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ENAINT GV/ELLA-PAWB JONES, (Trade Mark wedi ei gofrestru.) NEU GYFAILL PAWB. Y FEDDYGINIAETH OREU rhag y Scrofula. Scurvy, Anhwyldeb y Croen, a Briwiau o bob math, Gwellha. Hen Glwyfau, Coesan Drwg. Gwellha Glwyfau ar y Pen a'r Gwddf. Gwellha Pendduon ar y wyneb. Gwellha Glwyfau y Scurvy. Gwellha Glwyfau Llosgiad Tan ac Ysgoldanu. Gwellha y Ringworm, Crafu, a'r Piles. Gwellha Lygaid Gweinion a Dyfrllyd. Gwella Eiliau Coch a CblwyfuB. Gwellha Eunyniad yn y Llygad. Gwellha Bileu ar y Llygad. Gwellha Wendid yn y Llygaid. Gwellha Lygaid Tost Piaut, &c. Esmwytha Ennyoiad {Infixmmation) mewn ychydig oriau, a symmnda y dolur yn dra buan. Ar werth tnewn llestri, ls lie, 2s 9c, a 46 a 6c yr un. PURYDD HYNOD Y GWAED. QYMMYSGEDD GLANHAOL JONES A'I GYF. a ystyrir y faddy^iniacth oreu yn yr holl fyd 1 Wro y gwaed oddiwrth bob anmhuredd, gan nad o ba achoa. Y mae yn enwug i wella torhdau allan, pen- tlduon, Ilygaid clwyfedig, ringworms, scrofula, scurvy, Piles, &c. Y mae hefyd yn enwog i wella y gyromalwet i" gewynwst. Gellir ei gymmeryd ar bob tymhor yn ddiberygl. Ar werth mewn poteli 28 3c a 4 6c yr uo, ac mewn blychau (yn cyonwys chwech cymmaint) am lis yr un. PESWCH! PESWCH!! YMALS BALSAM HOREHOUND, TOLU, '— A LINSEED JONES y goreu er gwella pob math o Beswcb, Diffyg Anadl, a Brest Caeth. Arwerth mewn poteli Is lie, 2s 2c, a 4s 6c yr un. PELENI LLYSIEUOL JONES ydynt y goreu yo y byd er gwella Diff-v g 1 reuliad, Gwynt, a Phoen yn yr Ystumog, A&echyd yr Afu, Dolur, yn y Pen, Dolur yn y Ddwyfroo, Diffyg Ar- chwaeth, Dolur yn y Cefn, Gravel, &c. Y mae miloedd wedi pu gwella gan y Peleni hyn. Ar werth mewn biychau Is 1 c, 2s 9d, a 4s 6c yr un. Yn rhad drwy y post ar dderbyaiad 15 neu 36 o stamps. GWELLTANTAU HYNOD. r 13, Milford Street, Lerpwl Ionawr lOfed, 1871. Poneddigion, -Teimlaf lawer o hyfrydwch wrth ddwyn tystiolaeth i ddirfawr effeithiolrwydd eich Balm Peswch. Y mae yn nodedig, canys darfu i un gostrel- aid fecban Iwyr wella fy ngwraig o anwyd blin, crygni, llwyr golliad ei llais. Argymhellwn ef i bawb a boen- Jdir gan yr anwyd. Yr eiddoch yn ufydd, •" J. MONCK Cross Foxes Cottage, Llanfair-Caereini n, Welshpool, Ionawr lSeg, 1873. Foneddigion,—Gyda phleser a hytrydweh yrydwyf yn 'YggT ifenu atocb ich hysbysu fod eich Peleni gwynt Kwertbfawr wedi fy ngwella yn bollol-yr oedd arnaf chwant bwyd yn fy ngwely y nosoa gyutaf ar ot eu cyrnmeryd,-ac yr oeddwn yn meddwl lawer tro wrth fyned i'm gwely na fuaswn yn codi o hono, otict yn awr yr wyf yn meddu ar ysbryd a chalon newydd fe hoffwn i'r byd wybod am danynt. Yr eiddoch, yn ddiolchgar, Meistri Jones a'i Gyf. JOHN MORGAN. CYMMYSGEDD AT Y GYMMALWST. (Jones's Gout and Rheumatic Mixture). Y mae hwn yn feddyginiaeth sicr i'r Cryd Gymnoalaa, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Tic a'r Ddaunodd. Gwneler prawf o hooo.-Ar werth inewn poteli, Is lc a 4s 6e yr un. aOLOHDRWYTH JONES AT Y CRYD- G GYMALAU (Jones's Rheumatic Embrocation) yw y feddyginiaetb oreu er gwella Crydgymalau, Gout, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Ysigiadau, Chwydd- iadau vn y Cvmalau, &c. Y mae miloedd wedi ei brofi yn effeithiol. Pris Is 6c a 2s 6c y botel. 14, Sand Street, Great Howard Street. Lerpwl, 25ain Gorphenaf, 1872. Anwyl Syr,-Y mlle1n ddedw1dd genyf ddwyu tyst- loiaeth o blaid effeithiau rhyfeddol eich med^yginiaeth i'r Crydgymalau. Darfu i un Gostrelaid fy nghwbl *«llhau i, ar ol dyddiau a nosweithiau o arteithiau ^ychrynllyd. Gall onrhyw un a ddymuno gyfeirio ataf. Yr eiddoch yn gywir, DAVID THOMAS. JONES'S TIC-MIXTURE AND NER- VINE. Meddyginiaeth effeithiol yw hon at y Tic-Doloreux, Neuralgia, y Ddannodd, a phob gwyuiau yn eagyrn y pen a'r gwyneb. Y mae braidd yn anffaeledig yn ei heffeithiau gwellhaol. Gwellba y ddannodd heb dynu y dant. Prisoedd —Tic-Mixture, Is I ic a 28 9d y botel, Nervine, 74c, Is l £ c, a 2s 9c. rPRWYTH JONES ER GWELLA CYRN. ■ Y mae hwn yn feddyginiaeth effeithiol er din- ystrio cyrn ar y traed, dafadenau, ac atiechyd y croen, &c. Gwneler prawf, a cheir boddbad. Pris, 7Jc a Is 1^ y botel. Ceir y Meddyginiaetbau uchod gan bob Fferyllydd CJtnIDeradwy. Yn Gyfanwerth gaa Evans and Sons, a Raimes and ^°-> Liverpool. Neu yn uniongyrcho1 oddiwrth y Percbenogion (trwy IlnfoQ eu gwerth mewn stamps), WILLIAM JONES AND CO., Operative Chemists, 157, Gt. Howard-street, 406 LIVERPOOL. n, tiOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. -Irritable Bowels. 