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Had Much Trouble with Bronchitis. Now he is a bright, strong boy, and attends school regularly. -=: CEDRIC CONROY WALCCIT. tfv am a PtotovranhJ 70, Fairbridge Road. London. N.. May 5th, 1900. Dear Sirs.-I should be sadly wanting in gratitude if I did not do myself the great pleasure of writing to add my testimony to the unspeakable value of Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. Our son, Cedric Walcot, now tsn years old, contracted whooping cough when only one month old, which left him very weak at his chest, and for seven years he was always more or less breaking down with bron- chitis, and laid up sometimes for we-eks together; in fact, his mother and I began to fear wo should never rear him. About two years ago began to give him Scott's Erriuhuon. He took two large bottles, under which treatment he rapidly improved, gaining flesh, losing nis cough, and he is now a ^ell grown boy, very bright. oheerfi I, attends his school regularly, being now in average good health. and this happy change I owe to your most valuable treat- ment Xt is my lot in life to travel far and wide, and it will ever delight me to speak for, and give my experience of. this splendid treatment wherever I may be, and when opportunity offers. Relieve me. Ever sincerely and gratefully yours, (Signed) ERNEST WALCOT. The su fptibility of children to taking ooid, an, their tendencies, toward bron- chitis, w as lungs, and other ailments, show thi ohey lack vitality, which noth- iritj in t world will supply as well as Scott's f T,Ision. This remedy is a special form of d liver in conjunction with iiypophotv i tes of lime ajid sOda. and glycer- ine. It 1 n been endorsed and prescribed by phyait.Lis for twenty-fire years, and has neve 'et been successfully imitated. No othe remedy in the market is like Scott's and no other form of cod- liver oil < o»npares favourably with it. j Scott* i Emulsion is so palatable that aaaybody l take it, and by making ood- 1 iVvir oil y to digest it has placed this sor^ereign 7"medy within the reach of all who are v- ik. It is unnecessary to bur- den the f: em with plain oil, because in Scott's E. T Ision this oil is in a partially digested form, and is readily absorbed into the blood without taxing the stomach. Aduks who suffer with chronic coughing, bronchitis, loss of flesh, or any ansemic I tendency, will find Scott's Emulsion the most prac- tical and efficent remedy they cai take. It is only necessary to be certain that you purchase the genuine preparation, and this may readily be dis- t.inguished by our trade mart: cm the wrapper of every bottle. li I I II i. A sample of Scott's Emulsion will be j sent to ar,y addres- in Great Britain upon j application, provided the name of this paper is mentioned and threepence for post- age is enilosed. Applications for samples I age is enilosed. Applications for samples should be sont to Scott and Bowne, Limit- ed, grf>,I,t Saffron Hill, London, E.C. I [1% Lliw GLAS ] Keckitts W- Y GOREU AV r RHATAF. |j That "]0 kidneys are the only natural blood purifiers. That the blood must go through the kidneys for purification, as it goes through the heart oxidation. That it be full of poison, that poison must affect every other organ. That is very liable to be filled with uric acid (kidney poison) without your know- ledge, be se the kidneys may "be diseased and not give forth any pain. That e majority per cent. of all diseases are caused by unsuspected kidney-poisoned blood. The "v' mer a "SAFE" Cure is the most Wonderful and Beneficent Medicine ever iven to r: ikind. It er r M the kidneys, and thus cures all the many disorders which kidney poison craates. It is vie 03TLY recognised Specific. It has cured thousands of those whom the doctors have given up to die. It wil- cure you if used as directed, faithfully, promptly, and in sufficient quantity. For fc-ie by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. per bottle, or direct fro H. H, Warner and Co., Ltd., 86, Clerkenwell-road, London, E.C. 0,7 The "PALMER" is the The PALMER is the Diost resuient. The" is the easiest to detach. ON PALMER HOLLOW RIM. Ask y our Agent wfzal" he thinks of it. Ask the British Pu,Iic. Ask your TAw replies will con vitwe you. t I ""lie P LMER TYRE MANUAL, containing 1 Key Map and 11 Sectional Road Maps of the United 11 King m, xr»e to all applicants to Palmer Tyre, Ltd., Dept. No. St BIrminftkvm.

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