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CARMARTHEN I US, D THE I SEARCHLIGHT. Come, come, and sit you down you shall not budge i "u shall not go, tiil I set you up a glass \V here you may see the inmost i;art of yoy." —————— At last the long-wished for opell ing of the Intermediate School lor Girls is within measurable distance. Seeing that the rooting of the building is now being proceeded with, it is not too much to hope that the opening will take place after the mid-winter vacation. All the other intermediate schools in Carmarthenshire have been opened two or three years ago but as lung as Carmarthen is not more than ten years behind tho rest of tho county, we have reason to con- gratulate ourselves. At the police-court on Saturday a little boy, about fifty pounds in weight, was charged that he did steal, take, and carry away a mare. What must liave been the size of the mare which this urchin was able to carry away ? Possibly a sp.cies of female hobby-horse. So they tell mo," remarked a relieving officer to the Guardians on Saturdry. They say they d m't know where he is, but I know they do. I can read it in their countenances. I can road people's faces very well." Possibly it is to prevent thuir countenance being read, that so many "characters" obscure their features with last year's dirt. To wear a clean lace would be to afford the enemy an undue advantage. The New Woman has been with us for some timo; but the New Man appeared in our streets on Saturday along with a group of excursionists. He wore in true feminine fashion a Welsh flannel shawl, in the capacious folds of which he was carrying a baby, whilst his wife walked by his side. W here is this going to stop ? Whatever advantages may be claimed for the new Lituo granite pavement—and I do not wish to gainsay them—one fact is perfectly evident. It is several degrees warmer in summer than the old-fashioned flags. During the tropical weather last week to walk from tho tlugs to the new pavement was like taking a turn on top of an oven. The new road on the Quay has been so firmly consolidated by the steam-roller that it is almost like a pavement. But won't it be beautiful when the frosty weather comes? When the smooth tirm surface gets covered with a thin sheet of ice, the attractions of the ponds at Bolahaul and Abergwili will begiu to pall. ♦ "Well, well," exclaimed one corner-boy to the other on Friday, this heat is something-awful; it is quite enough to give a fellow inflammation of the brain." "Now, move on," said tho bobby, "and less of your jaw. Folks that has got brains may get them inflamed; but, bless you, there's not the least danger of your dying of that complaint." ""0,.1;- If I am rightly informed, the value of the average amount of alcohol consumed by each man, -nian, -(I child in tho United Kingdom is Y,7 per annum. But that is only the average." That anti-cyclone, ■vhich has been boiling the blood in people's veins, has certainly caused a marked increase iu the figure. H.M. Government will be able to build a few additional gunboats on the strength of the hot -weather. If the heat wave only lasted long enough, we have enough patriotie citizens who would drink us over the expense of the Soudan expedition. It is consoling in this degenerate aae to lind people willing to make such sacrifices on behalf of their country. Is there another town In the Kingdom where. Sunday closing is the law in which you could meet men hopelessly drunk before 9 a.m. on the Lord's Day. Yet that is what could bo seen by anybody on the first day of this week And yet public opinion is so dead that we make no effort to improve this state of affairs. We simply accept it as part of the general order of things. The vocal music of the Salvation Army is improving considerably. Many passers- by were struck by their rendering of Crown him, Lord of all," on Sunday afternoon. Very often street-corner singing is barely tolerable but this was a notable exception, which it is to be hoped will soon become the rule. # Is there not room enough in Carmarthen for two traction-engines ? The fact that Mr Studt's engine—which is usually a respectable well-behaved animal—should take it into its head to stumble and lie down at the entrance to the cattle market on Thursday evening last week certainly gives one a reason for asking this question. A traction engine was at one time a sight in Carmarthen and no wonder that the poor thing now finding itself in the shade should roll in the gutter-which is probably the locomotive equivalent for taking to drink. A large crowd ot people watched the incoming ot the circus on Sunday afternoon, and were much impressed with the dignified demeanourjof the elephants,camels, and other wild animals. The quiet, inoffensive way in which these creatures went on their way was a lesson in decorum, which might well ba copied by some of tho would- be select people who make themselves public nuisances in our streets on Sunday evening. The risk of heat-apoplexy has now been minimised by the more imminent dangers of bronchitis and