0 he able to arrest the progress of bowel complaints p^Bt be a very desirable object nothing will acconap- this so safely and certainly as Holloway's Ointment rubbed twice a-day over the abdomen. It has an ^^antage over every other astringent, since it restraias jj 6 Purging without interfering with the stomach or th' • reaching the bowels this unguent soothes eir irritated lining and simultaneously relieves all purging, vomiting, disagreeable eructations, gives general ease, without danger of checking the 'Hrrhooa too suddenly. In dysentery tLe same treat- aided by the proper doses of Holloway's Pills, &Uay the excessive straining, stop the discharge of Hatter, and painlessly prevent both ulceration oa danger. 2 FONBEBFDI< EFFIOACT or MR CONGREVE'S REMEDY CONSUMPTION.—See the new edition (116th) of Mr or|e Thomas Csngreve's book "ON CONSUMPTION jul LUNGS, or Decline, and the Only Succees- }a that formidable disease to be Cu Ul"a^'e *n a'l stages; with addititional Cases of W aa<l Questions for patients consulting the author pT Post free from the author, Coombe Lodge, ^ain» London, for five Stamps. tvfeaS°n 80 manv are unable to take cocoa is varieties commonly sold are mixed with starch, ?iaki tP^ea rtn^ering them soluble; while really 1 thick, heavy, and indigestible. This may pr 1 y dotocted, for if cocoa thickens in the cup it ls „ 8 *"6 addition of starch. Cadbury's Cocoa Essence it is therefore three times the strength of I ftoigr^ c<>COi8) and a refreshing bffverage, like tea or ) FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark—"Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impuri ties, canfcet be too highly recommended. r Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never failing and permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Less, Cures Blackheads, ur Pimples on the Face- Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cures the Blood from all impure Matter, Frem whatevercause arising, s As this mixture is pleasant to the tate, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate consti- tution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. Sold in Bottles 2s 6d each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, Its each-sufficient to effect a permanent eure in the great majority of long-standing cases-BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. AGENTS-H, G. Hughes and Son. 8, 9, and 10, Market Street, Holyhead; Hamilton and Jones, the Apothe caries' Hall, Bangor; L. J. Hughes, Chemise, &c., Bethesda. JOHN M. J. TREWEEK, MASNACHYDD COED A LLECHI, AMLWCH, LLANBROHYMEDD. A LLANGEFNI. Caria J. M. J. T. ei fasnach yn mlaen ar rr egwyddor elw bychana gwerthiant oyflym (small profit and Quick returns.) 24:-1 MONEY. PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, with surplus l\ capital, is wiLiug to make prompt advances to Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Farmers, and others (male or female), residing in any part of England and Wales, from X10 to JE500, on note of hand. No Life Assurance or Law Costs. Fu'l particulars by return of post, by sending a stamped directed envelope, stating amount, to Mr A. BRADBURY (private house), 161, Walworth- r'1ad, London, S.E. No genuine application refused. Terms from 5 per cent. Repayments received by P.O.Q. 8536-1526-415 THE GRANULAR BROWNING." (liegistered Trade Mark.) FORMERLY known as TOMUNSON'S BROWN [1 GBAVY SALT, should be used in every household. It imparts a rich colour and superior flavour to rossted meats of every description, to chicken and game, gravies, soups, beef tea, &c., only requiring a little boiling water added to a few granules to at once produce a gravy. Sold in bottles at la and 2s 6r3, by the sole manufac- turers, TOMLINSON, HAYWARD and BISHOP, LINCOLN and Chemists, Grocers, and Italian Warehousemen everywhere. NE Box of CLARKE'S B 41 Pills k warranted to cure all diischarges from the Urinary O gttx, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel mi d ¡.;¡ius in the Back.