank; Senioi Moderator and Gold Medalist of Trinity College Dublin. ASSISTED BY AN BFFICIENT STAFF OF TUTORS. PUPILS are carefully prepared for the Publk Schools, Universities, Preliminary Exami- nations in Law and Medicine. A Special Class for Young Men preparing foi Examinations is held from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m, each evening except Fridays and Saturdays- Pupils attending this class have been very suc- cessful in their examinations. Terms on application to Headmaster. ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, In^NSISGTON GORE, LONDON, S.W. PRESIUKNT H.R.IT. THE PRINCE OF WALES, E.G. DIRECTOR: Sm GEORGE GROVE, D.C.L.. L.L.D. HON. SECRETARY: CHARLES MORLEY, ESQ. OPEN FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. — Eleven Open Free Scholarships will be competed tor as follows 1 Composition. 2 Singing. 2 pianoforte, 1 Organ, 4 Violin, 1 Flute or Oboe, provided that satisfactory candidates present tliomselves. The Scholarships are for three years ot the *&lue of £ 40 per annum, and are intended to confer a complete musical education. In some "altle of X40 per annum, and are intended to confer a complete musical education. In some cases maintenance is added. J Preliminary Examinations wilt le held on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, in various local centres throughout the United Kingdom, and the final competition will take place at the College about February 20th. All perEOns desirous of competing must apply on forms which may be obtained from the College- No such application can be entertained if received after January 12th, c4S77 GEORGE WATSON, "Registrar. GRANTON COLLEGE, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS, TANLEY PARK, IN THE SUBURBS OF LIVERPOOL. 30VS receive a thorough Mercantile and Pro- fessional Education. Fiue Mansion, built t solid rock, extensive grounds, gravel soil, icket, football, tenuis, swimming, resident 11 isters. Best diet, without limit. Terms tj liderate and inclusive; Clasfes now forming for London .tfatricula- n. Oxford aud Cambridge Looa's, College of hiceptors, and Science and Art Department. Special Masters for French, German, Latin, ruek, Drawing and Painting, Music (piano, ;gan, and violin), Shorthand, and Drill. The Mayor of Liverpool, in distributing the Dnours gamed at the Local Examinations, said hat Gr&nton College was second to no school n Liverpool. lion. Mr. Justice Gibbon (one of her f a jesty's judges) said that the boys at Granton 'oliege receive a most excellent education. The Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man said any "ie sending their sons to Granton College could ly upon their receiving a thoroughly useful id practical education. Clarke Aspinall, Esq., J.P. (City Coroner), said Ifl.i-iton College was the centre of enterprise, d parents who had their sans there might bj fectly confident that they were receiving a id and useful education. he largest and most beautiful grounds of any ool in Liverpool. 'upils now in attendance from France, Spain, th America, Austria, Russia, Norway, Africa, the Colonies. rospectus sent on application. &4916 (Btmration. MANCHESTER GRAMMAR SCHOOL. THE Term begins TUESDAY, JANUARY 12th, JL 1891. Entrance Examination January 12th 1891, at 9 a.m. Prospectuses. Forms of Application, &c., may be had at the School. OWEN W. COX, Clerk and Receiver. N.B.—Boarding House open under the sanction of the Governors. c4429 DUBLIN NAVIGATION SCHOOL, 91. SEVILLE PLACE, DUBLIN, CONDUCTED BY CAPTAIN QUIRK, EXTRA MASTER. EXTRA and Ordinary Masters, Mates, Home Trade Masters and Mates, Yacht Masters, Revenue and Coast Guard Officers prepared for passing their Examinations on moderate terms. Private room for Yachtsmen. Candidates can be boarded if required. a4813 $itsutmtcc. INSTITUTED A.D. 1696. JTJA>D-IN-HAND IJNSURANCE SOCIETY (MUTUAL, BOTH FIRE AND LIFE). LIFm-Profits divided Annually. FIRE -(.iuinquennially or Septennially. BONUSES LARGE. Expenses Moderate. No Personal Liability. ANNUAL INCOME, ^318,(109. ACCUMULATED FUNDS, £ 2,362,265. No. 2G, NEW BRIDGE STREET, E.