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• | I Misses LEWIS & CLARE I HIGH-CLASS MILLINERS, 1 HAVK rUfAM'KE IX A>*NOU:CING THAT IHBY HAVE KKCEIYED THE IK FIRST DELIVERY OF EARLY SPRING NOVELTIES THE FAVOUR OF A VISIT OF INSPECTION IS EliSPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ■ O-^VSISTZDISH: HOUSE 10, King' Street, Carmarthen. February 21tij, f ? ;i, ,tit Good Clothes go a long way towards the making of good business. There is a great difference between the fop and the gentleman who dresses well without ostentation. Overdressing is a mistake. Our customers know that they can with overy confidence entrust their sartorial interests to our keeping. Business men know when they are being well served, and those who C, patronise us once not only keep on doing so, but bring their friends to us as well. E. MORRIS & CO., THE CASH CLOTHIERS, LAMMAS-STREET, CARMARTHEN. (Tho Shop with the,Big HathangiDg outside.) jfMt J J- V ESTABLISHED 1821. DA VIES & SONS, WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS, JEWELLERS, SILVERSMITHS, OPTICIANS, &c., 5, GUILDHALL SQUARE, GARMAE^THElSr. SPLENDID SELECTION op CLOCKS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. trcuch Marble Clocks, Gilt Shade Clocks, Quarter t Clocks, Alarms, and Timepieces. 10 per Cent. Discount for Gaslt AND SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR PRESENTATIONS. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Clearance Sale before Disposing of the Business. A LARGE STOCK OF FURNISHING & GENERAL IRONMONGERY TO BE SOLD At G-reatly Reduced Prices. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF BAR, SHEET, AND HOOP IRON, AND NAIL RODS, AT VERY LOW PRICES ACCORDING TO QUANTITIES. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED FOR SPECIAL LOTS COME AND SEE. BUSINESS FOR DISPOSAL. NOTE T1IE ADDRESS- FREDERICK JONES, IG, GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. BASIO SLAG. THE lilSMUMS Alberts Thomas Phosphate Powder The Steamer ROSEwith 9,000 BAGS has just nrrlraL :OLE A(;ET THOMAS KK IIAIiDS, The <(uay Stores, Carmarthen, MACHINES FOR SOWING LENT TO PURCHASERS. NITRATE OF SODA. Filkingtou'a and Goulding's Manures. Kainit. Thomas Phosphate Powder. Batsic Slap. Black and White Seed Oats, Seed Barley, Spring Wheat, Spring Vetches, Seed Potatoes, Grass eeJd, Clovers, &e., at vuy Low Prices. Maize, Barley, Maltdust, Feeding Cakes, Aud all kinds of Feeding Stuffs, AT LOV/KST PRICE. W. s. MORRIS, CORN AND SEED MERCHANT, BRIDGE-STREET & l'UTHUUSE STORES, CARMARTHEN. NOTICES TO QUIT. FROM LANDLORD T 0 T E NA N T A N D TENANT TO LANDLORD, Maybe obtained at the" REPORTEE. 'OFFICE, Blue-street, Carmarthen. j PRICE ONE P E N N Y OTHERS TALK BUT WE ACT (" It's never the Heu which cackles the most that lays the largest Egg.") AND DO ACTUALLY GIVE UNQUESTIONABLE VALUE, Tea that cannot be beaten at 1/6 per lb. New Raisons—2d, 3d, and 4d. per I lb. Currants—3d and 4d. Sultanas—4?Ul and 5d. Fine Clusters Muscatels—6d per Jb. SOO Hams. 5kd, per lb. I -p- Z. D. JONES, COLOMBO STORES, CARMARTHEN. I ft f' .Y' Where did you Buy that Bicycle ? It's a Beauty." At J). E. JOKES & Cu's, ofcjursu it's one 01 their fa,,iiic)us Nobody who understands Cycles would dream of going' anywhere eke. They're simply ridiculously cheap, too, which is another great advantage." D. E. JONES & CO., "THE LEADER" CYCLE WORKS, KING-STHEET, CARMARTHEN. The LEADER M \MOND JUBILEE RIDING SCHOOL for LADIES and GENTLEMEN has been a thorough 8ucce>-f, and is NOW OPE Nr for the convenience of thrir Patron?. A TIIOROHUILY PRACTICAL TEACHER always in attendance. F:¡ "j ,q "C-v "li s JrfFir'i s JrfFir'i cmm "rcll and Truly laid When yuu arc buying Carpels you onftlit