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St. Islimael's ParIsh Council.i

' Ferryside and District Gossip.




ILlandilo Urban District Council


I Llandilo Urban District Council The first meeting of the newly-constituted Council was held on Tuesday la.st at the Public Hall. The attendance corcprisod Major Thomas, and Messrs C. G. Phillips, Jenkin Jones, W. Griffiths, E. A. Roberts, T. C. Thomas, T. Hopkin, Thomas Jones, J. W. Jones, Evan Jones, John Price, D. Stephens, J. W. Nicholas, John Hughes, and Thomas Hughes. It was a fu!l council. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. On the motion of Major Thomas, seconded by Mr Jenkin Jones, M» W. Griffiths was elected to the chair pro. tem.~Having assumed the chair, Mr Griffiths said their first business wou!d be the e!ection of a chairman fur the ensuing year.—Mr Thomas Jones proposed that Mr J, W. Nicholas be re-elected chairman.—Mr Roberts and Mr Evan Jones both got up at the same time to second it.—Mr Roberts said he would allow Mr Jones t) b9 the seconder, whilst he would support it. He thought that in Mr Nicholas they had an ideal chairman, and one who had the welfare of the town at heart. He should like the uouncn to oe unanimous in its choice. There was no doubt they could not find his better, if they could find his equal.—Mr Nicholas, on rising, was greeted with cheering by the large number of the inhabitants who were present, as well as by the members of the Council. He thanked them for electing him as chairman. To some extent he did not expect the honour, and had been told he was not to be re-elected. He was not awaro of any reason for it, as he did not know he had offended any member of the Council. He had, however, been told that it was the intention to turn him out. lis could only say that to the best of his ability he had endeavoured to conduct the business of the Council in a satisfactory manner. He ha J felt doubts as to whether he should accept the chair, because ho did not live in the town. He had decided, however, to take it for one year, but next year he feared he would be living still further from the town, and that would be the last time he should consent to take the chair, even if ho were asked to. He thoroughly appreciated the honour they had done him. They bad had an acquisition of members, and he trusted it would lead to an acquisition of wisdom (cheers). They had in the past year carried on their discussions in an orderly manner, and he hoped they WDuId endeavour to do the same again. They did their work altogether better when their discussions were orderly. With their assistance, he would do his best to carry on the business of the chair. He begged to propose that Mr Jenkin Jones be elected vice- chairman.—This was seconded by Mr Griffiths, and carried unanimously.—Mr Jones thanked the Council for the honour they had done him. With the help that one could give the other, he trusted they would get on in the future as they had done in the past. CONGRATULATIONS TO MAJOR THOMAS, J. P. Mr J. W. Nicholas said that before the agenda was proceeded with, he would like to make one motion that was not down on the agenda, that was one of congratulation to one of their members for the honour recently conferred upon him. He referred to the placiug of Major Thomas on the magisterial bench. He thought that in private life Major Thomas had been congratulated, but he (Mr Nicholas) thought there should be a notification on the books that they as a Council congratulated Major Thomas on his elevation to the magisterial bench. It was an honour much sought after by public men, and he could say that in the case of no man -in the town was it more richly deserved. He should have been on the bench a long time since. He would bring to the bench the fruit of a ripe understanding and of long contact with men, and would be able to contribute materially to the proper administration of law in the town. He moved that This Council desires to record its satisfaction at the elevation of Major Thomas to the bench of magistrates, and congratulated him on his deserved honour."—Mr John Price seconded, and the motion was carried by acclamation.—Major Thomas, in reply, thanked the Chairman for the very kind way he had introduced his name to the Council, in conse- quenoe of his elevation to the bench. As a public man, who had known some 40 years as such, he had endeavoured to steer a straight course. lie might have made mist ikes, but, he had sacrificed a great deal of money and time in the service of the country. His fciend. the Conservatives, had at last put him in his present proud position. Better late than never. The labourer was worthy of his hire. He thanked the Council for tho kind manner in which they had received the vote. He hoped with health to be able to serve th county to the best of his ability. He had no great knowledge of tho law, but he thought the knowledge he had gained of the poople would make up for it. TOWN IMPROVEMENTS. Mr C. G. Phillips moved that the Canton side of Bridge-street ba curbed, channeled, or paved. It would bo a great improvement, and would help materially in cleansing the streets after the fairs.— Mr John Hughes seconded.—Mr J. W. Jones moved a negative, and Mr J. Price seconded it.