(\ yl382 c:?011 ^iferarir. HOLLOWAY'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC, JUL 1891, is now ready, and may be obtained gratis on application to any Chemist, or will be forwarded by the'publisher, Thomas Holloway (Proprietor of Holloway's Pills and Ointment), 78. New Oxford Street, London, W.C.. on receipt of stamp to cover postage. c4899y3l70 THE "GRAPHIC." C105TAINS every Saturday, Illustri ons by J the best Artists, of all the current events of importance, portraits of celebrated persons, and original (I rawings, -Sold by all Booksellers for fid., or post free 6 £ d., from the Office, 190, Strand, London. W.O. c711 RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC for 1891 now ready containing hints to Farmers aud Gardeners an every-day Guide for all the affairs of this life, when to buy, sell, speculate, travel, &c., &c. Birthday Information for every day, also fato of any Child born during the year. The largest and best Almanac published. No one who has not seen it can form any opinion of its usefulness. High and low, rich and poor, can profit by it. Get a copy this year and judge for yourself. Price 6d, post free 7d. RAPHAEL'S Book of Dreams, Is. An in- fallible interpreter. Insistonhaving RAPHAEL'S. RAPHAEL'S Book of Fate, Is. A sure guide to the future. Foulsham and Co., 4. Pilgrim Streat. Ludgate Hill, E.C. Davies or Edwards, Carnarvon and all Stationers. c4673 TEIE NORTH WALES BLACK CATTLE SOCIETY. I71NTRIES are now received for the FCiU RTII li VOLUME HERD BOOK. After publication of the fourth voJume no entries will be received into the fifth except such animals as have either the sire or dam entered in one of the preceding volumes, and no animals will be entered into the sixth unless both parents have been entered in either the first, second, third, four: b. or fifth volumes. Entry forms and all information can be bad on application to W. A. DEW, Hon. Secretary. Wellfield. Bangor. October, 1890. Price of first, second, and third volume* 3s. 6d each. or by post 3s. 9d. c3125 alt "IV 111$int$s J)brtSt.5. EGGS IN MIDWINTER. -I gPRATT'S PATENT POULTRY MEAL Marvellously increases Egg Production, and is not a Condiment but an Actual Food. Makes an excellent warm [meal the first thing'in the morning. IN SEALED BAGS, AND 3d. and Cel. Sample Paclcets. THE COMMON SENSE OF POULTRY- REARING." 3D. POST FREE. Of all Dealers, or cf SPRATT'S PATENT, LIMITED. BERMONDSEY, LONDON, S.E. a81 BLAIR!S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC pILLS. CURE GOUT. CURE RHEUMATISM CURE SCIATICA. CURE LUMBAGO. CURE NEURALGIA. Th e EXCRt CIA TI" G PAIN is quickly relieved, and cured in a few days by celebrate(I Pills, well known as the GREAT REMEDY for the above Complaints. No restraint of diet during use. t Sold by all Chemists a Is. ltd. and 2s. 9d. per box c45:10 E. D. JONES- BILL-POSTER AND TOWfv CRJEH STliEET. HOLYBEAD. All orders ftwrM. nte Kle to. and dom at the mo«i reasonable teims. F,,D S CHOI E -LOW ER, SEED PO TATO S, Nt 0 0 LS, 51M, OLIALITY PilICES M0571 DELIVEP,[D,FREE BY RAIL OP, P-!ARI.i'L POST. PRIM' CATAMM "is, Z M-SM PR EIE P N ATIO)I DI K ST-ED: SONS -P GFIOIVES c4878 §irsiitess hbrts$tS. v >' Jae /V • /F i \/? õI e279 CYMRU AM BYTH." CAUTION. R. ELLIS & SON cauf[on tJhe,P^licT,,a,§ainst imitations of their Manufactures. Purchasers :XSe £ aDd S*D' Label bears kne 4tid Trade Mark (Roat OD SODA WATER. POTASS WATER. SELTZER WATER. LEMONADE. GINGER BEER. .ANdGkglb. 