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TUP PENRHYH GHARRY DISPUTE; MASS MEETING. SPEECH BY MR WILLIAM JONES, M.P. On Saturday dtfmGOJ) a. procession trns formed to meet the body of one of the qiiarrvmen who died u. South, Wales. TII" funeral was largely attended, but l-ho pro fortunately, passed off without a single untoward incident. The mass meeting arranged for the even- ing took place at the Market Hall, which was crowded to the doors. Immense en- thusiasm prevailed, and the tuna which elapsed before the commencement of the proceedings was th voted to hymn-shigmg. Mr William Joi:6, M.P., when he ascended the platform, in the ehairrnan's company, was received with deafening and long-con- tinued cheers, while hoohs were laised f-)r the Chief Constable. The Chairman (Mr Henry Jones), in his address, reminded the men that, -is one o. the leaders, he had all along, advised th.-ii to use their brains rather than their hards, but he feared that recently the hands had over-ruled the other powers (a voice: "X (\t half enough," and laughter). He much re- grettxl the outbursts which had taken place after they had protested so strong1.7 against the introduction of the police an'l military on. previous occasions. While h.) respected and admired tUe men's feelings in this trouble, yet. at the same time he had asked them to keep within the law in all that they did (a. voice: "TImt liag been dc.-i! vary wen"). The Chairman retorted that. t:me would prove it (another voice: "'Wh-lt about the estateWith other people he had nothing to do, but k- would ask tho: whom he addressed to carry out his wishes (cries of "We will"). Mr William Jones, who was again cor- dially received, said that upon receiving in- formation of the. petition sent from Beth- esda to the Home Secretary appealing for military aid, he called at tha Home Office, and urged the officials, before taking any action in the matter, to make a full inves- tigation into both sides of tIre question (ap- plause). On the day before Christmas he received word from the Home Office that a communication had been addressed to the official having charge of the police in the oounty (bochir.g). The-epeaker appealed to the audience not to indulge in that sort of demonstratior. (hiear, hear). The commu- nicationoonhined a request to have the vhole matter investigated, and moreover, in order to do justice all round, to give in- structions to "Jose at work in the quarries aot to offer provocation to the other side. Those instructions were carried out. He fthe speaker) had thought that they would Have been enough. However, New Years Sve came round (laughter, and a voire Thanks for it"), i nd in the procession which uook place he ww told that the police were iverpowered by the crowd 1 .hose beng the words used by the Chief Constable, who had consequently decided that it was necessary to go to the Bangor .-aagistrates to suxr.mon the military. When he hoard that he (the speaker) came to liethesda to learn the whole facts. He did n,ot know whether the police had exhausted ill their resources. He was aware that there existed elements calculated to foment feelings, but. "despite the fact, he must say, is one who all alon<; championed the men's •"■ause, that neither he nor anyone else could justify the smashing of windows. Were his hearers of the same opinion (cries of "Yes") ? Another fact which he had to comment upon was the sensational posters issued by om.) of the daily papers (a voice, "Daily Post''), from which it might be inferred that the stave of things at Bethesda was worse than .Lt.Grimsby and Scarborough. He maintained that the sensational bills, .t-hich he hac mentioned, did no justice to t.) the truth. -is it existed at Bethesda (hear, hear). In the face c-f facts which he could not justify, he appealed to the men to hold up their het dsi, and, in the words of the chairman, to give more employment to their brains instead of their hands. They had truth and principle on their side; let them, therefore, do nothing to disgrace the one or t lower the o ,her. Did they agsee to that ? rie-s of "Yes '). The military as such were wholly impan ial, and he urged the quarry- n en to be eqi ally impartial. The military h id no quarreJ with the people at Bethesda t'Ley were menly men who had to perform vheir duty life every other officer in the country, and to asked that that feeling I lould be manifested towards both the mili- f ,ry and the p >li_ce, and let everyone else concerned show the same impartiality (hear, hoar). He wss told that mutual suspicion r Kist.ed betwean the police and men who had .-(turned from ,couth Wales. He had al- r. ady made an appeal to the police and her authorities to have such a siispicioi. moved, anl he now made the same appeal -o the qnavrymen. As a matter of fact, +. ere were police there who were tired of t! e iob an 1 were anxious to return to their •laiiliee the event of serious troubles Ix ing anticipated in the future, he had. sug- sted to Colonel Ruck the advisauhty of < cnsulting not only the officM element, bu ;ilso the man's leaders (hear, hear), and ne ,s pleased to be able to say that the Chief r nstatle had intimated his willingness to fall in vith the suggestion (hear, ^Ci'j) Ud sail the «ne SSSEi tw cen (>ri<l of "Yes"). The way to treat V a es 'hi these matters was not to r^ort to c vtrW measures, but to study the spirit ,;d the temperament of the people (ap ilise) To enable them to keep up the iracter of Wal-es and to secure honoui- aljie justice for Bettiesda be was prepared to T -fice all that he had got (applause).