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PUBLISHED COLUMN. r: BOOKS PUBLISHED BY IS- W. pAETMDGE 4 C0' » 9 pa-tsr:n'ost:er T ONDON. U POPULAR BIOGRAPHIES. Crown 160 paees. Handsomely bound in ciolli extra, Is 6d each. NEW VOLUMES. CrEN^RA-L Ov.ttOON, the Christian Soldier and H-vo. By G. flamett Smith, author of Sir John Franklin," etc. WILLIAM TYNDALE, the Translator of tbe jEneli.">h. Bible. By G. Barnett Smith. I 3, ether volumes uniform in style r. n pric e THE \ORLD'S WONDER SERIES. A new ^e- ies of popular Books, treating of the present, da. W(.DER9 OF SCIENCE AND ARJT. Cro- n S ic.. ifiOnaees, illustrated. Handsomely cloth cover. Is 6d each. NEW VOLUMES. MINERS AND THEIR WORKS UVPER- GRC,rND. Bv E. M. Holm-q, author of K» t'ineers RTH the' trinmrhs." A,t OF THE PRINTING PRESS. By \'7..t. Jerrald, author of Electricians and thsr :-rarvels." 5 other v lumes uniform in t,ylp and price. Fun list on application. I «em IISTS "A. THEIR WON- DERS," BY F, M. HOLMES. H tS-~ AXD TfTEfR BY CljHHE nAY. F.R.M.S. «« ASTRONOMERS AND THEIR OBSERVATIONS." BY LUCY TAYLOR. CEIT!' 1ATED MECHANICS, AND rI:1IR ACHIEVEMENTS. BY r E. M HOLMES. ~"EN<»itfEET!S A.NT1 TIIEIR TRIUMPHS Î BY i F. M. HOLMES. EIKTBiCTANP AND THEIR MARCH. BY WALTER JERROLD j\ ^n ( > J i £ 1 s AND THEIR INVESTIGATIONS. J BY I -EORGE DAY,? F.P.MS. t I ^IS-S)0N;FT PFPCINES IN EASTERN LANDS. j BY MJJS E. R. PITMAN. POOKS PUBLISHED BY Q £ Gi;GE NEWNER, | IMITED, SOUTHAMPTON £ TREET, STRAND, J^ONDON. TftL RUBIESOF RAJMAR OR IdR CBARLECOTES' DAUGHTERS. A ROMANCE. nf EAERTON EARTWICK (PLEYDELL NORTH). Crown 8vo. CLOTB, 3S 6d; POST FREE, 3^9d. ONLY A WOMAN'S TO: A FT. he Story <f a W ciran's Love: A Woman's Sorrow. y J. E. RUDDOCK. Second Thousand'. tfEJIOfRS OF A 1M OTHER-IN. LAW. BY GEORGE R. SIMS. Sixth Thousard. (TÜTH 2s Cd: POST FREE, 2s 9d. v. t. pleasant pnmple of 4 DagoretV semi- Jiuc>ri>u^ writinps. He has a peculiar talent of fiad'n■" u-eme-nt in experiences relating to dwell- inf^i shopkeepers, tradespeople. and other folk i D ■ ted with the domestic household. and the «Moti -i Law' in his new book deals in a very way with all the foregoing subjects, and many :n"e besides. The lady has a mind and way of Jjjjj-r jr mood is the imperative, and what she savs -n as guardian, not only of her own but of he; èC h law's house, is spiritedly told by Mr Sims, etne^fVi'y" in the „ earlier^chapters."—" Freeman's jCtur&l." TE& ROMANCE OF HISTORY. 2T HERBERT GREENHOUGH SMITH. 292 pp, crown 8vo. CLOTH, 38 6d: POST FREE, 3s 9d. A -trie.?, of grrphic sketches of the leading incidents ili the r^rs of Masaniello, Prince Rupert, Marino F'tliei', Puyard, Lithgow, Jacqueline de Lagnette, Lcchiel, Cnsanova. The volume is printed on antique paper, Land bound in old style with uncufc TEE STORY OF PRIMITIVE MAN. ITH 88 ILLUSTRATIONS. ? BY EDWARD CLODD, Author of "■ T' tE STORY. OF CREATION, "SI&c. -PRICE Is-; P(')ST FREE, IS 2d. FBE STOBY OF THE PLANTS. fa/ WITH ILLUSTRATIONS.; BY Wm- GRANT ALLEN. Kv' PRICE Is; POST FREE, Is 2d. K THE BEECBCOURT MYSTERY. BY m CARLTON^ STRANGE. EL~ R CE 3s. fiD.: POST FREF. 3s 9n. K& • 3 ;ae will begin the book without finishing it." Br M ii Jisster Courier. "A.r^.e and well-constructed plot."