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£ 'o eigri Intelligence.


JVEiscellaneous Domestic Intelligence.


JVEiscellaneous Domestic Intelligence. Seventy-seven hogsheads of tobacco were tecenly despatched from the United States to 'lmkey. Abyssinian labourers have been imported into Lt- buan to work the coal mines. Two c'.tsesoi death from chloroform aie stated b have occurred at Berlin. Lady Morgan lies dangerously ill at her house i| \Yilliarn-street, Albert-gate. Loid JollII Manners has been invited to stand for Colchester. A Ch uriber of Commerce has been established at the port of Stockton oil -Tees. It is not true that the ports of Ancona and Civita j Vecchia have been closed to foreign vessels. An appeal in the GCn Tilt case will be argued before the House of Lords. It is said that gambling has become prevalen t amongst the army oiffcers in Dublin. A petition lo parliament, and another to the Queen in council, are being prepared, praying for the remo. val of Mr. More O'Ferrall. Mr. James Matheson, M P., and Mrs. M uheson have returned to their residence in Cleveland-iow, from a visit to the Chateau de Veance, in France. A local journal states, that a shipowner in South Shields, on the 1st ultimo, presented his godson with a brig, worth about '2.500/, as a New ear s gift. It is staled that the Turkish tieasury is at the pre gent moment empty and that the Saltan's gifts to his Ministers c nnot be paid. Viscountess Palmerston held her second soiree 1 this season on Saturday last, at the family residence | in Carlton-gardens. The Earl of Airlie will be the new representative peer I or Scotland in the room of the late Lord Col- ville. By the reduction of wages of the Government labourers in the New Forest, 66,000 acres of laud are expected to pay their expenses. The Queen has been pleased to appoint Clement Royds, of Mountfalings, Esq to be Sheriff of the county palatme of Lancashire for the year ensuing. On Saturday week the cutter of II M S. Sti-o,tif)t)li was capsized at the mouth cf Devonport harbour, and a midshipman and three sailors weie drowned, \Ye understand that her Majesty and the Court will not visit Osborne until after the Queen's ac- colle he 1 \\e\1 t. A steamer of 800 tons burthen is being built at New York to run between San Francisco and the Oregon Territory. She wlil cost 20,0001, sterling-, It is said that Lamartine has contracted to write about twenty volumes of romance for a sum of 20,000/ Several horses, imported from Sydney, have been sulci in London, the best for 60/ the worst for 37/. A tetter receiverl in Paris from Belgrade announces that the Russian army of occupation has received a reinforcement of 10,000 men. A sum of twenty pounds has been remitted from the United States by Elihu Burrit on behalf of the venerable Dr. Dick. The Prince and Princess Joinville, with their family and suite, left Southampton on Monday se'n- n ght, for Lishon Sir Robeit Peel, Lady Peel, and Miss Peel ar- rived at Windsor Castle on Friday on a visit to her Majesty. The Countess of Plymouth died on the 30th uit., at her house in Brook-street, in the seventy-sixth year of her age. Amongst the literary corps engaged as writers on Black wood'is an American gentleman named Na- thanael Hawthorne. — j\e>» York Journal. On Tuesdav se'nnight, Mr. Ellice, M.P., visited Cupar and had interviews with his chief political su pportfi's. Twenty-two students were laiely expelled from the American University of Michigan for being membeis of secret societies, A Dutch newspaper has been started in the Nom of M chigan by the numerous Highlanders novv e- sident in that American state. Latelv. in Glasgow, a man obtained lodging a,ld ^omg a young man residing in thehouse^ 18 art 0. obtaining stiver i' lead. ,f By a decision of the Irish Court of Queen's ^ll.e Mr I'^ynoKls, AI P., i« declared ineligible °^"fWdM:i-,fn„l,lin. ° Bradford On Saturday week I\lr J. Bottomley, £ advanced the wages of his haitdlootn-v 4 s en Per cent.. rr, ol > that at present Ihe Clonmel Chronicle stlre|dml first_ theie is not a graving-dock in 'we'11ava^0re''i 'J'' "t" 'e t'iat Lord Denman has w e have reason to bel r • at last resigned, and n anapbell will suc- cei d liim as Chief 'Jt!,C.e' m€S' On Tup-r!' i a suit was decided in the Prerogative c" Dubhn, in Llvollr of the validity of a will n- V Which 600'0(;?Z: ^eper.ded. An version of Htrlevy s opera, Le Vol d< j re' 'las been produced witli much success at incess' Theatre. 