tdways to he sure of what you are about. There is INa vast quantity ( f ch.t(> ctull on tho mask^t —that i-, it w alluring ill ll«- U;\vncss of its prico, but then. Hh: onu of it. Alter a very brief peiiod it turns out worlnle*, and the se-jmiuir bargain turns oat tu in nothing but a delusion and a snare. Fur really reliable qualities t the very lowest prices tioc tho grand New Stock at E. H. EVANS', ANCnOH HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. W. T. ROGERS, I Plumber, Gas-fitter Wire S: Electric Bell-lianger, HOUSE DECORATOR, &0., 9, NOTT-SdUA HE, CARMARTHEN, Repairs executed on the shortest notice. SRECIAL ATTENTION rAID TO ALL CLASSICS OF COUNTRY WORK. GOOD WORKMANSHIP COMBINED WITH REASONABLE CHARGES. Storea-ST. C'A THERINE-STREET. Black and White Seed Oats, Seed Barley, Clovers, Alsihc, White Dutch, Cowgrass, Cocksfoot, Trefoil, Rib-rtAss, etc., SPRING WHEAT, SPRING TARES, I COTTON AND FEEDING CAKES AND 3IEALS, I NITRATE OF SODA, THOMAS' PHOSPHATE POWDER, Superphosphate, Bone Manures, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICKS. SOLE AGENT FOR CARMARTHEN AND I DISTRICT FOR VIVIAN'S Celebrated MANURES, W. CROSSMAN, I CORN & SEED MERCHANT, 19 & 21, Blue-street, Carmarthen. JAMS JAMS! JAMS! CHEAP AGAIN. 1 lb Plum and Apple 3d. 2 do Ziid. 3 do 8d. 4,, do 10d. 1 Blackberry and Applo 4d. 2 „ do Gid. 3 do Dd. 2 Raspberry and Apple 7id. i„ do Is. Od. 1 Marnialado id. 2 „ do 7d. 0 It do led. 1 do la. Id. Damson Jam, Loose, lid. per lb. Tumblers, Marmalade, 4d. each. SMITH & Co., KING-STREET BAKERY, CAKMAKTHEN. I Enjlishfc'American'v^P^ Unrivalled ,5SISS5S5^^SSS55S3SSS^S^' 40SS&38 CASTL £ .$TRE £ T Pnct Lisrj PosrFr;c Attend CARMARTHEV Evory TUESDAY at Mr. T. C. DA VIES', iJ, KingS street. Ifours 12 till ii p. Ill. Attend LLANDOVERY Every FRIDAY at Mrs. MORTON'S, Erskine House, Broad-street. Hours 11 till 6 p.m. Attend LLAIVDILO Every SATURDAY at Mr*. REES', Crescent House, Crt:bceut-road. Hours U till 3,30 p.m. j x ONE MOMENT. xl "Oh dear, Doctor, what will you recommend for my Children's Coughs and Cold ?" THY II DOR WtLLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. The most marvellous Cure for all Disorders of tho Chest, Throat, and Lungs. It never fails to give instant relief, and does not contain tLaudanum, Opium, or Morphia. ECONOMISE YOUR HEALTH. HEALTH IS THE FIRST WEALTH. Ail who are engaged in indoor and outdoor occupa- tion and are especially exposed to the ever-varying climate of Great Britain, BE WISE IN TIME. Don't tamper with danger but go straight away for TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONBY. IT IS INVALUABLE FOR WEAK-CHESTED MEr, DdJioato Women, and Children. It Cures when all other remedies fail. It Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It Cures thousands of Children of Bronohitis and Whooping Coughs. It cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. DO TRY IT If you have a Cough, try it If you have a Cold, TRY Ir If you have Bronchitis, TRY IT It loosens tho Phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest), and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. READ ON. NOW COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, nope bunged up, throat sore, limbs aohing, with a general feeling of smothering, a few doses of the Balsam r-f Honey will clear the wretched symptons away, almost before you know it. There is nothing like in on the market; it i3 thoroughly up to date; it trickles into all the system. A true friend, promp: and reli- able in its action. JUST ANOTHER WORD. When you ask or send for Tudor Williams's Patent BALSAM OF HONEY do not allow anybody to persuade you to purchase something else. If you do, you simply throw off the genuine article and take on with a false one. Wonderful Cures daily. Thousands of Testimonials to hand from all part3 of the World. READ ON FURTHER. