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Improvements in Oil Engines. BLACKSTONE'S OIL ENGINES. Ell Won the Silver Medal of the R. A.S.E. Society at the Park Royal, June, 1904. This was the onbfAward made to Oil Engines at this Meeting, DISTRICT -A-G-IEiltTT WILLIAM THOMAS, CARMARTHEN. i^hJiYilJNU! UOOD QHEAP AND JglXPEDlTIOUS JJKINTING J^XECUjSMSD AT TBE "TV EJIKLY REPORTER" PRINTING & PUNISHING OFFICES^i & BLUE STBEET rvAFlWA]rfHEK« POSTERS COLOURED OR PLAINrf HANDBILLS TRADE CIRCULAltS MEMORIAL CARDS IN GREAT VARIETY BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS ANNUAL REPORTS PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE PROGRAMMES (BALL CONCERT OR SPORTS) BILLHEADS MEMO. FORMS CHEQUE BOOKS, &C-. Orders by Post receive prompt 1; and careiul attention. p RIC ES ON APPLICATION 4 fhe Carmarthen Weekly Reporter PUBLISHED mvERY THURSDAY EVENING, Jirculates throughout South Wales generally, and has the LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN, PmOIl ONE PENNY; POST FREE 1/9 PEB QCABTER HIE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR AIL CI A3SKS Of' ADVERTISEMENTS. EORG PILE GRAV r PILLS A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. i For tqnvards of Forty Years these Pills have held tIle first place in the World as a Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the common disorders of the Bowels, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; and there is no civilized Nation under the Sun that has not experienced their Healing Virtues. THE THREE FORMS OF THIS REMEDY: No. 1—George's Pile and Gravel Pills. No, 2—George's Gravel Pills. No. 3—George's Pills for the Piles. Sold everywhere in Boxes, Is. I'd -and 2s. 9d. each. By Post, Is. 2d. and 2s. led. PROPRIETOR—J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRII-AIN, ARERDARE, MORTIMER'S COUGH MIXTURE, -10 ( OA For Coughs, Colds Croup, and Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all Chest Affections. N.B.-See that this Picture appears upon the wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. MORTIMER'S ONLY. o J. B. ARTHUR, WHOLESALE GROCER CORN. FLOUR AND SEED MERCIAN 1 PRIORY-STREET, AND THE QTJA "ST STORES CARMARTHEN. Barley, Hound and Flat torn Flour, Barley Meal, Indian Meal' Middlings, Bran, &c., at lowest possible Prices. THOMAS PHOSPHATE THOMAS PHOSPHATE 1 A LARGE CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED PRICES VERY MODERATE. SOLE AGENT FOR THE DUBLIN & WICKLOW CELEBRATED MANURES. I IMPORTANT TO PICNIC AND TEA PARTIES. We supply Sunday and Day Schools and Picnic Parties with Excellent HOME-MADE CAKES of every variety on the shortest notice, and at Wholesale Prices. Samples and Prices on Application. Families waited upon daily with best Bread, Brcwn Bread, and Hovis. ✓ (3. TR1 3rd .A. 1R. £ 3, («WAI,IA BAKERY, PIII<>KY STREET C A RM ARTIl EN. I1 A 17IEYJSf /SO ¡'iJSt, OPTICIANS. Mr. A. R. DAVIES, F.S.M.C. (Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, London), has made a special study of Visual Optics, and gained the above diploma. If the services of an Oculist are needed you will be promptly told so and no charge will be made. Oculists' prescriptions made up with the greatest care. DAVIES Sz SOIsTS, 5, GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. ESTABLISHED 1854. ;s. D. rrrrus WILLIAMS, BOOKBINDER, &c, CHAPEL STREET, CARMARTHEN. Magazines, Periodicals, and all kinds of Publica- tions Bound to suit the Owner's taste. E. COLBY EVANS BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS DECIDED TO MAKE A QKEAT CLEARANCE SALE OF HUNDREDS OF VOLUMES OF BOOKS BY THE BEST AUTHORS, ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY GOODS, &c, AT IMMENSE REDUCTION FOR CASH. THE SALE IS IfcTOW OUST- 3, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. —————————————.——.————-———————————— NOTICES TO QUIT From Landlord to Tenant and Tenant to Landlord, may be obtained at the Reporter Office. Price One Penny, 1 TO POOR RATE COLLECTORS, ASSISTANT OVERSEERS, &c. FORMS of Notice of Audit, Collector's Monthly Statement, &c., Poor Rate Receipt Books, with Name of Parish, Particulars of Rate, lite., printed in, can be obtained at the REPORTER OFFICE at Cheap Rates. Send for Prices. THE OARMARTHEN BILLP08TING COMPANY, 13, BRIDGE-STREET CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING and ADVERTISING in all ill Branches, throughout the Counties of Cam.* | then, Pembroke and Cardigan. [ R. M. JAMES, Manager. 5 -A- STTIRYE CT-TIZ-IE DR. TYE'S J* DROPSY, DROPSY, 2d. gd. LIVER, "Of any Chemist or of the AND Manufacturer and WIND F. J. COLEY ■- T Chemist, PlJLijiS. Stroud, Glus. -r-. X STOP ONE MOMENT. X OH DEAR DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE BUT TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY which contains PURE Welsh Honey and ^esaenoe of the purest and most efficacious Herbs, gath the Hills cf Wales, being gathered m the proper season, when its virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS THERE are thousands of children who die a^ually from bronchitis, whooping cough, and croup. This 18 a grand discovery for the cure of su^h complaints. It s nvaluable for weak-chested men, women, and children. It cures when all remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, A Tightness of the "3hest. It cures thousands or children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It oures for One Shill ingwhen Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT If vou have n Cough, try it; if you have a Cold, try it It loosens pMegrn and promotes expectora- tion, pr-dwarmth and oaifct to the «'hest, and gives rei\>-hii,<r -t:-p when y.m tiave lost nights ret, June 11th, 1902. DBAK Slf I > ivh to acknowledge soy gratitude to you fo> tf-r i 1 haVP received from using your Tudo. W.