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— -1- i BNAINT GWELLA-PAWBl J- JONES, (Trade Mark wedi ei gofrestru.) N E C G YFAILL PAWn. ^WWnhWETH OREU rhag y Scrofula, 8331 h £ >v <*«■ a nBrr8U 0 bob math> Gwellha GlwyfaYfau' C^a^7dg; # GwellhsPeoddua^y Pena rKGwddf- JL Gwellha Glwjfau y ^aeh- Gwellha Glwyfau L^Y'laa ac Yseoldanu. Gwellha y Ringworm, t Gwellha Lygaid Gweinio?'n Gwella Eiliau Coch a Chf.?^1"1^1' Gwellha Eunyoiad yn y Lly^?' Gwellha Bilen ary Llygad. Gwellha Wendid yn y Llygaid. Gwellha Lygaid Tost Plant, &c. Eamwytha Ennyniad (Injlammatio, Q ychydig oriau, a symmuda y dolur yn dra b Ar werth mewn l.'estri, la He, 2s 9c, a 4s a 6c v,^ PURYDD HYNOD Y.GWV ,1). rjYMMYSGEDD GLANHAOL J0TE8 A'l GYF. a ystyrir y feddyginiaeth oreu yn y ^oll fyd i buro y gwaed oddiwrth bob anmhuredd, gau atj 0 ba achos. Y mae yn enwog i wella toriadau alia., pen. dduon, liygaid clwyfedig, ringworms, scrof &.a, urvy pile., &c. Y mae hefyd yu enwog i wella y gyumalwst a" r gewyawst. Gellir ei gymn^ryd ar bob tyrrib)r ya ddiberygl. Ar werth mewn potel'i 2s 3c a 4s 6c y- un ac mewn blychau (yn cynnwys chwej> cymmaint) ^tn' llayrun. PESWCH! PESWCH! I YMAE BALSAM HOREHOUND, A LINSEED JONES y gore a er gwella math o Besweh, DifFyg Anadl, a Brest Caeth. Arwerth mewn poteli Is lAc, 2s 2c, a 4s 6c yr un. PELENI LLYSIETJOL JONES ydynt y goreu yn y byder gwella Diffyg reuliad, Gwynt, a Phoen yn yr Ystumog, Afiechyd yr Afu, Dolur, yn y Pen, Dolur yn y Ddwyfron, Diffyg Ar- chwaeth, Dolur yn y CefD, Gravel, See. Y mae uuloedd wedlpu gwella gany Peleui hyn. Ar werth mewn blychau la lie, 2a 9d, a 4-s 60 yr un. Yn rhad drwy y post ar dderbynUd 15 neu 36 0 stamps. GWELLTANTAU H 7NOD. 18, Milford Street, Lerpwl lonawr 10;ed, 1671. Foneddigion, -Teimlaf lawer o hyfrydweb wrth ddwyu tv.-tiolaeth i d'Hrfawr effeithiolrwydd eich Balm Peawch. Y mae yn nodedig, canys darfu i uu gostrel- aid fechan lwyr wella fy ngwraig o anwyd bliu, crygni, a llwyr goiliad ei llais. Argymhellwn ef i b-iwo a boen- ydir gan yr auwyd. Yr eiddcah ya ufydd, J. MOXCK Cross Foxes Cottage, Llanfair-Caereini ji, Welshpool, Ionawr 13eg, 1873. Foneddigion,—Gyda phleser a hyfrydwch yr ydwyf yn ysgrifenu atooh ich hysbysu fod eich Peleui gwyr:; gwerthf&wr wedi fy ngwella yn hollol—yr oedd ar^af chwant bwyd yn fy ngwely y noson gyntaf a. ot eu eymmeryd,-ac yr oeddwn yn meddwl lawer tro wrth fyued i'w gwely na fuaawn yn codi o bono, ond yu awr yr wyf yn -meddu ar ysbryd a chalon newjdd fe hoffwn i'r byd wybod am danynt. Yr eiddoch, yu ddiolchgar, Meistri Joees a'i Gyf. JOHN NIOI-IGAN. CYMMYSGEDD AT Y GYMMALWSI. (Jones's Gout and Rheumatic Mixture). Y mae hwu yn feddygiuiaetb Bier ïr Cryd Gymtnalao, Goute, Lumbago, Sciatica, T c a'r Ddaonodd. Gwneler prawf o booo.—Ar vverth mewn poteli, Is le a 4" 61: yr un. GOLCHDRWYTH JONES AT Y ORYD- GYMALAU (Jorers's Rheumatic Embrocation) yw y feddyginiaeth meu er ^weliu Cryii^viiialau, ?(J.,t" Lumbago, N^uia'git, Ysigi uimi, Cb.wy.-id- i itia'i t o y Cymalau, Y m e t'1.1 v/edj » i t.ri.fi j i) etr.iõhi.1. l'rili Is S a 2s rf y Lotfl. 14, Snnd Sf-i et, Great H"w>td Street. LI pwl, ::5 \in Gorph 1S72. Anwyl Syr,-—Y fl}"e'lJ dde-lwjdd gnyi ddwyo tyst- i,.)i,ietli o t-tfeithi-,Lu rhyfcddol eich tup(i iy,,zin:iaeth i'r Crydgymalau. Darfu i uu Gcstrelaid fy ughwbl wellhau i, ar ol dyddiau a noaweithiau o iirteithiui dyobryullyd. Gall onrhyw un a ddymuuo gyfeirio ataf. Yr eiddoch yn gywir, DAVID THOMAS. JONES'S TIC-MIXTURE AND NER- VINE. Meddyginiaeth effeithiol yw hoii at y Tic-Doloreux, Neuralgia, y Ddanuodd, a phob gwyniau yn eagyrn y pen a'r gwyneb. Y mae braidd yn anffaeledig yn ei heffeithiau gwellhaol. Gwellba