'P Ii 'I ANDYT VUW BEQIBTEBBS. AROMATIC GINGER ALE PURE DERATED WATER. FOB GOUT LITHIA WATER, and LITHIA & POTASS WATER SOLE ADDRESS;: R. ELLIS & SON RUTHIN NORTH WALES. LONDON AGENTS: W. BEST AND SONS Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. n.4545 EADE'S PILLS EAD E'S PILLS All who suffer from Gout or EADE'S PILLS Rheumatism should imme- EADE'S PILLS diately have recourse to EADE'S it atvp'Q "PIT T Q "ILLS. Hundreds of Testi- -DTTTQ monials have been receive 1 from ali gorfs and conditions of EADE'S PILLS men," testifying to the wondei EADE'S PILLS ful power these Pills have in EADE'S PILLS giving relief in the very worst FADE'S PILTS cases- These Pills are purely EADE'S PILLS Perfectly {safe in INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND .RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT. PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, AND LIMBS And have the largest recommendation everl given to any Patent Medicine of its class. GOUT A VOICE FROM PLYMOUTH. RHEUMATISM Plymouth, GOUT J..1, Desbor(lugh Road, RHEUMATISM 1890. GOUT S -I xiave bf-t rt subject to RHEUMATISM Goat for tweny.five years. GOUT Pervious to 1887 I suffered with RHEUMATISM vdry frequent attacks of Gout GOUT three or four times a year. I f heard of 3 our Pills early in that KMIliUMAI LJ531 year# aiKi tried them they gave GO CI me almost instant relief from RHEUMATISM pain, and the swelling soon GOUT passed away. Since then, when- RHEUMATISM ever an attack comes on, one POUT 11 small bottle will put me right. -.j-oTir The effect of the Pills is really UHHi U M A1 iOiU raarvellous—not suppressing the GOUT disease oniv, but clearing it out RHEUMATISM of the system. You can make what use you like of this.— Yours truly. WILLIAM ACUTT. Mr. George Eade, 72, Goswell Koad, I ondon. EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS rre sold by all Chemists, in Iiottles, Is. lid. and 2P. 9d., or sent post free for Postal Order by the Proprietor, GEORwE EADE, 72, Goswell Road, E.C. Ask for, and be sure [you obtain, Eade's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. EAPEjjS FILLS- 43 NJ CATTLE SPICE IT PAYS BREEDERS and Farmers to use HORSE- SHOE" CAITJLB SPICE with the food they give their cattle, as it rapidly improves the condi- tion of the animals, brings up their weight. and increases their market value. The HORSESHOE CATTLK SPICR is a highly feeding condiment for Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, &c. Proprietors, The British Cattle Foods Company Limited, London, WORRIED FARMERS Who read with anxiety the statements of scientists that the earth i& losing its fertility and yielding poorer produce year afrer year, are assured that the "IIOBSESHOK" CATTLE SPICE supplies the natural salts deficient in the herbage through loss of the Earth's fertility.- Vide recent corres- pondence in The Times. It is pre-eminently a nourishing and digestible food, highly feeding and conditioning, producing better health, aud giving the animal a bonny appearance. Try the HORSESHOE CAiTLE SPICE. AGENTS, DEAN and SONS, GROCERS AND CORN MERCHANT, MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO. c6 HAVE YOUR MAGAZINES BOU-N I) AT THK HERALD" OFFICE- CARNARVON. 4 TOTTENHAM COURT,ROAD.W. ■&&RVZP OAK FURNtTURET v& <? fl €ST>riATES&DEStC^Sf REE a __} A \\goods Carriage paid. M613 I IVER THE V.PA Y J^IVERPOOL JjlCRNJShlNQ ^lOMPANy I 100 AND 102 LOKDO ROAD. 2, 4, AXD 6, HART BTHBW, I LIVERPOOL. NEW AND EXTENSIVE PREMISES NOW OPEN. GREAT DISPLAY OF ALL KfNDS OF FURNI- TURE, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, CARPETS, ^IRONMONGERY, &c. THE LIVERPOOL FURNISHING COMPANY Have been accorded such unanimous and flattering support from the people of Liverpool and district, northern parts of England and Wales, &c.t that they found their new premises as opened last year quite inadequate to cope with the requirements of their numerous customers, and have just completed at an enormous expense extensions and alterations, which enable them to do one of the largest