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Eczema Expelled.


Eczema Expelled. Mr John Chamberlain tells how his sufferings from Skin Disease were cured by Dr Williams' Pink Pills. To such an extent was I disfigured by Eczema at one time that I shunned the society of all my acquaintances; I wor- ried over my afflictions, indeed, until I becamc- quite depressed and melancholy." That was the state of Mr. John Chamber- lain, when he realised that the mischief originated in hie blood and that outward applications could not touch the source of his trouble. In Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People he found the New, Good Blood that alone keeps the skin and body nourished and healthy. Mr. John Chamberlain, for long asso- ciated with the Boot industry in Leices- ter, and now residing at 26, Lower Oeorge-etreet, Leicester, continued:- The first warning I received was in the form of a peculiar rash that ap- peared on my left arm: then spots ap- peared on my face. From time to time I ap- plied. different lotions that I obtained from chemists, but nothing kept the Eczema from spread- ing; my other arm became afflicted, then my chest and sides; my skin assumed the ap- pearance of hav- ing been scald- ed and flayed, and, indeed, the pain was even worse. I tried many oint- ments, &c., but my sufferings remained in- tense. I ww driven nearly demented by A peculiar rash afptmrcA I on my arm. I the continual irritation which made me feel that I could tear my flesh away. I consulted a doctor, but after taking his medicine for six weeks I seemed to be much worse. I than tried various blcod mixtures, but batches of white watery blisters simply kept forming all over my body, and bursting1 into angry sores. I was deprived of sleep, for at nights I SEEMED TO BE ON FIRE and could not bear the bed-clothes to touch me where my skin was affected. "The Eczema made such rapid head- way that it seemed certain enough to me that I should never be free from it. However, a friend hearing of my trouble explained that the only sure cure for Eczema was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I So I bought a supply of these pills afid took them regularly. After a little while the raw sores felt less irritating. Then the irritation steadily eased, and from day to day patches of the sores dried up and healed quite cleanly. After a few more boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills all signs of I Eczema left me. I coijld sleep well at nights, life became quite a pleasure to me; I felt like a new man. THE DR. WILLIAMS' WAY. It is by purifying and enriching bad blood that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured repeatedly the worst cases of Eczema and other Skin Disorders. Thus they have also cured Anaemia, Indiges- tion, Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, the effects of Overwork and Worry, Sciatica, Lumbago, and the ache6 and ills of Females. Sold by most dealers, but avoid substitutes and look for the seven words of the genuine pills, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Or send 2s. 9d. for one box, or 13s. 9d. for six boxes, to Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 46, Holborn Viaduct, London.

Football Notes.






Aberdare Listens to Aberdare.

Chrysanthemum Show at Aberdare.

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