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T 0 I I.J Y S DTJOHBSS PILLS, LJ ..í:L. ,r.J t-.J 0 .1 FOR P A L E FACES, A rOt-ITl IE CURE FOR AMMIA, OB POVERTY OF BLOOD,, PALENESS. LANGOUIf. DJBILITY. NAUSEA. HEADACHE. BACKACHE. And all tho following Ailments: IRREGULARITIES. SALLOWNESS. SKIN ERUPTIONS. INDIGESTION. LOSS OF APPETITE. OFFENSIVE BREATH. PALPITATION. NERVOUSNESS. DEPRESSED SPIRITS. FEMALE AILMENTS. INSOMNIA. PAINS IN THE SIDE. As all the Ailments mentioned above arise from ONE CAUSE, they can be cured by ONE REMEDY, viz. JOLLY'S DUCHESS PILLS. These Pills are not an Aperient, but a Tonic which enriches the Bloocf. M'ss HA TIDY writes from Thorpe, Norwich Please forward a box of "DUCHESS PILLS,' as It cannot possfc-lv be without thelf. I can highly recommend them. I have been under the doctor's reatment ibt the last ten years for Anemia, without receiving any benefit, but your "Duchess Pills" have quite restored me." Mrs. OUGMJ w!Ïles from 19, Thomas-street, llobertstowr., Abardare There is a great improve- ment in rev daughter eincs taking your" Duchess" Pills. She is stronger, her skin ie much clearer, her lips have their natural colour, her cheeks are rosy, and her eyes brighter. Please send me another box, for which I enclose 2s. Gd," Report of Dr. A. FARH, the well-known Physician, late Medical Officer of Health, Lambeth, Londoa This U to certify that JOLLY'S "DUCHESS" PILLS do not contain any deleterious properties, and niiy be taken with perfect safety as a remedial agent and corrective for the various ftilrtents for which they are specially designed and recommended." Certificate of the Analyst* to the Health Corporation, London. We have mads a rnirtie critical Analysis of a sample, selected indiscriminately, of JOLLY'S 'DUCHESS" Pills, ai,d find they are composed of most valuable Tonic, Stomachic, and Purifying pfopgrties, and quite free from injurious Vegetable and IVIinsral substances." BENJAMIN NICKELS, F.I C., ) Analysts to the Health Corporation of London. WALLACE C. KICKELL, F.C.S,, J J r JOLLY'S "DUCHESS" PILLS will restore colour, health, strength, and beauty, and make the palest face clear and rosy, thus producing a lovely complexion. ILLUSTRATED BOOK ON ANiEMIA, OR POVERTY OF BLOOD, SENT POST FREE. A box of JOLLY'S D U CHriSS PILLS, containing 60 doses, easy to take, and sufficient to cure any ordinary case, will be forwarded to any part of the United Kingdom, securely packed in special boxes, with plain wrapper, post free, on receipt of 2s. 6d. Send for a box to-day. WHY BE PALE AND LANGUID ANY LONGER ? LttJ Ir1"lif>RLllItL!n._f:J,<t1.æ-j .I. BRITISH DRUGGISTS, LIMITED, 219, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. EH0LISH-THE BESTZ BENSON'S IB WATCHES. Gv aranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonials havo been received. BENSON'S ) BENSON'S Eaglish Lever Keyless EngliaU Leve. If if lm al Mons IN ilu "LUBGATE" WATCH "BANK" WATCH. IN USB AL^i "'l- I V' Selcctions of Watcheg or JeweIlery sent free on receipt of i-eference. Illustrated Book Pest Free. OLD W ATonES IN E X C HG E. .All Goods Not Approved will be Exchangcd. Cheapest. Strongest find most Durable London ttftde THREE-QIJARTEE PLATE ever An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Itnnies. Chrono- meter Iialanec, Patent Largo Barrel, and Damp and Dust Proof lling Band. Price £ ,5 5s. Keeps better time than, and i* double the Strength and Value of. any £ >■5 5s. Watch malle. In Sterling Silver Cases, with Strong Crystal Glas*. Mads