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Bentnll's Cli ail cutter, with Safety Lever and Fly Wheel Cover, To meet the requirements of the new Cliaffcutter (Accidents) Act, 1898. f t{l J-t. I ¡ LYSAGHTS BEST-BRANDED SHEETS. | a.Q t U I .7i I. The New i ALIIIHA-LAVAL' Separator, Winner of the FIRST PRIZE in all Classes at the Maidstone Royal Show, June, 1899. AGENT FOR RICHMOND & CHANDLERS, AND ALL OTHER LEADING MAKERS. WILLIAM THOMAS, Ironmonger & Implement Agent, CARMARTHEN I Implement Depots-Market Place, Carmarthen, and at Llanybyther. Telegraphic Address-it Thomas, Ironmonger, Carmarthen." J. B. ARTHUR, WHOLESALE GROCER CORN, FLOUR, AND SEED MERCHANT, PRIORY-STREET, AND THE QU .A::Z: STORES CARMARTHEN. Barley, Round and Flat Corn, Flour, Barley Meal, Indian Meal, Middlings, Bran, &c., at lowest possible Prices. THOMAS PHOSPHATE THOMAS PHOSPHATE! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED PRICES VERY MODERATE. SOLE AGENT FOR THE DUBLIN & WICKLOW CELEBRATED MANURES. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY. GWALIA BAKERY PRIORY-STREET, CARMARTHEN. CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! We are prepared on the shortest notice to supply Tea Parties, School Treats, and all kinds of Entertainments with the best quality Cake at most reasonable prices. .The Trade supplied at lowest wholesale price. NOTE THE ADDRESS- G. TITEI-IARNE, GWALIA HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. ESTABLISHED 1854. D- TITUS WILLIAMS, BOOKBINDER, &0., CHAPEL HOUSE, CIIAPEL STREET, CARMARTHEN. MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, AND ALL KINDS OF PUBLICATIONS BOUND TO SUIT THE OWNER'S TASTE. All Work executed with Good Taste, and Best Materials Guaranteed GEORGE" S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF MODERN TIMES t the Testimonials published that have been received in avour of this Remedy, they would fill a re Volume of nearly One Thousand Pages of the ordinary size. "TREY ARE MOKE TIUN GOLD TO ME,—THEY SAVED MY LIFE." If you suffer PAIN in the BACK and LOINS, or between the SHOULDERS, this Remedy wil effectually IRRITATION of the BLADDER, SUPPRESSION and RETENTION of the m JT STONE, or GRAVEL, the ONLY SAFE and EFFECTUAL REMEDY OFFERED TO THE (GEORGE'S PILE and GRAVEL PILLS. W Tf Water is HIGH COLOURED, THICK, and depositing much SEDIMENT, lose no time, procure ntfORGE'S PILLS, and you will soon be RIGHT again. box oi ^Tr>-v[T7YS and LIVER are sluggish aTx^ <. at of order, this Remedy will gently STIMULATE important organ?, open up their CLOGGED PASSAGES, and promote the secretion of HEALTHY wKnd other VITAL Jggg^STION, BILIOUSNESS, and CONSTIPATION you have a SURE Disorder, such as PILES, CONSTIPATION, FLATULENCE, COLIC, yon jfyou B^er^r^^ALPITATION, and are afraid that your HEART is affected, you will find these ^Ify^sSerlrom HEADACHEand GIDDINESS, George's Plllswill remove these PAINS sooner than xf AIN°AFTER EATING, and feel DROWSY andilSTLESS.one Dose of George a Pills Vi\Ty^rFaOOD TURNS SOUR and riras nto the month, a ew doses o this Remedy will make your t*0UIf you fee\'NERVOUS, EXCITABLE, and LOW SPIRITED, a perfec iANTIDOTE will be found in ^TfyouhSve a DISAGREEABLE TASTE in the mouth, a SINGLE DOSE of George'ePile and Gravel :ii* at bed-time will clear the tongue before the dawn of another day. If SLEEP fails to give you REST try George's