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THE BEST PLACE IN THE PRINCIPALITY FOR ^lain and Fancy Stationery, Writing Cases, ^otters, .Letter Cases, Pocket Books, Purses. Kioto Albums, Photo Frames, ladies' Bags, Games, &c- D. W. DAVIE S, ■Bookseller & STATIONER (WHOLESALE AND retail), 9, BRIDGE STREET, Carnarvon. I (m Silver Mounts. 6 s i- Rain ^^high 10s 6d eaci 8 14s Od 9 18b 6d „ 102 218 „ 26a NEW STOCK OF SOLID SILVER GOODS, ST7ITABLB FOR CHRISTMAS AND WEDDING PRESENTS. t\ .¡j:Ii',i.¡:M ,h:r;r :l'i Iii ¡Ii '7 i, :r Hat 158 Cloth 1611 Single. Double Midget 7s 158 Carte de Visite lis 6d 2SS Cabinet 168 6d 308 PARCELS ON APPROVAL TO ANY ADDRESS. S WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, HHypjtmAO, • TOWER BUILDINGS. CARNARVON. T B N,"Nllg ENGAGEMENT & GEM RINGS R IN ALL DESIGNS, SET WITH brilliants, Emeralds, Pearls, Rubies, Sapphires, Opals, &c., of the Purest Quality At MAKER'S CASH PRICES. Size Cards Post Free. IW ^35^ brilliant, 42/ Pearls & Sapphires, 25/ Brilliants, £ 3 3s. Pearls & Rubies, 28/- BriMantS, L106 LARGEST STOCK. OF rings IN THE WORLD. w Ttrrquoise and HriuiaQts, £ 10. œ Brilliant, M6. Brilliants, á(8. llubieeli Brilliants; P. m BENSON'S GOLD & GEM JEWELLERY, 8014 *IW1 Lace HMW. • Fine Gold Cbaio Bucrf^iCa^. Pia, 10/- SELECTIONS E d SENT ON, APPROVAL. 4r Fine Gold Brooch, 21/ Fine Gold Brooch, 26/ W and JEWELLERY SENT FREE at our rials, to All parts^of the'World for P.O.O, payabfc at G-P.O. OLD WATCHES and JEWELLERY TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. • BENSON'S BOOK of Watches from £2 to 15M. LoaIts, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS, PLATB, &C., &C. Seat Post Free on application to- J. W. BENSON, Ltd., (Mi&iSrrt) HILL. LONDON. RACKHAMS LIVER PILLS N TO. TEHATISS ON LIVKE, p. 121.—I believe I shall not *rr in taying, that when Disorder jjjj. have taken in what ire called Bilious Complaints,' they lay the foundation of IDOfC than w 6 Consumption which occurs in this country. IRACJKIIAMIS LIVER PILLS ) Ilave been before the Public over 50 years. Cure all Diseases of the Liver: liACKHAM'S LIVER PILLS Are worth their weight in gold. IjACKHAM'S LIVER PILLS Cure Jaundice, Lumbago, &c. I}ACKHAM:'S LIVER PILLS One Box will prove to any sufferer their extra.ordinary value. RACKIIAMIS LIVER PILLS For Gravel, Scurvy, and Scrofula ] JJACKHAM'S LIVER PILLS These Pills are prepared tasteless. Ar good for Dropsy and Nervous Disorder JJACKHAM'S LIVER PILLS Are unequalled for Blotches and Skin Dis- eas jj~ACKHAM'S LIVER PILLS For any Diseases produced indirect through the Liver they will effect. safe, speedy, and permanent cure. JJACKHAM'S LIVER PILLS For Female Disorders nothing can surpas them. RACKHAM'S LIVER PILLS Sold in Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d by al Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdom. Beware of Imitations, and see that the Portrait of the Inventor is on the lid of each Box. 801 Prn,riet°™-J. CHAPMAN & COMPANY, LTD. QUEEN STREET NORWICH. A WORD IN SEASON DICKS THE PEOPLE S BOOT PROVIDERS Are now selling their Home Made Solid Leather BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. at only a fraction above Wholesale Prices. DICKS CAN DO THIS BECAUSE OF THEIR ENORMOUS SALE, Over a Million and a Half Pairs being Sold Annually at their Branch Establish, ments, and no Middlemen's profits. ill that skill, labour, and capital can do has been done In order to provide GOOD AND CHEAP BOOTS Suitable for every MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD. Local Branches— 217, HIGH STREET, Bangor; MARKET STREET, Holyhead; BRIDGE STREET, Carnarvon; f PALACE STREET, Carnarvon; FIGH STREET, HOLYHEAD. .e V. Great Clearance Sale of Surplus Stock | WATERLOO HOUSE, T Carnarvon, To commence Feb. 15th. r. SALE! SALE!! SALE! 22, BANGOR ST., CARNARVON. WILLIAMS JONES Begs to announce that his ANNCFAXj SALE will commence NEXT SATURDAY. L REATL Y REBUeEE) PRICES. Watches, Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Bracelets. Solid Silver and Electroplated Goods, Barometers, Ac., &C. EVAN JONES & SON, IRONMONGERS, Cycle Agents and Manufacturers, 4, CASTLE SQUARE, and CARNARVON CYCLE WORKS (Late Welsh Cycle Co). Breech-loaders. Second Hand Guns. 100 Breech-loaders, 12 Bore, Single Barrel, Worth 25s. to be cleared at xi 1 0. 