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DIN.NEK ORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA 1 For Thirty Tears the Medical Profession have approved ei this pure solution of Magnesia as the best remedy for Acidity of the STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEAD- ACHE, GOUT and INDIGESTION: Aigd as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions ( specially adaptei for ladies, children, and infants When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling qualities are mnch increased. In warm seasons and warm climates this simple prepara- iioii when take. REGULARLY, has been found highly .beneficial. Dioneford and Co., Chemists, &c., 172. NEW BOND STREIT, LONDON. told by all resptetable Chemists throughout the World. OABTIOX.—See that "Dinneford & Co." is on eaeh bottle aad red label over the cork. 5796 PURE AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS. CRYSTAL SPRINGS. Soda. Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade Lithia, and fer GOUT. Lithi* and Potass. CORKS BRANDED R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN," and every label bear-, their trade mark. Sold everywhere, and Wholesale of R- ELLIS AND SON, Ruthin, North Wales. 2370 P. & W. MAOLELLAN, CLUTHA IRON WORKS, WARETIOUSE, 58, DALE-STREET, LIVERPOOL 1 ENGINEERS, Iron and Hard wax e ialcill- chantB, Makers of Railway and Miniog Plant, Iron Houses, Roofs, and Bridges, Steam Engines and Pumps, Engineers' Machinery and Tools, Cranes, Winches, Screw Jacks, Polley Blocks, Spades and Shovels, Bolts and Nuts, Rivets, India Rubber Sheets, Hose and Belting, Asbestos and other Steam Packing, and Mechanical Appliances tnd Stores of all kinds. 5612 W. & A. GILBEY'S NATURAL BEVER. AGE WINES, FROM FRANCE, GERMANY. AND HUNGARY. OWliS' G to the favourable recommendation of the medical profession, the increase in the co«- nunption of Light Wine, ha*, during the past years. 4ur,UU,precedented- The undermentioned Ufit contains the leadiag Tarieties of each dais of Lijrht Natural Wines, and while offering an agreeable variety af choice to consuiuars, the Wines will be foaud of remarkable quality and value at the prices charged. Dr. lMJUirrS report on Sparkling Suumur Wlues, which Appeared in the Medical Times, Nyill be foi warded en application. ACENw-GRIFFITH DAVIES, Grocer. High Street Bangor. NATURAL RED WINES. Per Per Bott. Dul. Cattle A CURET ? « £ Castle B CLARET 13 j? Castle O CCA RET 6 1M Castle D CLAHET • a 1. Casiie 1 RED BURGUNDY 13 \l OtetleS KfiUUUKGUNOT 18 1* Cattle 1 KAKLOWITZ HUNGARIAN 16 ■« Castle 2 KAULOW1XZ HUNGARIAN 1 9 J) NATURAL WHITE WINES. •Rstle WHli S BURGUNDY I VI Cfcsile B Wlll'l ;I BUitGCTNDT 2 A M Castle A SAUTi'Ht n J5 7; Castle B SAUTKIJBE 2 e "1 Castle A WHITS HUNGARIAN « 7» Custle B WHi! 3 ilUiNGARiAN 1 « i Castle A HOCK (still) J f: Castle B iiOGK (still). CHAUPAGNK. The. undermentioned embrace nil th bast kuuwn vdheties of OhamiMgue Castle :„H fare wholesome Wines for ordinary use; OnsUi- :> and V are Champagnes usually sold in ths country u l.k-i 8j>ecial brands and at high priori; C^Me i IV tie high-class Wines of extra quality mid OasU» 6 k ate the highest class Champa;ues produced in l<\ irrespective of price. 1 '"lla Castle 1 Fmlty CHAMPAGNP C;astle 2 frultjr UHAM.PAUNP '? C-tStle 3 f'riiltr CIJAiVfPAok^ 2 '• C»8t-)e 3 A Dry Oil A M t'AGNis *:l Castle 4 Fruity OIAilPAGNB 40 f Cisile 4A Dry CHAM I'A GNU 4 Cttst e 3 Pry CHAMP ('i/- E [" A 9 C.tie Very Dry CHAMPAGNE 5 oti SPARKLING S.I nlE!{ WI.VKS.-Tin Cliiimpiignes fr.n ^aumur receutly im.roduceil inso l.hi- country i>v Messts > • Si'*4 lUlhey-—(^ei; Medical Times and (jfozcUt.. •> jMiv. 7th, H,? L) .pSILViiK FulL. -SparMinft SAIFMlji £ 2 I 25 GOLD FiflL. «Parkl n? HAUMUR 2 0 30 ^or pavtical.irs of move (kan 200 varieties of Wines and .j,ints :-(.C w. and A ••ill.fvV ll,.ok .,f ¡JI;C}S- ^ARSON'S ANTI-OOHROSION PAIN]" patronised by the Queen, and H.1t.IT. the Prince of Wales and 8,000 of the Nobility bnd Gentry. Specially manufac- tured for out-door work, is the best and cheapest. All Colours. Any person can use it. Full instructions given. 