—"Liverpool .,d u IF r 11, SCTFHAMPTON STREET, I RTRANL LO> rc N, w, c. PUBLISHER8* COLUMN (Cont'n'ie'l.) j BOOKS PUBLISHED BY QHATTO AND IKV I N D -US 214, PICCADILLY. L ONDOS, W. ••KHCDA ROBERTS," A Welsh Mining Story, BY BY HARRY* i LINDSAY," "^Author of .:(';ARTWRIGHT'S WILL," •« BROKEN **FAP.TT, C .BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ^TARD, J^OCK, "J^OWDEN, AND CO., "rARWICH QOUSE, gALISBURY SQUARE, L ONDON. E.Co jL>»miiON's> NEW T ABOTJT G ARDENTNG," A Popular Dictionary of harden Worlt Containintr— Full* and HComprehensire PneMcal Details and 1 Exhaustive! Inst.rnctionf In the vnrious branci e« of Horticultural Science. •ENTIREF.Y NEW EDITION. Rewritten, Revised, Pe-flr'mged,' and Extended To ri-.c-t,t The Requirements of the Present Time, In the Flower Garden. Kitchen Garden, and Orchard. ■With 550 Illustrations. PRICK: 2s. 6b. THE BEAUiTF'JLWHITE DEVIL, BY GUV BOOTHBY, Author of In St^a'ige Company A bid for Fortune;" "Dr Nikola," &c. Illustrated by Stanley L. Wood. Price 5R. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1894. PK ACTIO AT. OFIDE TO THE PARISH COUNCILS ACT With rules for Nominations and 'Flections by A. IT. OR AH AM and SPENCER BROAD- HURST (Barristers-ut-Law).: Tcth Thousand.—330 Pages.: Price One f- hilEng-. BOOKS^PUBISHED BY J W ^RROWSillTH, l^RISTOL. i J "TH2 DANCE AT THE FOUR CORNERS," G. B. HUH GIN, Author r.f "HIS LORDSHIP," ETC., ETC.j PRICE: ONE SHILLING "PETER STEELE, THE CRICKETEK." BY HOR A C G. HUTCHINSON, A nib or of 1 CREATURES OF CIRCUMSTANCES, "HINTS ON GOLF,' Kto., Etc. PRICE s OP- BOOKS PUBLISHED BY gUDALL, QARTE AND Q0„ C)g -pERNERS j^TREET, QXFORD gTREET, "THE MILITARY BAND," How to form, train and arrange for REED AND BRASS BANDS, BY LIEUT. SAMUEL CHARLES GRIF- FITHS, HON. R.A.M-, Director of MnRic, Royal Military School of Music, Knells Hall. Houcslow.^ PRICE: FIVE HILLINGS BOOKS PUBLISHED BY S TEPHENS AND SONS, LIMITED, 119,s120, CHANLCERY LANE, J ONLON.1 A DIGEST OF THE LAW EKIATIW* TO DISTRICT COUNCILS SO FAR AS HEGABX8 THE Constitution. Powers, and Duties of such Councils (including Municipal Cor- poraticns) in the matter of Public Heaith & Local Government. BY GEO. F. CHAMBERS, F.R.A.S Barrister-at-I aw. NINTH EDITION" PRICE, 10s. — —^ BOOKS PUBLISHED BY "y^TILLIAM BLACKWOOD 8: gONS,, DIN BURGH ^ND £ ONDON. T iJE BIBLE AND THE EAST, BY C. 3. CONDER, LT. COL., R.E., LL.D., D.C.L., M.R.AS., Author of Tent Work in Palestine, "etc. With Illustration aDd a Map. Crown 8vo., 5s. —- S'WAN SONNENSCHEIN. &Cio-, LTD., JpATESNOSTER gQUASE, LONDON. "PROS AND CONS." A newspaper reader's and debater's guide to the leading controversies of the day (Political, Social, Religious, &c,). EDITED BY 5 JOHN BERTRAM ASKEW. Price: One Shilling net "A HISTORY OF T'nfi tHURCH OF WALES," BY THE EE7 HENRY WILLIAM CLARKE, B.A. Prica 1. Sliilliiigs. THE J^ELTGI0US rj^RACT j.O QCIET^I .— L56, '[P ATE R"N O S r ERR 0 \V. LONDON, E.C. "ROBERT WHTTARER Mo.