^ T\ere was a certain element in the quarry (b' oi) at the present day, and, however ob- jooti enable those people might be to the f ihe men, he thought that there were not v anting signs that the humanity in those {•,x>ple was craving for regeneration—-that t h, ir best manhood was endeavouring to p. ert itself. Let the man who were out re encouragement to the develop- in,at of that humanity (hear, hiear). He ] w how difficult, it was to banish enmity, b he appealed to his friends to make it easy for the other people to return to the r inks of the lillion' and enioy the privileges attached to it. The watchword of the I a pe.icemakers in South Africa to-dar was '"Equal right's and ainn&ty for all." Let lh-<t, also be their watch word in connection ■rid, th°ir fellow-workman. Let tl»3m for- net the past for the .sake of the future. If the men now working in the quarries. ca'uo c;t let their old connades whjo had always r 'irained out blot out the record e' tlie iin r,t few months and begin again with a (l-n slate (applause mingled-with shouts vi lift. will be hard!"). They couhl not have a clean slate unless the men now in came cd (applause). But when they did come \„t i,hem all assert tlie principle of combina- tion (applause). He hoped he was right in a-lulling that the meeting was .,till pr" paied to abide by a former resolution to s ibmit the whole matters in dispute to> ar- bitration (loud cries "Yes, wto are.). A ery well. Let them remember the old VVelsh. "Na chais lawn ond o gymod"—Seek not'light save through conciliation (ap- pause). If the men now m the quarry came out let their old fellow-workers be re- conciled to them and take the earliest op- portunity c? applyitig the princip-e of con- ion (applause). Mr D. R. Daniel, organising secretary to the Quiirrymen's Union, followed. He characverised the developments which taat week had witnessed in the struggle as one of the difficulties the men were oalled upon to encounter during this fight. On tne 11th of June last. when a. number of the men had returned to the Quarry, thin breaking the ranks, he had taken upon Inm- self to advise the men who remained true to their pledges and their fellows how to act towards those who had gone in. He had advised them not to speak to them, not I tc look at them, to have no dealings witn them and to extend to thpm no favours r .oplause). Thr.t advice had not been fol- lowed that week (laughter). Though they had not followed his advice, he was free to confer that in doing what they had done thtv had only carried, out t Jj principle laid down for them in such emergencies by nun i.f position in the present Government,^uke Mr Balfour and ?>Ir Clianiberlain (langnter and hooting.). The advice of these stat -s- m. n was to break the windows of those who dilfered from fchem—an advice which lia J been acted upon at Scarborough, at Bn- min'diam. at Bangor eighteen montl^s ago (laughter), and at Bethesda that week (re- newed laughter). Now hi? recognised tnat fact that when onca a thing had become fashionable it w.as very difficult to 110 away with it (laughter). It evidently was so in I the present instance. Mr Balfour had made window-smashing a fiishiona.bie form of amusement in certain emergencies He had declared that at times things were brought to such a pass that "flesh ind blood could not endure them." Apparently, Bethesda had, during the week, been sub- jected to one of these times of trial which flesh and blood could not endure, and Beth- pfida people had only followed the fashion which Mr Balfour's teaching had estab- lished (laughter). Personally, he regretted ,.nd deprecated that action. At the same time, he did not hold the people of Beth- eedia, &o responsible for what had been done as f«e did Mr Balfour and these responsible persons, who had inculcated tlie principle that it was right to do so. He would now only urge them not to follow the present fashionable practice too far (applause^. Let thean also ke^p up their spirits, not- withstanding police batons or the bayonets of the military (leud and prolonged cheers). Mr J. S. Jones, a LlanberLs quarryman. said that he attended there at the desire of his fellow workmen, but he came heart and soul in his mission. He urged unity, which would tend to certain success. The quarrymen did not require the police to fight their battles, and the cause of truth required no military to make it successful (cheers). After what he had seen and heard, he would so report to his feUov workers that a substantial subscription would be sent them (cheers). The Rev Thomas Griffith, Congregational minister, Bethania, spoke next. At the outset he -.aid that 1 e mu-st condemn what had taken place on New Year's Evo. He had