in Fonr Sizes at one Price, F,5 5s.No. 1. Gentlemen A Yo ClLh:, U1,S illustrated 2. Working Men; No. 3, Railway Men and Miners: -1. Ladies. In massive 18-ef. Gold. Cases, with (.'ry-.t-il Glass. Gentlemen's size. £ 12 12s. Lady's size, £1010;>. A goorl Knockabout Watch for rough wear at a I low price. Beit. London made. Three-Quarter Plato Enni'hh Lever Laivc. Chronometer Balauee, Jowelled in Rubies, Strong Keyless Aetion. An Exi,,t Timekeeper, and better value than any Keyless Watch sold for £ 10. Price r.,5, in Extra Strength, Sterling Silver, Crystal Glass Cases. SENSON S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in Half- ° Hoop. Marquise. Chpscy nÜ all otna desIgns, set with Brilliants. Rueies, Emenuds, Pearls, Sap- nhires, Opals, Turquoise, &-c-, or in plain gold. ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent prst free, and at my risk, to all parts ot the World on receipt of Draft. Cush. or P.O.O.. paynhle at G.P.O. /-rcrATvra CEKD FOR BENSON'S BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 23. to £ 500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, O ENGAGEMENT RING?, BROOCHES, PLATE, Sjnt post free on application to JTO? WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • MM H.H. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY. BIEAITT FACTORY: 62 64't, LUDG-ATE HILL, And 28. ROYAXi EXHANGrE. E.C., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUES. -Arptications for agencies invited. Easy system, no risk. G UARANTEE D AN D GAR R! A G H PA Full Catalogue and Testimonials from users in any District, Post free, from the DISTRICT AGENTS: Ae-eut for Carmai(lien and District: W. THOMAS, Ironmonger and Implement Agent, Carmarthen. Agent for Llandilo and District: D. P. DAVIES, General Ironmonger, 3 and 5, King-street, LbndJo. f": J- v"\ i r. •• im T) r.' _dn RE.P.lD MY GO M F ESS I N. T Uvs resolved, after much consideration, to to M-.ff-wr* wlio will staid t; ic a scl f-add rcssi-<l stamiHxleK Pi Die Pn:scri!>tioti which cure.! iac after 17 years of Nervous Debility, cased by ll.« Errors <<( Tio )■ Tliirt Fio.-Pi'ii'lion is from i:iy own ex|ienc-an l nu~lant'-el cure for Lost Mannooo, fapormatoxrho l■ xi->a"sted VitaUty, Preciatare iJeca j Yoatn. u iaiprudence, Wealiiu ss. Despondency, Varicocele^, Kiilr.-v & Liver Complausts, au-J all Diseases oi t 4 Urinary Org-ans. and I cr.niidcntly recommend it to ■ill ivho so suilc. (Name this paper). y AFTER. i Writo'to W. H. BROWN, Esq., 14 Ohesham Road, Brighton, *U330X. SIJMMEB Sfi^SOIsr, 1896. D. LJ^JBEES IS NOW MAK IW HIS USUAL GRAND SHOW OF NEW GOODS SUITABLE FOR TB y SUMMER SEASON. ALL DEPAETMENTS ARE THOEOUalBLY UP TO DATE & CONTAIN THE NEWEST GOODS OpflIE BEST QUALITY. I). LL. REES, DRApfjR AND MILLINER. r'¡ NEW SP 1U.NG GOODS. D. LL. EES, THE LEj^IDIJSrc^- OUTFITTER, MEN'S SUITS—12/11 to 42/ i: YOUTHS' SUITS-Gill to 28/11. ?. MEN'S JACKETS & VESTS-Sill to 22/ rt BOYS' SUITS—1/9 to 14/6. TRY Oult Nof EID 3/9 HAT. GENTS' MERCERY OF EVERY DESalUPTION IN THE LATEST STYLES. AW-tf—THE 0-&Y ADDRESS, i4 & iS, GUILDHALL SQIJAIIE, CARMARTHEN. THOMAS BLJND DA VIES, COAL Sc IvEEl^OHI^lNrT, 3, SPRING GARDEt CARMARTHEN. í, LARGE SOFT HOUSE COAL, in Truck Lo, Colliery Screened, at Car- marthen Station from Us. per Ton. LARGE HARD HOUSE COAL, in Truck Mads, Colliery Screened, at Carmarthen Station from ,v-; Us. 9d. per Ton. NUT HARD HOL^SE COAL, in Truck LoadT'Colliery Screened, at Car- marthen Station from f ••• 13a. 6d..per Ton. GUISE OUTFITS LEADING THE WAY AS USUAL. 