\LL," Founder of the McAll Mission in Paris. A Fragment by himself, and. Souvenir by his Wife. With Portraits, Facsimile, and Illustra- tions. .) r BOARDS. JIOEV LENT PRIVATELY To Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodging-house^ keepers, f'.nd others, in sums of Y,10 up to JMOO. ON BORROWERS' OWN NOTE OF HAND, without sureties, at much lower rates than usually chained. Repayments arranged to meet Borrow ers' 1 quirements. Extensive business done for 25 years oast. NO BILLS OF SALE 7AKEN. For prospectus and terms apply personally or write to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, Crescent Road, Rhyl. Head Office:- 20, Kcnnedy Street, Manchester. Established 1870. ^llsicu riT tjR A r7 GXZ ette, PFBLISHED MONDAY TWOPENCE. ESTABLISHED 1844. fT^HE Farmer's Paper, which Has for many yea |_ stood at the head of the English Agricultura Press. It is unequalled as a comprehensive practical Journal. The price places it within the reach of all farmers. All branches of flrming-crops. hops, live stock, and dairy-are fully discussed b, leading practical authorities. Market intelligence and reviews of the grain and cattle trades are special features. Prompt replies given to questions in all departments of farming. Veterinary queries answered by a qualified practitioner. Subscription :-3,:moJilths, prost free, 2s 9dl 2 months, 10s lOd. VINTON & Co., LIMITED 9, New Bridge street, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C. 7V CYMRU TYDDT" CYfRU RYDD, Y A CELT. :0, 0 -V T E N T S:- CHAPTER I.* TLeJPresent Outlook-Three Opp -essions. CHAPTER II. Language an Nationality. CHAPTER III. Education and Culture. CHAPTER IV. "Labour Interests. h CHAPTER V. Development.: J CHAPTER VI. Social Relations. CHAPTER VII. Politics. CHAPTER VIII. Organisation. ^CHAPTER IX. Cyiiiru FyJd find Religion. CHAPTER X. The'Celt and his Mission. "PRICE SIXPENCE.! 'Post Free 7d, from the Welsh National Press Company, Limited Carnarvon. PRICE, 6s 8d. EVERY AIAY.S OWN LAWYER: 11 N '»Y BOK OF ;THE PRINCIPLES LAW S AND L EQUIT3T | By a BARRISTER. 1- Comprising :—The Rights and Wrongs of Indi- viduals, Landlord and Tenant, Vendors and Pur- chasers, Leases and Mortgages, Principal and Agent, Partnership anl Companies, Masters, Servants, and Workmen, Contracts and Agree- ments, Borrowers, Lenders, and Sureties, Sale and Purchase of Goods, Cheque s, Bills and Notes, Bills of Sale, Bankruptcy, Railvay and Shipping Law, Life, Fire, and Marine Insurance, Accident and Fidelity Insurance, Libel and Slander, Criminal 1 Law, Parliamentary Elections, County Councils, District Councils, Parish Councils, Municipal Cor- porp.tions, Public Health and Nuisances, Copy- right, Patents, Trade Marks, Husband and Wife, Divorce, Infancy, Custody of Children, Trustees and Executors, Clergy, Churchwardens, &c., Game Laws and Sporting, Innkeepers, Horses and Dogs, Taxes and Death Duties. Forms of Wills, [ Agreements, Notices, &c. 32nd Edition, carefully revised and enlarged, including the Legislation of 1394, to which is now CONCISE DICTIONARY OF LEGAL TERMS. CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON. LONDON; TOOTHACHE -ZI- CURED INSTANTLY BY _rp._ | jr^ Prevents Decay, avea Kll N I r h S „ Extraction, D Sleepiesa Nights Prevented. Neuralgic Headeache and Nerve TTT Pains removed by Banter's H K V I H, Nervine Of all Chemists, la ljd. i-lXt V Xll JJ ''Owing to the extensive decay in two double teeth I suffered for days excruciating pain. I was recom- mended to try Bunter's h evine. I did so. To my joy, the pain quickly and entirely ceased. I have since repeatedly derived thegreatest possiblerelief in .severe neuralgic headache frem four to five drops of Bunter's Nervine,taken upon a lump of white sugar"— Rev Aubury C. Price, B.A. (lute Fellow of New CoV'.je, OxfordV ELOCUTION & ORATORY: DESIGNED FOR CLASSES AND PRI- VATE STUDENTS. BY THE REV T. C. EDWARDS, D.D., Professor of Elocution. 