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6t'V.M0 " Sufferer from Bronchitis…


6 t'V .M 0 Sufferer from Bronchitis ev 99 and a Nasty Cough." "Since taking Scott's Emulsion her cough has gone, and she has gained flesh." ANNIE MAY. Here is another case of a sufferer from I bronchitis and a nasty cough. This tima it is a little girl eight years eld, and if vou will read her mother's letter you will see I the same familiar story-the restless nignts, tke wasting of flesh and strength, and the fear of consumption. Mrs May writes: "104, Vicarage Road, Plunxstead, Kent, May 24th, 1893. "Dear Sirs,—I am writing to ttank you for the good Scott's Emulsion has done for my little girl, eight years eld..Ever since a baby she has been a sufferer from bron- chitis and a nasty coueh, especially in the winter. Fcr nights she had no rest from it. She has been under various treatments, but none of them has done for her what Soottt's Emulsion has. Since taking Scott's Emulsion her cough has gone, and she has cained flesh. Her cough was so bad that she got very thin, and we thought she was going into consumption, but thanks to Scott's Emulsion I am pleased to say she is getting on nicely now, and at any time when I find her getting a cough again I shall certainly give her Scott's Emulsion. I reoommend it to my friends as the best preparation for weak chests, bronchitis and rickets. Again thanking you for the good Scott's Emulsion has done my child, I am, yours truly (signed) ROSE MAY." What a blessing it is to have such a com- bination of standard remedial agents tc re- lieve and cure local inflammation of throat and lungs, and also tc. go down deeper an a attack maladies of this nature at their source! For it must never be forgotten, that a strong system will resist disease, as well as a weak system invite it. Scott's Emulsion comprises cod-liver oil, glycerine, and nypophesphites. Each of these remedies is universally recognised by the medical profession. The glycerine assists in. the absorption of the oil, and the hypo- phosphites aids digestion, feeds the nerves, nourishes the bones, and sustains the brain. Scott' Emulsion does more than merely re- lieve a coush, cold or bronchitis. It enriches the blood, increases materially the system energy, promotes the making of healthy flesh, and brings a better condition of health to the entire system. One of the most advantageous things about Scott's Emulsion is its perfectly emulsified form, ensuring its easy diae-tion, and m addition to thin Scott's Emulsion is sweet to the taste, and therefore pleasant to take. Scott's Emulsion is unquestionably the only perfect erellsicn of cod-liver oil in the world. and is tho best form in which to take this oil. You can obtain Scott's Emulsion of any chemist. ? You can obtain a sample of Scott s in Emulsion bv sending three pence to cover postage to Scott & Bowne, Limited, Manu- facturing Chemists, 95, Great Saffron Hill. London, E.C., and mentioning this paper.