y ddannodd heb dynu y dant. Prisoedd -Tie-Mixture, Is lie a 26 9d y botel, Nervine, 74c, Is lie, a 28 9c. rpRWYTH JONES ER GWELLA CYRN. I Y mae hwn yn feddyginiaeth effeithiol er din- ystrio oyrn ar y traed, dafadenao, ac afiechyd y croen, &c. Gwneler prawf, a eheir boddhad. Pris, Tic a Is Ij y hotel. Ctir y Meddyginiaethau ucbod gan bob Fferyllydd cymmeradwy. Yn Gyfanwerth gau Evans and Sons, a Rairues and Co., Liverpool. Neu yn uniongyrchol oddiwrth y Perchenogion (trwy anfon eu gwerth mewn stamps), WILLIAM JONES AND CO., Operative Chemists, 157, Gt. Howard-street, 405 LIVERPOOL. VALDASLE DISCOVERY FOR THE H.A IR.-If your hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, use The Mexi- can Hair Renewer," for it will positively restore in every ease Grey or White hair to its original colour, w.tUout leaving the disagreeable smell of most Restorers. It wakes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as pro- moting the growth of the hair on bald spots, w herd the glands are not decayed. Ask y6ur Chemist t u- "Tli MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER," prepared by HBNUV C. GAL- LUP, 493 Oxford Street, London, and sold by CSietnists aud Perfumers everywhere at 3s 6d per bottle. FLOBILINE!-FOR THE TEETH AND BREATH.-A few drops of the liquid "Floriline" sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather,which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or icipuiidti. hardens the gams* prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to th* teeth a peculiar pearly-whitene&s, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. It removes all uupleasaut olonr arising from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. The Fragrant Floriline," being composed in ptrt of Honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the tvste, and tho greatest toilet discovery of the age. Price 2 6d, of all Chemists and Perfumers. Prepared by Heary C. GALUJP, 493, Oxford-street, London. WONDERFUL EFFICACY OF MR CONOREVE'S HEMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION.—S<?s the new edition (11 (5th) of Mr. ols«Thl»C™gt.ve'. book "ON CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS, or Decline, and the Only Success- ful Treatmentshowing that formidable disuse t) be incurable in all its stages; with additional of Cure and Questions for patients consultiog th author by letter. Post fre from the author, Coomba Lodge, Pocktiam, Loadoa, for five Stamps. .0 FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." /CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD V> MIXTURE. Trade Mark—"Blood Mixtare." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impuri ties, oanttst be too highly reoommended. r Serofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. V 1. Cures Uloerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Leg. Cures Blackheads, ur Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cures the Blood from all impure Matter, Frem whatevercause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate consti- tution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. Sold in Bottles 2s 6d each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, 11s each-sufficient to effect a permasent cure in the great majority of lon^-standiass cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address on receipt of ;0 or 132 stamps by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Liuoolu. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. AGENTS-H. G. Hughes and Son. 8, 9, and 10, Market Street, Holyhead; Hamilton and Jones, the Ap"the caries' Hall, Bangor; L. J. Hughes, Chemist, &c., Bethesda. ONE Box of CLARKE'S B 41 Pills IB warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel A pains in the Back.