2s Gd., post free 2s 9d. CONTENTS: How to Say. Questions and Answers. Breathing Exercises. I Articulation. Vocal Fxercises Vocal Forms. Gesture. Reading Poefry Reading the Bible. Hymn Heading. Dramatic Selections. Oratorical Selections. Miscellaneous Selections. PENNYPO"L PILLS .w K, STEEL F IE m A IL F- S. BMOV1IAIX IK.TOWLS, ChemUt, Notuiwham.. of Imitations, injwnov* a** teortjUwt. ,e;- HEW HARRISON HEW HARRISON SWIFT GOLD MEMI. KNITTER | | T O Stockiaco rilbed or pUin. K N I I O GLOVE3 »ad CLOTHING in WOOL. SILK or COTTON. IN- k-'BUCTIONS KUEK. LisUfreeperpo»t. TTUtfMPHAHT AWAHDB, in ■indin* K*<ms?s>. LTT'. I LOGY OF BOOKS ABoUt 1 TOBY, LEGEMFOLK- Be MART^> TREVELYAN. L L ,d, Dedicated by grades* permission to Her Royal Highness The Ductes# of York /NLlMPbS3 OP It WELSH LIFE U AND G&&&AC- TER. 4 Crown 8,\ 498 pages, vellum doth, illuminated, priA* 8ik| i gilt edges, 6,. 6d, "There are stonM of ancient supersti- tions and customs, of poets and musicians, of pioneers of dissent, of eccentric persons, of folk-loreandghosts, some of which are new to us, and, new or old, are told in a spirited style. Spirited also •re the pictures of religious festivals, of the old Welsh Tory Gentleman, the Welsh farmer, the hiring fair. the Eisteddfod, and other national products and institutions. "-Saw-,O,-iay Review. Glimpsea of Welsh Life and Character' has been a theme of admiring conversation ttince the first day of its appearance."— Western Mail, Cardiff. No longer can it be said that gallant little Wales' Is without its historian. Altogether a delightful book. "-Brighton Herald, IL Dedicated by permission to the Right Honble. Lord Windsor, Lord Lieutenant of Glamorganshire ROM SNOWDON TO THE SEA: Stirring FROM SNOWDON TO THE SEA: Stirring tt Stories of North and South Wales. Crown 8vo. 432 pages, cloth, emblaroned, price 6s. gilt edges, 68. 6d. "This is one of the best collections of Welsh tales we have yet seen. It is a book which every lover of romance should purchase. Newcastle Chronicle. Rich in the traditions, folk-lore, and romances which have been woven into stories by this able authoress." -Sheffield Independent. The stories are told with much patriotic en- thusiasm, and are gay with a local colour, which adds greatly to their realism. "-Bradford Observer. These tales have the additional merit of being a real contribution to an understanding of Wales and its people.Newcastle Leader. 111. Dedicated to the Immortal Memory oj Lltwelyn dp Grvffydd, lazi Native Prince of Wales. THE LAND OF ARTHUR: Its Heroes and Heroines. t and Heroines. Crown 8vo. 440 pages, cloth, illuminated, price 6J. gilb edges, 6«. 6a. *'We warmly commend the book. Get it all once. It is as interesting as a fine novel, and in. finitely more instructive. Here is a text-book for day schools on Welsh patriots and warriors Let bhe 'Cymru Fydd' Society help its circulation beyond the Principality. The work will teach the Saxon that the Celts are the original inheritors of this country-the grand old Britoiis.Duitddo Courier. "There Is much that othere besides historical students will find of interest in this popular ac. count of the early annals of the Principality."