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.!IL Have to Hide the Bottle. If not, the Children would take it 'all at one dose, they like it so well." — >Vv;Vi cfyk tor?" '^v 'y I BEATRICE JENNINGS. (From a Photograph.) There are many reasons why Scott's Emul- sion is the best of all household remedies. In the first place, it is common in every household at one time or another for the health of some member of the family to de- cline. From any one of a hundred or a thousand causes tbo svsteta becomes under- minpd. Then at the first exposure there is a cough or cold, or bronchitis, or some other ailment which needs prompt attention. Scott's Emulsion is the best known specific for coughs, colds, and bronchitis, and all othf r forms of inflammation of threat or lungs, but as a specific is only a small part of its usefulness. To get down deeper into the cause of these local affections and,treat the system as a whole is the best use to which Scott— Emulsion can he applied. In writing about the general use of Scott's Emui-ion for colds, a gentletaan from Pres- ton, Lancashire, says.:— • "33, Euston street, "Preston, Lancashire, "May 3rd, 1899. *) \.r Sirs,—T cannot speak too highly of Scotch Emulsion: it has done my children more good for colds thanjanything they have ever taken. You may bo well assured that Scott's Emulsion will be weIr reccmmended by u? to friends and others. We have to hide the bottle; if not, the children would p take it all at one dose, they like it so well. Yours faithfully, (Signed) "GEORGE JENNINGS." In Mr Jennings's letter we find another reference to the tondness of children fox the taste of Scott's Emulsion. In fact, in the majority of letters which we havo received from those who describe the benefits derived bv their children from Scott's Emulsion the're is a special reference to thte avidity with which children take this preparation. Tftis fact alone is most satisfactory, because as a rule children dislike taking medicine, but in reality it is of minor importance com- pared-to the perfect form in which Scott's Emulsion offers cod-liver oil to digestion. Where the plain oil upsets the stomach and deranges digestion, Soott's Emulsion will have a favourable e'ffect upon it. In fact this preparation stimulates the appetite, and by its ease of absorption it is quickly taken into the blood, where it is used to improve the condition of the whole system. Scott's Emulsion is a standard remedial agent endorsed by all physicians. You can obtain a sample of Scott's Em- ulsion by sending threepence to cover post- age to Scott and Bowse, Limited, Manu- facturing Chemists, 95, Great Saffron Hill, London, E.C., and mentioning this paper. All chemists sell Scott's Emulsion. BOER TRENCHES BYSKCMLWMUANT 8,.L CS 'I NE4JX r Mustam AT MftGERSFOWTESri. Major the Rev. B. P. Lowry, Senior Wesleyan Chaplain to the Forces, with the Rev. T. F. Falkncr, Senior Church of England Chaplain, visited these trenches immediately after the Boer -retreat from their mighty stronghold. Mr. Lovry writes to the Methodist Recorder Of course I did not go to those trenches and laagers for purposes of loot. That is scarcely in my line, though naturally I picked up a few curios, as in duty bound. But the professional looters, who were there betimes, were in some cases well repaid for their trouble. We are told that in the tents of Boer officers diamond rinog and gold watchep, and portmanteaus full of various valuables, were found. The retreat musfc have been hurried enough to justify its being called a rout; an? the line of retirement was for a long way littered with abandoned spoils. Large supplies of sundry kinds of food and clothing were left in the tienches 14 or beside them, and I was astonished to note how large a portion of the Boer belongings had originally come from England. One of our poets tells us that J? Sympathy without relief r I* like mustard without beef.' I saw no beef in the Boer trenches except in the, to no, repulsive form of stale « biltong. Of that there must have been tons left; but the mustard was there— « good old English, with the famous Bult's Head on the tin." •' • *<• I. nj- "THE FAMOUS BULL'S HEAD" IS THE TRADE -MARK OF COLMAN'S MUSTARD. ? • • .Jo ,,( "t,,¡., t0i!: ,(.r V" 'H.¡t' t WORTH A GUiNEA A BOX. wig OtE s Pi FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOIt-DERS, SUCH AS Sick Headache, Constipation. Weak Stomach. Impaired Digestion. Murdered Liver and Female Aliments. t'to w w

----------0 Letter to the…

Mr W. Jones, M.P., on the…

! IMenal Bridge District Council.


j1 ' ■- , * DOCTOR'S ADVICE.





I A Boy Stabs hls Father