'Accounts from Tunis state that cholera has again 'bioken out. The Bey and the authorities are in quarantine; and the Jews are emigrating. On Wednesday se'nnight the Hon. Adoiphus Fre- derick C harles Molyneux Capel applied at the In solvent Debtors' Court for a final protecting order. j A report is current that Commodore Henry Eden is about to resign the superintendentshipefWooL w.ch Dockvard. A Cabinet Council was held on Saturday at the IS- Foreign Office, which was attended by all the Minis- ters. It sit three hours iii(I i Several dism ssa's and reductions of salaries have ore r, e I amongst the labourers employed in the New Forest The' Gazette' contains the appointment of Capt. Houston Stewart as a f.ord of the Admiralty, in the room of Lord John Hay. Mr. IIntchel 1, the Solicitor General for Ireland, has issued an address to the electors, soliciting their suffrages. W e are happy io be able to s:)y that her Majesty, her illustrious Consort, and the royal children are enjoying good health. Fhe metropolitan jcurnals continue to note many novel and useful importatior.s under the new Navi- gation-law, Four of the Edinburgh students arrested during the late riot have been fined, one il., and the otheis 31. respectively. The Hon. Miss Campbell, eldest daughter of Lord Campbell, ;s shortly to be united with the Rev. W. Mint", minister of the English Chapel at Jedburgh. I lie Countess of Arundel arid Surrey, wife of the eldest son of the Duke of Norfolk, was received into the Homan Church, on Sunday week, at the" Ora- tory," in King Wilham-street, Strand. It is said that Carew, the sculptor of the splendid It is said thatCarew, ihe sculptor of the splendid bronzes on the base of the Nelson column, has been commissioned by Government to execute four colos- sal lions m bronze for Trafalgar-square. I 'n 'i'*6 seven ,russ'»g fishermen's boats which e t u 1 before Christmas and were supposed to. liave been lost, has arrived at Scaibo ough from a port in Norway, where she had taken refuge. A gentleman who, not many years ago, rep-esented a tielglibotiritig borougli ill the Imperial Senate, is ielit now a recipient of out-door relief. — Nenugh Guar- dian. A recent writer from San Francisco, after painting forcibly tlie state of the gold-diggers at the California mines, sass, I have witnessed with my own eyes scenes >at iave made my blood turdle in my veins." >arA,, ,rinr>p is shortly to be married to the 1 ls. 1 urra}'» youngest daughter of the Baroness Braye, and widow of the Hon. II. Murray, brother to the Bishop of Hochester. Lady Newsier, wife of Sir David Bister, spired on Sunday week, at Edinburgh. This lady was youngest daughter of the late Dr. J. Macphetson, of Belleville, and married S,r David in 1810 Mr Anderson, the" Wizard of the North," was originally a pastiyeook s boy, at Aberdeen, and is sell-educated having gained his knowledge in the most practical of all schools, the world.-Albion. A sligo paper says, that a gentleman lately went to i dine with a neighbour, and when about to return i home his gig was seized by a col'ector for the arrears r of his host s poor rate. The projcct of the marriage of her Royal Highness the Princess Louisa of the Neiheilar.ds LO the CrowlI PJJnce of Sweden and Norway has obtained the offi- cial consent of her Majesiy. Their Koya) Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, visited the British. Institution on Friday, His Royal U igimess also visited the Duchess ot Glou- cester, at Gloucester House. Herr Siehrowsky, a Jew, general secretary of the northern line of railway, has been made a citizen of Vienna. This is the first occasion on which a Jew has been admitted to this privilege. The Phonetic Punting Institution has ceased to exist, its conductor and co originator with Air. Pitman having, it is said, lost 7,800/. by the spe- culation. News was brought by the Riuon steamer, which ariiTed at Southampton on Saturday last, with the Indian mail, that Lord Gough would come home by the next mail. Lady Harriet Chichester, widow of the late Lord Spencer Stanley Chichester, and sister of the lale v Earl of Galloway, died on the 30th uit., in Portmair- square, in the 81st year of her age. Lord Alexander Lennox, M.P. for Shoreham, was on Friday laken suddenly unwell, and was obliged to leave the House cf Commons previous to the division. A splendid portrait, tiy Grant, of Sir Tallon Sykes, uibscribed for by upwards of eight hundred gentle- nen, was presented to him last week at the De Grey Jooms, m the city of York. The fact of the Azstrian Ambassador having ac- cepted from the Sultan a snuff box of the value C 2.5,000 francs is now officially recognized but i'is explained that it was in exchange for a library. Mr. Bethell, m his opening address on behalf of tie Great, and against the executors of Mr. ATulosh, staled that the case of Ranger, a contractor Oithe Great Western, had cost 60,0001. Owing to the recept improvements in the naviga- ton of the Clyde, a New York packet-ship draw ing nlJeteen feet uf water was recently enabled to reach th» Bromielaw. The American line of packet ship Prince Albert, just arrived in the Liverpool docks fiom New York, h>n biought three packages of cotton seed, consigned to order. 