FURNISH OF JA-Y & CO.'S EALSY PAYMENT SYSTEM CASH PRICES. Our Terms for Credit are the best offered in the Trade, via.; £8 Value 1/6 Weekly. £ 12 2/- £ 20 H M 3h £ 3° » if 4/6 „ £ 50 „ „ 6/- „ Larger Purchases in proportion. PAYMKNTS can be made MONTHLY or QUARTERL Y All Goods Delivered Free. Distance no object 6, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE

Who's J? JIM A A WhoreVJt JAY ft GOi, Easy Payment Furnishers at Cash Prioesi 8 Commercial Street, Aberdare. nd over 100 oter Establishmenta. _AA_ Small deposits accepted.

F. D. E. GEORGE (Late Isaac Thomas, The ONLY complete Funeral Furnisher and Funeral Director. Every Requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietor of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shellibiers, Mourning Coaches and Brougham s Note the address:— —— 24 and 25, SEYMOUR STREET, ABERDARE. Pictures & Frames. Call and Inspect my Stock. DAVIES, 11, Cardiff Street, ABERDARE (LATE OF 1, HIGH STREET). VIOLIN TUITION. TOM JONES, Triple Medallist, Diploma London Academy of Music, Winner of Kalman Ronay Scholarship, 1906; Gerald Walenn Scholarship, igo8 and Paul Graener Scholarship for composition, is now prepared to receive pupils. Also limited number for Piano and Organ Playing, Theory, Harmony and Counterpoint. Apply for full particulars to 13, BRONIESTYN TERRACE, TRECYNON. Mountain Ash visited weekly at 53, COMMERCIAL STREET. E. T. JENKINS, Licentiate of the incorporated •— — — — Society of Musicians v (Honours, Literary and Theoretical), !f|usic Master Cathedral School, Llaqdaff Assistant to C. C. Beale, Esq., Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O., Orgarjist and Ghoirtrainer, Liaqdaff Cathedral. Lessons given; Engagements accepted. For list of Successes and Terms apply, Park Villa, Penrhiwceiber Rd., Penrhiwceiber. Pupils particularly successful in Pianoforte and Theory Examinations. _t.- MR T. JONES, LR.A.M.,A.R.C.O., m.hSm Coaches or all Exams. Practical and Theoretical personally or by post. RECENT SUCCESSES: Deo. 1907—L.D.C.M, 1; A.L.G.M., 4; L.C.M., Senior Honoarr pass 2; Associated Board R.A.M., R.C.M., playing, 9, (distinction 1,) Theory and Harmony, 2. SUBJECTS TAUGHT :-Pianoforte and Organ Playing, Singing, Harmony, Countep point, Composition, Form and Fagae. j, u Engagements accepted as Adjudicator Accompanist for Organ Recitals. Address i School of Music, 58, Monk St., Aberdare Muslo Stores, 53, Commercial Street, Mountain Ash. w. P. POWEL & CO., LTD., C tu 5% G.W.R. Agents and Carriers, HIRWAIN. Furniture removed to all parts by road and rail. Work done by careful and experienced packers. 'Free Estimates given on application to Head Office or to G.W.R. Carting Agente at the following stations, viz.:—Aberdare, Merthyr, Dowlais, Mountain Ash, Treharris, Penygraig, Neath, Port Talbot. Bridgend, Pontycymmer, Tondu and Pembrey. :National Telephone-0197 Hirwain FRANK MILLS, IVA w,% I ILM L Undertaker and Funeral Furnisher, OXFORD STREET, MOUNTAIN ASH;, 'THL. ADDRBSS: "FRANK MILLS." P.O. TEL. 27 ALSO DAVID EVANS, Seymour Street, Caegarw, Mountain Ash. ,III.')'.Il'W- ifn8ll-'¡- PRINTING! PRINTING! WE PRINT' PRINTING Y°U PROFIT- Every description. of Work neatly and promptly executed. PRICES MODERATE. t + Coloured Posters a Speciality. Lead ep Printing Works, Market Street, Aberdare. BING UP 136 NAT EST.. 1896. EVAN L. DAVIES, Wholesale and Retail Coal and Coke Merchant, and Colliery Agent, Taff Vale Yard, ABERDARE (BOTTOM OF CARDIFF AND DUKE STkEETS). In announcing my WINTER COALS for sale, I wouic ^jlesire to express my appreciation of the patronage hitherto accorded me and auld solicit a further continuance of same. Amongst the various assortments of House Coals, the to) owing are the leading qualities we have for sale :— Bituminous Goals: Best Llantwit, Mynyddislwyn and Brithdir. Semi-Bituminous Goals: Best Elled, Tillery, Miskin and Graig. Steam Goals: Best Dowlais, Aberdare and Cory's. Best Superior House Coals North's, International and Cory's. Gas Coke, Railway Sleepers. Sea Sand, and Cut Firewood in suitable blocks at all times kept in stock. Prompt delivery made to auy part of the town or district for quantities of 5 cwt. and upwards of the above. Special quotations given for Truck Loads of