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Bcntall's Cliaffcutter, with Safety Lever anil Fly Wheel Cover, To meet the requirements of the new Chaffcutter (Accidents) Act, 1898. -ç;'i:iJj7' isris i lilt ,y/'» 3 j« 5 <*««■ I sijT | «il I &A I iwi .I; 'J X 1 I v< £ i I 4^9 4^9 I A k LU' k J-: !f %J*i. 0*&jf 1) I II 1\ 0(/ I f. -Z- It -r- mvu,JII\ tttiST-JSlUADED SHEETS. ALPHA LAVAL SEPARATOR. BEST MACHINE SOLD. AGENT FOR RICHMOND & ^CHANDLER'S AND ALL OTHER LEADING MAKERS. WILLIAM THOMAS, Ironmonger & Implement Agent, Carmarthen. Implement I>po!s—Market Place, Carmarthen, and at Llanyhyther. Telegraphic Address—u Thomas, Ironmonger, Carmarthen." CURRANT CAKE! SEED CARE! SULTANA CAKE! AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF CAKE. We supply the ahove BETTER and CHEAPER than any other House in the Trade. We also MAIiE BREAD AND DELIVER TO ANY PART OF TIIE TOWN, AND ARE AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOB "HOV IS" BREAD (SMITH'S PATENT). T. SMITH & CO., t JTNG-STREET BAKERY, CARMARTHEN. DENTAL NOTICE. MR: J. MACPHAIL, Resident Surgeon Dentist. 19, KING-STREET (OrPOSITE LLOYD'S BANK), CARMARTHEN, Continues to supply ARTIFICIAL TEETH, with all the latest improvements, at Moderate Prices Teeth extracted under Nitrous Oxide Gas, quite sa f and harmless CUTIBULTATION VREM. ESTABLISHED OYEB 15 YEARS P1 Rfi 1P r f £ ? FOOTBALL UHSlantak U FOR OUTFITS. LEADING THE WAY AS USUAL. CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE. Write or call for comprehensive Catalogue for the Season, post free to any addreas. THE "REFEREE" BALL. IttraBY or ASSOCIATION. IL 016. 10/6. Guarant eeil Best Cowhide, Weltod Perfect in Shape Will last longer than a (.fcfo«»r make. E^ery Section Stmtohed "and Hammered bsfore being irade. Price 1t16" Pv,-t l ree, FOOTBALL SHIRTS. IX lL\LVí> (¡lAnTE¡", STRIPES, AND PLAIN COLOURS. 1.11,1.- 2/6 I Boy's Boy's Sie Size 3d. less. AN Colours and Cornbincfirn?, Flannelotie ;alI G'11, >Ill") L Jl f1w1 'i »• iJlarl^quiu) «-1 £ n. ai.a iiS: npes 9 1 Flannel a-l colour*) r Quality (.Shru-ik' ip'ai'i Colours ox- Harlequin r Snipes frcm 8 6 father ETTC^IJTo Cap- Irs lootball Goals from 12/- t^rVt Boundary Sticks (complete with flag.?), 12/- per dlzen. Football ilags tany colour), 4/6 and 6/6 per doze:). SPECIAL FOOTBALL BOOTS. FROM tt?/ B 9a The OaTiikiolc Erown jlusuct Palf (ns i'lu-fvarion) 8' l'i e IMw" U\i<s«i c,.K ?.'>] I'\ïth 111' withont Ant -"r,'t"ctar3.J The f.\Il"anl: extra litfhi, (,hl(Hj I IVstayr, fri. KNICKERS (Wide Le-s). f$PS( 1/4a 1/48 -w"ii?flown TM, 5/8.3/fi V.v»- Strife 1/10, 2/11, S'l', S/u ► •suticl ,Vll, i 11, 5/11 GOAL-NET (Erodie's Patent^. Strong Hemp Cord, 3S/- Best Sleiim Tarred, IT/ complete. «• THE HOLBORN." RUGBY or ASSOCIATION. 5/9, 5/9, A Strong Serviceable Ball, Stout Cow- Uidr Cases, complete with Red Rubber Match Size, 5 9. Po.-itag-e 4d. Th" I niTcri-al," Match Size, alJo. Tin; "School." Match Siz<M 10. Postage Id. All Sizes kt pt in Stock from 3, SHIN GUARDS. 9Jda gid. I Strong Linen Straps or Tapes, 9id. Tan Leather (strapped or tapes) 1/- Leather Lined Chamois (do.) 1/6 Tan Cape, Lined Chamois (do.) 2/3 Shin and Ankle Guard (combined) &2 G rostape, 2d. Brass Inflators from lO. Football Belts from 6d. Football Bladdere, 1/6, guaranteed. Referees' Whistles, 9& Best Quality, 1/3. va.utLtiii UYER 10/- CARRIAGE PAID (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED). orth. 1-1 IA fl. W. GaMflGE, Ltd.. 118. 12S, t27, 128, 129, HOLBORN, LONDON, E.G. