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AitwvAw —3.8, Tivyside arrived from Bristol on AU T ;y aosniog, the 22nd inst..id the s.s, King romLiveiP°ol on Wed re- ay evening, the ^°ra for Mr J. 13. Arthur, a,-robant. THE CAIIIIAIITFF-NSIIIKII Foxii -wd3 will meet I'tiriav88* Mare). 29'h, at G Jlywen and on r'ric,.aY. April 1st, at. i.tallar-,h eac h cLy at Kec^e<l Cycling and Athletic Club has (Chf tnpi Tfc/y °* ''ts GLuards team slit; Wood o e ^T,r!y} fot th Tug-of-War at Friday..reen AthUac Tour.-lament on Good APPOINTMENT.—We are pleased to announce that Mr M L Wliitworth. who f<-r a number of years las Bank at Carmarthen, has teen promoted to the j poat of manager at the Bank at Lump^ter. CARMARTHEN MARKBl'The demand for cask I butter on Saturday is still on the increase. Market open brisk and continued so all day. Market closed iirm at per lb Only ftw dairies of clieeta offered. for side. The finest quality was sold at 249 to 26s per cwt. DEPARTURE OF CAPTAIN TURNER, R.A.— Captain E. Turner, R A., will vaeate the Adjutancy of the Carmarthen Artillery (W.D.II.A.) on the 31st inst, and has been orJereato j m tor c'nty at Woolwich on 1st April, he having bpen selected for the post of Adjutant to Colonel Beaver, lioyal Artillery, who commands the Volun'eer Artillery in the Home, Woolwich, and Thames Districts, LECTUUE ON GAMBLING." — On Thursday evening (the 17th inst) a lecture on Gambling waa given by the Kev Glynn Davies, of Newport, Mon. (under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association), at the English Baptist Church. The Rev A Fuller Mills, pastor, presided, and the attendance was but small. Tho rev lecturer apoke ter fully nu hour, and treated his ject retmuk&biy wn11.. Revs E Ungocd Thomas and W W Lewis also made a few remarks at the close of the meeting. COUXISH'K AMERICAN ORGANS AND PIANOS Wf have received from the London Office of this firm—36, Farringdon-strect, E, C. a copy of their catalogue of pianos and organs; and the specimens of t,he beautiful instruments therein displayed goes far to prove that the firm of Cornish and Co rank among the foremost manufacturers of the world. We would advise our readers to send for a catalogue, whi. h wonld be forwarded post free by M r J II Osborne, their London representative. CABMARTRIBN'SNIBE II VST—llliSIG'XA TTON OF TilE MASTER—It has just been officially an- nounced that Mr W J Buckley (Penyfai) has resigned the mastership of the Carmarthenshire Hounds, after having filled the ho;, on? able position with conspicuous success for thirteen or fourteen years. The fic-ld-azid farmers have ever held him up as a favourite, and his resignation will be a great Ices to the hunt. SALI: AT THE FRIARY.—Mr W V Howell Thomas (of the firm of Messrs J Howell Thomas and Son) conducted the sale of the furniture and other effects of the Friary on Tuesday and Wednes- day. The sale was conducted in the Urge store- house on the Pothouee the house effects were sold on the first day, and the office fixtures, the contents of stores, and live stock on the scoond The sale was a record one for Carmarthen. The large sale-rcom was thronged with bidders, and extremely good prices were realised. PRESENTATION TO MR W. F D. SAUNDERS GLAKYRHYDW-In the window ot Mesers Davies and Sons, jeweller, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen, may be seen a solid silver claret jug, after the antique bearing the engraved inscription: — Presented to Mr W. F. D. Saunders by the Cur- marthen Amateur Angling Association, March, 1S98." This gift it;, of course, in the nature of an acknowledgment of the continual kindness which Mr Saunders has shown towards the members of the Association, of which he is president. PROPERTY SALES.-At the Ivy Bush Royal Hotel on Saturday Mr John Francis, auctioneer, sold the Black Ilorse, Water-street, a freehold double-licensed public-house, ar.d small dwelling- house and bakehouse adjoining, for £ 1,500 to Mrs Evans, the tenant. Mr Thomas Walters, solicitor, represented the vendor, Mr Charles Jones, tot..2.CCO manufacturer, King-street. On the same day Mr Francia sold by auction two recently built free- hold houses uear the Model School, St Catherine- street, for ICIGO each to Mr Gower, Iied-street. The vendor's solicitor was Mr Acton Evans. DEATH OF MR WIJ.LIAM ARTHUR—We regret to have to record the death of Mr William Arthur which took place at his residence in Pfiory-strcet on Monday eveuirg. The deceased, who was 38 years of age, had been in ill-health for about four monthe. lie had carried on business at tho Don Stores for fourteen yeara The deceased, who had been at one tima a churchwarden of tit. John's Welsh Church, wat the son of Mr T 15 Arthur, Priorv-street and leaves a widow ,.ii d one daughter to mouru his los, The funeral, which was of a private character, took place at. the Cemetery on Thursday. THE Pit> AGAIN.