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. SIR,-My wife desires me to say that your Tudor Williams Balsam a of Honey has proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight children). As soon as a cough or cold makes its appearance, a dose of Tudor's Balsam is at once administered, and this treatment is followed up until the cold dis- Before using the Balsam in our family the children have been prostrate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking doses as directed, they seem to suffer very little inconvenience. During the short time the cold is upon them, the action of the Lalsam is marvellous, and the littlo ones take it readily and ask for more.—WALTER J. BRETT, C.M., Headmaster, Severn Tunnel School, March lüth, 1892.11 u READ ON STILL FURTHER. A CardilY Chemist states :—I have a larger sale for rrudor \VilIims' Dtlsul\ of Ilouey than any other Cough Cure. That's tho opinion of all Chemists. PUBLIC MEN SPEAK HIGHLY OFiIr ALL OVER THE WORLD. Sold by all Chemists ana Stores all over the World in Is lid., 2s 9d., and 4s. 6d. bottles, j Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is. 3d., os., an os.fromthoinveutor, D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, R.D.S.L,, Medical Hall, Aberdare. Why waste your Time by sticking to the old-fashioned, antiquated ways of performing your domestic duties, when labour- saving appliances aro to be had so cheaply, and can be depended upon to do the work far more effectively and in far less time than in which it could be per- formed by hand ? All the newest ideas in such Machinery are kept in stock here. Just drop in and inspect the different articles wu are offering on sale. We have no wish to press things upon you that you don't really require, but wo feel assured that there are many of our appli- ances that will commend themselves by their own intrinsic merits. DAVIES, TOWY WORKS, CARMARTHEN. M- Important to Dairy Farmers, Eutab. 113 YEAKS. t, rrf*i ESTAD. 113 YEARS TRADE MARK. R. J. FULLWOOD & BLAND'S Celebrated Dairy Preparations. OLEO BUTTER COLORINE. ANNATTO AND CHEESE RENNET Are acknowledged to be the best and o cheapest in the market. Sold by Chemists and Grocers in Gallons, Half- Gallons, Quarts, Pints, llalf-Pints; Is, and Gd Bottles. Sole Address STEAM ANNATTO WORKS, SI, Bevenden-street, Hoxton, London, N. A PRIZE VALUE Y,2 2s. Will be given at the CARMARTHEN DAIRY SHOW for Butter coloured with our OLEO Butter Colorine. AGENTS IN CARMARTHEN W. LLOYD, Chemist, Lammas-street. ARTHUR ARTHUR, Chemist, G, Notb-square. THE CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING COMPANY, 15, BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN. BILLPOSTING and ADVERTISING, in all its .0 Branches, throughout the Counties of Carmar then, Pembroke and Cardigan. R. M. JAMES, Manager. EMIGRATION TO CANADA. FREE GRANTS OF LAND IN MANITOBA. BIEE GRANTS OF LAND OR CROWN GRANT AT LOW PRICKS IN OTHER PROVINCES. ALSO UIIEAr IMTKOVED FARJIS. Classes WILuted-Capitulists, persons with modorata incomes, Farmers, Married Couples, aud Single Jlen -,vililue to eugtipjo as Earrn Labourers, and yunng men d^sirin? to learn farming, Special arrangements for Domestic Servants. Canada has gold and other minerals iu abuod&tice; also immense forests, productivo fisheries, important ID aim- faotu-iug industries, the largest area of fertile land available for settlement in the world, and a growing import and export trade in all commodities. Pamphlets, Map3, reliable information and advíe on all matters of interest to intending settlers, and as to tho trado and commcrce of the dominion, may be obtained gratis and post free on application to the Canadian Government Agout in Wales. 