Pills. They will make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, *Bd If yluXel unfit f o^EXERTI ON", WEAK, and LIMP, this Remedy wi RESTORE yonr ENERGY nd STRENGTH, and will make Labour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of your life. If you are troubled with NAUSEA and VOMITING at the thought of eating, a bo of George's Pills will make your meat and drink both SAVOURY and PLEASANT. If your BLOOD is impure, it will keep open all the important outlets of the body, and thus give free to all GROSS HUMOURS, and no more BLOOD IMPURITIES will be seen bursting through the £ ?• in PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, SORES, or BOILS. *Tn thousands of cases it has removed from the Blood root and branch, RHEUMATIC, SCORBUTIC, A TAIiS i'fcj that had defied all other Remedies Tfvou have a tendency to DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, this remedy, by its action upon the KIDNEY3 j tut LI soon bring -ivCxiei. If you have DIFFICULTY of BREATHING, this Remedy will prove a friend to you In the hour of wm change your CONSTANT AILING to FREEDOM FROM PAIN. U Will change the dALLOW COMPLEXION to the BLOOM OF HEALTH. will change your SICKLINESS to VIGOUR; your LANGOUR to JACTIYITY and yonr t KMuVTiAL DEBILITY to firmness of SINEW and MUSCLE. Tt fa APERIENT, and therefore will remove CONSTIPATION. Tf ANTlBlLIO US, and will, therefore, correct all iriegularities of the LIVER, It is DIURETIC, said will, therefore, keep open the WATER PASSAGES. it is ^ONIC, and will, therefore, give TONE and VIGOUR to the DIGESTIVE ORGANS kt £ BLOOD-PURIFYING and NERVE STRENGTHENING. It is, therefore, ALL YOU WANT. — THESE WORLD-RENOWNED PILLS ARE bJLIJ EVERYWHERE In Boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, By Post, Is. 3d. and 3s. 2 raOPRIETOK-J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN. ,9..F 'r, "WHITE'S ÐLACI OUfiMT COUGH SYRUP THE GREAT REMEDY For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Affections of the Chest and Lungs. Thousands of Bottles have been Sold the past few years, and the Testimonials received prove it to be invaluable. PRICE 1/li & 2/9 PER BOTTLE. PREPABKO ONLY BT R.. J"_ "WILLIAMS, nVC.IP-S- 7, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen. CURRANT CAKE! SEED CAKE! SULTANA CAKE! AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF CAKE. We supply the above BETTER and CHEAPER than any other House in the Trade. We also MAKE BREAD AND DELIVER TO ANY PART OF TIIE TOWN, AND ARE AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR HOVIS" BREAD (SMITH'S PATENT). T. smiYH & CO ¡ KING-STREET BAKERY, CARMARTHEN. THE IMPERAL SCOTCH WHISKIES. "MY OWN 55 GLENLI VET WHISKY, Price 4:2s. per dozen "PRINCE'S OWN" HIGHLAND WHISKY (Recommended in cases of Diabetes, being free from Sugar.) Price 458, ptr dozen. PROPRIETORS: W. S. PHILLIPS & Co., IMPORTERS, CARMARTHEN & (Seagate) DUNDEE DENTAL NOTICE. Mil; J. MACPIiAIL, Resident Surgeon Dentist. 19, KING-STREET (OPPOSITE LLOYD'S BANK) CARMARTHEN, Continues to supply ARTIFICIAL TEETH, with all the latest improvements, at Moderate Prices Teeth extracted under Nitrous Oxide Gas, quite safe and harmless OONSULTATION TREE. ESTABLISHED OVEB 15 YEARS NOTICES TO QUIT. FROM LANDLORD TO TENANT AND TENANT TO LANDLORD, May be obtained at the REPORTER OFFICE., 3, Blue-street, Carmarthen. PRICE ONE PENNY. .