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IBishop of Swansea oil Noil.…


Bishop of Swansea oil Noil. Cons. Co the Ediicr Carmarthen Wecldy Reporter, Sir,—On Sunday evening last the congre- gation of St. John's Church heard a power- ful sermon by its Vicar on the evils of Dissensions or in other words of Nonconform mity. His Lordship, whilst admitting that there were good and bad men to be found in o lez sects, viz., the dissenting sects, went on at great length to show that such dissen- tmg sects did more harm to the advancement Uni^t s glory here upon earth than good. 1, myself, am a Churchman, believing stead- fastly in her creeds, yet, nevertheless, I was very sorry to hear many of his Lordship's statements on the grounds 1st. that we as Church of England are a dissenting body our- selves (viz., from the Roman Catholic Church -ndlv, that those in glass houses should not throw stones for fear of their rebounding on our own heads. Now I do not. wish to follow his Lordship through the whole of his sermon or else I should require the Importer to issue i special supplement for mv P'l':I.tihI'Clf;AW> v o "J., I which I don't think you would do, but I shall just deal with one or two points in his power fill sermon. 1st, Bishop Lloyd stated that a great deal or unnecessary expenditure and debt was caused by Non. Cons, to erect the coufd „S,r,d F"slt»'s "lien they tered to b?7l th<! Church tt"d 1>c tered to by the clergy of that Church. Well as to unnecessary expenditure, does not. that apply to the Church as well ? What about tne stipends of our Archbishops and Bishop,, what about maintaining so many ornamental officials in our cathedrals, what about. the parisnes that are neglected in order to allow their ITicai-s to earn a easy t300 or so, for a three month's holiday at such cathedrals, and compare those high salaries or stipends with the low figure of our poor hard worked curatts. AVoild it nùt te hettor tti do away v.-ilh such tomfoolery and use those surnl, "ndTY" p!l'Ti"g tlie poor cu,t £ 's be"s>* "oattXT.C ;n°? 0f them in °"r aid catt^.ed oistricts or else to apply some of 2 fl.mTV° ""r"the P00r ond 11 r, 01"' gy cmM "^minister to all. It IS a great pity that they „0 ,10t sla t admimster.ng to those faithfn| f th already have especially the poorer section I can count the visits of r„y Vicar and the Cuiates on the fincei-« of mm hand during the laft tei-i y(,,pi-S rLy curate called tl mI Curates, one one m,l times ai™ther curate, although. TM °f1four visits in 10 years. famihrV u ™ been poorl-v and ay has ben poorly unfortunately on many Nonc10T CmIing the last W*' Whether Nonconformity is a hindrance to missionary T ^am n°t going to discuss, but i think the above is quite enoueh to show that J, are fir from being perfect ourselves" tlieiefore. ir wo ivm-vf n 4-1 i l ° uoa s ctuty upon ei vo f e"S' l° com'ert from the ei.or of tneir ways « they arc wrong by doing thai which is right ourselves. It j* tne utter neglect of all Christian Churches to their sense of duty that is the cause of so muc'h infidelity spreading in our midsf and not the fault of Nonconformity. ln conciu «o,. I say. let us t,e,t N„„' Oons. TS Christian kindness, and let Us strive together to overcome all evil sooner than trying to pick holes one in the other, as we must admit that Nonconformity is a pever i„ „ur land, and has do„L, a great deal of g00(h I am, Ac., A Churchman. CATSJUPTHKN Printed and Published by the Proprietress, M. LAWREXCE, a her Offices, 3 Blue-street, FKIDAF, November 2nd, 1900.


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