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF MODERN TIMES! Were all the Testimonials published that have been received in avour of this lmedy, they would fill a V olume of noarly One Thousand Pages of the ordinary size. "THEY ARE MORE THAN GOLD TO ME,-THEY SAVED MY LIFE." efr.cto!™rra.0,eU,™N ",0 EACK ™d L°INS' 0t th° SHOULDERS, thi» Kemedy 'wi, m & ^A^bled with IRRITATION of the BLADDER, SUPPRESSION and RKTFNTT^T BWUCTUAl REMEDY OFFElSftV^l If the Water is HIGH COLOUITED, THICK, and depositing much SEDIMENT, lose no time, ptooute a box of PILLS, and 7oii will soon be again. J If you are a martyr to INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS and POTSrq^TP4Trnv i Remedy in GEORGE'S PILLS. ^luu^Ni,bb, and OOIsb.IPATION you have a SURE H you suffer from any Bowel Disorder, such as PILES, CONSTIPATION, Fl.ATULENCF pnTre you have hero a Remedy you can always rely upon. COLIC, i, affected, w will Myrtfarlmmra from IIE-KDACIIE and GIDDINESS, George's Pillswill remove these sooner than any other known medicine. sooBer than If you have PAIN AFTER EATING, and feel DROWSY and LISTLESS, one Dose of „ will act like a charm. 0 01 George s Pills If your FOOD TURNS SOUR and ri^sinto the mouth, a ew doses o this R-medv w;n troubles a thing of the past. J Wi" make your GeoJge^pS NERV6lJS' EXCITABLE, and LOW SPIRITED, a perfec t ANTIDOTE v,i|] be fomi<J in If you have a DISAGII,'P,EABLE TASTE in the mouth, a SINGLE DOSE of Goorge't-.Pile aud Gravel IfSLEFV f ^iU clearih2 tonjjue before the dawn of another day. h 1 lle aud Gravel aild IfE!u7E StSKNGT?IEST Ge°rg0'S PiU3' Th6y WiU mak€ y0UI b6d 6aSy> HleeP refreshing, and Sl^ENGTHfita^f K.XERTION, WEAK, and LIMP, this Remedy wi RESTORE your ENFRnv If you are troubled w!ll,make Labour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of your life. will make your meat andd^ ? AITi,3EA a"a(1 VOMITING at the thought of eating, a bo of George's Pin W 5your BLOOD i"i4"ak both SAVOURY and PLEASANT. 3 Pllil3 Avit to all GROSS keeP °Pen aN the important outtets of tba body. and thus give fr^n sSLiBLOOD IMPVUITIES will bo MM teiing '«• T flmiTiards of cases it has MI, j!5» or I»01Lb. »dl°CK0FUL0US TAINTB|»^Blrdrt.nd branch, KHEUMATIO, SCOKBDTIO, If von have a tendency to L)Rors5T0i T ^0 Remedies and SI^IN, will soo" llelief. L SWELLINGS, this remedy, by its action upon the KIDNEYS need? y°U haVeIJ)lFFI RBATKlNG, this Remedy will prove a friend to you in the hour of It will change the'sALLOW^^ FROM PAIN. It will cSf-e your SICKLINESS to VIG^9 BLOOM OF HEALTH. GENERAL DEBILITY to firmness of SINEW md fcy0" LANGOUR to j ACTIVITY and your It is APERIENT, and therefore will remove OONSTlPAT^r'ri^ It is ANTIBILIOUS and will, therefore, correct all iriet,,if!iiv' « .u T TTrr-r, It is DIURETIC, and will, therefore, keep open the It is TONIC, and will, therefore, give TONE and VlGOUR^to ffc It is BLOOD PURIFYING and NERVE STRENGTHENIVO DIGEbTIVE ORGANS It is, therefore, ALL YOU WANT. THESE WORLD-RENOWNED PILLS ARE SOLD FWPPVU,URB In Boxes, Is. l^d. and 2s. 9d. each. By P0st, is. 3d. a^d 3^ PR,OPRIETOR-J. E. GEORGE, M.B'.P.s.. HIRWAO Get your Printing- done at this Office. You will have it attractive & cheap. I FINCH FOR FRESH FISH! Dealer in Game (Wholesale and Retail). WILTSHIRE BACON AND HAMS. Cambridge ksausages, Pies, &e. Poultry Supplied at the shortest notice. Speciality—Phillips 8G Cananas' Sardines. .J".Ji ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 18, NOTT'S SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. GWALIA HOUSE BAKERY, ■ PRIORY-STREET, CARMARTHEN. CURRANT, SULTANA, AND