—Sold in boxes, 6s 6d each, by enlists and patent medicine Vendors or seat to aDy jor go stamps by the Maker, J. J. CtiBKK, Oonsultin^oheraiBtj High Street, Lincoln.—Wholesale Agents, Bakcu,t aQ(j g0NS( London, and all the Whole- sale Houses. Afe nt_H. G. Hughes and Son, 8, 9 and 10, Market Street, J^lyhead. TWELYE CARIES de YISITE, 2s Sd Six Is 8d. Carte euargC<j jo inches, 5s; Cabinet,^ 3s. Send carte with e^amps. Perfect copies and original returned free. London Photo-Graphic Co., 304, Regent Street, op- posite the Polytechnic, and 1, Norfolk Terrace, Bays- water W. F. S. D. PHILLIPS, Manage*. ESTABLISHED 1839. THE CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE. JONES' (TREMADOC.) APERIENT AND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. A PRACTICAL trial for Half a Century, t\. with the more general test of Thirty-four Years ).1 the afflicted public, has now established the repiu- dun of these PILLS. Containing no Mercury, but composed of the most rare and expensive Vegetable pre- parations of the British Pharmacopoeia, combined witti valuable SNOWDONIAN HERB, fsnuiug a. MILD LAXATIVE, TONIC REMEDY, admitted by those who have LAXATIVE, TONIC REMEDY, admitted by those who have tried them to be superior to all other similar prepara- tions, as a Preventive and Cure for all Disorders result ing from a disordered state of the Stomach, and Liver tnd Impurity of the Blood, &c. J Sold by all the Wholesale Houses, and at the Cam- brian Pill Depot, Tremadoc, North Wales. iiefculed oy all respectable Medicine Vendors iu every town ifi the United Kingdom, in Boxes at Is I Id, 28 8d, and b fir) each Grout- saving lu procuring either of the arge Boxes. tW Should any one fail to obtain the Pills in his own neighbourhood, if 14 postage stamps for the Is l|d box, 33 for 2s 6d, or 60 for the 4s 6d be posted to the Cambrian PHI Depot, Tremadoc, Nn-tii Wales, th« Piib will be send by return of post, f- e", 7 NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEI ILITY, llesuUing from errors or any other cause, not as treated by Quf.oks with mineral poisons and coloured water, but effectually cured by a novel and highly sue- cpssful mode of treatment, discovered bv the advertiser who after a many years of extreme suffering was com- pletely restored to sound health. Prompted by feelings of humanity, he thus makes known means by vliieh every sufferer is enabled to care himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, without having recourse to advertising empirics or their vaunted nostrums. i He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipts of a stamped and directed envelope —address Mr J. T. SEWELL, 7, Musgrave Crescent, Ful. ham, London. 1468 GWREGYSAU ANNGYDMAROL A DIBERYGL, Wedi eu profi felly ers deugain mlvnedd, o waith yr enwog O. Griffith, Tryfan, gan fod cannoedd lawer wedi eu hanfon yn ystod., blynyddan diweddaf allan o Gymru i'r America, tralla, a thaleithiau Prydeinig ereill. MR. 0. WILLIAMS, SADTLER, 5, OASTLE SQUARE, CAERNARFON, ABDYMUNA hysbysu y wlad yn gyffred- inol ei fod wedi prynu yr hawlfraint {patent) gan gytnmunwetnyddeB y diweddar Owen Griffith, Ysw., Tryfan, a'i fod yn penderfyuu GWEITHIO y Gwregysau byd-iiodedig uchod. yn Nghaernarfon. Y mae gan Mr O. Williams ddigonedd ar law o bob sizes yn breaennol, y rhai a werthir am brisisra llawer is nag yr arferid eu gwerthu gan Mr Griffith. GWREGYSAU ESMWYTH A DIBERYGL I'R RHAI SYDD WEDI TORI EU LLIENGIG. TRWY AWDUKDOD NEILLDUOL (PATENT). Bydded hysbys ddarfod i jir Owen