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TXIE Rev Matthew Thomas, ■will occupy 'the pulpit at Zion Presby ^Pubifyin^'cakmarthen WmBS-On Sim day and Monday night- » «• ™d<s to *■* SNtaMSSTLl the S&TM. » f sedi" ^rs.^tain,eSnd of the Rev\ W Mongan, PliilMtell*ia.. has jnst l>a^ed the Intermediate B.Sc. exammat.on of the London University. Mr Morgan £ a student at the Nottingham University Col- 1CCCABMARTHENSHIRE INFIRMART.—THE firv berrs respectfully to acknowledge receipt of the folowing £ l, ^^VaX Mr Thomas Rees, ex-constable, Fria- s i'arx periodicalsr Mr R. James Bridge street; Miss Spuirrell, King street Miss Hugh.s, ,7V hawdd«ar; Mr Radcliffe Morgan and Lady HiSs-Johnes; flower, Mrs Philips, Bola- baul; and the Mayoress. p rvni; CARMARTHEN TRADES AND ^ab°™ licil On Sunday, August- 12th, the above melt for the purpose of for the I^bour|1fa]lse/f^rt^g^t deal of; for next ^Gl-jy^es 36 Bridge street, discussion, g was' finaily selected to contest tife Astern' HW <m betalf <* the Lalbour Party. DEATH OF MR D. DA VIES.—WE regret to record the death cf Mr D Danes, <*n*nter (formerly (landlord of the l nw>n Hall), ^hich took pace at his residence, 79, Lammas-slieet on Monday. The deceased, who was 30 years of age leaves a widow and three ehiljhen.jit wihom general sympathy is felt 111 afll tion The funeral, which will be public tor men; t^kes place at Elim on Friday after- noon.. If NANTGAREDIG SCHOOL.—At the ™^NI- the Education Committee lasit week, An L> V' ,r ,l, Philadelphia Council School f^S'35) appointed cfcrtMcate.1 head- S, of the nJTschool at Nan » a salary of £ 85 per annum. -Mi/ Lemia Walters of Abergwili National School, was appointed a supplementary teacher capable Kking sewing at £ 32 a year. The ,.ehool will lie opened on Friday nest the -Uj.j.st-, at 2.30 p.m. Mr J. Lloyd Morgan, M.l and others will address the meeting. TRIPS—On Thursday, the 9th inst., the Dvffiryn Gwili Rechabites had an excursion to nLulrt.hen. They marched in. procession through the town, headed V'«/1 n rmeetin^ m the Park, lney weie favoured by excellent weather, and spent a most eniovablc day.-On Tuesday, Mr F. J. Cotterel, of the Mews, gave the workhoube inmates their annual trap to LI;an:stepiban. The charabanc accomodated thirty, and the others were conveyed an smaller vehicle^ Refreshments wore provided by Mia Cottieil, and the outing was highly appreciated. 1ST V.B. WELSH REGIMENT-—Orders for the week ending Saturdy, the 25th A.gast, UK*. Office- s on dutv, Captain James Jo,.n J iv, 'Wo-t T Thomas and Co:pi. J. J rumes; Ordmi}y bulClrSJ, L-ance-Ccrpl. E. ii. teeS: Pa,W etc., Company jn.<r on Monday and ednesdaj, a- 8 p.i •• dress pla*n clothes; Class firing on Sat.iiiuay, from 2pm.; Recruits' drill every week evening (except Tuesday and Saturday), at 7 30 r> m. Club shoot on Thursday, com- mencing at 2 p.m. sharp.-By order, JAMES JOHN, Captain Commanding Detachment. DEATH OF MRS ESSIE SAT,E -We s'nccrely regret to announce the death of a former Carmar :z* rc.ident in the person of Mrs Ensie bale, ffieXw'oIedwife ol Mr G»,ge Sat, of I. Jvfrnwnll road, fiayewater, London, which fad eVent pi.