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Serious Charge agalast a Bank…

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Menal Bridge District Council.




BANGOR On Friday evening the Rev. H. C. Williams (of Corwen) delivered an address to the stu- dents of Baptist College on "The Ethics of the Fourth Gospel." This was the last of a series of lectures on "The Christ and the Fourth Gospel." Principal Morris proposed a vote of thanks to the lecturer, which was seconded by Dr O. Davies and carried. POLICE INSPECTION. On Monday, the Hon Captain O. G. Legge, H.M.'s In- spector, attended at Bangor Police Station for the purpose of inspecting the police force of the division. There was a good muster, under the charge of Inspector Rowlands, Col. Ruck, the chief constable being also present. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Referring to the settlement of the lighting controversy "Lighting" says:—"Upon the victory of their cause Dr Grey Edwards and the other advocates of electric lighting are cordially to be congratulated. Rarely even in these days of militant Town Councils, has the fight between the friends of progress and. those who stand for gas or for inaction been so prolonged and so severe as in the case of Ban- gor. The history of the bond, and the un- worthv use that the Gas Party attempted to make of it form something quite unpre- cedented in municipal annals. It must not be supposed that the Council consented to go forward without something in the nature of a guarantee to replace the well-intentioned but illegal bondL Signed agreements to take over 30,000 units per annum were first hand- ed in, exclusive of verbal promises to take some 18,000 units more. There was there- fore no decent excuse for further delav. The Lighting Committee are inviting offers for 'free wiring:' another hopeful indication that the intention is to work the electric supply system on business-like lines." BILLIARD MATCH. On Wednesday evening, at the Castle Hotel, the return match between teams representing Bangor and Beaumaris was decided. When the home team visited Beaumaris they dealt a severe blow to their opponents by winning all the games, the scores being: Bangor, 900; Beaumaris, 438. Much interest was centred in the present meeting, and the favourite hostelry was crowded with keen supporters of both sides. There were only two of the visitor-, who made a good stand, viz., Messrs T. Pearce and G. Frost, and as a result those :mes proved the most ex- citing. The following was the result: Bangor: A. Hughes, 150: J. G. Jones, 150: H. Parry, 150; W. Parry, 150: Ed- win Rowlands. 150; Ambrose Jones, 150; total, 900. Beaumnrs: R. Thompson, 75 G. Frcst. 109; J. Owen. 67; T. J. Wil- liams, 50: F. Gearv, 60; T. Pearce, 123; total, 484. It will be observed that the visitors scored 36 more points on the pre- sent occasion. At the conclusion of the match the Brothers Parry played an exhi- bition game of 200 up, which was greatly admired. PETTY SESSIONS. On Tuesday, before Messrs Thomas Lewie (chairman), J. E. Roberts (Mayor), W. Pugh. J. Edwards, Thomas Roberts, and Col. Marshall. DRU^TTeNNESS .—Mary Ellen Jones, Aber, was fined 2s 6d anA, costs for being drunk on licensed premises the Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Aber. Owen Williams, Pen- yceunant, Bethesda, was fined 5s and costs for being drunk and disorderly, and for a similar offence, John Parry, Tanyffordd, Bethesda, was fined 5s and costs, and! Jacob Elore, Mountain street, Bangor, 2s 6d and costs. W. WilEams, Rhos Uchaf, for .1' ",v- whom Mr Thornton Jones appeared, was charged with drunkenness. The Bench severely reprimanded the defendant, and said that unless he would change his ways advantage would be taken of the new law recently put in force to detain him in an Inebriates' Home for a period of three or four years. He was lined 58 and costs. NO LIGHTS. Frank Howse, 12, Wat- erloo street, Banger, and William Burns, Bangor, were each fined 2s 6d and costs for cycling without a light, ASSAULT CASES. Margare/t Williams and Jane Catherine Roberts, Kyffin square, were summoned by Mary Orfcrd, of the same place fcr assaulting her. Complain- ant said in her evidence that on Saturday night, the 2nd of April, the defendants, who were sisters, came to her house, and without anv provocation, assaulted her. Margaret- Williams struck her in the face, whilst the other defendant dragged her along the floor by the hair of the^head. A witness named Elizabeth Rowlands. called by complainant, said that she heard the defendants and Marv Orford quarrel- ling in complainant's house. Witness went in, and brought the two sisters out. She never saw the defendants strild r>nr plainant nor taking held of her by the hair. Defendants denied having assaulted com- plainant, and said that they went to the house in order to explain some allegation made against the defendant Margaret Wil- liams. The case was dismissed. Mary Orford summoned the defendant Margaret Williams for threatening her on the follow- ing Sunday. — This was also dismissed, as was a charge of assault against William Or- ford brought by Margaret Williams. AFFILIATION- CASE. William Ro hertj. Caep-oes, Coellwyngryda, was or- dered to pay 2s 6d a week towards the maintenance of the illegitimate child of Elizabeth Owen, Britannia street. Rwhuh- ^DIVERSION OF A ROAD. Mr H. C Vincent (Messrs Carter. Vincent and Dou- glas Jones) anneared on behalf of Lord Pen- rhyn with reference to an application which is to be made at the Carnarvonshire Quar- ter Sessions on the 29th June for an order to divert and stop UD Dart of a public high- way in the parish of Llandegai, leading to- wards Brynllvs and quarrv from the Old Post road to Bangor in a southerly direction, and of the road leading from the last men- tioned road westward towards the Coedy- pare Sawing Mills. It is proposed to con- struct a new road 18 feet wide for a dis- tance of 580 feet towards Coedvparc Saw- ing Mills, where it will ioin the road lead- ing towards St. Ann's Church the stop- ping up of the entire length cf the first men- tioned two roads from their respective iunc- tions with the Old Post Office road to Ban- gor, the entire length of the said first men- tioned road proposed to be stopped being 450 feet, and the entire length of the se- condly mentioned road proposed to be stopped being 2o/ ft., and the substitution of a bridge for, and abolition of the existing level crossing over the Penrhyn Quarry rail- way at the Coedvparc S-iwing Mills. — Mr iucent. who stated that the place in ques- tion had been viewed by two justices, ad- duced evidence in order to prove that the necessary notices and formalities as required bv the Act had been duly complied with. Mr R. B. Evans, clerk to the Ogwen Dis- trict Council, and Mr T. Inman Jones, clerk to the Llandegai Parish Council, gave evi- dence that these authorities bad passed re- solutions approving the proposed conver- sion, and had also Approved the plans which had been submitted to them. Mr T. Millward also produced Lord Penrhvn's consent to the proposed conversion, and gave evidence as to the publication and advertising of the requisite notices. Mr Llewelyn Roberts also testified to the no- tices having duly appeared for the specified period on the church doors in the parish. The magistrates granted their certificate that the terms of the Act had been complied with.