2 Cwt. carriage paid to all stations. I TMrS0N^Ol^I^liE0SI0>TTAiNT \1 is tw ice as durnh10 as genuine white lead. See lostimoniais. "IAIZSON'S ANTI PAINT C""1A RSON;S ANTI.CC) ¡ÜÖSIO?{ -PAINT FOR WOOD Oil IRON WORK. At-SON'S CTRSON'S^OTTTORR0S1.0N PAINT 2 CWT. CAitllEAGE FREE TO ALL STATIONS, CucARSÖN'S-A.N'f(-))hRÖ.IÖN PAINT FOR FRONTS OF Bc)mil$. /^ARSON'S ~ANTI-(Jr)RK( sTON PAINT for POROUS BRICKS. /^ARSON'S ANTI-00RR0s.1 ON PAINT VJ FOR CONSERYATQHI SS. ()AHSON'S ANTI-CORR, "ION PAINT FOR HOT HOUSES. A c t' PAINT Estalolished 80 years. Is the most effec- tual in resisting wefliher, and will keep for year.?. Price?, patterns, and testi- monials post free on application to WALTER (JAHON A SONS, La Belle San vage-yard, Lud.ate-hill, London, E,C. 21. Bachelor's walk, Dublin. CARSON'S' PAINT- NO AGENTS. 6116 DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men, on HEALTH, IT i RESTORATION AND HAPPY luABRlAUbS.—Whua to marry, with •advice to those who contemplate niaj riage, pointing out vertidn impedimenta which render man led life unhappy, and directions for their speed removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, ..tid manhood, and vish to attain a happy r id age.—Post free on receipt of —Add/e*s, Scoret> ry, Institute of Anatomy, Bimfflp&m. 3942 CASSELL'S PURB UNCOLOURED TEAS & CASSELL'S COFFEES. CASSELL'S TEAS are pure and un. coleured the green as well as the black is the natural colour of the leaf, and not coated with mineral powder or other colouring matter by the Chinese to dis- guise the leaf. CASSELL'S COFFEES maintain the high celebrity for which they have been distinguished during nearly a generation they possess great strength and full flavour. By their use uniform good quality is ensured. CASSELL'S PURE UNCOLOURED TEA, 2s. to 2s. 8d. per lb. FINEST QUALITIES, 3s. to 4s. per lb. CASSELL'S COFFEES, Is. tit Is. lOd. per lb. CASSELL'S ORIENTAL COFFEE, 2S. per lb. In Canisters and Packages, 2 OK. to lib. Sold by Agents, Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners, &c., throughout the Kingdom. AGENCY.—Agents are required for CASSELL'S TEAS AND COFFEES in every n eighbour hood, not yet fully supplied. For terms, apply to CASSELL, SMITH & Co., bO, Fenchurch Street, London. 6710 PEOPLE'S FREE EDITION. IMPORTANT MEDICAL WORKS. UT DiL HENRY SMITH. Twenty-first Thousand. By post, one stmp (t. pre-par postage) in envelope. HEALTH LOST AND REGAINED? or DEBILITATING DISEASES, THEIR CAUSE AND CURE. A Guide to the Special Treatment of INFIRMI1 lES of YOUTH and MANHOOD, either Hereditary or Acquired. By HENRY SMITH, M.D., of the University of Jena, Author of_ "Volunteer's Manual," "The Warning Toice," &c. THIS WORK Gives Dr. Smith's Treatment (the result of Twenty-six years' special practice) for the Cure of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indicision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indi- gestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Con stipar tion, Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizzi" neSI, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, lic., resulting from Exhaustion of Nerve Power, the effect of Overtaxed Energies, Enervating Habits, and other abuses of the system which, if neglec- ted, end in premature decline and death. GIVES INSTRUCTIONS AND PRESCRIPTIONS. Abo. ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN ON SUBJECTS OF VITAL IMPORTAMCE. Illustrated with Testimonials from grateful patients; with means of Cure used in each case. Sent free by post in an envelope on receipt of eae penny sfemp. This Book is Sent Free to all Parts of the World. Third Thousand. By Post, seven stamps in an envelope. WOMAN: Subjects treated Girlhood, Maidenhood, Courtship Marriage, Motherhood, Female Education, Female Health, Fem.iie Hygiene, Domestic Medicine, &c., ele. It is a treatise on subjects01 vital importance to Woman. N.H.