1#HEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE. Write or Call for comprehensive Catalogue the Season, Post Free to any Address. CYCLING SUITS. ,"¡Itcms alld Unlet (If Srtf-McaiurettMnt sent Free to ang cmhlrcss. i{ ¥E OLDE E'lGUS! HOES?UII," Coats, all Wool a"! Sanitary 'Wool- lined, 15/8. Knickers, 10/6. HHEVIGT AfiD CHEC-X TWEEDS, Coat*, lined, 5/6, 7 11, 10/6. juuekors, dbl. ecs.ted, 3,11, 6/11, 8,6. STROMG NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS. Coat6, lined throughout, 5/9, 7 6, 10/6. Knickers, dbl. seated, 4;6, 5 C, 8 8. THE "REFEREE" VENTILATED CAPS. i s, a/ iORíMÇ SHIRTS, from 3,11. CYCLING LECCIHCS, from 3/6. SWEATERS, from 2,11. CYQLEHS6 rramutUs. Six* Th!<tt!<B:t]Ttt!!tfPCt. u V>r<u:iI. ;,i<rF<>li tlei at Last.) HOKEKKIT. ZTttfit*. of pr.re lo-'n rt<t] h' Scot'h WooJ, fall h 1, to, 7K-^t roM/ort-ii'U* in wear. Coloxrr< Nfvcy }>luo, Light and Dark Grey, Uon'he;s, und Fancy Ti Is. VllTil THICK IE to USD THIM FEET All Efacs, 2 e, 3 '6. THE rt'.SHUfiU GilCl{, Hand Thic\ Leg end This Vtsot, 2.6, 3/6, <4.0, 5!6, 80. rostage, ll. l'f!r lYÜr. Two paiys, (d. THE 1 t Cheapest Shoe k. the Jlarket. THE "REFEREE -t&MNG SHOE. 46,6, -V •x'SPo"U. "| THE "8HCHIAKD." 6/6 1 Oat all in one piece. Horseskin. I EStra quality, 8/6, 10/6. Black or Tail. Postage on Shoet, 4M. Send size with order. NOTA BENE.—THE BOOM IN "GAMAGE" CYCLES STILL CONTINUES. Higli-Grade Machines, at prices to suit all pocketg. The "GAMSPEDE," 19. 17s. 6d. The Ii GAMAGE" Roadster, £ 12. 12s. The "SPECIAL GAMAGE," £ 16. 16s. Any Vest Pneumatic Tyres to all above. These Machines will not disappoint. Twelve Months' Guarantee Write for Price List Post Free. I WATERPROOF 3/3 CAPES. 3/3 Black Proof, Stand-up Collar. THE "REFEREE" CAFES, All Seams £ ews and Cemented. Black Proof, best quality, <i/i l. Grey Sllkoline, bebt Proof; t/l 1. Postage, sa. 4til 4- IL L' I I I I I 11 N I 0 BELLS, Double Alarm, from 6d. Miller's cr Lucas's LAMPS, from 19. LAMP-BRACKETS, from 61 d. INFLATORS, 13-incli, from 19. PUMP-CLIPS, from 3d. OILERS, from 2d. POCKET SIZE, 4d. WRENCHES, an Steel, Iron: 3d. MUD-CUARDS, from iOd. REPAIR OUTFITS, from 4jd. Np TfS | aptV AVftl S@TC We keep the Latest Styles in Cycling Costume?, and Underdo!,hiii?, ■ IU LHUl vlvUOIva Shoes Capes, laggings, Corsets, &c., <tc. I^adk-s will find our F.'ta-lirV.- ment the Best in London for supplying their wants at a Moderate irnce. All Orders over 10s. Carriage Paid. Writt or call fo). Price List. Pott Frrr. 126, 127 128, 129, HOLBORN, LONDON, JiiJ;, GEORGE'S PILE AND qBAYEL PILLS. THE GREATEST sieciss OF mohkrx TIMES! Were aU the thb emedy, they would fill a Vol -ame Ol r.e3.rly One TboUBaJl ages 0 the SIze. "THEY AM MORE THAN GOLD TO ME,-THEY SAVED MY LIFE." I IE you Buffer rAIN in the BACK and LOINS, or between tho SHOULDERS, this Remedy Vlil effectually remove them. tr RTTATTON of the BLADDER, SUPPRESSION and RETENTION" of th* 1S1I'I!CTPAL MMED? OF™ED TO THE muoh PEDIMENT, 1»,C »O time, procure a bo? of a5Vs3AGESdea' lh'" Rcme^7 win sently STIS1ULATE im°ortant organ?, open up their CLOGGED PASSAGES, and promote the secretion of HEALTHY PILE ^e^martyr^<flNDIC^ESTION, BILIOUSNESS, and CONSTIPATION you have a SURE Ueffiedy in^;rrom any Bowel Disorder, such as Pl^ES» CONSTIPATION, FLATULENCE, COLIC, you have hei^a^LPITATFoN,?nd are afraid that your HE ART ig affected, you will fiud these P^gCT^IlEAl^AOHEand GIDDINESS, George's Pills will remove these PAINS sooner than any AFTER EATING, and DROWSY and LISTLESS, one Dose of George's Pills will