rheumatism. St. Peter's people still stick to the ingenious method of having a harvest thanksgiving on Sunday. This means that there will be no thanksgiving at all, for the Sunday service would, of course, be held in any case. In St. David's parish they can risk holding the services on a week-day but in the parish church, they know a trick worth two of that. Opposite Penllwyn Park the benevolent Corporation planted a number of trees some time ago, with the laudable desire of improving the aspect of the West End. These trees endowed in a sort of tripod arrangement to support them in their tender infancy. They have now outgrown this species of arboreal long-clothes with dire results. The outside of the trees have come into contact with the iron bands, with the result that in the case of eight of them, at any rate, huge slices of the bark and timber have been removed. In some cases the veins and markings of the heart of the tree are quite visible. I daresay very elaborate explanations will be forth- coming but it will take a lot of philosophy to prove that this courie of treatment is good for he S. ♦ ♦ On Monday next, at 8pm, a meeting will be held at the Council Chamoer to determine what means shall be taken to wake recognition of the many services rendered to the town by Bis Worship the Mayor (MrH. B. White) during his four years nf office." Invitations to attend have been sent out to all the clergy and ministers of the town and Mr David Griffiths and Mr C. Haydn Williams act as secretaries pro. fetn. There is one meaning in this circular wh't;h does not lie on tho surface. People do nd usually g..t testimonials in recognition of the manner in which they have discharged the duties of an office until they are about to resign. I don't know whether the promoters have looked at it in that way but s no other way in which to look at it. 4 • Now tho question arises ho JS going to be the Mayor next November ? Is it to be Mr E. Colby Evans, Mr J. F. Morris, or Mr Tolin Lewis ? These were the three who were named last November. It will save a a good deal of the perplexity which usually attends these selections, if a gentleman when asked will really say whether or not he will accept the office—not refuse it with the idea of being forced. :\< # If our Liberal Association means to take any part in local affairs, now its time to be stirring. In a few weeks the municipal elections will be on us; and this will finally determine whether the Association as an association is prepared to fight any of the local elections. If the Liberalism of tho town took a more aggressive part on every possible occasion, our public life would soon put on quite a different complexion. Some Liberals, of course, "don't want to raise ill-feeling" but a lot the Tcries care about tho ill-feeling, as long as they work their nominees into all the possible public positions in the town There is a pathway in Priory-street leading under the Archway of the Old Priory down to tli9 Punside-road near the Tinworks. It was a beautiful pathway at one time; but its beauty is sadly marred since cartloads of rubbish have b ;eu deposited there to the imminent danger of causing broken necks. Anybody who walks C there after dark run the risk of coming a cropper over a number of detached heaps of 11 matter in the wrong place," as a now deceased authority defined dirt. This is rather a cumbersomo variety of tho practical joke. Building operations are going ahead in Carmarthen. Beyond the Water-street gate some half-dozen houses are being commenced, and as many more are under weigh in that piece of ground abutting on St. Catherine-street which has been infor- mally dubbed School-street." It is satisfactory to find that they all appear to bo designed for tho working classes-who were in danger of having to camp out on account of the levelling of their former habitations to make room for villas." What is the world coming to ? I thought we were all for equality of the sexes now- a-days; and here the Borough Magistrates fine a man 5s, and a woman 2s nd for being drunk. According to this, our beaks" regard the fact of a woman getting drunk as being only half as heinous as the commission of a similar offence by a man. This is a dangerous doctrine, your worships It is computed by a statistician that if every breach of the Suuelay Closing Act—whether on the part of publicans or guests—were punished, by a ten shilling fine, the revenue which would accrue therefrom to the Corporation would at a moderate computa- tion amount to £ -'30,000 a year. Wo would carry out all our improvements in one year and then Klondyke itself would have to take a back seat. Mr Thomas, the Harp, has been fined for furious driving. Well, furious is largely a matter of opinion. What I might consider quite safe, another person of slower al 1 13 gait might regard as disgracefully furious. A man on crutches would regard anything above a snail's crawl as being furious. Gentlemen who indulge in the solemn, ponderous, and measured tread of policemen might easily be startled by a pace which would be