-A Special Edition, IIEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD, Cloth Gilt, One shilling. N OTICE.-The above medical works will be sent direct from the Author, in au envelope, on the receipt of the amoun t in stamps. Address. Dr. HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent London, W.C. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER WI MONT FEE. DR. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist — who may be consulted with the greatest confidence for the cure of all debilitating and contagious diseases,' will, for the benefit of country patients who cannot eonsult him personally, on receiving a description of their CMe, send his opinion with advice and directions for the most successful restoration to health and vigour. Address, Dr. JL SMITH, 8, JinrVra Orescent, Lond-jft. W.C. 1818 RIOHAED CONWAY, PLUMBER, &c., CHURCH WALKS, LLANDUDNO, >f. PUMPS, BATHS,, HOT IN- ATER APPARATUS RANGES, CLOSETS, &-c., FITTED AND REPAIRED. ITu P T U RE. By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, WHITE'S Alf'C,-MAIN LEVER TRUSS. Perfected and exhibited in THE GREAT EXHIBITIONS OF 1851 AND 1862. QEOUUUNG no steel spring round tli< lA; body, is recommended by the following peculiari- ties and advantages 1st, facility or application 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate • 3rd it may be worn with equal comfort in any position of the body, by day or night 4th, it admits of every kind of exareise, without the slightest inconvenience to the w-earer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. yfe do not hesitate to give to this invention our U33. qualified approbation, and we strenuously adyise the use ot it to all those who stand in need of that protection whic.1 they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfort! obtain from any apparatus or'truss as frra> that which wc uave the highest satisfaction in thus recommending. Churm and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons Sir William tergusou, Bart., F.R.S., Surgeon, and Professor of Surgery to King's College Hospital &c. C. G. Guthrie, twq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Oplialrmc Hospital W. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assist n,nt Surgeon to Kmg?s College Hospital T. Callaway, ERih Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; T. Bli-zard Cui-mg Esq. F.R.S., Surgeon to the Londok Hospital W. J- 1'isher, Esq Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police lorce Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon tc the late Prince Consort Robert Liston, Esq. F.R.S. James Luke, Esq^, Surgeon to the London Truss Society; Eramus Wilson, lisq., i'.K.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by post oa sending the circumierence of the body two inches below the hips, to the manufacturer. Mr. WHITE, 223, Piccadilly, London. Price tÍ a Single Truss, 16s., 21s., 26s.6d.,and 31s. 6d. Postage, free. Double „ 31s. 6d., 42s., and 52s. 6d. Postage, free. Umbilical,, 42s., and 528. 6d., Postage, free Post-office orders to be made pavanle to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadilly NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c The malfcrlal of which these are made, is recommended by the Faculty, of as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE, and the BEST INVENTION forgiving efficient and permanent support in all oases of WEAK- NESS and swelling of the LEGS VARICOSE VEINS SPRAINS, &c They are porous, lit;ht in texture, and mexpensive and are drawn on like an ordinary Stocking Price 48. Gd., 78. 6d., 10s. and .llis. each. Posta -e free JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCADILLY LONDON. Speoimeaa may be seen in the Crysfa Palace, 1