Griffith, o'r Tryfan, i Gaernarfon, ac ef yn uaig, gael patent 1 wneuthur a gwerthu math o Wregys newydd, eamwyth, a diberygl i'r sawl a d ras- ant eu ilieugig. Fe geidw hwn yr ymysgaroedd yn eu lie yn ddiffael, fel y gallo dyn wneud pob gwaith yn ddiboen ac yn ddiberygl. Hefyd, wrth wisgo'r Gwregys newydd hwn 1 e gafodd llaweroedd eu gwnend yn hollol inch. Y mae r enwogion penaf vn Llundaln wedi gweled y Gwregys hyn, ac yn eu canmol yr drfawr. Gall y rhai tf a byw ra mheU gaol Gwregys oymcstir Iddyn-, Irwy anfon at y gwaeathnrwr ddesgrlflad cyfclr 0 natnr a malni j amlsd. yn n i4 meaor eylch y ocrph no fodfedd WMr ymyl iebaf ugwrn 7 glnn. T?.S.—Gellir cael CE5TGLAU befyd gan Mr O. WIIXIAMS, .t,Wartheg Cyfio, or diogelia on Llestri pan yn bwrw en 1101. am IPs f t tta. se In consrquecce of Spurious Imitation of LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE, "Vliih are calculated to deceive the public, LEA & PERRINS have adopted A NEW LABEL, bearing their Signatures, thus-* õ&¿vJif' wbidb will be placed on every bottle Worcestershire Sauce, after this date, and without which none is genuine. IW Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse add Blackwell, London; and Export Oilmen Mierally. Retail, by deales* in sauces throughout tlw .117" 1401—7Xf TYSTIOLIAETHAU PWYSIG I'r canlyniadau rhagorol a gynnyrchir drwy ddefnyddiad CONSTITUTION BALLS CUPISS. YMAE a ganlyn wedi eu dyfynu o lythyr- au ymgynghoriadol ac ereill:—Mr S. Rounth- waite, o Shinrowe, Roscrea, Iwerddon, a ysgrifena :— "Y mae genyf bleser mawr mewn ychwanegu fy nhyst- iolaeth at eiddo ereill i ragoroldeb eich Constitution Balls. Yr wyf yn y modd mwyaf calonog yn en cytn- hell i bawb y mae ganddynt geffylau, ac yn dymuno eu cadw mewn iechyd da a golwg dda." A ganlyn sydd oddiwrth Mr M. Biddell, Playford, Ipswich, yr hwn a enillodd y ddwy wobr flaenaf ys y Bedford R. A. S. of England, am yr Ebolion Gwedd Suffolk ac Eboles :—"Syr,—Oddieithr am ddefnyddiafl eich Constitution Balls nis gallaswn anf m fy ebolion i'r Bedford R. A. S. of England, mewn cyflwr mor ragorol, ao yr wyf yn dymuno ychwanegu fy mod yn en cael yr un mor effeithiol i wartheg." Mr W. Armstrong, o Fairfield, Kendall, (percheoog y ddau geffyl fnwog Cashier' a Banker,' pa rai a enillasant gynifer o wobr- au blaenaf yn y Royal, IsHngton, ac arddaugosfeydd eraill,) a ysgrif,-na: Eich Constitution Balis yw yr uuig rai a ddefnyddiais am dros ddeng mlynedd, ac ychydig bobl a wyddant eu gwerth. Yr wyf wedi bod yn eu defnyddio at wartheg yn agysfcal a cheftylau, a hwynt yw yr unig beth a brofais erioed yn effeithiol i iachaa rhyddni mewn gwartheg ieuaingc." oweler y Tystiolaethau gyda phob Pecyn. Parotoedig gan y Perchenog, FRANCIS CUPISS, M.R. V. C. S., awdwr y traethawd arobryn ar Anhwylderau yr Afu ar y Ceffyl. Ar wertji gan bob Cyfferiwr a Gwerthwyr Cyffriati, mewn pecynau gyda chyfarwyddiadau, am 8s. 60 a Is. 9c. yr un neu saith pecyn mawr am Uu Gini, neu saith bychain am Haner Gini. Gall unrbyw foneddwr a ddefnyddio y Pelenau ymgynghori a'r Perchenog yn rhân, naill ai yn bersonol neu drwy y llythyrdy. y llythyrdoll wedi ei dalu. 382 A, .C' RiGliT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. B E E CHAM'S PILLS vie f-simitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind Pniii in ihe Stomach, Sick Headache. Giddin ess. Ful- SweUiug after Meals, Dizsiness and D>9WHB(i| ( h Ua. Flushing of Feat, Loss of Appetite, Start* Breath, Costiveness Scurvy and Blotches of MM v i DisturV-ed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all NervoOS nd Trembling Sensations, etc., etc. The first dose will v I-elief in twenty