a few weeks previously spoken on ^hat platform in condemnation of the statements contained in the petition sent to the Honw Office, which statements he still mauitar.aed were falsehoods (hear, hear). But, to be honest and fair and consistent, he must now publicly and openly condemn the dis- orders of New Year's Eve, and he did so most emphatically (hear, hear). He Would figbt with them to the end (cheers), and he was (confident of victory, but he wanted them to obtain that victory with clean hands cheers). John Bull expected some day to return victorious from South Africa (cries of "Do Wet," and laughter). Well, yee, he •was afraid John Bull would have to a<k De Wet's permission (laughter), but still he expected ultimately to be victorious. But John Bull's methods would have he.s- mirched his victory (applause). '^em ?<ecure a clean victory. Despite what h'.u been said by a previous speaker, lie main- tained that it was not respectable to smasti windows (hear, hear). It was sometimes dangerous to follow the fashion laughter and cheers). Let them not afford sport to people who would be gratified to learn tnat they had fallen into the clutches of the powers. There were seme people m Beth- esda, and between Bangor and Bethel, who would sleep more soundly if they knev the quarrymen were woltenng in their blooc in the streets of Bethefida (hear, hear). Some of those people would sing hymns and pray all the better on tlie morrow if they knew quarrymen ivere lying at Betheoda maimed by bullets. Let them not pre their opponents that sport. The Rev W. W. Lloyd, Calvinistic Meth- odist minister f,nd secretary of tlie rcret fund, followed. He said that the mditary had at last turned up in their midst. Th.it be ng the cfise, he would say, Hands off. Lord Penrhvn! Hand." off everybody else" (cheers). When the military were there before Lord Penrhyn treated them to a meat tea at Capel Curig. He (t he spealPr) was of opinion that that was not a right thing to do. Suppose the Quarrymen» Union had done such a tiling what would have been said? He complained that the local magistrates who came to Bethesda to consult people about the dispute never con- sulted him. Why did magistrates not do so h voice: "They live too near Penrhyn Castle, and lau.ghter) P, He was given to ^mderstand that certain responsible per- sons had told the reporters that the preachers had laughed at and were pleased preachers had laughed at and were pleased w th the damage done to the windows. He had no hesitation in characterising that statement as an infernal lie (cheers). In conclusion, Mr Lloyd implored ",11 present, for everybody's sake, to go home quietly, and give no occasion for a disturbance (ap- PlThe Wv Thomas Hughes, Wefilevan mm- The :rueV' Thomas Huglws, Wesleya.n. mlD- ister, Siloam, having warmly endorse what luul been said by said tliat whilst they must fight for ire dorn they should remember that freedom was only a means to an end. It was a means whereby thev hoped to obtain a higher oo- jec.t^-the development of their manhoo and that particular object had been hn deied by events which had recently cc. curred. But he could not believe that any of the respectable people ho saw before him had been guilty < f smashing windows, whict, he thought, was the work of stragglers who followed the main army (applause). Mr W. H. Williams, the financial secre- tary of the Quarrvmen's Union, said thathe agreed with all that had been said. He, however, wished to speak of the situation from a workman's point of view. As a workman, he regretted the incidents which had taken place, but the nature of wblch would make it evident to all impartial per- soJih that they were not the outcome of an "organised attack" (cheers). He pointed out that it required a great deal of deber- minrtion amongst a body of workmen to ,stand, out for over twelve months as they had done. and even now they displayed a most gratLfvins: spirit and enthusiasm, which he was pleased to see. He would, however, counsel them to husband that enthusiasm, and not to squander it uselessly (hear, hear). Proceeding, the speaker said that he had every confidence that the strikers would do I no harm to anyone. At the same time, he id,E must say that he considered it was a very foolish method of showing their feelings by making work for the glaziers (hear, hear, and laughter). Hnwever the struggle might end, he considered that in one sense they had already won, inasmuch -is, after the experience and wider knowledge which the men had gained by their compulsory exile to South Wales and certain parts of England, no one henceforth would be a bie to make slaves of the Penrhyn quarrynie i (great cheering). After a short address by one of the dis- sident quarrymen, Mr William Jones re- minded the meeting that on the previous Saturday they had passed a rcvsolution en- trusting the conduct of the dispute on their side to the committee. He 'lid not wish them to reaffirm that resolution, but hp took it that tlvy still adhered to it (cheers). Other speakers addressed the meeting, which afterwards dispersed quietly". c:,


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