-I.M^ Balaam of H-ney. For more than two ypals I have hein a great sufferer from Golds ana Coughs, in fact, my lift-was quite a bur Jen to me, with pains all over my Cil!"8t. I have had three bottles of your Balsam (,f Honey, a-id am grateful to say that I am c,red-cati go on with my performance with pleasure. Shall highly recommend t to others. Yo can use this testimonial aío- you like. I arc, yours faithfully F. CIIIRGWIN, Comic Clown, Blackburn IS SOMETHING MAKVEH.OUS. A BAG OF LETTERS IN EVERY DAY, any what they say about Tudor Williams Balsam of Honey is something marvellous.. SEVERE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, combined with Asthma and Heart Affection (8 years standing), CURED "I have been under doctors for 8 years. They did not do me any lasting good. When I beg.n your treatment I was at my very worst. My breathing was very bad. I had to sit up in bed all night, and my cough was so hard I could not cough up anythiug. In the daytime I was worse. I used to get such fits of perspiration and afterwards turn quite cold. I was always catching fresh colds. I am now able sleep at nights, and when I rise up n the mornin am able to do my wo with ease Mrs. JACKSON. Sea View, Southport. WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. SIR,-My wife desires me say that your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey nas proved a mos valuable medicine in our large family (eight children). As soon as a cough or cold makes its appearance, dose of Tudor's Balsam is it once administered, and this treatment is followed up until the cold dis- appears. Before usirg the Balsam in our amily the children have been prostrate with colds or several weeks, but now, by taking doses as directed, they seem to suffer very little inconvenience. During the short time the cold is upon them, the ction of the Balsam is marvellous, and the little ones take it readily and ask for more.-W ALTER J. BRETT, C.M. Headmaster, Severn Tunnel School. BALSAM OF HONEY AT THE ROYAL NATIONAL BAZAAR. When it was decided to have a Welsh Stall at the National Bazaar in aid of the sufferers by the War, Mr. D. TUDOR WILLIAMS offered the Hon. Secretary Arthur J. Coke, Esq., a case of Balsam of Honey which was gratefully accepted. The Balsam found a ready sale amongst the Royalty and nobility who patronised the Bazaar. NURSE DARLING. NURSE HOME, KIMBERLEY. Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Honey you kindly forwarded to the front, I am pleased to be able to say that I have found it most beneficial to my patients and self In one case I attended a private pldier, a native of Glcucescershire. He had been wounded in the chest. He had ? troublesome oiugh. He asksd for Tudor Williams's Balsam of Hon y. I was surprised at the wonderful effect it had on the poor fellow soothing the uasty cough and promoting free expectoration—thus promptly clearing the bronchial tube and air vessels or the accumulated mucous. He wished me to drop you this line. SEE YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUD. Sold by all Chemists ana Stores in Is., 2B 6d., and 4s. 6d. per bottle. Great saving Un purchasing the large Bottle. Sample bottle sent (post paid for Is 3d. 2s. 9d. and 5s., from tha inventor, D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, R.S.D.L. Manufacturer TUDOR WILLIAMS, M.R.P.S., A.S Apth. London, Analytical and Consulting Chemist and Druggist, by Examination, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. W. T. ROGERS, R.P.G.' (licitiber of the Registered Plumbers Company), PI umber, Oas-fltter Wire & Electric Bell-hanger, 9, NOTT-SQUABE, CARMARTHEN. All kinds of Ratli Room and Lavatory Requisites supplied and fixed. Newest Designs and Prices on application. Repairs executed on the shortest notice SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ALL CLASSSS OF COUNTRY WORK. COMPETENT WORKMEN SENT TO ALL PARTS. GOOD WORKMANSHIP COMBINED WITH REASONABLE CHARGES TEETH! TEETH! W. WILLIAMS (9 Years' Experience with the late Mr. Macphail, 0* Years' with one of the Principal London Dentists Tetth extracted quite painless by new process CROWN, BRIDGE, AND BAR WORK A SPECIALITY. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES. 8, SPILMAN fe-l-SEET, CARMARTHEN (OPPOSE. E BANK LANE). I NOTICES TO QUIT I' FROM LANDLOLD TO TENANT AND TENANT TO LANDLORD, May be obtained at the REPO.TER 'O"ICZ, Blue-street, Carmarthen. PRICE ONE PENNY. CLA.RKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to cure Jr. sex all acquired or Constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel.and Pain in the back. Free trorn Mercury. Established r tris of SO v;ars. boxes, 4s Od each, of ail Phemits and latent Medic'.ne Vendors throughout SjWorld or sent for sixty ^u.psby the makers, the Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. Lincoln.