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letter to the Editor. (


letter to the Editor. ( ZIONISM. I Sir,Ill your leader./tt c of this week you make comment on "The A\<n\ ist "1. and conclude by stating ,.tlla,t from every Sio-n it will not m Ion <5 wtore t hac coimtrj will be popu iated from the .Lebanon. to the DeaiJ. Sea ay its rightful owners, the an- cient Jew..5ii natIon." if .you had followed the .whole theme of Ztour.sro such a stiit-e- meait would not have been nuuie. Beuig a member of that -'Ancient Jewish Nation/ Zionism has *nT treated me, and .1 have :ol- lowed it up from the commencement. I «> towed. it up from the commencement. I t'1j- member pin chasing Dr. fcLtrizls hr^t book an the subject, "A .Jowidi St^ite (jjublishd ftt one shilling). Thus was, of course, when ZiorUcni wa.-5 not- anything like the factor^n Jewish politt.es it J3 «fc-o»y i reaa the book. Aii each chapter unfolded it seemed to wrap you round, obstacles were thrashed down, mountains of d, tficu.it .to were thrown aside, public opinion, reason- ing facts, in pout everything was smoother ■m oxUer to ioirn thi* marvelous -Jtwish 6tau>. Whit, of the opinion. ot tho Uuet Rabin, one of the rnc-vt learn, d and Euaided of theologian, and of all the heads cf our Jew^h ministry, learned m tt;e a* of God and man ? W.tbout exception they cry down this Zionism. What, again ol! the «Jn<on of fne Rothschilds and trie hundred other philanthropic financiers who never have their parses closed for a good object. All are aoa-Lrust tbfi Zionism In the i-orm tt tio.6 now taken. All these obstacles are parsed over ,In this marvellous book m the firm three or four chapters. Then opera ouT the wealth of this dreamer's mind. He gees the Jew. in Palestine. Hi* pictured Jerusalem* wtth its Jewish king and his re- tiioue of Jewish solduer*. Ho weu describes the colour of the flag. He makes the Jews a self- supporting nation, which they never can bo. In fact, while- you read you are carried away by Dr. Hertzl's enthui>ia*au. Ib -» marvel kras and grand in a. novelist, but oil, what marvellous folly in the reul-sc. .What wonder then, that this idea. lias bem) gru-pcd by many as a solution of the f'J wu>U question." There is a Jewish ques- tion, undoubtedly, and a. very eeveue one. The Jew's religion, life, and history make jhirn. a sentimentalist. Tell the Jew that has not entirely thrown in his lot with his oountry tnat he is tot persecuted, and he dsbei.eveft you. Talk further and you wJ. make him excited. He has hugged the idea oi his persecution for centuries. He goes about as though he were a. martyr, and when you take this notion away yau rob hiai of His pet- sentiment. Tell the Irish m;un who hab not had the opportunity of bmrtuemrg fcis mind that really i^n^ianl uoe. not wain to oppress bail, and he laughs at you. Does be not. know better:" We a.U have our pet fcdeaej, and what man in his own thoughts u not a martyr in some way. When then this Zianibt theory was expounded no Englis..i- ma.n would iiav'H at-tything to do with it. English Jews are lrot going to throw away that her ta^e of freedom of thought, action, and religion handed down to them by their fathers who settled in this ocumtry, and who fougnt for wiiat we now enjoy In England the- J«.>w has been persecuted and fttost mercilessly, as any child's history book will show, but opintiion has broadened, and to- day the Jew i¡.- looked up-Uri as a. profitable addition tp the commerce and thought of this country. Is the English Jew likely to thriust abide the tried and revered protec- tion of our beloved Sovereign for that of the questionable rule of theoultanr It is-, however, wrong to state that no English Jew has taken up Zionism. There are a few, bat so few tnat they cannot speak for the many that. live h-ére. Montefiora is an idealist—a member of one of the most re- formed ^vnagogues that stamp down mosta of the oldest Jewish traditions — and he takes up this idea of a. Jewish state which must necessarily mean the adoption of the ent're Jewish laws. Zaiigwill—a Lit and dreamer—because Tie ha.s made for him- self a name is handled fondly by the Zion- ists. Dr. Hertzl static* that the Jew wJl refuse to "ink his indiviidual: ty and put on the xr..<1.k of another nationality. The Jew can scirer sink his ind'vvduality; he haw al- ready tatten another natonaiity. We are promised a land and a temple. The Jew has his temple, the Christian the church of the nativity, and dozens of others. Theie are established ordere of every religion in JerusaJean. and what will the^e say Y Wh, will oar ChrLstiaJi (brethren say when vhe Jew comes forward aaxi ola;»ms Jerusalem as the capital of his own absolute perEUll..1 countrj ? Do we desire the horrible re iigious wars of ages hack, those atrocious oik;laughts when ncfiher woman nor child Va., spared to occur in the twentieth oen- jtufV!" As a. place of sentiment Jerusalem is magnificent. Jftws go there dany to pats fctveir last days, to pray by the ruios of their 'temple, and to stand on the spot made jbolv by the tread of their pious ancest jrs. TbLirf ia commendaMe and is the limit of my sentiment. There are thotisandg of Jews living pn. Palestine to-day. Zionists are prating about the patural advantage. of th^ plaoo. what are these Jews doing for theanselves ? The only industry is the making of an inferior wline that nobody but » Jew in a very charitable mood would buy. Where is the fruit of this agriculture ana commerce? Are all the Jewt of the warid to go to Palestine and voluntarily dull Liex iisi^tinete and harrow their tlioughts ? I fear I have takon up tqp much space, so must close.—Yours, &c., ISIDORE WARTSKI. Bangor, January 21M, 1902. o§■> —

Mr. Lloyd George, M.P., and…


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