'Jn Sunday week two blackbirds and a redwinz wee seen in the Leicester Market-place, whither llity had probably resorted in consequence of the sev>,dty of the weather. i new steering-wheel has been invented by a nay) officer, by winch die dangerous tendency of tiie whlel to fly round is checked and the safety of the steesjinari secured. i Tie Dumfries Courier' acknowledges the receipt of") dish of new potatoes, surprisingly dry and well- flavored;" also, a bunch of rhubarb stalks," &c i whiVi the earth is six inches deep in snow. ()'I'll Li rs(la), in the Sheriff's Court, a verdi1; for 50/. was taken for the plajntiff hy consent 0 in thtcrirn. con. case of V iekers v. Buch." Da- mage. 50/, they bad bei n laid at 5,000. Th«'Stamford Mercury' notes that recently num- bersohappy urchins were seen skating and playing 011 Sliding river, OH large floating sheets of ;ce which vere being carried seaward by the current. Dei'nark journals state that the prohibition against marria^s between Jews and Christians has been re- moved but a Christian clergyman must officiate and the chdren be brought up as Lutherans. Seveq 0f the Hungarian refugees, including Ujhazzy Mad'lie Yazello, and others, on Monday took tlie laths of American citizenship.—New York Herald- On Tlusday se'nnight, Margaret Hamilton was executed)t Glasgow for the crimes of forgery and murder. She swooned as the executioner pulled the fatal ropf and died whilst thus insensible. Some gnorant and infatuated persons in Carding- tcti, Rus-ibury, and oilier parishes are signing a peti- tbn to tii? Alm ghty to chain the devil, &LC.— Ed- (Dives' S[,-ewd'ury Jownal. A deplltation on the subject of gas, consisting of Ir. Oray^ Mr. IFawes, Mr. Barlow, and Mr. Tyrrell, lad an interview with Secretary Sir George Grey 011 Saturday. Miss Uavvkwood was on Tuesday week, formally I received as one of the sisters in the Convent of Mercy, Bermondsey. The ceremony was conducted by Dr. Wiseman. Plie shooting season terminated on Friday grouse, blackcock, and ptarmigan shooting endlllg on the 10th December, and partridge and pheasant shooting on the 1st of February. ouster, was launched nt Aberdeen on Monday se'n- night. Sheisnamed the Centurion, and is intended for the East India trade. It is rurnoured and believed in the City that the honour of the peerage will be conferred on Mr, Sa- muel Jones Loyd, who, it will be observed, has just retlled from business as a banker. The Right Hon. the Speaker of the House of Com- mons has invited her Majesty's Ministeis to his first state dinner this season on Saturday (this day), at his residence in Eaton-square. A remarkable specimen of gold from California, weighing 61b 8Toz, has recently been purchased by Mr. Cross, of Valparaiso, to present to her Majesty the Queen. The Rev. Dr. Singer, one of the Senior Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, has been appointed Regius Professor of Divinity, in the room of tlie iate Rev. Dr. Erlington. The sum of 12,425l. has been paid by the East India Company into the Bank of England to the public account, to meet the claims of the several parties entitled to share in the prize money granted for the capture of Ghuznee and Lower ScindeT After the Privy Council on Wednesday se'nrritjht, Mr. Justice lalfourd was presented to the Queen at ;n audience, kissed hands upon his appointment, and had the honour of Knighthood conferred upon him byherMajesty- During a conflagration on an American prairie, recently, the wind veered round and suddenly brought the flames upon all encampment. One hundred and fitly head of cattle were burnt to death before they could be rescued. Her Majesty s steam-sloop Flecate arrived at Ply- mouth on Tuesday se'nnight from Bermuda, whence she sailed on the 9th uit. Oil her passage she ex- perienced very severe weather, having been in a gale of wind nearly a week! ° The artistic world cannot fail to hear with regret that Godtiey Sichadow, the celebrated founder of the Dusseldorf School, and President of the Academy of Arts and Sciences at Eerln, died on the 28th uit., at the advanced age of eighiy-six. On Tuesday se'nnight the highest tide known within the last twenty years occurred on the Thames. Much damage to property on the banks of the river was effected and the water was within two inches of rushing into the Tunnel. Hie 'Athenaeum' says of Carlyle's new tracts, "Though tricked out in the usual style of the mJoern prophets, Mr. Carlyle's profusions on the present time aie a trifle more explicit than: any of his former outpourings" 011 VV ednesday se'nnight a demonstration in fa- vour of Free Trade was made by a public supper at the Corn-exchange-hall, Exeter; the members and friends of the Exeter Reform Association having been invited to meet their representative, Mr. Divett. Mr. Chaphn, chairman of the South-Western Railway, has recently paid up his 4?,000/ for which he was in arrear with his company, together with 4,000/. interest thereon and Mr. Heed his 10)0001. arrears.