SEED CAKE MADE AT THE ABOVE BAKERY ARE OF THE F I U B S T AIj f rll SPECIAL TERMS FOR TEA PARTIES HOME-MADE BREAD, WHEATMEAL BREAD, AND HOVIS BHEAD. FAMILIES WAITED UPON DAILY. NOTE THE ADDRESS- G. TREHARNE, G WALIA HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. WILLIAM LLEWELLYN, Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, and Undertaker, ST. PETER'S STREET, CABMABTHEN, ESTABLISHED 1854. D- TITUS WILLIAMS, BOOKBINDER, &c., CHAPEL HOUSE, CHAPEL STREET, CARMARTHEN. MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, AND ALL KINDS OF PUBLICATIONS BOUND TO SUIT THE OWNER'S TASTE. All Work executed with Good Taste, and Best Materials Guaranteed. NOTICES TO QUIT From Lancllord to Tenant and Tenant to Landlord, may be obtained at the lleportcr" Office. Price One Penny. JAMS JAMS! JAMS! CHEAP AGAIN. 1 lb Plum and Apple 3M. 9 z do 5id. 2 ° do 8d. 4" do lOJd. 1 Blackberry and Apple 4d. 2 „ do 6d. 3 do 9d. 2 Raspberry and Apple íd. 2 4 do Is.0d. 1 Marmalade 4d. 2 do ••• 7d. 3 do iod. 4 .» do Is. ld. Damson Jam, Loose, 3d. per lb. Tumblers, Marmalade, 4d. each. SMITH & Co., KING-STREET BAKERY, CARMARTHEN. J. B. ARTHUR, WHOLESALE GROCER, CORN, FLOUR, AND SEED MERCHANT, PRIORY-STREET, AND THE Q,TTJL"X" STORES CARMARTHEN. Barley, Round and Flat Corn, Flour, Barley Meal, Indian Meal, Middlings, Bran, ic,, at lowest possible Prices. THOMAS PHOSPHATE THOMAS PHOSPHATE! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED PRICES YEUY MonEHATE, SOLE AGENT FOR THE DUBLIN & WICKLOW CELEBRATED MANURES. PRINTING! PRINTING! G°°D, ^"IHEAP, AND "g^jXPEDITIOUS p RINTING JgJXECUTEDJ AT THE "WEEKLY REPORTER" PRINTING & PUBLISHING OFFICES, 3, BLUE-STREET CARMARTHEN. POSTERS (COLOURED OR PLAIN HANDBILLS TRADE CIRCULARS MEMORIAL CARDS (IN GREAT VARIETY BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS ANNUAL REPORTS PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE PROGRAMMES (BALL, CONCERT, OR SPORTS) BILLHEADS MEMO. FORMS CHEQUE BOOKS, &c. p RICES ON APPLICATION. Orders by Post receive prompt and careful attention. The Carmarthen Weekly Reporter PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY EVENING, Circulate" throughout South Wales generally, and has the LARGEST oIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF CARIARTIIEN, PRICE ONE PENNY. POST FREE FOR 1/9 PERQUARTER A MARVELLOUS GUINEA PARCEL. Estab. ovor 100 Years. Containii'c: 1 Pair WliJto Witney Malikr-ts,» lbs. >\cigl.t 2J long by wide. 1 Wlnto Under Blanket, whipped both ends, loug by if -wide. 1 Hcndsomo Mosaic design Quilt, fast colours, 3 Jong by 2} wide. Pair Hea\y Twiil Sheets, 2i by 2, and 2 Cotton Pillow Cases, Full Size, Buttoned Ends. SUPFItICIt QUALITY AND FINISH Sent Carriage Paid on receipt of P.O.O. I i- BROQKFIEID'S, nm SQ., STAFFORD CLARKE'S B 11 PILLS are warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or Constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of oO years. In boxes. 4s 6d each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, the Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. WOMEN'S AILMENTS. IRREGULARITIES, &c. — A lady, having tried j_ in vain every advertized remedy, has at last discovered a Simple Cure, which will act in a few hours, no matter how stubborn the case. Bora-fide sufferers can get it FREE OF CHARGE by enclosing stamped envelope. Don't experiment with Worthless Pills, Mixtures, and Cones, and other injurious nostrums. Write at or.ee with FULL ;TOPJ5 AND CONFIDENCE to Mrs