—————————————————————— THE CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING COMPANY, 15, BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN. BILLPOSTING and ADVERTISING, in all it JO Branches, throughout the Counties of Carmar then, Pembroke and Cardigan. R. M. JAMES, Manager 'tI'J SPECIAL EDITION. Don't be Misled. Remember it costs Nothing to see our extra fine NEW FRUITS, Sic, CURRANTS RAISINS SULTANAS MUSCATELS FIGS ALMONDS PI.UMS CAKES of all kinds FANCY TINS OF BISCUITS, Suitable for Presents, &c. FRESH SAUSAGES DAILY HAMS, &c. NOTE THE ADDRESS- Z. D. JONES, COLOMBO STORES < CARMARTHEN. MORTIMER'S COUGH I MIXTURE. -t-. ii I I I I N.B.—See that this Picture jappears upon the wrapper. TARE NO OTHER. MORTIMER'S ONLY. X1 SPECIAL TO YOUNG MEN. Y Just Published, for Two Stamps. T1 0 THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED.— Read the New Work, entitled "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH," a most valuable book on the Treatment and Cure of Nervousness and Physical Debility, Loss of Memory Dimness of Sight, Lassi- tude, Pains in the Back, Depression of Spirits, &c., with plain directions for perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post free on receipt of two stamps or by letter post, three stamps-Address Messrs. J. A. BARNES & Co., 48, Lonsdale-square Barusbury, 'London, N. u_ l-H SO jrg o go q gjg* »-9 S13 B HH V* Vp r2 to g £ 3.Q C.n O !? g"rt «s I §"5 ^b-crtej M 5 {> B-S'S H H 071^ W ■* 8 S s hM N £ srws-li p.l| « O 2 Qgtt gHfij Wife! U-J-U S § 1 Eg O § i-o !° g S P £ "2 B £ 2 ?|^i o g S s. g g p„ § § w e 2 i | 3 #11*12 t I 11| rs i, § if if gi § § b 1 Som"S2 fd H p H g pgi'lglll < I £ 3- I ?&l I ISIlgll^ H- sl|« I °§ 1 ifa Saw 5 aS Ss| itl eeiig 5g I shS^1* mt f f!C,l i§iia^iK,p tikm || i i—if"1! nCsIO^t—i u r/j )■> h td ■ r— ITi n >» 2 J s-» a S.g. g K w cL a a." SIS 00 O a> sr^ • n c_, a<g ..co I td Ir1 S 2. j —' to K S? k § a tmmp i s § ,i i§> t is ofc^sisms'ggQ t*«? s § g | 5 2„S !«™ w^°iP§BS a H S £ m S ^|5E1I|: Sis ? 9 gtfjj 9 1 i-sfy^'s^S 1*" K 8 -s 9 3- s r f § ffio «5^ ? S 3 p 1 S 1 upp g e I g | nil i ?P 'tfiils | |g i g a o S ™ £ 3 O 3 l~ L> £ 5? 23 £ 0 J3 u-3 w » • 8 "§.3 5 • Is 3 3p b g2 »?> -k o o o ? r I s gfi ipei 1 1 «ii t • fii"i nmim hua um* 1 I h § 5 P "m> ? r *1 p g? i-ig•$bj <g.r 11 11 t-» Q (-3 3 S &=" O g Eel c 5 q *r P-i o w sr c—^ o « » a e» „ <-i w H 3 t-S P CO C g* 5 S r- E L o w •~> OJ r » o M § M ps ShriS 'wai-i o K O p- [_5 P MpScitr1 £ lrl » g S P*? a P ? MfO-^O Wi-S c-HCL/ w H S S r-t- O td 5 » S S-i oa> W P3 M Z*. -<i « P °S 3 o W S § W t3 hs S ° S 1 « 3 rfO o & 2 2 d Ir5 2 B H H 5 O <rt- g wj cL W. T. ROGERS, Plumber, G-as-fltter Wire & Electric Bell-hanger, HOUSE DECORATOR, &c. 9, NOTT-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. Repairs executed on the shortest notice, SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ALL CLASS. OF COUNTRY WORK. COMPETENT WORKMEN SENT TO ALL PARTS. GOOD WORKMANSHIP COMBINED WITH REASONABLE CHARGES. —— WALLPAPERS IN THE LATEST DESIGNS FROM 2D. PER PIECE. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S CARDS. Readers desirous of securing Piivate Christmas ant New Year Greeting Cards of Choice and Exquisite Designs should send or call for Specimen Book at the "Reporter Office, 3, Blue-street, Carmarthen. The prices are most reasonable. -6

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