100 Breech-loaders, 12 Bore Double Bairel, Top Lever Action, Rebounding Looks, Pistol Grip Stock, to be cleared at yery low Prices. <t Second Hand Guns from 10 s. upwards, First Class Amunition. t T ANTERNS and LAMPS, SPADES, and every tool required by the WATER WHEELS W *2 Agriculturist. Galva-i.ed TRO" GREAT BARGAINS IN .BICYCLES, NEW AHD SgCOND HAND. NIXON AND JARYIS, PRINTERS, STATIONERS DISCOUNT BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS, &c., &c.P ALL ESTIMATES FREE. Bank Place, Bangor. } !n"Ba>v," February. 1893:— h?E, a? ^client reputation, ana can be used safely for young children." | SAFE AND SPEEDY REMEDY £ For ftfluenza. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, 4C. COL &c. Cash PRICES. 9 £ d., STOPS COLD IF TAKEN PROMPTLY. brother whe had Whoopinar Coueh E n" Thl^K? llie P"eatest relief." JS. M. The ISMS, FARJIIGFDON, June, 3898, COACH BUILDER AND WHEEL WRIGHT. OWEN OWEN, ROYAL CARRIAGE WORKS CARNARVON. For Sale, a Victoria, Float, Phaeton, &c. Inspection Invited. I THE BANGOR ft ARYON PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Registered Office Pq HIGH STREET, BANGOR. President: Alderman John Evan Roberts, J.P Bangor. Large Reserve Fund Increasing Annually Paid ul Sham, 110 each. I Entrance Fee per share Subscription Share, 5s j 2s 6d. and upwards per month. J Advances repayable (by Monthly Instalments) in 6, 10, 16, or 20 years on Leasehold and Freehold Properties. ADYANTAGES To Subscribers. 1. A convenient plaoe for Investment, with absolute security and good interest. 2. Investments withdrawable at any tiou by notice or any other arrangement. 70 Borrowers. 1. Funds always available for advances. 2. Easy scale of repayments. 3. Moderate solicitor's charges (by special ar- aragement^. 4. Premium added to, and not deducted from advance 5. Mortgage effected with the utmost desnatch and secrecy. 6 Easy facilities for redemption of Mortgages anytime without any charge. Applications, and ail oti ez communication sto he addressed as follows :8ecreta.ry" Bangor and Arvon Building ociety, Leicester House, Bangor Ihis Journal nas a greater circulation ±51 MANY THOUSANDS per week than all other Agricultural or similar paper in the United Kingdom. 1 arm, Field, and Fireside. ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS. AGRICULTURAL RURAL AND DOMESTC JOURNAL. For the Country Gentleman, Farmer, ural and Suburban Resident, and all in- srested in the Farm, the Dairy Live Stock, the Stable, Poultry, Garden or the Home. One Year, 6s 6c. Half-year, 3s 3d. A JOURNAL FOR EVERYBODY. N.B. Farm, Field, and Fireside effers greater number of pages of well-printed seful information in a handy, compact form. Hustrated, stitched and cut. for the am of ONE PENNY. Specimen Copies can be obtainedl from News-agents, Booksellers, and Bookstalls, or direct from the Publishing: ESSEX STREET, LONDON. DISCOUNT BOOKSELLE1180 JAEVIS AND FOSTER T TT -O LORNE HOUSE, BANGOR. JOSIAH HUGHES & COOY Wholesale, Retail, and Manufacturing IRON MONGERS, 159 & 161, HIGH STREET, BANGOR Spacious Showrooms FOR Wood Mantels and Overmantels. TILED REGISTER STOVES, TILED HEARTHS, KERBS, AND FIRE BRASSES BEDSTEADS, PERAMBULATORS. CYCLES & ACCESSORIES. ELECTRO PLATE & CUTLERY. LAMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PLUMBERS, TIN & COPPER SMITHS Hot Water and Electrical Engineers, Gas Fitters, &c. pt" w iff THOMAS'S imAL ciiiiffl Al pi OF DRAPERY GOODS SAL Biggest Bargains ever offered. Remnants at Less than Cost. London House, BANG-OR- HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, The BEST MEDICINES for Family use. L THE PILLS purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the internal organs, aLd are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT is the most reliable remedy for Chest and Throat Affection Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Old Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, and all Skin Diseases. Manufactured anly at 78, New Oxford Street, London. Sold by Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Advise gartis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 or by letter. Don't think you can neglect a Cough and It escape t the penalty! || SMMBBtf FRANCIS'S BALSAM" will CURE it; m Try a II Ii Bottle to-day. For a COLD or COUGH m Its Effects are Marvellous. # ONE DOSE G/VES REUEF- AND m SECURES A Miner's REST. INSIST ON HAVING BALSA" COUGH W SOOTHING and COMFORTING M In all Throat and Lung Troubles. the BEST REMEDY M FOR BRONCHITIS, JM WHOOPING COUGH INFLUENZA, ASTHMA) GIVES TONE SOLO ev CHEMISTS lunqs? PROPRIETORS Mm EVERYWHERE. Manufacturer&t In Bottles M FRANCIS & Co, ili4 and a/p- wrexham.