— Daily Telegraph. Never deficient in spirib and colour. "-Glasgow Herald. This volume completes the Trilogy of books about Wales, and all readers of Glimpses of Welsh Life and Character,' and 4 From Snowdon to the Sea,' will promptly avail themselves of the opportunity to ronew acquaintance with an author whose intense enthusiasm and wide range of his- torical and traditionary lore are matched by a singularly fascinating and picturesque style."— Manchester Courier. Any one who haa read and loved George Borrow s works will find in Miss Trevelyan's books the record of a later Wales up to date. She has a keen and enthusiastic eye for local character and tradition."—To-Day. Marie Trevelyan has again shown her anxiety to celebrate, in a fitting style, the notable per- sonages and incidents of the earlier history of Waleg.Brightoll Herald. "Full of old-world romance and chivalry."— mtrÚtian World. Miss Trevelyan writes gracefully, and this is a book that on its merits will commend itself not only to West Britons,' bub to Britous in the widest sense—whether of Celtic, Saxon, or Norse descent. "-Aberdeen Daily Free Press. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, H. R. H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES, H. R. H. THE DUCHESS OF YORK, H. R. H. THE DUCHESS OF TECK, Have been graciously pleased to accept copies of MM above three books. London: JOHN HOGG. 13. Patlernoeter Row. E.Q. "YMSONAU 8EF CASGLIAD 0 DDARNAU BARDDONOL GAN Y PARCH J. J. llOBERTS. flolo Caernarfon J, PORTHMADOG CYNWYSIAD. Ardderchog lu y merthyri, Y Diwygiad. BYr Anturiaethwr. Mabinogion. Y Disgybl Fardd ar Gader Id is.r Y Tymmhorau. Roger Williams. Pwy a a drosoui ni. A Duw a ddywedodd bydded. v A mi mewn myfyr fel mewn hun. Y bwriad trancedig. Y rhai a hunasant. Gellira ei gael gan y Llyfrwerfchwyr, neu yn uniongyrchol o'r Swyddfa hon. Pris Swllt. neu gyda'r post Is lie. WELSH NATIONAL PRESS CO LIMITED, PRINTERS &■ PUB LIS HERS, Carnarvon <~V 7 Estimates Furnished for all liind of Printing MUSIC PRINTERS The ONLY Old Notation Printers in North Wales Competent Musicians being employed, Customers can rely upon the music being cor; erctly, printed and revised if necessary. Also music transribed from Old Notation to golfta Dr Solffa to Old Notation. <- J) (Simtihgn. Getriau gan R. J. DERFEL. Gan P*. ROBERTS t Ysw., Allegro moderate. Organydd Eglwys Gademol, Bangor dolce w.. « .1 mp h it P SOPRANO. J *—J—^ »—H — f •»; ili "_j* t i? Wlith yn gloe yw, wlithyn by chan, Blen tyn h. I Is r-5 N S TEN0E' [ =F* 1 *=M=f Pass. P'1 -I |* 0 I |» j* L7 I A |cr^=r—r | J til lW 5^—i— u p 1 60 v > tlws y wawr a'r nos, Hardd-ach wyt na thlws o J J J* N ■ h- h I ■ —ZS—urH^ Wlithyn gloe yw, wlithyn ) \T fs op r f r 11$> ar fan, Dan yr haul ar fron y rlios, Harddach wyt na thJws o I J* J-. J dolceeP s s s s by chan, Blentyn tlws y wawr a'r nos, S ? i J* 1^ Sff Cfffff r c c k • nr ian, Blentyn tlws ywawra'r no8, Harddach wyt na thlws o c; c fVrite fon Terms* PATENTS DESIGNS & TRADE MARKS. AGENCY CONDUCTED BY PATENT SOLICITOR