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Danger of a Strike.

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PenrhynSendraeth Board of…


Portmadoi: Bankruptcy Court.…



¡ THE GUARKY DISPUTE A PLEDGE TO CONTINUE THE STRUGGLE. Numerically and in some other respects the weekly mass mooting of the men who still remain out of the Peiirhyn quarry was last Saturday night the most important that has. takpll place for several months. This was mainly because of the presence of several hundred men who had'returned home from South Wale," and elsewhere for tho Christmas holidays. The meeting, '.vhich was preceded by a procession, took place at the Market Hall, which was crowded. Mr Henry Jc-n.es (chairman of the Cti-rmlttp-e) presided, being supported bv among ethers, Mr Joiw Davies, miners i jivg&nt, of Dori-tais. I In opening the proceedings the Chairman observed that he strings which controlled the bon in his hinds for ¡,!any months, end lie should be only too ill ad to be allowed to lIft. the curtain. How- ever, the Committee were working assidu- ously but quietly, and the men wowld have no can.-e to he r shamed of them (appiause). Mr D. R. Daniel (organiser of the North Wales. Union) laid stress on the chairman's declaration -„hnt tho whole responsibility rcited upon the workmen and not on the Committee. Chairman, before calling upon the miners' representative, pointed out that the period for vhich the Committee had. been elected to take charge of the men's interests had expired, rendering it neces- sarv to re-appoint tbo Committee or to make other arrangements. A man in the audience thereupon moved that the men should again entrust their interests to the same Committee. This was promptly seconded by several, and carried amidst cheers. Subsequently the meeting was invited to express its opinion on the two resolutions passed in mass meetings held on Easter Monday and Whit "Monday this year, pledg- ing the men to -land together until victory wa.« secured. The" terms of the second re- solution, as lead by the Secretary (Mr Grif- fith Edwards), were as follow:—"In. face cf Mr Young's notice—(loud booing and laughter)-inviting some of us to resume work on the llthinst-ant. while refusing to recognise any of our grievances, parti- cularly the right of combination—which is conceded alike by the law of the land and the best employers of labour,—we resolve that we can do nothing better than con- tinue the struggle until an honourable set- tlement is arrived at." A speaker in the audience moved that the resolution be adhered tü, even though tha struggle might extend for three years more (loud cheers). ThÜ1 was likewise seconded. by several persons. The Chairman suggested that no period should be an(I with the adoption of that suggestion the motion was unani- mously carried. Mr John Davies (miners' agent), who was cordially received, declared the Penrhvn struggle to be one for independence. Lord Penrhvn was a? indebted to his workmen as the workmen were to his Lordship. As an individual Lord Penrhvn was more power- ful than any individual among uemen, but with a well-organised ccmbination Hmong; them the men's position would become in- vulnerable. He understood that his Lord- ship refused to receive representatives of the men except in his own way, which im- plied that his Lordship's case was so weak tl'at he could not allow it to be discussed except under conditions which would enable him to get the men's representatives under his paws. This, ho maintained, contrasted strangely with the attitude of colliery owners towards their employees. Only the other day he, in his capacity of miners' agent, appeared at Birmingham before the directors of a company which employed 20,000 men, nr. ougli an outsider, he was afforded every facility possible for dis cussing the men's case (applause). There wa" nothing more natural than that work- men should combine to protect their own interests, for trade unions could not, en- force that which was unjust and unreason- able. At the present day trade unions were denounced as agencies which en- croached upon freedom. But he krew of ni freedom in this country except the free- dom enjoyed by the strong to oppress the weak. He believed that every labour dis- pute was capable of an amicable settlement, but not until compulsory arbitration was established and the laws of the bind were framed by men directly representing the working classes (applause). Lord Pcnrhyn WR" no worse than many another employer except that he lived in more convenient sur- roundings for displaying his spirit. He complimented the men upcn the orderly charaeter of the demonstration which had taken plac--> that day. and strongly advised them to abstain from e\;e.ry kind of lawless- ness. He did not envy the men who had gone back to the quarry, for no sooner were they cut of Lord Perrhvn's hands than they were in the hands of che police, who escorted them home (laughter). They were traitors, and as such ought to be absolutely ignored by all other men (applause). FURTHER. PROSECUTIONS. A further batch of prosecutions in con- nection with the Penrhyn Quarry troubles will be heard before the Bangor magistrates at their next sitting, summonses against., ten persons alleged to be implicated in more or less serious breaches of the. peace having been issued. About 1000 late Pen- rhyn employees returned to Bethesda last week for their Christmas holiday. These for the greater part held tickets available for return within 14 days. Some have already returned, but the bulk will re- main on until the end of this and the be- ginning of next week. The police authori- ties complain of the action of the Beth- esda District Council. That body, acting as the highway authority, had a quantity of. fresh metalling put on the road's just before Christmas, and before the advent of a large number of late employees at the quarry. The county steam roller was not available at the time, and had any dis- turbance taken place the crowd on each side in any such disturbance would have had an abundant supply of dangerous mis- siles ready to their hand. The use of the Bangor steam roller was obtained to work on the metalling along Bethesda High street. Fortunately so far the holi- days have passed without serious disturb- ances. Many and various are the indirect effects of the Penrhyn Quarry trouble in the locality. Two remarkable illustra- tions of how it affects friendly societies have just been afforded. On Saturday last the annual meeting of the local lodge o% Oddfellows was held at Bethesda. A number of the men now employed at the quarries had absented themselves from the meeting, and were fined 2s 6d eacb for ab- senting themselves without sufficient rea- son. The b-aik of those attending the meet- ing were men still on strike. On Monday evening the Gelli Sick: Benefit Club held its annua, meeting. Certain officials of the elubither working at the quarry or suspected of sympathising with those now. forking were, as the result of the voting f°r office, displaced by others.