Coal, Coke, Sand and Sleepers, delivered to any Railway Station. ENQUIRIES RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Telegrams Carbon, Aberdare. Telephone P.O. 32, Aberdare. Why suffer Pain when GOLMA]PT Trade Mark registered No. 304,178. OF THE KING Z, OILS Gives Instant Relief? INVALUABLE FOR FOOTBALLERS CYCLISTS AND ALL ATHLETES. GOLMAB is the Strongest Externa Weapon in the World. No pain can resist its power. It gives instant relief to tired, aching and painful Muscles and Joints. It is pleasant in use, powerful in action, pene- trating, stimulating, and invigorating. Strengthens weak Muscles, comforts tired Limbs. The enemy of Stiffness & Fatigue. It is a specific Remedy for White Swelling —it never fails. Rheumatism and like diseases are often very obstinate; same of the most unpromising cases have been cured with this King of all Oils. The oil is a reliable pain-killer, and will accomplish its work in many cases without the assis- tance of an internal remedy. Our last ad- vice would be, if you order 'GOLMAR' as you surely will do, try it externally for Cramp in the Stomach and Bowels, Whoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Un-Broken Chilblains, Croup, Colic, Bron- chitis, Pleurisy, and Inflammation. IT ACTS LIKE ELECTRICITY! Price 1/1 i per bottle (or by, post 1/3) FROM MR. J. EVANS, Newsagent, 25, CARDIFF ST., ABERDARE: MR. 1. E THOMAS, M.P.S., MEDICAL HALL, ABERAMAN; or from the Sole Proprietor-D. PVGH WILLIAMS, GWYNFE STORES, DOWLAIS Arthur R. John UNDERTAKER & BUILDER. Funerals completely furnished Shop Front Fitting and Repairs to Property promptly executed. WORKSHOP. Beadon Street, Darranlair, Mountain Ash. Muddell's Wholesale Newsagency, J9 Rock House & No. 23, High Street, ABERDARE, Alio at Market Hall, every Saturday Newsagents please note Send for terms To. G. W. MUOOELL, PROMPT SUPPLIES. WHITCOMBE MOUSE, GLOUCESTER ST., A,lU:r.RDAIUt MGR0A/T~P8GM, Auctioneer, Valuer, Accountant), Rouse and Estate Agent, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance Agent, RENTS COLLECTED. M. M. personally attends to collecting also holds Certificate to levy distress for rent. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. The IE ABERDARE LEADER has the guaranteed largest circulation of any newspaper in the Aberdare Valley. Nat. Tel. 146. Thomas Bros., Carriage Proprietors, &c. Private Address: 60&61. Pembroke St.,Aberdare The very best work possible In PHOTOGRAPHS BLACK & WHITE WATER COLOUR OIL PAINTINGS Is >nlv 'obtainable at The Triumph Studio Station Street, (Directly opposite the Police Station), Aber-dare. J. HARRIS, Proprietor. Relief from One Dose. EVANS'S BRONCHIAL SYRUP Gives immediate relief in most obstinate and distressing cases of Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice and all affections of Chest, Throat and Lungs. Sold in bottles 1/ij, 2/9 and 4/6, post free on receipt of 1/3, 2/9 and 4/6 from the proprietor- THOS. EVANS, M.P.S., CHEMIST, 114, Upper Richmond Rd., Putney, LONDON. Sold locally at the Cwmbach Co-operative Society's branches at Aberaman, Cwmbach, Cwmaman, Capcoch and Mountain Ash, Glyn Neath, Mrs John, Grocer, &c. Aberdare School of Commerce, Civil Service, & Correspondence College. Principal J. MARSHALL, F. INC., S.T., F.S.C., ete., Students rapidly prepared for Com- mercial and Civil Service appointments. Lucrative positions secured for all qualifying for Commercial appointments. Students are efficiently prepared for Pupil Teachers, Prelim. Certificate and Certificate Examinations. Success GUARANTEED to WORKERS in all branches. Full particulars re Terms, Entry Forms, etc., of any of the above on application to the Secretary. T. O. WILLIAtyS, Public Auditor & Accountant, Valuer, aqd House 4goqt. VALUATIONS MADE FOR PROBATE, MORTGAGE, &c. TRADESMEN'S BOOKS POSTED AND AUDITED. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCES ARRANGHD, RENTS COLLECTED. Office: ——— 10, CANON STREET, ABEFOARE. A Boon to Mothers. Mothers are Warned against giving their babies medicines which weaken their systems and stultify their growth. But don't try to stop their Painful Cries by forcing them with food. Their cries indicate ailments which can be rapidly relieved and cured by 10 alkml E S I ,f%W% RED DROPS THE HEALTHFUL REMEDY for Wind, Gripes, Convulsions, and all kindred infantile complaints, One dose decides it unique value, ensures healthful babies, and enables Mothers to have quiet days and restful nights. Keep a Bottle Handy. 