O. ST. CLAIR, to, Southamp- ton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. EVERY MAN OUFFERING from NERVOUS & PHYSICAL DEBILITY C) shouM send for ^valuable pamphlet explaining how all nervous aud organic deraugemeu',3 may he successfully treated without stomach medication xhe metuod is easy I and pleasant, and will effect-a P'rfeei and pe^manfiit cure. Sent sealed Post Froe. Address, E. NORTON, 59 & GO, CHANCER I LANE, LONDON, W.C. Established (iJ Years. t srI. VER MEDAL, EDINBURGH, 1S89. GOLD MEDAL, JAMAICA, 1891. GOLD MEDAL, DERBY, 1891. ALTOGETHER 6 GOLD MEDALS RECEIVED AND HIGHEST AWARD AT CHICAGO EXHIBITION. COLEMAN'S WINCARNIS OR Liebig's Extract of Meat and Malt Wine. Is a Delicious Beverage and Tonic made from Port "W ine, Liebig's Extract of Meat, and Extract of Malt. Is a New Name, Registered to prevent fraudulent Imitations. OVER FIVE THOUSAND Unsolicited Testimonials have been received from Medical Men in favour of -ti The following Important Testimonial has been received from Dr. FLETCHER. Applecross, Ross-shire, N.B., July 2nd, 1897. Dear Sirs,—PJease forward quart er-of-a-dozeif Wincnrnis immediately as my patient's supply is about done. I trust there will be no delay, as he takes no other nourishment, and has been sustained and gained strength by "Winearnis" for twelve weeks. Yours faithfully, DUKCAN FLETCHER, L.R.C.P. Is Sold bv all Druggists, Wine Merchants, and Patent Venders. Ask for Coleman's "WINCARNIS," or Liebig's Extract of Meat and Malt Wine, and see that the word "WINCARNIS is on the shoulder of the bottle. Sold in Bottles, 2s. gd. and 4s. 6d. everywhere. Sample Bottle of Sent Post Free on receipt of Full Address to WINCARNIS WORKS, Norwich. COLEMAN'S COCA WINE A Splendid Tonic. Can be obtained of all Licensed Grocers and Chemists and of the Manufacturers. COLEMAN & CO., LTD., NORWICH & LONDON. Sold in Is. 6d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Bottles. COLEMAN'S LIEBIG'S III EXTRACT of MEAT This is a genuine article at a moderate price, and is strongly recommended by the MEDICAL PROFESSION. Sold in loz., 2oz., 4oz., 8oz., and lib. Jars by aU Chemists and Grocers. Ask for COLEMAN'S and have no other. CROWN IMPERIAL" INVALID CHAMPAGNE Is suitable for the Robust as well as the Invalid. Is a snund, Wholesome, Fruity Wine. Is si-id by all Groccrs and "Wine Merchants. Over 2,000 Testimonials have been received from Medical Men. 249, St. Ann's Road, S. Tottenham, N. August 28th, 1894. IJFAR SIRS,—I Lave great pleasure in testifying to the eliicacy <>( your InvJid Champagne submitted to me ser uial by Mi. Cu.-hiug. 1 administered it to a ciii.il in a state extreme collapse from an attack ul ii:!i;:eu/a and Pleiuisy. The result was marvellous. The MnouUloring embers of life seemed at once to burs: into flame, and an uninterrupted recovery The MnouUloring embers of life seemed at once to burs: into flame, and an uninterrupted recovery ensued. I have 110 hesitation in saying that your "Invalid Champagneis possessed of powerful stimulating and iuvjgimating qualities, and cannot fail to be appre- ciated in ail cases of debility, from whatsoever cause anting. I am, vours faithfully, II. CLAYTON Fox, M.R.C.S., Eng., L.S.A., Lond. Mess's. Coleman & Co., Ltd. Price, SOS. per Dozen Half-Bollies; 50s. per Dozen Full-size Bottles. Carriage p..id to any part of the United Kingdom. SOLE PROPRIETORS 8.: MANUFACTURERS OF THE ADOYE, Coleman & Co., Ltd., NORWICH & LONDON- THE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA. N IEPPSS gj g GRATEFUL-COMFORTINCti COCOA FOR BREAKFAST AND 6UPPLIL