regarded as normal by a P.D., or some equally lively youth. But if Mr Thomas had gathered together fifty others more furious than himself and charged ahead into men, women, aud children, at the rate of sixty miles an hour, he would have escaped even without censure-if it had been on a fair-day. That's where the joke of the thing comes in. During the inferno of a Carmarthen fair, anybody with a horse can do as he likes- and by the apologetic way in which submit to be kicked aside, it is evident that if you are injured'you would get "a month's hard" for getting in the way of the infuriated steeds. « At a time when an expenditure- of thousands of pounds on the Asylum drainage is spoken of, the following from Science Jottings" by Dr Andrew Wilson is apropos. Such a method does not seem to have been seriously considered by the Carmarthen Corporation Nowadays a new and interesting mode ot dealing with sewage his been promoted and is being adopted in many towns with excellent results. A mass of sewage is, of course, a breeding ground for untold millions of microbes, and it might be thought that in so far as such germ growth was concerned, it would prove to be all of a hurtiul nature. This is not so, for we actually find that, given certain conditions, the microbes of sewage act as nature's scavengers, tend to destroy all putrefcent matter in it, and to convert the other- wise dangerous matter into innocuous materials. Accordingly the latest mode of treatment of sewage is to allow the microbrs in it to have free play. The sewage is run into prepared settling- tanks, and the operation of its purification goes on silently and quickly. The microbes require a breathing time iu order to recuperate and renew their legions, and while one set of tanks is in operation another set is resting. The ditlleulty of sewage disposal in small centres, especially where the expense is a serious matter, seem to be solved in this simple fashion. A report of what has been done at Winsford, near Crewe, a town of 12,000 population, in the way of sewage disposal by the septic method (or, as it is also called, the" bacterial" treatment) reveals the fact that the effluent passes from the tanks into the river as water, and gives rise-to no pollution at all. There is practically no sludge or solid residue to be dt'alt with, and I note that hi!e the initial cost of the sewage-works was only £300, the annual expense of disposing of the refuse is only purely nominal, amounting to £ o0. At Wirisfo.-d, the tanks have been at work for about twenty years, and the bedding material on which tho sewage flows con- sists of ashes and clinkers. Each series of tanks is used for a week. and is then allowed to rest. The sludge of which I made mention resembles ordinary soil, and the quantity produced is eo small that it may be practically regarded as non- existent, in so far as any necessity for dealing with it is concerned. At iast, therefore, we seem to be within measurable distance of the all-ronnd solution of a very difficult question in sanitary science. When cur sewage is effectually disposed of, the public health will b3 benefited in a fashion and to an (xtent which will cause surprise even to nopeful hygienists. V The Reading Room is now patronised on Sunday evenings; and with the advent of cooler weather the attendance is expected to increase. It is hoped, however, that the patrons will not long be ablo to hold out in their present state of wickedness," but that I they will eventually foregather to the Read- ing Room to sing hymns, and to peruse innocuous tracts. Mr Harry Davies, of Gate House, Water- street, won a silvsr butter cooler at the recent Swansea sports in a 100 yards flat i race for men over '45. The samo athletic St Peter's boy"—who works in Swansea, by the way—won a silver cup last year in tho same way. The manner in which human remains are bOl!:g knocked about in St. Peter's church- yard is absolutely sickening. Somo of the church-goers aver that they saw in the churchyard heaps of rubbish dotted with leg- boucs and fingers on Sunday. At any rate, on Tuesday there were heaps of debris scattered over the graves, and, amongst them, the npper part of- a thigh-bone occupied a very prominent position. I saw it; and had I had tho hardihood to turn over the rubbith, I should doubtless have found more fragments of" pious ancestors." And this is what is called being reverently buried." » • • Tilings are coining to a fine pitch ill this ancient Borough. On Saturday night a couple of young girls-under 10 years of nge-wore hilariollsly drunk in Blue-street, and interfering with aud annoying passers- hy. Their language was not merely blue it was in ligo. People talk <;f Cardiff and shake their lioa ls. In C.-r iiff these would have been run in iu Carmarthen they had their fling without interference on the put of our active and energetic police force. ALETHLTA.

" Boys from the Homes."

Carmarthen Borough Police…


------;---'T-Carmarthen County…

Carmarthen Board of Guardians.

--....-The Symbol of Strength,

Joint Con aties',k sylain,…