minutes. is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands ises, Tne Proprietor of these Pills having obtained ip-oat expense) a Patent for them, he challenges the ivoa-ld to produce a medicine to equal them for re- ovisjgthe above-named complaints, and restoring the jeut to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is i,fcstly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they IV, i1 he acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. f;;l remales of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a w doses of them carry off all gross humours, and open U obstructions, and bring about all that is required— female should be without them. There is no medieine be found equal to BEECHAM'S PILLS, for removing y obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken icoording to the directions given with each box, they will soou restore females ot aO ages to sound and robust health. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Dis order." of the Liver, they act like MAGIC," and a 'cw doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen che whole muscular system, restore the long lost com- tlexiou, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whole- i.'hysiual energy of the human frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, udone of the best guarantees te the Nervous and De- bilitated is. BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S KA.ilW COUGH PILL3 As a remedy for Coughs in general Asthma, Difficulty in brcatlting. Shortness of Breathy Tightness and Oppres- sion A tin* Chest, Wheezing, etc., the Pills stand tiliti, and any one labouring under auy of the above Complaints net«-l only try ON B BOX to prove that tfiej are tile 'Ii:l' EVKB nnrsRED TO THE PUBLIC, for Asthma, tic and OousuiiiptiveCouyhs, H arweaess aud Oppression ff the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of Op i,ressioti aud Difficulty of Breathiug which nightly deprive L,, Patient of Hest. They will give almost instaot relief ill! comfort to those afflicted cith the above distressiug, ml, when neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any !V troubled with any of the above Complaints give ['X'UA.M'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and they will act MAGIC. The most violent Cough will in a short smc be removed. CAUTION.—The Public are requestea to notice that 1 he words Beecham's Pills, St. Helens," are on the fJovernment Stamp affixed to each Bojr of the FjJlM. V not on, they are a Forgery. Prejt ~ed only, and Sold Wholesale aun Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, bt. Helens, Lanca- shice, in Boxes, la lid and 2s 9d each. Sent Post Free t5 or 36 Stamps. by aJl Druggists Ii)'l-a Patent Med cine Dealers in it., United Kingdom. <, -FULL DTUKOIHOWs ARB GIVEN WITH EACH BOX â15:¡ TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. READ the New Work, entitled HOW TO F,A'>U RK HEALTH. Just pupxished for Tws K-:i<«ps, by Da. BAKNES. M.D. (U.S). A TKE4.TISB on LAWS GOVERNING LIFE, and the CAFgS HY MP I QMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depend ius ou Exhaustion of Nervova Vitality, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression. Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Imleeision lrnpaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of fiuergy and Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity", Self- Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, :ind many other ailments, which, if neglected, bring the sufferers to an early death. Together with Hints on Chronic,lihoumafcism,Gout,Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, uid ail diseases of the Nervous and aibnestary system. The Appendix to this valuable work contains many useful PRESCRIPTIONS for the alleviation of suffering and the cure of minor disorders, with full instructions for their preparation and use. Oon. also some fiiendlr advice of Hygiene, or the Way to Preserve Health., Illustrated by numerous testimonials from grateful patients who have been restored to health through the author's instrumentality. gent post free for two Stamps, or by letter post three Stamps ■y" Address, Dr. J. A. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Square jjrBsbury, London, N. W" 6063—1143—252 MEDDYGINIAETH I BAWB. PELENAU LLYSIEUOL ROWLANDS. Vf" AW y pelenau j^wertlifawr hyn yn <?vf- ansoddedig o'r llysiau tnwyuf rbiinveddol. Maent yn cywiro pob diffyg yn ngweithrediadau yr ystmnog ar afu, sc yn puro y gwae.'L Rhoddent feddyginiaeth uoiongyrchol i bawb a flinir g.su Ddiffyg Treuliad, 11 BiSyg Archwaeth at Fwyd, Gwyut yn yr Ystumog, Cur yn y Pen, Llosg Calon, Rbwymdra Parhaus, GwendW yn y Liygaid, Doluriau a Florynod yn y Croen, Cryd Cymalau, &c., yo aghyda'i boll anhwylderau sydd a'u tarddiad yn yr ystumog ar afu. Mae y perchenog wedi derbya miloedd o dystiolaethau yn profi en heffeithiau rhinweddol. Parotoedig gan y perchenog, R. D. Row- lands, Fferyllydd, Liverpool, ac i'w casi gan tob Drug- gist mewn blychau Is 1 c, a 2s 9c yr un. O.Y.-Qilmethireueaeltuewanurhywardal,aDioner stamps i Mr E. G. Hughos, Vicsoria-street, Manchester. Wtiole^le Agents—Messrs Evans, Sons, & Co., and Miasrs Raiacetrd Co., Liverp>ol, and Mr E. G. Hughes, Victoria-ait et. Marcheater. NOW READY. GLADSTONE ON RITUALISM. A WELSH TRANSLATION OP THE RIGHT HON. WILLIAM tfWART GLADSTONE'S FAMOUS ARTICLE ON RITUALISM HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. DOUGLAS BROTHERS. IRE TRANSLATION HAS BEEN MADE BY THE REV. HUGH OWEN (MEILIR) RECTOR OF LLANERCHYMEDD, BY THE SPECIAL PERMISSION OF MR. GLADSTONE. Orders to be sent direct to Messrs. Deuglas Brothers, Forth Wales Chronicle. Office, Bangor, who will supply Newsagents on the usfd terms. ,p. ,,{OW READY THE WELSH EDITION OF BHUIiCH AND STATE DISCUSSION AT BHIL. I-,i,ii-e One Shilling. Any person "3 topics or more will be supplied r the mte "f M each. Orders sent, to the publishers Ickhi-s Dou-j'.iis l-^rothers, ffoi-th (Vales Chronicle and 'ah$IVktd Oifinos, i{.ingor, will receive prompt totition. JVcrtt) Ready. PRICE THREEPENCE THREE HOURS IN THE GLEN OF ABER. gossiping sccount of Ahor and its attractions, by ia vithor of A Russian (Jhosi Story," &c. Published by Messrs. Douglas Brothers, Baagor. News-agents can ohtidn supplies oti tfrmH. ESGOB LI N C OL N. CYFLWR YR ENATD RHWNG MARWOLAETH A'R ADGYFODIAD. PREGETH AN E S G 0 B WORDSWORTH, »5wir Barchedig Arglwydd Esgob Lincoln. OTPIEITHED (trwy ganiattad ei arglwyddiaetb) CJany P, zill JOHN GRIFFITH, St Mary, Baogor pais 80 NEWYDD EI GHTHOEDDI. \r elw ai-forol I lyfrworthvyr. Anfoner archebion t Brodyr L cugl&a, Bangor. Yr esbou.'cd'goreu ar y rhan bono o'r credo,— Eft ilsgydnodci 1 uffern." f For April, Price One Penny, ,DOUGLAS S I RAILWAY TIME TABLE 4 COACHING AND STEAM PACKET Guide for North Walles CONTAIN [NO ALSO )? PUI-A ) OLLSNTDAIC FOR THE MONTH, :¡: with a MAr OF NORTH WALES, SPECIALLY .ENGiJArED FOR THIS GtTlDB. The Guide may 1>3 '>l,f.nined from most Booksellers 11,1 the Rails/ay bookstalls. OH receipt of Eight* Penny Stamps, the Publish* Sr>i-,v,ir;l the Guhla for twelvemonths to anyaddress, r3 t.h« r-.haru-f. will >v» Twr. Shilling. _H SWYDDFA AGER-ARGRAFFU Y NORTH WALES CHRONICLE." Y BRODYR DOUGLAS, VRGRAFFWYR, LITHOGRAPH, COPPERPLATE, A