General House Furnishing trades in Liverpool. All our Goods are sold at strictly CASH PRICES, and marked in plain figures. This method will not be found in the ordinary hire system shops, and customers bnying from up, either for cash or on the easy payment system, will realisa that our prices are the most reasonable offered in the V-ade, The following terms .ire offered to customers who may avail themselves of our EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM. Weekly. Monthly. For Pu chases of £ 10 Value 3/6 I; £ ■20 „ 5/- 20/- £ 30 „ 7/- 2S/- £ 50 „ 10/- £ 2 „ £ i £ 0 „ /6 £ 3 10/- Other terms may be arranged to suite the require- ments of customers.. Special terms for country orders. Goods delivered free in our own or private vans. We find it necessary to notify that our ONLY PLACE OF BUSINESS is 100 AND 102, LONDON ROAD, LIVERPOOL, AND HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FIRM In or out of Liverpool trading under the same or a similar name. Our Registered Prospectus and Catalogue may be had Post Free on Application. INSPECTION INVITED. LIVERPOOL FURNISHING COMPANY, J. HUGHES, MANAGER, 100 AND 102, LONDON ROAD, I AN 2, 4, AXD 6, HART STREET LIVERPOOL. I a4668 GALVANIZED CORRUGATED In ON ROOFING SHEETS. Large quantity of Slightly Defective Sheets :— 5 feet long by 2 feet wide 1/3 ecb. 6 ditto aitto ditto 1/6 do. 7 ditto ditto ditto 1/10 do. 8 ditto ditto ditto 2/1 do. 9 ditto ditto ditto 2/6 do. 10 ditto ditto ditto 3/- do. For all practical puipeses the above are as good as perfect sheets, being water-tight, fire- proof, &c. If painted with Bed Oxide, 2d. to 6d. per sheet extra. Red Oxide Paint specially prepared for iron work and ready for MAS. Price on application. Galvanised Ridging, Gutters, and Down Spouting Nails, Screws, Washers, &c., and all Materials for fixing. BRUCE AND STILL, CONTRACTORS FOR IRON ROOFS AND BUILDINGS (DESIGNS AKD KSTIMATES FKEK). 75 NOHFOLK STIiEET, LIVERPOOL. 1708 I NEW FEATHER BED 6ft. Gin, by fVyj 4i't. Gin., weighing 561bs. fj) § O j Bf Itter and Two Pillows. Bordered I.. U. ')n Tick, thoroughly purified and free from dust. CVsiria^ef Paid, Old Bdcling Cleaned and Made Equal to New, Id. per lb. HOKSb ^IAIK, MATTRESS 6 ft. 6 in., loy 4 ft. 6. in., in best Belgian Tink, 37s. Gd. ANCASH'IRE JgEDDING £ 10. 123, ST. ANNE STREET, LIVERPOOL 0 ii-L JOHN E. J) A VIES COLWYN BAY, TOWN CRIER AND BILLPOSTER (UNDER THE LOCAL BOARD), V ember of the l'm ted. Kingdom Eillpo^ttrrs Association W. s T:E WELSH ADVERTISING AGENT AND BILLPOSTING CONTRACTOR LLANDUDNO. ) ADVERTISEMENTS i: serttd in*the L ndon 111 d Provincial Newspapers at current rat Billposting undertaktn lor EistedlJod-vu, Auctioneers, Concerts and Tradespeople, locally or throughout tl e United Kingdom. Compiler of Vie ".N t rt) Wales BJlposter 3 Directory." a2021 MONEY.—A Private Gentleman is willing to make cash advances frotn £ 5 to £ 500 to all respectable persons, 'male or female. Shopkeepers, Farmers, Cow-keepers, and others for long or short periods on their own note of hand, at a reastnable rate of interest.—Apply, by letter only, WQich will receive prompt attention, to J. Lewis, 120, Queen Road, Everton, Liverpool. al269 %/TONEY.—A Private Gentleman having a LVL considerable sum of -uninvested money is prepared to advance same (in aims varying from £ 20 to XIOOO) to responsible persons on their own note of hand, without asking for sureties or security, at low and reasonable rate of in- terest. As this advertisement is not in connec- tion with a loan bank or society, it is requested that regular borrowers will uot appi.V.