act ^f-pQQj^fURNS SOUR and rises into tho month, a ot doses o this Remedy will make your troubled » ^^JbEvSuB, EXCITABLE, and LOW SPIRITED, a perfect ANTIDOTE will be found in j George^ Pills. GREEABLI5 TASTE in the month, a SINGLE DOSE of George's Pile and Gravel If JPUj f;T,,e wjn clear the tongue before the dawn of another day. PillaTat bed^;me you REST try George's Fill8- ^hey will make your bed easy, sleep refreshuig, if Q'PRi?M(''n*vr and REVIVE your jjXERTION, "WEAK, and LIMP, this Remedy wi RESTORE your ENERGY 1 £ ia make LabourlndExorcise the ENJOYMENT of your life. 41111 Tf^outieSbled with NAUSEA and VOMITING_at the> thought of eating, a bo of George s Pills will make your meat and druilc rllthe important outlets of the body, and thus give free wi" "•Me" b™'tos SklUI^thSSid?of eases'it has removed from the Blood, root and branch, RHEUMATIC, SCORBUTIC, a Qp"RO"FTTT OIJ8 TAINTS thnt had defied all other Remedies. # r-mivFYS and SCftOFU^ teudency to DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, this remedy, by its action upon tne KIDNEYS i/yS have DIFFIC&LTY^f BREATHING, this Remedy will prove a friend to you in the hour of need. CONSTANT AILING to FREEDOM FROM PAIN. It will change the SALLOW COMPLEXK)N to the BLOOM OF HEALTH^ It wii change your SICKLINESS to VIGOUR; your LANGOUR to y GENERAL DEBILITY to firmness of SINEW ami ML SOLE. Tt is APERIENT, and therefore will rercove OONb rlPAIION. tvpt? It is ANTIBILIOUS, and will, therefore, correct all irlegnlarities of the LIVER. It is DIURETIC, and will, therefore, keepi open the VAIER ORGANS It is TONIC, and will, tlierefore, give TONE and RIGOUR to the DIGESTIVE OKUA1NS It is BLOOD-PURIFYING and NERVE STRENGTHENING. It is, therefore, ALL YOU WANT. ————-————— HESE WORLD-RENOWNED PILLS ARE "JJLO EVERYWHERE In Boxes, lB. lid. and 2s. 9d. eacli. By Post, Is. 3d. and 3s. 2 PROlRIETOR-J. G. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., UIHWALX, ;fit ONE Of LESS AN A (!OW A RRICES, EVERY COMPETITION~ IN « Ai^„mn"€ B!,rd'GaIs* Per houp' £ 9 great*r't*,n ™"thz :asaasrjBL-g » LAST 4 YEARS. GUA3ANTEED AXD CARBIAGE PAID. WORK EASIER and PRODUCE MORE BUTTER than OTHER MACHINES. 88,000 users say so. DISTRICT AGENTS: Agent for Carmarthen and District: W. THOMAS, Ironmonger and Implement Agent, Carmarthen. Agent for Llandilo and District D. P. DAVIES, General Ironmonger, 3 and 5, King-street, Llandilo. CURRANT CAKE! SEED C.UiE! SULTANA CAliE 1 AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF CAKE. We supply the above BETTER and CHEAPER than any other House in the Trado. We also MAKE BREAD AND DELIVER TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN, AND AKE AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT For, "HO "VIS" BREAD (SMITH'S PATENT). T. SMITE cC, CO., KING-STREET BAKERY, CARMARTHEN. « a fia lei ÐlS = Ma :0- _L R1 I VIP, 1 I iMiTATFD BUT NOT EQUflLLW. Agents WMted. m Oao M. tottlomafces S g^llous. Of all Chemists and Storos. gg iMiTATFD BUT NOT EQUflLLW. Agentawautc-a. m Oao M. tottlomafces S g^llous. Of all Chemists and Storos. gg SAM?LF. BOTTLE FREE 9 STAFFS, 2 FDR 13 STAMPS. W H & H.!i30N, HOTTIKGHRH. » roa C0U9HS tRAD D Et, POWEUiS BALSAS! IA For ASTHMA, BRotlCMITiS, NiGMT COUCH, INflUENZA, HOARSEtSESS, .AN D b- L LUNG TROUBLES. SAFE AND REUABLE. KBtftblisbodTO of ImivfttaOCfle (fce Trade Mark on Wrappers. Ef?ywHERE. SOLD BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. In Bottles, lili, 2/3. 