—The negative was cMried -nine voting for it. THE WATER SUPPLY. Mr J. W. Nicholas said the water supply was by far the most important matter that could come before the Council. He confessed that at present he scarcely knew the position of things at Llandyfan. First, he had bean informed that there was ample water there. Now, again, he heard that that was not so. He would, therefore, a*k the S^>"a" y°u 'iem the position of things at Li AVJ £ J PP^P ^oly, the Surveyor explained what "U1 I'lly done. \Yatpr had been running int- rate of 100,000 gallons a day. ay from 70 000 f.n 80,000 cal Ions >w Do you estimate ft Ait cne supply we can gee m W.XJ adequate for the use of the town.—The Sarveyor said at present ho had no doubt it would be sufficiont, but, of course, they did not know what might happen in dry seasons. It would be advisable to do a little more cutting therefore. He should like the Council to visit Llandyfan.—In answer to Mr E. A. Roberts, the Surveyor said lie did not believe thoy had any water from the Baptistry.—Mr Evan Jones said he had been over there that day, and to his satisfaction the water ) was running strong, but Mrs Rogers complained that her supply was very short. He thought they should, as a Council, be very cautious that they did no damage. There was hardly any water in the Baptistry, but it ran very strong from the lower pipe. -In answer to Mr Phillips and the Surveyor, he said the water was about an inch bilow the step in the Baptistry.—Mr Phillips said that was its normal state. —Mr Roberts Do you think there would be a sufficient supply, providing the leakage were T stopped —youi candid opinion 'f lie Surveyor Yes, pro- viding there was no drought. Ho wanted to motke a further cutting.—Mr Roberts: You think it would suffice for Llandilo?—Chairman What do you wish to do ?—Surveyor I have finished my instructions. If you want more water you have to go further. I should like the Coiircil to see the place.—Mr J. W. Jones said he understood they had enough of water, but now further cutting was necessary. If they had reached the rock it was the same water they would find and the same quantity. The Surveyor had done his best in the matter, and if they, as a Council, were not satisfied, they ought to have the opinion of a water engineer before they spent anv more money on the job.—Major Thomas said, speaking practically, there was no certainty of a supply although the Surveyor was very sanguine, and he (Major Thomas) strongly advised the Council to treat with the Vicar and offer him the sum of £ 10 per annum. They were not going to spend two thousand or three thousand pounds on a risky under- taking. The limestone rock was of such a nature that any disturbance of nature might spoil the Epring entirely. If they put a pipe in at the end of the Baptistry, where the water came out, they would have it free from contamination, have a good supply as far as human knowledge went, and his recommendation was to make the best terms with the Vicar.—Mr E. A. Roberts said he thought as Mr J. W. Jones did. They would be bound to have a practical man down before they could proceed with the work. The last time the Vicar sent in he wanted £ 20, and he might next want £ 40. He (Mr Roberts) wanted to have a practical m m down, and not pay the Vicar a penny. Their Surveyor was a fully-qualified man—tho most qualified professionally in Llandilo, an experienced man—and he told them there was ample water provided you stopped certain leakages. In the face of that they were in their surveyor's hands. If they believed what he told them, why run back and forth to the Vicar. He thought the Vicar had treated him shamefully.—The Chairman said he did not understood what thu Surveyor had said, and ho agreed with Mr Jones and Me Roberts that they should have the opinion of a practical man.—Major Thomas I agree with that.—The Chairman, continuing, said that the opinion should be that a man of experience, upon whose ad vice they could act.—Major Thomas I agree with you in toto.—Mr Roberts would like to hear the opinion of a practical man, and not that divining rod business over again, if they pleased.—It was then agreed to do this, and that meanwhile no further experiments bhould be made at Llandyfan.—Mr Phillips urged that steps should be taken in the meanwhile also to the leakage stopped.—The Clerk was instructed in the matter. THAT LETTER. Mr Jenkin Jones said there was a rumour afloat that cue of the members had sent in his resignation, or desired to rcs;gn.-The Clerk said he had had a letter to that effect from one of the members, but he had since thought better of it, and as all had signed the declaration that night, of course no one had resigned. APPOINTMENT OF OVERSEER. Mr John Jones, Briskin Villa, having declined to act a.3 overseer, Mr W. Jones, Canton, was, on the motion of Mr Pbillips appointed to the post. NOTICES OF MOTION. Mi J. W._ Jones gave notice to bring forward the question of improving the flagging in Bridge-street.— Mr Thomas gave notice that he would move the making of the town more attractive to visitors and improving the entrance to Attin -road. -illr John Price gave notice to move the taking over of Alun- road.—The bill for the election was considered and passed. It amounted so £9 18s SJ. ""V-V'v



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