1/1 tper bottle. Sold by the following Agents:- ABBRDARE-MR HARRIS, CHEMIST. Mr Emrys Evans, Chemist. Tr.yucu-Mr. LI. Humphreys, Ch«stigQ. Aberaman-Mr 1. E. Thomas, chemist. Mountain Ash -Mr Williams, chemist. II Mr Jones, Chemist. Penrhiwceiber-Mr A M. Jones, chemist. Abercynon-Mr W. G. Williams, chemist. Pontypridd From all chemists. Portk-Mesafvi. Davies Broe., CkMtitta, Hannah Street. Glyn Neath-Mr. Morris, The Stores. Glyn Neath-Mr. H. M. Lloyd, Chemilt, Wholesale Agents London-Messrs San- ger & Co., Messrs. Newbury & Co.; Liver- pool-Messrs. Evans and Sons, Messrs. Lescher and Webb, Messrs. Ayrton, Saun- ders and Kemp, If you fail'to get it from your Chemist, send 15 or 30 stamps to the proprietors:- JONES AND SONS, Manufacturing Chemists, Llanidloes, Mont. BUSINESS ADDRESSES JpHILLIPS, TAILOR AND DRAPER, 40, CANON ST., ABERDARE All Orders promptly attended to. Mournings a speciality. H. ELLIS, The Noted Ladies' & Gents' Tailor, 30, OXFORD ST., MOUNTAIN ASH (Opposite Duffryn Hotel). Ladies and Gents are notified that a CLOTHING CLUB is being commenced. Terms 1/- per week. D. H ARRIS, IRONMONGER, 62, COMMERCIAL STREET, MOUNTAIN ASH, Gardening Tools in Great Variety. Agent for Morse's Patented fresco Distemper. L. J. M ORGAN, ACCOUNTANT AND DEBT COLLECTOR. CERTIFICATED RENT DISTRESS BAILIFF o 16, JEFFREY ST., MOUNTAIN ASH T. K. L UKEY. has opened a WHEELWRIGHT'S BUSINESS at his new premises CORNER DARRAN ROAD, AND H-IGH STREET, MOUNTAIN ASH, JOBBING of all description attended to promptly, TYREING AND REPAIRS at moderate prices. New Hauling Carts kept in Stock. Mountain As and District Biliposting & Advertising Co., Ltd., Having the largest number of Billposting Stations in the District, Are prepared to take contracts by the month or year. HANDBILLS distributed throughout the District by reliable men. Manager and Secretary 01 W. tyoweff, F.C.I.S., i. WINDSOR OFFICES Mountain Ask, P.O. Telephone 13, Music Lessons given by Mr. John Thomas, A.L.C.M. All essentials taught. Pianoforte a Speciality. Pupils prepared for all reliable exams. Successful results. e For Terms, Apply, 1, NAVIGATION VILLSt tylSKIN, ROUPTAIN Ptsq. TOM MALE, L.L.G.M., Organist at Presbyterian Church, Aberdare, Gives Lessens on Pianoforte & Organ Playing, Theory, Harmony. A. Pupils prepared for the R.A.M., R.C.M., and L.C.M. aminations. For terms apply— 5, Wyndham Crescent, Aberaman. Abercynon visited on Mondays. Address Clasfryn House, 151, Aborcynon Road, Aboraynon. R. PARDOE & SON, Builders' Ironmongers, 22, CARDIFF ST., ABERDARE. Sp'eciality: FIRE-PLACES OF ALL KINDS. Tiled Crates & Chimney Pieces fronj .£2. LARGE STOCK OF KITCHEN RANGES. BRANCH BUSINESS AT MOUNTAIN ASH. If you waqt New Teeth Call at Mac Gormack. Artificial Teeth at Prices & Terms to suit ails MAC COmStOS GOfiSULTffiG ROOMS9 p 2, Cardiff Street, Aberdare, And 10, Fforchaman Road, Cwmaman. Patients visited at their own homes on receipt of P.C. No extra charge. Hours of attendance 10 a.m. till 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 till 4. A CARTRIDGES NOBEL KYNOCH SHULTZE Ballistite. Kynoid, Primax, Bonax. Telax. Imperial, Yeoman. ALWAYS IN STOCK AT, Doughton and Hughes, IRONMONGERS &c., ABERAMAN & GODREAMAN. To those about to be MARRIED. THÐMAS & eo.'s PATTERN WEDDING RIBTttq. No. t No. 2 No. 8 No. 4 ROUND. II EDI UK. WIDE. EXTRA WEDDING RINGS- KEEPER RIMST" WKB: ENGAGEMENT RINGS-H& ENLIGAGEMENIT .1 l; 1" Quality, Best Value. 00-I,U RL:'T& CUSTOMERS, and a HANDSOME WEDDING IREiSiiilsT with each Ivng. You can have a set of. our plated JTscger Rint? Sizes on application—the only IT an8 of correctly measuring the size of the fingers—to be obtained only from us. We sell only 22 Carat, Government Stamped, Wedding Ringg. Thomas & Co., ling Dealers & Jewellers Commercial Street. Aberdare. -¡IT .'81 -4.A- THE New Black Lion Brewery, Co., Ld., ABERDARE. Awarded First Prize with Silver Medal and Diploma for Beers at the Brewers' Exhibition, London, 1903. Also awarded diploma in 1888. Managing Director. A. S. PLEACE.