—The pig ever eincc it hes been in the County Court (us recorded in our last week's issue) seems to attract tho attention of people in more ways than one. In a street not quite 200 yards from the Pc-ntrepoth Board School, a portion of a nioelnjn found its way to a workman's house—whether it was part of an old sow" or a young pig, wa are unable to aay but somehow or another, it disappeared and that whilst the landlady was in her garden, which is in the back of the house. The problem, which is very bard to solve, is Who Etole the cig much" ? There is D reward cifertd, t ut it ia great pity that the thief is not brought to justice. THE annnisl revert of the Corcmittee of the Bajjtifet Foreign Missionary Society, just issued, cn'.taina the following totals of the collections oi the WeUh churches towards the fociety for the last connexional vcar Carnarvonshire, L150 15s Id Denbighshire, £ 103 17s 8d v Flintshire, £ 19 15 6d Merio; ethshirf, £ 13 3s 8d Anglesey, £11-1 17" lid Montnomory&lv.re, £ 50 9>s 3d; Cardigan- shire, £ 57 7s 3a Carmarthenshire, £ 10i 17,9 0d Gi-morganshire, £ 1.070 12s 8:1 Monmouthshire, £ 975 4s 9d Pembrokeshire, £ 441 Us 2d Radnor- shire, zC59 88 lid total of North Wales la Id; totd ot South Wales, £ 3,771 l is, making the total fur tho whole of Wales, £ 4,287 Ids ld. The collections of The Welsh churches in England amount to £ 238 Gd. 1ST V.B. AViii.sit REGIMENT (H COMPANY).— Oids-rs for th:- 'leek n,dil' Saturday, A^ril 2nd, 1898. Ofticc-r lor the week, Second Lieutenant J, bn. C"rup¡¡ny ordcrii:,p, f.:crgr¡,¡lt CarptHter and C orporal AVhiteeak Ordftily LUjiler, C L Jones. Company drill oi Moi c"Uy, at 7.30 p m. (plain clothes). Reciuits' drill on Tuesday, AVtdnesday, and Thursday, at 7-30 p m. Morris tube practice on Thursday, from 2.30 p,m. CKes firing on Friday and Saturday, from 2 30 p m. Ar> adjourned meeting of the Shooting Club will be held alter drill on Monday, to discuss und settle the proposed new rules,—By or.er (signed) W bccKr.tY KODEUICK, Major, Commanding H Company. A SAD CIHUVMSTAKC?,—As Mr n O James, Gogir.an, Aberystwyth, a student of St. John's, Cambridge, \P proceeding home lust week accom- a by his wife and some friends from London, wheie he had bctn consvilting a physician, he got worse after leaving Stafford, tnd died before reaching Shrewsbury. At the latter place an i' quest was held, where a vcrdict of Death from natural causcs was found. Mr James bed on several occasions filled the pulpit at Zion Chapel during the vacant pastorate, and had for one Sabbath supplied AVaier-stieet. He had been trained as a schoolmaster at the Normal College, Bangor, where had as fellow-students Messrs John Evans, Cardigan AValtrr Jones, Crumlin David Price, Peniel and Gwilym Samuel, Johnstown. FXOLISH WEBLEYAN CHURCH.—The anniversary services of this church wete held on Sunday. The friends were on this occasion honoured by a visit from the Rev John Rhodes, the chairman of the Cardiff and Swansea District. In the morning the rev gentleman preached from the text I cm the Light of the world he that followeth me uliall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life." There was a good and the hearers were deeply impressed with the remarks of the preacher. In the evening Mr Rhodes preached frcm Deut. xaxii. 31 For their Rock is not as our Rock, eveu our enemies themselves beirig Judgos." This discourse was more particularly addressed to the young people but all present were not only inteieeted, but highly editiod, A collection was made at the close for the building fund. Mr G. T. Smith presided at the organ with his accnstomcd ability. In the eveniug Mr Musty rendered the SIJO; "Oft our angels" (Judas Maccaebus) very effectively. -Tliis was also the eccasion of Mr Rhodes' annual visit to the Carmarthen circuit, it being one of these stations at which there is only one minister. TE3LL*EBA>'CK. — A literary meeting was held under the auspiccs of the indedenpent Order of Good Tempos* on Fiidav evening, the 18th inst, at the Assembly Kooms, where a large number of young people attended, with the intention of hearing the liev Cano-i Williams, diocesan missioner for the diocts-e of St. David e, deliver au < address on temperance Mr Walter Thomas, Presbyterian College, occupied the chair. After a short and able addrcbs by the Chairman, tho following programme was gone through very creditably :—Address, the Chairman pianoforte solo, Mies Marian Jones; solo, Mr D N" Jones; olo, Miss S'jsio Jones solo, Miss May Jones. Mr A Hodges presided nt the piano. When Canon Williams rose to ad drees the mealing, he received quite an ovt-iiou. Tho rev. gentleman tpoke for fully 40 minuis on the t:vils cf dabbling with the reed drisa;, and encouraged those present to go m with their good. ork, in the face of sneers and ?.TS|Abey receive us he did. There was no ■■ nalf-and-half" temperance in the Canon's address, hut nothing short or lets than total-abstinence. A hearty voto of thanks was ac; orded to the Canon for his able auddre&B, on the proposition of the Chainnlln, seconded by Mr James Parry. Mr D R Morgan prop^'C-fi, ana Mr Evan Jones, Presbyterian College, ¡;lJnnr¡d, a voto of thanks to the Chairman, the fingers, and also the accompanittB -Miss Marian Jonef, and Mr Archie IIodges- which Wfcs unauiniou&ly acceded to. A very profitable meeting was then brought to a cloio.


Grand Concert at the Assembly…

Mr. David Lewis, of Gwynfe,



i Welsh Church Music.



I * Llinellau ; i






Revolting Cruelty at Clarbestoii…

Mr. Gladstone.

Family Notices


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