-For particulars write or call on the actual lender, Mr. Thomas, 215, Regent Street, London, W. h313 c4753 MONEY Advanced privately at One Days Notice—From £ 20 to £ 5000, at Five per cent., to responsible persons, male or female, in town or country, upon Promissory Notes, with- out Bill of Sale. Distance no object, as Loans may be repaid by Cheques or Postal Orders, and so long as the interest is paid the principal can remain. All communications are strictly private, and no good application is ever refused —Apply personally, or by post, to the actual lender, H. BURTON, Esq, 27. Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, London, S.W.—N.B.—Established 1867, since which period the money advanced by Mr. Burton exceeds £ 4,500,000. b303r321c4553 MONEY! MONEY! 1 MONEY • ? t—Money Lent at a few hosiv notica, freer ø to bu note of hand, to all NlpeotQblt F-irsons (male or female), Clergymen, Prefauional Gentlemen, Shop- keepers, Farmer*, Cab and CM Proprietors, and others, for long or short period* also on deposit of GOLD and SILVER PLATE, DIAMONDS, DOCK BONDS, ke. Advances also made on Freehold or Leasehold rroperty.-Apply peracnally, or by !f t-»r (which will receive prompt attention), R. JONKS Mortgage Broker, Venice Clumbers, 61, Lord Str-rct^ Liverpool. P.S.-Strictest s^screcy may bv rijed on n !tl 'run-sac-tioim.. Plaasa nota Addreae. ? NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION (Limited). CapitaI-Authorised £ 2,000,000. Capital subscribed and paid-up £ 000,000. with power to increase to E2,000,000 Head Office: 40, Threl1.dneedle-street, London, E.C. West-End Office: 25, Cockspur-street, S.W. Edinburgh Office: 23, St. Andrew Square. Dundee Office 6, Panmure Street. Branches and Agencies—Australia, India, Ceylon, China, Japan, Straits, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Aden, Paris, New York, San Francisco, ZJnzibar. Money remitted to any part of the WorM by draft, letters of credit, or by telegraph. Bills of Exchange, Interest Warrants and Coupons collected and cashed. Circular Notes issued, Current Accounts opened. Banking Agency business generally undertaken. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. At 3 months' notice 3 per cent, per annum. At 6 months' notice 4 „ „ At 12 months' notice 4^ „ _2 For3, 5, or 7 years certain 5 „ »» c2053 ATONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES OR JL the slightest publicity by THE EMPIRE DEPOSIT BANC, 3, Adelaide Street, Charing Cross, London, as follows:— .930-Twelve monthly repayments of X2 12 6 50 „ „ „ 476 100 „ „ „ 8 15 0 250 „ „ „ 21 17 6 other amounts in proportion. The sum applied for is advanced in full, free of all deductions upon the Hpplicant's SIMPLE PROMISSORY NOTE, WITHOUT SURETIES OR BILL OF SALE, or, if preferred, the money can be borrowed for a stated period, from one to five years, interest only being paid in the meantime. By this means the borrower is enabled to make thorough use of the money before being called upon for repayment. This is particularly acceptable to those who only turn their capital over at stated periods, such as Farmers and Professional Gen- tlemen, who have to give such extended credit. For further particulars see Prospectus, which will be sent free on application, HENRY OUNSTED, Manager. N.B,—Banking Accounts opened, Biils Dis- counted, and Cheque Books issued. c48003 2095 I !gusntfss ^bbrtsscs. R. H. T OLEAFAN, 47, POOL STREET, CARNARVON (Opposite Top of New Street), Decorator, Gilder, Paper Hanger, House and Sign Painter, Plumber, and Glazier. HOUSES and Rooms decorated in fiist-class style. Lincrustra Walton for Dadoes, Panels, Ceilings, &c. Japanesque, Flock, and other High-class Wall Papers. All kinds of Plumbing and Gas-fitting undertaken, and satisfaction guaranteed. Special Quotations tor Hand-painted Friezes and Door Panels for Drawing and Dining Rooms. All work executed in best style and with reliable materials. Estimates and other informa- tion on application. c4850 J. Kelly; HAIR-DRESSER, &c., 8, BANGOR STREET, CARNARVON (OPPOSITK THE FHBB LIBRAILY). LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S