™? or. Tuwday mominfr, the ?Ih inst. The deceased lady, who was 39 years of age was the younge6t daughter of the late Mattery gergeant-Major Trydell, K.G. A.. Mihtia, of Carmarthen, and brother to Mr John Trydell, Ihe Academy, Bellshill, near Glasgow. Mrs Sale, who fed only been ill for a few days, passed away rather ™dden V. the cause of death being an internal uinV Sha was of a kind, cheery, affable S5& j™ii-ss4, W .11 rrr&S .X ca»r fo^tn her sa JK- g- huebana ana «. Wg firs gure thftt fch0 neWBOf her eaiiy demise "will be heard, of with Ere regret by her m»ny oM fri«nd. m her native town of Carmarthen. CRICKET. after a somewhat exciting finish were beu-t-cn by Gowerton on SSdSy, he inrt., by ftve Jhe t«wn had <a good team, Captain A Fastei miakims; first aippeainancc this seaoon, and J^tunng six wUkf* for 1. qjiarn ,accounting for 4 tor 10, the vi&itor. weri aot rid of lor 37. This total might have been ampler if the fielding had been better, but it soenis hopeless to expect the majority of the pliayera *to ezert themselves. Oarmairthen made a bad beginning, wickets falling for seven runs, but when the Gaotain got to the wicket it looked moae PnSsmg a, 30 appeared with only se^n men out, but dmg^ing a ball into his ticket at 31, he retired AVith 1U to h.^ credit, and the remaining wi»kets only adding on»> Sle inninoB dosed for 32, or 5 behm#. Ihe feS Sg in » gre»t moa«,re fce to the long grass iiiwnd the edge of the field. rt.t.r,RY —We regret to announce that Mr Thorns Williianis chemist, of South-st-, Teteworth, Middle&px. and a former resident ,nf t.Tiis town, passed away rather sucd.cnly on Sunday lat'tornoon last, though haa oec i in iraltfcer indiiferent health for so™<? ■oa-st. He was, a son o? the late Mr John Wil- Sms carpenter, of St. Mairy-street. and a brother of Mrs Cocks, dressmaker, ol' Bridge- street M'a»y will remember Mr AViliua-ms as Sr^ apprentice with Mr Biigstocke, cheniast, finm?rlv of King street. Havung s^ryqd his time Mr Wililiaans spent some time in Swan- Ctove, and at Ascot, eventually migrat- jug' to the Motropdiis. He w-as an assist at King's-crosa road and aift-eru aul.s E1* mond, Surrey. While iu the latter place he married a Miss Hampton, of Sydney Villas, j'll that town, and soon afterwards opened a huskjpss on his own account at Islewortn, wtere he ^ocn worked up a flourishing tride. His pleasant mtaituer and ciliantable disposi- tion to the poor soon endeared hum to the inhabitants of Isleworth, and his loep will be UeeMy felt liv mamy. The funeral, which fvfas of a srrictly .private nature, took place on Wednesday, the pia«e of interment being at Richmond Cemetery. FUNEAL, OF MRS JONES,and ni4a,tilfesta,t,iDn of s<)r"tow every manifestation of sorrow and j-e^ie the mortal remains ot Mrs Ann Jones, the Stored wife of Mr Fmnei, Jones, 16,] Hamilton-street, Landcre (whose d< ath ve announced last week) were land to rest; at Owmgelly Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon Ja«t Tho funeral was one of tho largest seen in the district for some time, being attended by men and women, paying their last tribute of i-espoot to the esteem jn wfiich the deceased was held. Mis Jones was one of the most faithful members otf St. Matthews Welsh oliui-di, Swansea, and her presence „u be sadly missed from the conglegation. Fverv eood \Vork in connection with the SXi TOcaived her ready Bupport, and both chu,r0l 0f the district have lose 1:h° tlear friend. Prior to the depar- ture of the cortege, the Rev Jenk.n Hughes, r QA AIottliew>, oonduoted a shoit spi vice at t,Ile ¡house 1I1rl ol1h:,ide tha't tK',auti.fnl old hymn, "Load Kmd y If# "n",ih{,y nr(,C,f'll t. prewsively sung by trie iaig^ M^u i ,i -fa «iay to^vards the Cemetery, and all al » the routo