LETTERPRESS, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS A LLYFR-RWYMWYR, HEOL FAWE, BANGOR. POB MATH 0 ARGRAFFU I Arianwyr, Brokers, Cwmniau Yswiriol, Cyfreithwyr Arwerthwyr, &c., Vr cwbl ya cael ei orphen gyda'r baander ar prydlon. deb mwyaf. tlhagleni Cwmniau Oardiau Coffadwriaethol Frefnleni Cyfarfodydd Llen- yddol 3hestrau Nwyddau Oylchlythyrau I Hysbysleni Eiateddfodo1 Tocynau Cyfarfodydd Invoices Billheads Llyfrau o bob math Derbynir Hysbysiadau i'w cyhoedd yn holl babyrau ijlundain a'r wlad. Anfonir Estimates am amryw waith gyda thread y [I DOKBINDINO. TO THE PUBLIC, Every description of BOOKBINDINC, neatly and Expeditiously executed at the iYo> 11 WaleR Chronicle and Cronicl Cymru Offices, High-street. 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LLAIS Y WLAD i$a frrst-class medium for all classes of advertisements which arc inserted it a very cheap rate. -ø_ LLAIS Y WLAD.-The Proprietors have pleasure in announcing that -0. ROBIN ^PONC wili continue his inimita* J able \A elsh letters which have caused such a tre* mentions sensation, Dot only in Wales, but amongst w eishmen in England, Ireland. Scotland, aud Ameiica. LLAIS Y WliAI)—a penny Welsh Paper for Anglesey. LLAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Brecknock. T" LAIS Y WLAD-a penny Welsh Paper for Cardiganshire. LLAIS Y NVLAD-A penny Welsh Paper for Carnarvonshire, LLAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Carmarthenshire. LIJAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Denbighshire. r LAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Flintshire. f f LLAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Glamorganshire. T LAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsfi Papor —* for Merionethshire. t T.LAIS Y WLAD-—a penny Welsh Paper for Montgomeryshire. LLAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Pembrokeshire. rLAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Radnorshire. T" LAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh papfr for Wales, T LAIS Y WLAD—a penny Wels'n Paper for Welshmen in London. LIJAIS Y WLAD—a wmny Welsh Papet for Welshmen iu Liverpool. T* LAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Welshmen in Manchester. LLAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Welshmen in iiii iuiugh»ra* LIS Y WLAD-a penny WIl.ah Paper .or Welshmen in Bristol. LLAIS Y WLAD—a penny Welsh Paper for Welshmen in England. LLAIB YWLAD-a penny Welsh uarer for Welshmen in Ireland. a penny Welsli Papet Welshmen, in Scotland. 1/4"! WLAD—-a penny VV^elsh Paper for Welshmen throughout the World WLAD.—Advertisements should Bangor. *to KENMiHR W. DOUGLAS, J^LAIP^Y WLAD.-Pr; ce One Penny. L LAII3 Y WLAD.—The cheapest paper In the United ingdom TILAIS Y WLAD.—The popular Welsh newspaper. LLAIB Y WLAD.—An eight page paper printed in the WeUh largnoge- 1" LAIS Y WLAD gives cxpressiou to the real fJIRIUMPH OF CONSERVATISM, and QOLLAPSE OF THE LIBERA], PARTY -4 T.LAIS Y WLAD.—PuMihhod every Thursday afternoon in time fuj ail the evenii>8 mails- T LAIS Y WLAI)—Papyr y Or mry—" Y Gwir yn erbyn y byd," T" LAIS Y WLAD.— Everybody should — read Ltais y Iliad. IJLAIS Y WLAD is sold in ali t}M* Ijt:arri'* and populous districts in North Wales, 1,0\ to principal residents in the Principality, and is th«tfi>ie 11 QPLENDID ME DIU M^FORADV iS TISEMENTS. t}, T LAIS Y WLAD—Sent free by post tc Subscribers for 2s 6d a quaitcr prepaid. T LAIS Y WLAD-Agents iuot thety full smpply are reiiuested to appl at (ouel the Publisher and Propne'-or. Bangor. L IAIS Y WLAD(-I't.tl)lifilit)d tilk, P"O' pristara Donglas Brothers, at their Steam l'rn'r" I Welu,Ba.unr t