10, The Walk, Cardiff, or to any of tho Agenta of the Canadian Government in the United Elngdom. Correspondence- and personal Int'rvis'-ve invited. I „ THE BE^HP and Healthlaat TEMPERANCE BEVERAGE IS THE iJSr HERB BEER BtSf Brewod from MB mBes No other Extract makes Beer JBgjj like Beware of Vile Imitations. Sold in 6d., 1/- and 2?-^Bottles. Small Tasting Sample Free on receipt of 2.1. Stamps to cover Postage. t: Facior,v.-Bloomsbii-i-Y Works, LEEDS. _I,õIIW MB. ERNEST COLLIER, M.S.A., ABOIIITKCT AND SURVEYOB, 4, QUAY STBEET, CARMARTHEN. Hit1 A accountant • J^LXXVILI I AND AUDITOR, CAHMA UTIIEX. Tradesmen's Books made up Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Accuunts prepared. Rents and Debts collected. Insurances of every description effected. Mortgages arranged. Private Address: 1. ROSE TERRACE, JOHNSTOWN, CARMARTHEN. WHITE MILL CHAIR EISTEDDFOD THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 180S. CHIEF CHORAL COMPETITION "BYDD MELUS COFIO Y CYFAMOD," £ 20, And an Oak Chair to the Conductor. MALE VOICE PARTY, £ •», and a Silver Medal to the Conductor. LADIES' CHOIR, E5, and a Silver Medal to the Conductor. For Programmes apply to the Secretziries- WILLIAM PHILLIPS. DAVID J. HARRIES. HOUSE TO LET, 15, UNION-STREET. A CONVENIENT House, large Rooms, and fitted with Gas. Newly decorated throughout. Immediate possession can be ha(,I. re I)l y 2, Quteu- street, Carmarthen. LOST, ON Tuesday afternoon, between Abergwili a<<.d Brynmyrddin, a pair of EYE GLA.SSES. The finder will bo rewarded on returning same to Miss Olive, Boar's Head Hotel, Oarmaithen. TO LET, with immediate possession, House and Shop, situate and being No. 2, Blue-street, Carmarthen, lately carried on as Pish and Funt Business best position in town. Rental moderate, —Apply, Mrs Morgan, Lydstep House, Frogmore- stroot, Teuby. CLIFTON, BRISTOL, and WESTON-SUPER- MARE.—Houses (Furnished and Unfurnished), Businesses, Shops. Printed lists free from Lalonde Bros. and Parham, House Agents and Removal Contractors, Clifton and Weston-super-Mare. TO BE LET, a number of small COTTAGES in Tabernacle-row.—Apply, J. D. Medoalf, 12, Parade-road, Carmarthen. FOR SALE, at Carmarthen Lead Mines, a large quantity of GRAVEL, suitable f< r Asphalt and other purposes.—Apply, Manager, I>, Tabernacle- terrace, Carmarthen. EMPTY WINE CASKS FOR SALE, FROM 30 to 100 Gallons.—Apply, Brigstoeke .t Son, Wino Merchants, Carmarthen. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PARISH OF LLANDILO-FAWR. SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. W. N. JONES has been instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on Saturday, 0th of April, 1808, at 2.30 p.m., at the Cawdor Arms Hotel, Llandilo (subject to Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced), in two Lots, as follows :— LOT I.Tiie exceedingly valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY known as BANKYBERLLAN, com- prising n. very well-built, extensive, and commodious Farm House and Building*, with the Appurtenances, together with 2S Acre?, or thereabouts, of the best Pasture Land in the Vale of Towy. LOT 2.—The extremely well situated and VALUABLE FREEHOLD MEADOW, caUed CAELLWYD, containing 8a. lr. 2Sp., or there- abouts, formerly part of Ct'.fntil'e¡;g(,I', and situate on the North side of the main road lending from Llandilo to Llangadock. This Meadow in addition to its vslno as Pasture Land, is admirably adaptod for tin sit." of a Mansion or several Houses. It has a South aspect with an extensive frontage to the Main Road, Id situate en a slope and commands an unrivalled v;cw of the Towy Valley, and adjoiniug Country. N.B.