6. and Ill. 8 R E A K F A S T S U P P E E P P S'S GRATEFUU-COMFORTING. O O O OA BOILina WATE R OR Ml LKl I.'IJK! TO MEN. r„ tired of taking nanscoua and mysterious WHEN VOU arc urea <3 ouudSi wbieli <lo you uo POOD prescription- ap i P wrUe tQ m0 aad i wl)l but only rain ^Q^ICK aud CERTAIN send a 1>°ok h wasting weakness, &c„ from what- cUllE«<>r l0f- No Stomach Medicine, no Llcctncity. vor cause ansin„- of tvv0 gUmj)S for postage.—A. ^Leigk Cy2 and 9J, Great Russell-street, London, .0. nil. MACK AY'S MAE, VLLLO Ub y FEMALE KEM EDY. 5/(5 UnTFS Will SAVE much EXPENSE, DELAY, and! nmAPPOINTMENT by sending at first t'er this ri^ vkiSY SUCCESSFUL MEDICINE. POST \VONDEltr L smvELY thfi ONLY TRUSTWORTHY FB1«TTT TABLE PREPARATION in THE WORLD for ALL ?S«waT1LARITlES, NEVER FAILING in bringing about n thfit is desired SPEEDILY and SAFELY. Do9s not A PROSTRATION & PAIN like most of the SO-CALLED C^TlOIES but by its invigorating and effective action !l>tps a' healthy condition of tho system hitherto Attainable BY AN Y OTHER PREPARATION. Thousands of liatterins and Unsolicited Testimouiils havo been received EXTOLLING the VIRTUES of this REMARK- ABLE MEDICINE Space, however, will not admit of them ai/bein" published. Tho following extracts are, thereforn, specimens of some of the NUMEROUS GRATEFUL LETTEltS that arrive daily:—"Your remedy is worth its weight iu gold.—Mrs W." "The llrst two doses put me right.—Mrs N." Your medicine relieved mej almost instantly.—M. H." Evervthing I tried had failed. Your remedy acted like magic.-L, W.' "Yours, indeed, is a marvellous remedy.—H. B." "Not only am I all rigiit, bu. much improved in health.—A. S." "I sincerely wish I Ua«i wrote to you before.—Mrs K." Every feniale ought to know of your medicine.—Mrs W." "Shall always send to you in future.—Miss R." Maty, many thanks ior your trul> effective medicine.-Mrs. Y." "All other remedies were useless Three doses of yours bcueflttedt thc LADIES, DON'T DELAY, SEND AT ON1 E and test ttic Value of this Famous Meaisnie. Value of this Famous Meaisnie. 104, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. DR. MACKAY'S "MARVELLOUS" 5/6 FEMALE REMEDY. 5/G THE CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING COMPANY, 15, BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN. BILLPOSTING and ADVERTISING, in alli a 3 Branches, throughout the Counties of Carmar then, Pembroke, and Cardigan. R. M. JAM! S, Manager. LIFE LIFE I LIFE! SAVE YOU: CHILDREN FROM I DEATH I BY THAT TERHiBLE DISEASE CROUP h' i. SWi /V7 Haay Thousands Die Annnally. ALL MAY BE SAVED BY CITING THEM MORTIMBR'S CROUP & OGU GH MIXTURE Y IT TIME. < Also a valuable remedy for Coughs, WEOOPXNS COXIGH, Colds, Bronchitis, Aslhm?, luSuctisa, Sore Throats, HoJirssuess, Diphtheria, Fcvcv, and a.H Affections of the Chest and Lwich. Loti] ir. A felts Child*«». Patronised by the Publii for over 60 years. The following are a ff yrom among Lt THOUSANDS OF DENIJIME TESTIMONIALS. The originals may be seen at the Proprietor's; anyone doubt- iug their genuineness may writs to addresses given. From the Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF SWANSEA. DEAR S-,R,-Our children frequently suffer from attacks of Croup, and we have always found Mortimer's Mixture a sure and safe remedy. Aly wife says she would not for anything be without it in the house. Having had experience of its beneficial effects upon our children, we gladly take every opportunity of recomaienchug it to our friends. Yours very truly, J. SWANSEA. Penrhos. Newham Road, Bedford. SIR,—I received the three bottles of Mortimers Croup and Whopping Cough Mixture. Please send me twelve more bottles, as my children have all got the Whooping Cough. I find it does thera so much more good than anything else; in fact, I have never known it fail in Croup or Whooping Cough. Kindly send by return, and oblige, Yours truly, A. REM. In Bottles, Is na and 2s 9d each; sent by post to I any address. Prepared only by MORTIME It, LIMITED, CARMARTHEN, SOUTH WALES. So'd by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Wholesale. Aqent^ W. SUTTON & Co.. London. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HORE HOUND. The most certain and speedy remedy. STOPS COLD CURES COUGH! HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUIND. Sold Every where. Price Is lid 2s 9: JOHN LYSAGHT, Ltd., Bristol. Sole Manufac hirers of the REDCLIFFE GALVANISED RICK COVEI, Pig Troughs, Sheep Troughs and Racks, Cattle Cribs and Troughs, Corn Bins, Hay Racks, Mangers, Water Tanks and Barrows, Hay and Corn Sheds, Shepherd's Huts, Wire Netting. Catalogues and Articles supplied by auy Ironmonger. y I \1P0KTA.NlrNOTICE. Y A Just Published, a Book for Young Men, A By Dr J. A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), entitled « HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH," On the LAWS GOVERNING LIFE, and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT of all diseases depending on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of tho Heart, Noises in the liead and Ears, Indecisiou, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depresssion of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains iu the Back, &c gent wost free for two stamps or by letter post ;) stamps "THE FEMALES' FRIEND AND ADVISER' vVill be sent to a.ny address on receipt of two stamps. Address, Dr. BARNES, 48. Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, London, N. HOPE ON. NERVOUS DEBILITY,&C. A goiitlt-maii having tried iu vain every known reniedy, has discovered a simple self cure, for Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhea, Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decay, Lost Manhood, The Errors of Youth, Kidney and Liver Complaints, and all Diseases of the Urinary Organs; which he will be pleased to forward on reccipt of staiiiped- addressed envelope. Aldtv.ss:—1IKNRY DAVIS, ESQ., CO?KORT) LODGE, CUICHFCSIXTI PI.ACH, BRIGHTON, SUSSEX. (S'aL't k.liis paper). POST FHEE, 2D. MEN WHO ARE WEAK should read the best and most valuable work on ATROPHY and VARICOCELE, by M.D., Ch.M., with special chapters on the explanation of vital secrets ami the certain Cure of Prostration, Debility and Decay. Ihe purest eviide in esseniisl matters. Address burgeon, Cooford Lodge, Brighton. Sussex. WHY DO MEN SUFFER, from Weakness f Despondency, Nervousness, iNervous Debility, Loss of Strength, Youthful Imprudence, Lo<t Man hood, &c., when thc'y can write to a friend (who has givczl the matter a life-long study) and be cured ? Simnle self-treatment.- Enclose stamped envelope to w, j [. ijnowx, Esq., 11, Che^ham Road, Brighton, vvh'o will send sufferers prescription free. (Name this ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is war 0 ranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, ar.d Pains in the back. Guaranteed free from Mercnrv Sold iu boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent for sixty B^nms by the Makers, Thk LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES Dnuo Co., LINCOLN. \V hoIesalo Barclay au(j Sons, Farringdon-street, and all the Wholesale Houses.