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) Foreign Intelligence.|


) Foreign Intelligence. FRANCE.—The Patne' ofThursday says :—" We j*re able to announce the termination of the difference | etween lite British :<11 d Greek governments. We YV°W l'lal ^or<^ Palmerston has just sent to Mr. "lse instructions for him to conform himself entirely i o the decision of M. Gros, our minister. In these Inslructions, it is stated that as soon as the Greek government shall have executed the conditions pre- fcribed by the mediation of M. Gros, Admiral Parser Js to give up the Greek vessels which were captured y the English squadron. We know that, on the other hand, M. Gros has nearly terminated the exa- mination of the demands of England, and has con- s'derably reduced them. For instance, die indemnity 1,200,000 francs, claimed by M. Pacifico, has keen reduced to 17,000 francs The question of the 'oniar. subjects has also beer, settled." M. Vaudeuil, late peer of France, died in Paris on "turday. M. Edrnond Blanc, late an advocate at the Council of State, and at the Court of Cassation, Was struck with apoplexy whilst walking in the Streets of Paris on Friday, and died shortly after- %vaids. A operative carpenter, of Aix, in France, has been Sentenced to imprisonment for three months and to Pay a fine of 300 francs for having sung in a afé a song entitled I Le bal et la Guillotine.' Serious disturbances took place in Rouen on Mon- day se'nnight, in consequence of the Mayor having forbidden the representation of the 'Juif Errant,' J*hicli had given rise to a riot. An immense mob having joined the rioters, who had been expelled from the theatre, the troops were called out. The cavalry having charged the crowd, the people fled, and a lumber of the leaders were arrested. } HOM E.- Monsinore Gazoala, the editor of the c Contemporanes.' of Home, who had beer. condemned by the Ecclesiastical Commission to confinement in the galleys for life, for having written against the infallibility of (lie Pope as a temporal Prince, has made his escape from the Castle of St. Angelo. An official order has been issued at Home, to hre a y, salute of 101 guns on the 8th, to announce the ariival of the Pope. The' Bolog na Gazette' of the 5th inst publishes a private letter from Home of the 2nd stating that the (r Pontifical flag had replaced that of France on the I Castle of St. Angelo. The Fiench guards have left the Vatican, which is now occupied by the Pontifical troops. The Pope is expected on the 12ih. An amnesty troops. o The Pope is expected on the 12ih. An amnesty Is to Iw granted, from which only 70 persons will be excluded. The Cardinal Vicar has dIstributed 25,000 dols in the name of his holiness to the poor of the i capital. The employes are to be reinstated where Serious misconduct is not proved. Three very im portant plans are said to have been prepared at Naples, one for an organic settlement of the constitu- tion, a second for a crimina!, and a third for a civil code, of which the details will be shortly krovvn. Meantime precautions for the personal safety of the Pontiff, in his approach, aie not neglected. No sportsmen are allowed to take their guns beyond the ivalls Passports are required of-all going the smallest distance from Home. Shooting along the line of approach is net allowed. The British flag had been hauled down from the consulate, a more settled settled state of things being now expected. 011 the Pope's entry the cry of "VivaPio Nono" is interdicted. People are in- structed to beg the paternal blessing, Santo Padre la benedizione Cardinals Lambruschini and I Orioli, preceding the Pope, arrived on the evening of the 5ih. The Pope, on his entrance, is to be accom- panied by General Baraguay d'Uillters on one side of his carriage, and Prince Barberini on the other. PRUSSIA.-News from Berlin is up to the 10th inst. It is stated that the Prussian cabinet will con- sent to grant to the narrower Bund the right of war or peace, with regard to those slates only which do net form part 01 Germany; the stipulations of the federal pact of 1815 remaining intact as regards the sta:es belonging to Germany. AVSTRIA.-Tlie I Innspruck Gazette,' of the 2nd, says :—Yesterday a hall squadron of Windischgratz Light Horse left here for the Volalberg. In a few days several batteries will be sent after them. The whole 01" the Austrian troops there, and in the Tyrol, have been ordered to hold themselves in marching order. It is sa.d that this army is destined for South Germany. The Gendarmes have performed the duty of watching this city since the 1st inst. HUNGARY.—The Hungarian refugees have not yet reached their destination in Asia Minor, Count Casimir Batthyani having fallen ill on the road. The poor Jews in Hungary have at last succeeded in softening the hearts of the ministry, and have pro- cured a ministerial decree ordering that for the present no further steps shall be taken to raise the 600,000 florins exacted from them as a punishment for having favoured the Hungarians. The unhappy Honveds whose misfortune it is to be in the hospital at Pesth from wounds or sickness are in a most miserable condition. lney are without straw to lie upon they are not provided with any kind of clothing beyond what they had on when they first entered the hospital; they have no attendants of I any kind, and are half starved. A more deplorable I condition than theirs can hardly be imagined there I are about a hundred of them packed together in two I wards. ALGERIA.—The Moniteur Alg^rien' of the 8th inst., states that—"The tribes of the Maadid and inst., states that—"The tribes of the Maadid and those of the Ouled-Annaiche, who had taken part in the revolt of Zaatcha, but who since that time had kept themselves quiet, had again recently committed acts of hostility. A detachment of 334 men belong- ing to the 38'h Regiment, whde returning from Bou Cada to Setif, had been attacked on their march by a body of foot and horsemen, when a severe combat took place, but which ended in the defeat of the Arabs. Captain Dubousset was killed, and Lieut. Mangot severely wounded. Several of the Arabs were killed and wounded. General de Barral had sent a stiong detachment among the revolted tribes, who it was expected would soon be made to repent of their conduct. Some troops had also been sent amongst the llaractas and the Spguirs, in order to enforce payment of the tribute and fines illActcd on them as a punishment for refusing the means of trans- port to the Fiench troops during the expedition of Zaatcha. A razzia had also been made on the Beni Khettabs, who had refused payment of their taxes.

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