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(FURNISH1 I YOUR home 1 1 fASTgFOLLY and 1 QJJ D\) tu't | SUBSTANTIALLY. | 1 An inspection of our stock vrill$ '■ convince you that comfort and S3 ■ taste in tJie furnishing of your H rooms need not necessarily mean H » extravagant outlay. M 8 OUR FURNITURE 2 pleases THE EYE. I fl I All goods sold by us are |i 9 j manufactured in factories under || « a | our own control arid supervision, || g £ from exclusive designs. We en.ii raj B jj thus guarantee to our Customers jS 8 || a made article of useful as js ffi well a* artistic design and It? fig < substantial manufacture. fl I OUR PRICES 1 I SUIT THE POCKET. 3 flj I liy controlling our mams lactones j§ j we pbu;e the goods on the Market « u j bearing one profit only the gj C j floods going direct from us, the jJ m S nmnufactm ers, to our customer, y| h ) the consumer—bearing only the 11 M one profit and not two or three |jj jfi st;s charged elsewhere. §| I OUR EASY I I .PAYMENTS I I SUIT YOUR INCOME I B ——————— Term" can bs arranged H RAILWAY FARE to #t C0'1T?!«"C* 1 BS of ousi-omers. rj §3 ALLOWED TO » 13 COUNTRY Discoun t allowed for k | cusTOf,:Eits I i f'arl ia?« Paid to ail pari* j| I SEND OR CALL FOR CATALOGUE, We will send you Free, by post, | or j on can have on application, 8 our large Illustrated Catalogue |j and Price Lint. It CQStS you | nothing and w"l save you g pounds. B| If?? I o S3 i COMPANY. |f j (J. P. OPANT', Proprietor). B PEWIBHGKZ. PLACE, | LiV&RPOOL. 1 QS.A-* f*VV—BIO SAUCICEHALL STREET. II BI LFAST 38 & 4ft HICW STREET$j tt BLACKBURN AIKSW9RTH STREET. j>| SCRATCH LOT It's surprising what a scratch lot of Cutlery you can see on the table in many really fiood homes. Nearly every knife and fork is a different pattern, and it would be an interesting story how each piece found its way into the family. Hut a scratch collect tion spoils the look of the table, and destroys a ¥°U Can eaSl'y aff°rd uumT at our Low Factory Price. ftltl Merely bend 2'6 v;ith llfl MmEm your promise to pay nine ■ Hio monthly subscriptions of PwImP HmFw 2/6. and we deliver NOW flflf f ^81 our World-famed flflll/.l "Enterprise" Parcel SK Made i" our own Factory I III as described below. The I IS JKfiPVfllow Knives are of Genuine I ill Mi'l SheJJickl Steel,withhand- I ij Mm some Ivorctte handles, 8 /W\a»vpj"ILTf* matched in perfect imita- Y^w- ;'n/' M ORDER *'on 01 reaJ African Ivory, fm \:J& j( and the Spoons & Forks mlmr J 'n £ are of Columbian Silver, II mt Discount Cash uine steVn^ve^of Vfith Order. exquisite polish. 1 S°N5E"TS °f the "ENTEaPRI8B'7PARCBI.: I "n,,ves « Tea Spoons 11 Moist Suftar Spn I Catalogue Free e ou'' Handsomely Illus- I 'r, Manufacturers' Catalogue I vom- HH Ct;l,lcry and Plate post free to I cvHI. iresS" °.? Knires' Razors. Work Cases, I p_^ 'Jam Butter Dishes, and Specialities for I vil s at ec<>nomica! prices. Ask for Cato^uc IB. ,or_ I *Ou save enormously by Direct Factory Supply. |^J. G. CHAVES^LtdyJW^ufaeturer^^HEPFIEL^ l|i==3«MB^K HE s best j Sil%W^ isfcolutnd S3 with the additional comfort derived from the Side-Spring. 1 His renders the Corsets pliant and flexible so that whilst giving the wearer the necessary support they are perfectly comfortabIe-they give to every movement of the body. They are made in all siyles and sizes so I that a correct fit is guaranteed. In I f addition they cannot rust and they fe never break. I ■ B Sold at standard prices, 3/11 to 10/6 1111 IB I See that the trade mnrk is l>-<Tb Ml .4 on every Corset, is :lie JML, guar:1otee of good quality (W I '■ COMET FACTORY. I I Qt. ANCOAT5 STREET, j M CAI^DA BRITAIN'S NEAREST OVERSEAS DOMINION. IN THE EMPIRE. UNDER THE FLAG. 61. BRITAIN'S BREADBASKET. 160 ACRES GOVERNMENT LAftD free for farming. IMPROVED FARMS on Easy Terms. TWO YEARS' RENT of an English Farm will Purchase outright partly improved farm of equal area near prosperous settlements. HAPPY HOMES & CONTENTMENT CATTLE-RAISING successful. I INDEPENDENCE early in life. BOUNTIFUL HARYESTL HEALTHY CLIMATE. LSCHT TAXES. 9 GOOD MARKETS for all produce.. Profitable DAIRYING. Unexcelled FRUIT. For free maps, pamphlets and full particulars, apply to^Mr. A. I1. JURY, Canadian Govern- ment Agent, Old Castle Buildings, Preeson's R-ow, Liverpool; or to Mr. J;OBED SMITH, ■^•sistant Superintendent of Canadian Emigra- tio°, li and 12, Charing Cross, London, S.W. ^■HKawssinBuaHaB





