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LADY EMLYN is one of th lady patronesses of tbe Caledonian Ball, which will take piaco in the Hotel Metropole next month. JILT- ABEL THOMAS, M.P., is on a visit to his CONSTITUENTS this week. The East Carmarthen Liberal Association meets to-diy (Friday) at ATNROANFORD, and the hen. member will be among the speakers at the conference, as weil E8 at the public meeting that will follow in the evening. NEW DEIUTY-LIEUTENANT TOR CARMARTHEN.— The London Gazette cf Tuesday contains the following:-Commission signed hy the Lord- liutenant of the county of Carnrartben. — David EVAns ESQ,, to be deputv-lieutenant dated May 21, 1896. CARDIFF lest what Carmarthen gained when Mr D C Davics, formerly conductor of the Caidiff Choral Society, packed up and moved down to the WESTERN tov.N. The loss and gain will now BE turned about, for Mr Davits is returning to Caul ff Western Mail, AMATEUR CYCLING CLUB.—A general meeting' of this club was held on Friday evening at head- quarters, the Old Plough. Communications were read from Mr H J Powell, the Secretary of the National Cyclists' Union (South Wales Centre), informing the Club that Mr A J Jones, the hon. see and Mr H W Davies (the latter on the recom- mendation of the Club) had been appointed official judges for the Carmarthen district. A vote of thanks was accorded the vice captain (Mr T C EFANP) for lettering and painting a number of notice boards, and a club run was arranged for Whit-Monday for Llansteplian, which turned out «TFIV auceesfifnl. ANNIVERSARY AT PRIORY CHAPEL—The above place of worship held their anniversary on Sunday AND Monday evening, the 24111 and 25th inst. The Revs D Rees, of Cwnaavon, and J A Roberts, of Nantymoel, were the elect of the Church to officiate THIS year, and the crowded ccn;.Rrrgalfons—especially throughout the whole of Sunday—proved th, vyisdem of the selection. We understand that the (jhurch accepted the services of the hist-named on the recommendation cf the pastor. But henceforth he will require no recommendation from anybody within the circle of ten miles to the Priory. THE people were wondering how it was that he WAS not introduced to our town lefoie. As for the other I veteran, we are informed that he was known to the churches around before. We are given to -under- etand that Mr Cadvan Jones promised at their last anniversary that a mere sommodious building should be secured for the crowded congregations that come together to this place from year to year. Thisreat he said that 110 one was more sorry than himself that th-s promise had not been realisetl. But the idea was far from beirg abtndonn YC He was afraid LIS could not promise them additional accommodation by the next mee ing, sltbough he had no diult the presence ot TI.E popular crowned bard, whose SERVICES had Decu secured for November next, HON-D room thrn could be afforded. But Le liopcd another Whitsun would see the retli,,atioti ol' his hopes, ar.d he brgg.D thdr l-n?-!ooked-for TXIENNON wciild HE dftcud. lh_ DISADVANTAGE to t! E:O was only cnee or twice a .> e-r, WHEREAS it was con,un.lv the fa"e WitH the ACCUSTOMED woridiippera of the chapel. them all for thtir liberal contributions, at d hoped the efib'tual services they had had, was more than a compensation for the help given. LAUCHARNE NOTES," by Veritas, are unavoid- I ably held over. A full account of the opening of the new Butter Factory ia included in the above. WE have ju.