-Sold in boxes, 6tI 6d each, BY ail Chemist* anrl faitent medicine Vendors or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the Maker, J. J. CUBitS, Consulting Chemist, Hia;h Street, Lincoln.—Wholesale Agents, BARCLAT and SONS, London, and all the Whole. A ilo Houses. Agent-II. G. Hughes and Son, 8, 9 and 10, Market Street, Holyhead. rpWfiLVE CARTES de VISITE, 28 8d J Six IS 8d. Carte enlarged to 10 inches, gs Cabinet, 21. Send carte with stamps. Perfect eepies and original returned free* London Photo-Graphic Co., 304, Regent Street, op posite the Polytechnic, and 1, Norfolk Terrace, Bays* water W. F. S. D. PHILLIPS, Manager. NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DELILITY, C Resulting from errors or any other cause, not at treatea by QuPocks with mineral poisons and coloured water, but effectually cured by a novel and highly suc- cessful mode of treatment, discovered by the advertiser who after a many years of extreme suffering was com- pletely restored to sound health. Prompted by feelings of humanity, he thus make* known means by which every sufferer is enabled to care himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, without having recourse to advertising empirics or their vaunted nostrums- He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferor on receipts of a stamped and directed envelope —address >lr J. T- SKWBLII, 7, Mus^rave Crescent, Ful- ham, London. 1468 TO THE CLERGY, PUBLIC SPEAKERS SINGERS, &e. 4 RE you troubled with Hoarseness, HUB- kiness, Weakness of the Voice, or any other de- ficiency in the vocal or respiratory organs for Public Speaking, or Reading, or Smging, &?.? Try JONKS TREMADOC) AROMATIC VOICE GLOBULES, and on will be relieved at once. Sold in Boxes at Is 14d and 28 9d. May be had of all Chemists, and from the Cambriau Pill Depot Tremadoc. VALUABLE DISCOVERT FOB THE HAIR.-If your hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, use The Kexi- can Hair Renewer," for it will positively restore in every cane Grey or Whiie hair to its original colour, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most Restorers. makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as we as pro- moting the growth of the hair on bald spots where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for II THm MEXICAN HAIR RKNEWKR," prepared by HENRY C. UAL- LUP, 493 Oxford Street, London, and sold by Obemists aud Perfumers everywhere at 3s 6d per bottle. MAGNETIC APPLIANCES.—Many of the Pain^l and intricate disorders are known to yield to the gent e vitalising affluences of magnetism, and several cases of spinal derangement, liver, kidney, heart, lung, and chest affections have been cured by the use of lJarlow s magnetine appliances, which are recommended by ^any gentlemen of emin«nce in the medical profession. Mag- netine is the only eriginalmodern invention in curative magnetism. Pamphlets post free.-Darlowand Co., 413, West Strand, London. 7718 Rupture, and by this term we include all kinds of Viseral Protrusions, &c., is unhappily so common a. malady amongst us, that we need no apology to otter, whilst inviting the best attention of our readers to an announcement they will find elsewhere in our paper, re. ferable to Mr White's Moc-Main Patent Lever Truos, This instrument has secured a most extended celeontyf in consequence of its possessing three singularly important qualifications vis., skill and ingenuity in construction ease and comfort in wear; and most remarkably economy in price. It is also exceedingly ample ia its devisement and arrangement, consisting merely of an India Rubber Pad, stuffed with Moc-Main, with a arvall lever spring, acted on by a silken bandage. The good this truss his already performed, and is effecting^ is, we know, quite astonishing.









