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Carmarthenshire MonthlyI Meeting.

Alleged L roeiiy at Carmarthen.

The Great Need of the Age…


Ar Ben y Pentaii.


Caniiartlicnskirc Ccuiity…

Carmarthen Couuty Court.


Carmarthen Couuty Court. -f(,ze His Honour Judge Bishop. ANOTHER ROW ABOU r TITHES. This was r care in which the Rev Jonathan Maredcn, Vicar ot Liar-Ilwelli, El, I chaplain to the Joint Counties A-yluin at Carmarthen, sued Dr Daries, Rock H;»ise, Jd^ndyssul, for C4 JOs, for iliree yaars' arrears of rtnt charge payable in respsct of the farm of WerndJu, which is situate in the parishes ot Llangain »nd Llangunnock, and is the piopc-ity of the defendant. Mr Thomas Walter?, solicitor, who appeared for the plaintiff, said that defendant purchased the holding some 15 years ago, and the conveyance contained a special reserra.'io'i that the sale was made subject to a yearly rent charge o: jE5, of which £ 3 JOs was payable to the vicar cf St. Peter's Carmarthen, and the r. Mt (, £ 1 10s) to the Vicar of Llanilwch. Up to three years ago, the defendant had, with more or less reluctance, regularly met the demand, but he now wished to dispute his liability, and desired to know how end whv he shouid pay the charg. He (Mr Walter) contended that his client was not called upon to tender an explanation this ought to be g;)t by the defendant from the Charity Commissioners All the plant.iff kn nv was that lh? rent charge arising from the firm had been paid fur the pist century, and it was rather late in ,he day to r-.is'j a dispute about the legality of the payment The plaintiff had received the money for the past 27 years, and his Ho? our was asked to hold that under the circumstances 'he defendant was not entitled to dispute the cltim. The defendant w shjd to put in the conditions of sc,L', b ;t his Honour slid they had nothing to do with the casr, aud did^not allect the plaintiff's title. 1), f eridant I have asked Mr Marsden to t-all me whether the charge is for a chllity or not. His Honour You must find that out yourself. You cannot expect people to satisfy all the curiositv in your nature. Defendant I say that it is rot a legal bequest. Hi3 Honour I cannot say whether it is (r not, but you h.ire pai<J i: for 15 yt-ars. Defendant But I have desputed it. His Honour Ptihaps so Jt¿ rulirt find out in another way whether the charge is illegal or not. At present you are not in a position to tight it out against the present claimant. If you are curious you must go throngh the old C:ronI,*cles of Car- marthenshire" Defendant I bought the farnj on these conditions (holii,r, up a c'curuen,)- His Honour But thst has nothing to do with me. Tha person you bought u from took vou in" may be. Defendant I am afrcid so. His Honour You had bettet pay the wh:e, and continue to pay it until yoj have mide some inquiries from some of ii-ie (Aver people of the country as to what the charge was for, when it origiur.ted. Dr Divies, in leading the cou'ihousa,prcmiap 1 to adopt iiis Honrur's suggestion.

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