blinds were drawn and. cutters put nn as a mark of resipect. On nearmg the Cemetery Churoli, the tolfeg of the bell sent forth the sad tale a good and devoto/a Mnifp a kind and loving moviinr, and a dear friend\ias about to be laid in her last resting The service iat the church w as con tSei b%6 B« ]«*% -d the Rev Mr Davies, curate oi iauls, Lan- dore whilst at the graveside- tae iormer rev. t;er) ¡ )fx a,1d)r, "T111..loDes, 1,andore (1),1:(> ther' snd sis-ter-iin-law) Messirs Henty Navies and John Davies., Carmarthen ^brothels) if-, Daviec, Llamellv (sisjuer-iiii.'la'n'); SS Uenry Jolhn rort Taibot- (ccavnH) i Jfc ;W«. John, TrnMh <neplie»v); Jll John Lmvis, Carmarthen (hrother-in-la >v), Rev Ourwen Davies, Cothi Bridge Ati- and MI-3 W. D. Jones, Carmarthen (neplHw and niece); Messrs Owen Jones, T>m J ones, Charles. Jones, Frank JoiKsS, Aibni Joiies, »nd Sta/nley Jones, Landore (ne^hevrs); Miss Elsie Jones, Landcre (niiece) Mrs C. Morns, Aherdare; 18n Mr Samuel Jones, Plasmarl. Tire coffin, w^hieh was of iKjiiiihed oak, Avas covered with beautifyl wraths and crosses* J PENUEL, CARMARTHEN.-Last Sunday the pulpit of Penuel Baptist Chapel was occupied by Mr P. L. Phillips, of Cardiff Baptist College, and hib sermons morning and evening were highly appreciated. Next Sunday, 19th inst. the well- known poet-preacher Gwili," of Oxford, will officiate. THB BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S left on Saturday for a holiday abroad, and expects to be away for five or six weeks, retorning for the ordination that will be held in Abergwili Parish Church on September 23. Letters on unavoidable business should be addressed during his absence to the chaplain, The Palace, Abergwili. THE Board of Agriculture and Fisheries desire to give notice that the publication of the revised Ordnance Survey maps on the scale of 6 inches to the mile is in progress for the County of Carmarthen, and is proceeding from North-east to South-west. Copies of these maps may be obtained from the local agents, or, through any bookseller, from the Ordnance Survey Offices, Southampton. Copies may also be ordered through Head Post Offices in towns where there are no agents. No one can mistake the meaning of a man who says he is going to give somebody beans. Sir Alfred Jones has introduced a new significance into the act of handing a man a banana. As become the Banana King, Sir Alfred Jones always has a dish of ripe bananas on his desk, and when he offers one of these fruit to a visitor it is a gentle hint that the interview is at an end. sometimes me banana is taken, but not the hint. WE would draw the attention of our readers to the Shrewsbury Great Floral Fete on Wednesday and Thursday next, the 22nd and 23rd mst. This Floral Show is undoubtedly one of the most magnificent in the Kingdom. Besides the show, there is a grand array of variety artistes, the bands of H.M. Coldstream Guards and H.M. Scots Guards will be in attendance, and in the evening a grand display of fireworks will take place. Full particulars will be found in our advertising columns. Excursions will be run from Carmarthen and stations on the Central Wales Railway.

Sad Death in the Hayfield…

Of Great Interest to Carmarthen.

Wedding at LlandyssuL

[No title]

Llanddarog- Agricultural Show.


Passive Resistance Legal.




The Foresters High Court and…


The Llandovery Motor Mishap.

Bales for Bathers.

i A Llanelly Experiment. -



Family Notices