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Aberdare District Council.

Consent of the Treasury.

No Seconder.

Workmen and Officials. — Councillor…

Fire Brigade Committee and…


Tramway Extensions and the…

Road Improvements.

Buying Horses.

Electric Light Works.

Postal Half-Holiday.

Cheap and Nasty Advertissment.

Aberdare County Court.

Administration Order Refused.

Paid Out.


Soldier's Compensation Claim.

iHis Wife's Debts.

Sued for Prize Money. TL

Compensation Cases


---.-----------Abercynon Police…



THE BUDCET AND NEW TAXES Have worried many but Indigestion, Biliousness, Headaches, or Liver Troubles are much worse. Happily these can be relieved or cured by a prompt dose of KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS at a very small cost. Thousands take no other Medicine. Sold in 1d., 131d., and 2/9 boxes by all Chemists, etc. j KILLS PA I NJ SLOAN S LINIMENT 'j NEURALGIA HEADACHE. I Especially in the piercing paip of Neuralgia of the dull throb of Headache is Sloan's Liniment wonderfully relieving. Laid lightly on the part where the pain is felt, it gives at once a feeling of comfort and ease that is most welcome to 4 over-wrought sufferer. 1V v Miss M. Melia, 47, Tiverton Street, Wavertree, Liverpool, write*: c\ j —"I was suffering with a severe attack of Neuralgia, but aftet VLJ using Sloan's Liniment, I obtained immediate relief, A few dayl ago I had an attack of Rheumatism, and I tried Sloan's agaifli and the result was equally good." BAD COLD & BRONCHITIS. i|||||g Mr. H. R. Head, 328, Markhouse Road. Walthamstow, writes:— llllll^ Last winter my wife caught a very bad cold and lost her voice H entirely. She underwent treatment for some time, and gradually B | F WW became worse until she developed Bronchitis and had to keep to l| her bed for a month. After using Sloan's Liniment she was able |U to continue her household duties. She is now in perfect health." I wrffi Jmfe S Sloan's Liniment is the finest remedy for Rheu- M jH matism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises and any kind of pain. It penetrates by itself—no rub- bing is required. Sold by all chemists, 1/1% and 2/3. ||||||Q — — Send your name and address and two penny stamps FRFF SAMPLE postage of trial bottle FREE. „ » I*" ———■ Wholesale Depot: 86, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C*

Sacred Recital at Aberdare.,

[No title]

--Mountain Ash Youth in Trouble…


Glyn Neath Flower ShoW.