Wigs, Scalps, Human Hair Plaits, Switches, and Tails made on the most improved principle. Plaits from Is. 6d. upwards. Ladies' Combings made ioto coils or plaitt to any length. Pears' Soap, Is. Tablets for 8d. 6d. Tablet* for Sid- All Toilet necessaries supplied. GUNN BROTHERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, HOLYHEAD. DR. JONES, D.D.S. &C.i I I SURGEON DENTIST, ¡ OPPOSITE THE MARKET, BANGOR. DR. JONES visits Llangefni every Thursday at Ljedwigan Road. I Amlwch, with Air. Hughes, Stationer, Sep- tember 2nd and 30th, October 28th, .November 25th, and December 23rd, 1890. At home every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays a!571 R. A. Hughes. (Alarch Givurfni) BILL-POSTER AND TOWN ClUEH, j LLANBERIS. P.A.-All orders Punctually attended to, aud dciia tit the n:ost reasonable terms. a EGBERT HUGHES BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, 'IYN Y CEFN, COR IV EN. BILLS Posted and Distributed in Co wan, Cynwyd, Llandrillo, Llanderfel, Glyn- (.yirINvy. Gwyddelwern,DerwenClawddnewydd U errig-y-druidion; and the entire distr t. I gliigjjiiu;. 1 FREE EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL FOR Families of Agricultural Labourers, by Steamers of the Pacific Steam Naviga- tion Company, sailing every fortnight from Liverpool.—For further information apply in writing to THE COLONIZATION OFFICE, 43, Finsbury Square, LONDON, E.C. c4053 WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS; » LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, via QUEEXHTOWSt fn^PleTd vessels of this Line are all nniform In model and arrangements, and unsurpassed in the completeness of their appointllientsfor the CO of Passengers of all classes. Saloon Passage, €12 to A22, and upwat-df. Seeoni Cabin, f6 10s to £ S. Steerage Pasage at low rates. Apply to Robert Owen, Ship and Insurance broker and William John Williams, 7, et Street, Carnar- von Richard Roberts, Bethe-da; O. E. Parry, Slate Merchant, Dolwydde'en David Rowlands. Penygraig W. M. Jones, Church Street, Llangefni; Robert Pntchard, 5, High Street, Llangefni; R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigiau Mawr, Talysarn, Hugh Hughes, 7, Market Row, Amlwch; W. D. Jones Auctioneer and Valuer, Old Bank, Holyhead W. 0 Williams, Denbigh Street, Llanrwst; R. C. Evans 1, Minafon. Dolgelly; or to IsmayImrie & Co., 34 Leadenhall Street, London, E.C., and to Water Street Liverpool. cl7 AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL GrLALERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. First-Class, full-powered, Iron Steamships. A CCOMMODATION for passengers equal to iJL any European Line. Passengers and Goods landed at Philadelphia en the Wharf of the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD. THIS IS THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROLTJS TO THE WEST. Aply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, AND CO. 19 and 2' Water Street, LIVERPOOL. LOCAL Agknts :— W J. Williams, 7. MjvrketStreet, Carnarvon Aierlard Roberts, Bethesda. Stephen Kobets Glynlifozi Hotel, Blaenau festiniocr. c—21—y ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES. Saloon 10 to 18 Guineas; Intermediate, jE3 8s. Steerage, C4. CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE u to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, and North- West Territory and British Columbia, and also to the Western States of America. Special Emigrant and Tourist rates. i hrough trains daily from Ocean to Ocean," and Emigrant Sleeping CFrs without extra charge. A liberal allowance of baggage free. Wes- tern bound emigrants accompanied by a Special conductor. Prof. Fream's new report and all the latest maps and pamphlets free on application to Allan Brothers and Co., Liverpool; er to W. J. Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon; W. D. Jones Old Bank, Holyhead; R. G. Humphreys, Bookseller High Street, PortIDadoc. &22 THE ABERDEEN LINE. LONDON TO AUSTRALIA, Via Cape of Good Hope in 42 days. Steamer. Captain. Tons. Sailing. Aberdeen Ta}*lor 3616 j Jan. 27th Australasian Simpson. 3*530 Feb. lOtb The above favourite full-powered steamers will sail from the Royal Albert Docks f )r MELBOURNE AND SYDNEY. taking passengers for all Australian and New Zealand Ports. The accommodation for first and third class passengers is very superior, and an experienced surgeon will accompany each vessel. Fares—Saloon from 40 guineas; Third-ciass from 14 guineas. For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson and Co 24, Leadenhali Street. Lcndon, E.C,. cl9y27 STEAM COMMUNICATION tifSTWRKW Ll V ERPUOL, BANGOR, MEAI BRIDGE NIJ CARNARVON. r IVEP.POOL, CARNARVON ^ND MEN41 .U STRAITS STEAMSEIP COMPANY.—The quickest and cbeapest Goods trarsitbet wean Liverpool Rnd North Wa'es.—The teamers PRINCE JA JA, KING JA JA, or other steamers leaves the Westt Side, Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, every Wednesday ith £ cods for Beantrari*. Wednesday and Saturday for Carnarvon, and every Monoay and Thurs- day for Bangor and Menat liridge. For freights, &c., JtppJy at the Company's Offices, Messrs RichErdr, Mills, and Co., 18, James Street, Liverpool; or at Carnarvon, John Roberts, Company's Warehouse New Harbour. X.B.—To insure shipment, nil Goods should be delivered by noon ont day of t.aninif, Cy UNTIDINESS IN TBE HOUSE REMOVE one cause of it, by havicg ycur .'Magazines and Pamphlets NEATLY BOUND. Cheapest House in the Trade- Herald Office, Carnirm n- TO ADVERTISERS. PREPAID SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISING IN THE "CARNARVON AND DENBIGH HERALD" AND THE HERALD CYMRAFG." LOST, FOUND, f&c.; WANTED SERVANTS CLERKS, ASSISTANTS, WORKMEN, AP- PRENTICES, BOYS, SITUATIONS, HOUSES, MACHINERY. PLANT, &c.; TO BE LET, APARTMENTS, HOUSES, SHOPS, WORK- SHOPS, LAND, &c.; TO BE SOLD (by Private Treaty), HOUSES, LAND, MACHINERY, &c. The above class of Advertisements* are inserted at the following CHEAP PREPAID RATES. 1 insertion, j 3 insertions. 6 insertions. °S fc. U. ii. [C.D. U C.D.H. O P OB BOTH, OR BOTH, OR BOTH. ^15 H. C. H. C. H. C. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 18 10 19 26140 4 0 170 28 16 26 36156160110 0 _1-1-1-1- 28 16 26 36156160110 0 38 20 36 4 6 7 6l 8 0 14 0 48 2 6 4 6 5 6 9 6 10 0 18 0 58 3 0 5 6 6 6 jll 6 18 0 22 0 These rates are strictly confined to the above clas of advertisements, and payment may be made by Stamps or Postal or Post Office Orders, which must be payable to DANIEL REES, at Carnarvon. Replies may be addressed to the Herald. Office, and will be forwarded to Advertisers when stamped envelopes are sent. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, and DEATHS are inserted at a prepaid rate of Is.; if booked the charge is 2s. 6d. In all cases they must he authen- ticated by the name and address of the sender. I BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at 28. per single column inch; 6 inser- tions for price of 5 13 for price of 10. Special rates quoted for long periods or special positions. AUCTIONS, TENDERS, LEGAL NOTICES, AND PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS 6d. per line per insertion. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald U delivered in Carnarvon on Friday afterroon at the following rates: 3 Months. 6 12 Months Prepaid 2s. 2d. 4s. 4e. 8s. 8d. Credit 2s. 6d. 4s. OJ., 98. 6d. FREE BY POST. rreptid s. 9 d. 5s. 6d. lis. d. Credit. 3s. 3d. 6s. 61. 13s. Od. Yr Herald Oymraeg is delivered in Carnarvon on Tuesday at the follow- ing rates: 3 Months. C Months. 12 Months Prepaid Is. Id. 2s, 2d. 4s. 4d. Credit. Is. 3d. 2s. 6d. 5s. Od. FREE BY POST. Prepaid Is. 8d. 3s. 3d. 6s. 6d. Credit. 2s. Od. 4s. Od. 8s. Ode n "lues T) O. O. 10 be m?.ce payable to T Carnarvon.