AND LATE EXAMINER Jt HER MAJESTY'S PATENT OFFICE. I ADVICE GRATIS on all subjects connected with the above on receipt oi stamped addressed -< £ envelope. PATENTS OBT AINED-Britfsb, Colonial and Fore'en' the shoortest time consiitent with safety. DRAWINGS OFMACHINERY, &c.,ma(ie from the roughest sketches. SUITABLE TRADE. MARKS SUGGESTED carefully drawn and engraved for Registratl n at tiome and Abroad. AGENCIES IN LONDON andall parts of the world for the Purchase and Sale or olacir on Royalty o good PatentedTnventionfl. INVENTORS with undeveloped Ideas are advised to communicate at once, when reliable opinion as to »i?o» IL7_'5e 8Peedily Riven,and much trouble, expense and disappointment saved. BSra ADDRESS—— t MANAGER OFFICE OFJTHF JOJRNAL INVENTION,' FLEET STRF.ET LONDON. = ■ —W ■' III, AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE DAIRY FARMER. ESTABLISHED 1844. „ [MONDAY, PMCE ID.} THE AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE has for many years, by consent of all, stood at the hejd of the English Agricultural Press. It is unequaled as a high-class Farmer's paper, while the price Twopence weekly, or cost free, 10a lOd for a whole vear—places it within the reach of all Farmers. It is read very extensively ufall parts of the United Kingdom, as well o. eign countries, and the following extracts from letters show how highly it is valued b- its,Subacribare The best example of a good agricultural paper we have ever seen. "-Aforming Post, "I attribute whatever success I have had to reading the A. G.H. ij The most useful paper I have ever read, i'—T. B., Jun. I will take it as long as I live. It is the best paper published. — J. 8. B.. I am truly sorry I did not take the Gazette years ago as J. am quite certain it would have paved me.many unds. No farmer should be without it. iV. -Pi. Containa a great deal of useful information"—T/.U. I am highly pleased with tho paper."—W. K. I like the Gazette best of all farm papers."—H. L. I nnd it very interesting and instructive."—G. R. S. FORM OF SUBSCRIPTION. Jo VINTON k Co., Limited, 9, New Brdge Street, Ludgate Circus London Oi Please send e the AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE for months., commencing or which OJe m a. d, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 12 Months, 10s 10d,. 6 Months. 5s bd 3 Menths, 2s 9d. Four wetks for Trial, Post free Tor M Remmittances to accompany Order. Cheques, &c., to oe made payable to VINTON & Co., Limited. — HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILYIUSE. z 'THE PILLS purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the internal organs, and are invaluab in^all complaints incidental to Females. •. mK n„t A lectico, Rhe*- THE OINTMENT is the most reliable Remedy for Chest and Throat A matism, SfiffJoints^OldWounds, Sores, Ulcers, andjall Skin Diseases. Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET^LONDON.?- sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N,B. Advice^gratu at'the above address, dally, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by e BOOKBINDING. ITHE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE IN NORTH WALES, FOR ALL KINDS OF BOOKBINKNG IS THE "CTENEDL" OFFICE CARNARVON SEND FOR PHICE LIST OF ALL KIND OF BINDING.