-t received the gratifying inttlligence I' that Mr Daud Henry oi Mr CJcOiga Morris, a former foreman at Carmarthen Junction) has passed tho final examination of the College oi Pharmacy at Pittsburg, U.S.A. Mr Morris was apprenticed to Mr James Brigstocke, King-street, Carmoitr.cn. BAPTISM AT TIn; T.SBKTJNACLE, CARMARTHEN. Y,-cre iui,,)iersed at the Taber- nacle on Sunday by the, R-jv E. U. Thomas. The candidates were Lauded down to the minister by Mr Evan Morgan and Mr W. R. Edwards they were handed out by Mr Gcorgo Morgan and Mr David Davies There was a large congregation present. THE TEMPERANCE MEETING last Sunday evening WH held fit Penuel Baptist Schoolroom. The chairman was Mr Daniel Davies, Richmoad- terrace, and the meeting was addressed by Mr Tom Richards, Blaengwaun, ancl Mr James Parry. Striking facts illustrative of the curse of drink were given by both. The audience was net a large one. The next meeting will be held at the Tabernacle Schoolroom. CARMARTHEN SCHOOL BOARD. — The usual monthly meeting of this Board was held at the the Guildhall on Tuesday. Principal Evan8 presided. There were also pretcnt :—Mr Thomas Thomas, Myrtic Villa Mr James John Mr T. E. Brigstoekc Rev D. J. Thomas and the Rev E. U Thomas. Tho reports of II M. Inspector on the Peutxepoth and Johnstown School, were considered. CARMARTHENSHIRE llri'LS ASSOCIATION. — This association's annual meeting was hsld iu the Armoury, Carmarthen, on Friday night, Captain I Phillips, of the Llanelly compan;, presiding. The accounts and annual report were passed. The former showed a deficit of S27 4s 2d, aj against iCI odd last year. The council was elected This body includes Earl Cawdor, president, and Loul Emlyr. and Lord Dyrevor, vice-pre.-idenis. Lieutenant James John, of the II Company, Carmarthen, was elected secretary in the :oom of Mr Hariy James, resigned. FUNERAL OF MISS BESSIE JONES, MANSKL- STREET.—The funeral of Miss Bessie Jones, whose sad death it was our painful duty to record last v,-cek-took place ou Monday. On the road from Mansel-street to the Cemetery every outward token of respect was sLown, ae tho blinds were drawn at the various houses and shops. The first mourning carriage contained —Mr T Jones and Mrs Jones (father and mother), and Miss Leouisa Jones (sister). The occupants of the soco.id carriage were: —Mies Jones and Mr W II Jones (sister and brother), and Miss Jones (aunt). The third carriage contained :—Ti.e Rev T R Walters, Dr Rowlands, and Mr Arthur LI Lewis. The funeral was met at the Cemetery by a large number of friends and many of the most icilueiitial people of the town. Rev J Daniel conducted the service at the Cemetery chapel, and the Rev T R Walters at the graveside. Beautiful wreaths, crosses, ar.d cut flowers were sent by the following; -Dr ar,d Mrs Rowlands, King-street; Mr A Arthur and Miss Arthur; members of the St. Peter's Branch of the G F. Society Mrs C Davies, chemist. King-street Mrs A LI Davies; Mrs Lewis 13enulea Mr oud Mrs Wilford. Ilorley-strect Mrs and Miss Humphreys, King-street the Misses Rtacey, Mansel-strcet; Mrs Lfwis, Glannant-road Mrs Medcslf; the Mayor and Mrs White Mr and Miss Barker Mr and Mrs Barker, Elm Lodge Mr find Mrs Morgan Griffiths, Lime Grove; Mrs Cadle, Half Moon Hotd Mrs Csntain Thomas and sens Miss N Carter, LOlldm Mrs Rees, Vine Inn, Mall"el.street j !Ili'.s Sarah Lewis, Water-street Mrs Johns and lannlj, 1^2, Lammas-street Miss Annie Daviee, jlrulgc-street; Mrs R Llovd, Quav -street: Mr and Mrs i Evr.n=, Maneel-street; Mr and Mrs Holding, Queen-stree-. Miss J A Davi-s. King-street; Mr and Mrs J^s.iua James Miss Richards, 20, Picton-terrace Mr James, Wood's-row; "Miss Annie licaolhy, King- street Mr and Mrs Davies, 9, Francis-terrace Mrs Eihs end family, Old Plough iiin Mrs Davies, Penbryn Cottage Mr Bland Davies and famlly Mrs Griffiths, Cumpton Hosse Mr and Mrs lorn Davies, Priory-street Mr and Mrs lloyd, Mansel Arms Miss Emily Kate Davies, King-street Miss Griffiths, Priory-street School Mr Thomas, Paris IIOUSR, Nott'E-square Miss Ellen Levi is Spilaaan- street Miss A Calle, Gloucester Mr flames John, solicitor Miss Morgan, 2, M msel- street ai d Miss Hella Cadle, Gloucester. —Mr Tom Jones and his family desire to express their heartfelt thanks to their numerous friends tor the affectionate sympathy they have leceived on the occasion of (he death of their dear Bessie. They arc unable to ackno'.edge it individually, but hope this expression of their gratitude will be acccpted by all alike.

Serious Charge Against, a…

Family Notices