— llercpath's Journal. Lady J. Russell held an assembly on Wednesday se nniglit, at the private residence of the First Lord of the lreasury, in Chesham-place. About two hundred leading members of the fashionable world paid their respects to her ladyship on the occasion. A meeting of the National Ref.irrn Committee will be held in Liverpool 011 Friday, the 15th inst. Sir Joshua W.dmstey,AJ.p,Mr. George Thompson, M P., Mr. Alexander Mackay, and Mr. Thomas I Beggs will repr sent the council on this occasion. At a pension of the Honourab'e Society of Gray's Inn, holden on Wednesday se'nnight, W. J. Bro- derlp, Esq., a magistrate of the Westminster Police Court, and T. H. Marshall, Esq., judge of one of the County C ourts of Yorkshire, were called to the bench of that society. We yesterday saw, at Messrs. Chobb's establish- ment, a padlock, made of gold, of such tiny dimen- I sions that it only occupied the cavi,y in the shield of a gold signet-ring, the whole, with two keys, weigh- ing but sixteen grains. The Lilliputian lock was perfect, and its wards answered with as much accu- racy to the keys as those of larger dimensions — Manchester Courier. Mr. Sheriff Nicol lias fouvarded a cneck for 525/ to be appropriated as a priz? to him who shall pro- duce the best piece of woolUo cloth, excellent in every quality of texture and dyp, at the great ex- hibition in 1 8.3 1. The Elder Brethren of the Trinity L-iuse have ex- pressed their opinion of the public servicts of the late Sir John Barrow by the presentation of 1 00(, towards the fund for erecting the intended seamark on Hoad- hill, near Uberstone. (Jn Monday the bakers throughout the metropoMs reduced the price of the 41h. loaf IJd. Best bread is now charged 7d. the loaf, second quality, 5\d., weighed on delivery. Some, however, in tlie popul- ous districts only charge 5£1, We learn that Lieutenant Colonel tlie IIon. George Upton, brother of Viscount Templetown, will -ftonly lead to the hymeneal altar M iss Woodford, eldest daughter of General Sir Alexander and Lady Wood to: (I. Lord Stanley had a large meeting of his politics friends in both houses of parliament Oil Saturday, at his private residence in St. James s Square. There were nearly 100 members of the House of Commons in attendance. It is by a correspondent of the Morning Herald,'as a positive fact, that our present most sagacious Ministers have for some days past been busily engaged burning all unnecessary official papeis." It is said the Rev. Dr. Hook is a convert to tiie doctrine ofl: justification by faith only, m opposition to tlie Tractarian and Roinanistic view of "justifica- tion by inherent righteousness as set forth in the works of the writers of die Oxford school. Amidst the rocks of Loch Shielding there is one rock, in a fissure of Nviii li live, ill tlie most perfect harmony, a hawk, a rook, a pigeon, and owlet. For years have these otherwise incongruous buds domi- ciled together on tins rock. Sir G. II. Smyth, Bart., has somewhat suddenly resigned therepreseniatton of Colchester, and, at his suggestion, a deputation Ins been appointed 10 wait upon Lord George Manners, to ask him to become a candidate for the seat thus vacated. On Saturday night week Mr. Samuel Harvey, clerk at die Sutton engine sheds, was accidentally killed by an engine at the St. Helens-station. The wheel passed over his neck and almost severed the head from the body. We understand that the Railway Commiss;oners have served the notice upon the Great Western Com- pany to proceed with the works of the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway.— TForccsie." Journal. After many rumours vvhich have turned out un- founded, the I).rector-General of the Ordnance Me- dical Department, Sir John Webb, is about to retire from that office. Sir John has filled the office for a verv long pei iod. On Wednesday se'nnight, a special meeting of ilie Dublin Chamber of Commerce was held to petition for a reducllon of the duty Upon lea. A series of resolutions and a petition to Parliament were adopted. (Jn the 2Gd) uit., the ship Palmero, Capt. Camp- b-11, bound for London, was entiiely wrecked off the French coast, five leagues from Boulogne. The crew, consisting of 18 persons and 3 passengers, were saved. Four convicts escaped from the gaol at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, on Tuesday week, by means of a work- man's ladrler; but three were subsequently re-cap- tured. One had been acquitted, on a charge of murdering his child, on the plea of insanity. The Berwick Advertiser' says, that, on Monday week, six persons seeking employment as mnr- riers" were in the railway-station awaiting the ar- rival of parties coming to celebrate Scotch wed- dings. Recently, whilst a boy was being drawn up out of a coalpit, at Euxton, the basket became unhooked at one side. Tiie boy was stricken with terror, arid, on reaching the surface, laid down on his back., heaved several sighs, and died. In consequence of a severe accident, Sir Augustus Clifford will be prevented from attending his duties at the House of Lords for a short time. Applications for admission may, however, during his absence, be made to Mr. Pulman, the yeoman usher. All the Ministers of Louis Philippe are now in Paris, and are favourably received everywhere. Guizot gives his usual soirees, and Duchatel is seen walking arm-in arm upon the Boulevards with Achille Fould, the Finance Minister of the Re- public. lord to have his farm taken off his hands, on tlie plea of the present state of agrleulture. The request was at once acceded to, the farm was advertised, and ultimately it was let to tire same gentleman at a rent Qat higher. 11 We are informed upon undoubted authority, that so much does her Majesty prefer Cheshire cheese to all ot ii e r, that it is daily and exclusively used at the royal table, two large cheeses being supplied weekly for the consumption of the household. — Chester Courant. The Gardener's Chronicle' slates, that in a place infested with rats one of the fraternity was recently caught, clothed in scarlet, and then set free. The Utile red-coat bolted into the midst of his friends, and inspired them with terror; and ultimately the host took to irrevocable flight. An interesting question to railway shareholders will shortly be submitted to the Court of Queen's Bench for its decision respecting the books of railway companies they are entitled to inspect, the kind of balance-sheet they are to have, and whether they are entitled to inspect the register of propiietors. On Monday week the investigation into the ac- counts of the Leigli Savings Btirik commenced. More than one-half of the depositor's books were produced and compared with the ledger of the bank, hvery book was found to correspond with the account in the ledger. Mr- Justice ralfourd, on Wednesday se'nnight vvas piesent at Mr. Bowyer's reading; being the first V|sit of the learned judge to the Middle Temple, where lie was called to the bar, since his elevation to the bench. He was loudly applauded by the barristers and students. The I I-x-,irnlnl-r' says, G. Hudson has been more imprudent than Mr. Courvoiser Phillips. Mr. Phillips let nine years elapse before he presumed on the public memory and attempted a defence in the face of damning facts. Mr. Hudson, before nine Inoritlis have elapsed, has made the same rasli attempt, withaboutthesamesuccess." A highly respectable meeting was held cri Saturday week, at Galway, to consider the necessity of peti- lioning the Queen to issue a commission to inquire into the merits of the several ports on the west coast of Ireland, with the view of establishing a transat- lantic packet-station. 'Fhe Paris Moniteur' publishes a decree, signed by tlie President of the Republic, reducing tiie pen- sion of the ex-King Jerome Bonaparte, as Governor of the Invalides, from 60,000f. to 40,000f. in conse- quence of his;receiving, since his appointment as go- vefllor, tlie poy of a Marshal,of France. Iaeut, R. M. Taylor, of the 25tb regiment, em- barked on board one of the Peninsular and Oriental steamers on the 20th of October last, for Alexandria, and having hastened thence to Madras, remained there twelve days, when lie returned and reached Southampton by the same steamer on the 25th ulr. Tlie < Gateshead Observer' compares the Sunder- land ship builders to the Yankee gaiter-manufac turer, who threw his productions over his shoulder as fast as he made them and had a gaiter continually in the air. On the VV ear a ship is "perpetually rushing into the water." I German papers state that Mr- Gunther, the head of the locomofive factory of Neustadt, r.eai Vienna, i'as solved the problem relative to the ascent of trains on inclined planes; arid built an engine winch vvi]| draw, with ease, up an incline of 40 egrees to 5o je_ grees, a train of the weight of 2,500 tons.

Law and Police Intelligence.

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1 >■ S U U 11ECTIO N IN w…

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