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The Aher Bridge.

Bangor School Board.j

The Finest Statue of the Qaeel.

JLleyn District Council.


-North Wales Licensed Tletnallers.

Commission on the Sale of…

Carnarvon School Board.I

[No title]


MANUAL INSTRUCTION. Mr Morris Williams (assistant master md manual instructor) reported that no I ewer than GO boys from the upper division jf the school had been taught in the 2.00V. uibject during last year. Mr Taylor (in- spector in drawing and manual instruction) naid a visit to the school last month, an 1 xpressed his satisfaction at the progress made. This additional subject, apart from he training of the hand and eye, seemed o train the scholars in habits of regularity, exactness, cSer.nliness, and neatness in the several other subjects taught in the school. ART CLASSES. Mr Williams also reported that 15 teach- ers from the Board Schools attended the art classes. Some prepared for the work set at the Queen's Scholarship Examination, while others prepared for the annual draw- ing certificate. SUCCESS. Mr T. Jones (headmaster of Lhe boys' school) reported that the first prize offered by the Singer Machine Company to pupil* of oflementary schools in Carnarvon and district for the best handwriting bad been gained by Willie Hughes, from the Board Schcol. ASSISTANT TEACHERS: APPLICATION FOR INCREASE OF SALARY. Mr T. Jones, in his report, state:! that it gave him great pleasure in bearing testi- mony to the efficient work done by all the certificated css'istants during the first year of their service. The respective classes, though large and almost unwieldy, were well handled, so that the discipline had generally improved. He regretted, however, that dissatisfaction prevailed as regsrrled the salary (as per scale) to be paid to them after the first year of service. All the leJding School Boards in Wales incrersed the salary annually (if satisfaction was given), but at Carnarvon no 'increase was given until the third year of service. He respectfully sug- gested that the scale for male assistants be revised in such a way as to give them -,n annual increase up to a certain maximum. This would certainly tend to encourage them more .in the execution of their arduous duties.-Tho Clerk rerd. a. formal applica- tion, signed by each of the male and female certificated teacherrs, for an increase of salary. A Tule of payment by other Board- accompanied the application. The appli- cants stated that thev understood from the advertisement that the salary, which was to staTt at ESO, would be increased by £ 5 an- nunlly until it reached £100, as was the rule elsewhere, but they were disappointed to find that the actual prospects fell short of expectation. The Clerk pointed out that the statement of the teachers was not quits correct. The advertisement read,—"Cer- tificated assistant teachers wanted; saflarv to start at JMO, rising to JE100 as per scale, copy of which may be had on application." Applicants were invited to send for a copy of the said scale, which would have shown that the increase of E5 was to be granted every two years.—On Hie motion of Mr R. 0. Roberts, it was resolvecl to defer the con- sideration of the matter, the Clerk in the meantime to ascertain the scale of salaries in other School Board districts in North Wales. ATTENDANCE OFFICER'S REPORT. ) The Attendance Officer ^rir Sail) re- ported as follows:—Number on the books last month, 1800; corresponding month last year, 1791; average attendance, 1332; bst year. 1286; percentage, 74; last year, 72. The attendance during the month had been fe.,ir. He pointed out that a large propor- tion of the children on the books only s t- tended six or seven times a week, and until this was remedied there could not be a very marked improvement.—Questioned as to the falling off in the attendance of the infants, Mr Ball said the decrease was amongst children under five years of age, over whom he had no control. Work as hard as he would he could not get the per- centage over 76 or 77. PUPIL .TEACHERS. It was reported that in the examination recently held two failed and three passed. MISCELLANEOUS. A letter was read from Miss Hughes, one of the certificated assistants) at the Girls' schcol, asking for leave of absence from 31st March until after the degree examination at, the Bangor University College. —Mr R. O. Roberts thought they ought to encourage Miss Hughes, and moved that the applica- tion "be granted.—Father Jones seeorded. and it was agreed to.—A letter was read from the Bon.rd of Education stating that th<- proposed bv-laws were satisfactory, and were provisionally approved of.—It was re- solved that the necessary advertisement be inserted in the newspapers.—The Chair- man (Mr W. G. Thomas) was appointed to represent the Board at a special meeting of the Association of School Boards to be held in London on theToth inst., to con- sider the position of Sehool Boards in rela- tion to the whole question of hieher elemen- tarv education, and also to the giving of science and art instruction in day and even- ing schools.

i Welsh Case.


- -------------------_.. An…

[No title]

I N.S.P.G.C. Anglesey and…

The " Ceniasn" for January:I


Penrhyodeodraeth Board of…
