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\'-.11... Cvclin .1 o


'11 Cvclin .1 o Cyclists who intend to,inn-: ■>> W.-MCS ride very cautiously over the hill.- of the 'i\ hx.-ipaiity. The cycling season is not \< fa- a:l\r.ucc.l, yet several oclin.< accidents li° e plrc-idv occurred there. The hills j«,r0 steep a d v.-indiia;. and it is in negotiating lulls where th; :.iajoriiy «»- accidents happen. A good braky. a re.y powerful reliable brake that i< is almost a i;e -.siiy when touring in Wales. The S :turcIay_uearost to !:>.■ lon^t df vis annu- ally chosen by the Ncrut H. i club i"oi" !ia hal- ing of a road-picnic of a .newhat exceptional character, being m fact .i club run of a coup>e of hundred nnleo from Tjondcii as far as York. Twenty-tbreo men took part i\ this annual escur- sion. which is not a competition but a so'-fc of magnified club run, wii^ tj; diitance stretched and the pace curtailed a great ,ical more than uoual. The formidable nature of tl-i tash of riding two hundred miles dwindles to very little when the ride is done in company, with a otrlngent rule restrict- ing speed to a pie-aiiang^d easy time schedule. and the stoppages are frequent and rhecatcvii-g arrange- menb prepared ill advanec. It is a very different matter to attempt to ride a counle of centuries, alone, in a casual way, though not impossible, ia much more difficult and fatiguing all undertaking. Since its introduction into South Africa, the Dunlop-'Welch Him, by sheer merit- alone, has made remarkable progress. Owing to its enormous strength and stability"it has Wn found to he the most suitable rim for the roue' roada which abound at the Cape, At one time tli* wood rim was great- ly in demand, but after rc-per/od trials, it lias been discarded in consequence of Ü.3 weakness and ina- daptability. The rational dress movement is gaining very ZD r_1 little assistance from the behaviour of >ome of the latest recruits to the cause, who by way of further- ing its adoption make a point of frequenting such particularly well-known rendezvous as Ditton for example, and bringing their costumes into con- spicuous notoriety, by adopting the more outre cut of cvlottc and adopting brilliani colours for the gar- ments chosen. Theirs is jll" the way to hinder the adoption of a really rational skirtlers1 costume. Someone, supposed to be in the know, averred a short time ago, that the days of long distance races was numbered. It would seeiri that this so-called prophet was altogether out of his reckoning, for what with 100 mile races and six hours' contests, the sporting side of cycling of late has been every bit as active as heretofore. There is a class of wheelmen who disgrace the pastime. We cannot say tha" it is an edifying or dignified spectacle to see rouchiv dressed cyclists tearing along wildly on a Sabbith morn past well- behaved citizens and church-g-.jing peuplc, To sliout and make coarse remarks, v.;thin the hearing of many, makes the offence all the more offensive. Fortuna ciy. such behaviour is not general. If it. were, we should be characterised as a very bad lot indeed. Do cyclists study the wind '? We fear not. If they did they would often strike another course. To the yachtsman, the wind is everything, and to the cyclist it is something. E erv rider knows that to push a bicycle against a sli" breeze means extra exertion on his part and pox. '.ble discomfort, but with the wind at the side, and, batter still, at the baek, how widely different is the change if you have not arranged a certain route, study the wind and try to cheat it if possible. It will pay you. A perfect epidemic of scorching has broken out in the neighbourhood of Kingston, in Surrey. nere some mounted police officers last Sunday collared riders literally by the d-zen, and eve-lists when once brought face to face with the Kingston magistrates are lucky indeed if they escape with- out having to pay a heavy line, as the district is notorious for the wanton sp-cd dsvelopenient by reckless riders in a most unsuitable locality, and those that are caught are generally made examples of pretty freely. The pity of it is. itOwtver. that the real offenders, the worst of the eeoiehcrs, usually manage to escape capture. News have just arrived of g marvellous l'id4: by a Mr. Penning, through the and deserts of Australia, from Melbourne to Perth, a distance of 2,000 miles. Mr. Penning, who selected Dunlop Tyres for this most trying journey, was so success- ful i,, his attempt on record, that lie managed to wipe off five days from the thirty-live, previously takeu to traverse tho course. Only those who are accustomed with the wilds of Au.tiv.lia can fully realise the magnitude of this ride. From time to time titer.; have been ac.vic-mical •discussions ni t ae cycling papsvg r,s to whether there was greater risk.'or greater becuriiv, for a man in a thunderstorm, according to whether he wc.s on or off his bicycle, hut in the aobcnce of reliable data no satisfactory conclusions were arrived nt. The striking of a cyclist by lightning has always been an exceedingly rare occurrcute, but a recent case has happened where y clod: r ruling throuyh a storm was thrown from his maenme, though not bady hurt, whilst his machine was struck by light ning and wrecked. This seen is to cou-aadict tho theory of those who believe that tlie bicycle is den- gerons in a storm. It is J1](,re likely to attract lightning away from the man. and thus Have him from the effects of a shock. An authoritive expression from the presiding authority in a police court £ .t the hearing of a recent case, on the question of the right of con- stables to knock cyclists over o secure their arrest, conies as a refreshing dictum on this important point. It i", n,-)t a sufficient excuse that a cyclist is in the vrong for either poheemen or cithers to trip them up with sticks or ):i,so them with a cord. The words of the law dispein or were to the effect that consl ahles in plain cloth, -s, or in other elothcs, as well as private indi viduals, mist understand that whatever might be their opinion as to whether or not a cyclist was breaking tlx law, the seizing of a bicycle with a rider upon it, nd causing the rider and the bicycls to come to t e ground, was not a legal method of obta suing a remedy, but was fraught with very grea" anger to the rider aud to the person gO atopplVJi iliiU.

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