—Tho Auctionoer begs to draw the particular attention of Capitalists, Fanners, Horse Dealers, aud others to the unique character of this Property. BANKYBERLLAN is situate within three- I 3 A.L quarters of a Mile of the centt d r.nd rapici y- increasing Market Town of Llandiio. The buildings are of a kind rarely to be found in Farm-hous '8. They contain Stables and Looso Boxes of the most modern character, and are well dnptoj for the business of a Horse Dealer, so long carried on titt-re by Mr Joseph Davics. The land is of the richest quality, is well cultivated, and possesses an exceptional value for accommodation purposes. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Tirydail, Ammanford, or to Mr. J. W. NICHOLAS, Solicitor, Llandilo, I MARGARET WILLIAMS, DECEASED. AIJL Persons having any Claim against the Estate of M. WILLIAMS, Angel Hotel, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Deceased, are requested to send full particulars of the same forthwith to WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Fern Lea, Blaina, Mon., Sole Executor; to whom also all Debts duu to the said Estate must be paid. Dated this 7th day of March, 1698. TO BREWERS AND OTHERS. THF, EXECUTOR of the late Miss M. I WILLIAMS, Angel Hutel, Llandilo, Canmr- thenshire, is prepared to rpceive TENDERS for the PURCHASE of tho UNEXPIRED TERM of the ANGEL HOTEL, LLANDILO (unexpired term of lease, (j2 years). Ground rent, £:30 per annum. 1;8 per annum is returned trum the rent of a Cottage, &c., connected with the Hotel, and also a Garden. The Hotel can be looked through and also the lease j can be seen after the 2')th day of March, 1898. Tenders to be sent in on or before the 31st day of March, 1698. to WILLIAM WILLIAMS, FeW Loa, Blaina, Mon., Sole Executor. JOINT COUNTIES ASYLUM, I CARMARTHEN. To Butchtrs, COld, auJ Merchants, Curriers, Drapers, Grocer*, Farmer*, Millers, and Irovm<>n<jtr^ d/e. TENDERS^ for supplying the above Asylum with Butcher s Meat, I1 lour, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, Groceries, Haberdashery, Drapery, Clothing, Leather, Earthenware, Cual; and other Necessaries, Ironmongery, &c., for the Six Mouths, ending 30th September, 1808, are requested to be sent to me, the undersigned, marked ''Tenders for hi the Corner, ou or before Wednesday next, the 30th instant. Forms of Tender, with Conditions of Contract, and any further information, may be obtained, on application to the Clerk. ¡ By Order of the Visitors, EDWARD WILLIAM REED, Cleik of the Asylum. Carmarthen, March 23rd, 181.48. BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. POLICE CQXSTABLE WANTED. THE WATCH COMMITTEE will appoint a CONSTABLE on the 1st April next. Applications (in Applicant's own writing) must rpacti the Head Constable, Carmarthen, nut later than the 30th March. Age nob to exceed 25. Canvassing, direct or iadivect, will disqualify, _¡ I Small Tasting Sample Free on receipt of 2d. Stamps to cover Postage. JgjrBpeakfast Bcverrgg/k For Milliops & Groccr, C',Ici-tlist, ,r -,tore I 6d., 1 6 I j w FACTORY- | Bloomsbury Works, LEED5-^ OUSE PARLOURMAID Wanted. One from the Country preferred.—Apply Mcunt Hill, Carmarthen. \\r ANTED good COOK-GENERAL; one who T v has been at a good Fr rm might suit; boy kept for boots, etc.—Apply, stati :jg age, wages, to Mrs Williams, Ilhosmaen Houao, near Llandilo. SERVANT. — Wanted a good GENERAL >0 SER\ ANr, accustomed t > ulain cooking.—Mis E. R. Evans, Anchor House, Carmarthen. WANTED a smart resr^e'aK ;a YOUTH as APPRENTICE,—Ap>y to John Barris, Draper, iVott's-^quare, Carm iv hpn

[No title]