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THE NAME OF I DICK'S I A HOUSEHOLD WORD AND AN UNDOUBTED WARRANTY FOR GOOD & CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. All our Establishments are now full of the Latest Fashions and the Newest Improvements in the Eoot and Shoe World, suitable for all classes, at the Lowest Possible Prices. DICK'S 17. HIGH STREET, BANGOR, MARKET STREET, HOLYHEAD, 7, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON, PALACE STREET. CARNARVON. -A ESTABLISHED 1851. WILLIAMSTEYANS & CO. (Late W. Francis Williams & Company), GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, 224. 226. 228. HIGH STREET (Opposite the Market Hall) B AN GO R. THE BEST PLACE I-Li THEPRINCIPALITY FOR PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, WRITING CASES, BLOTTERS LETTER CASES. POCKET BOOKS, PURRES, PHOTO ALBUMS, PHOTO FRAMES LADIES' BAGS, GAMES, &c. D. W. DAVIES, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER (WHOSALE AND RETAIL) 19, BRIDGE STREET CARNARVON., CAMERAS. Dry Plates, Ilfords and Pagets P. OP. Pagets and Ilford in Tubes and Cat Pieces. Johnson'sGoldBromide Papers & all Photographic Sundries and Chemicals. Mounts of all sizes in stock. GRIFFITH OWEN, CHEMIST, 25, & 27, HIGH STREET, CARNARVON. Agent for Lockyer Hydrokinone Developer and Toning Solution, Photographic Tabloids. le-, 1-0, J ¡ Ye Wise Men came from Ye East, But Ye Wise Woman goes to the Yeast, And the Yeast she will bile is the D.C.L. becauseshe knows it is Perfect and guaran- teed pure. It makes nice sweetbread, buns tea-cakes, etc., of splendid appearance and tempting flavour. Send lor Booklet of Instructions to the Sole Mannfac- turers, who will send it Post Free. The DISTILLERS Co., Ltd., EDINBURGH. Don't forgot to Amk for "D.C.L." WATCHES, CLOCKS, and all kinds of RINGS, &c.- The Best and Cheapest place for above is at the Old Establishment pf the late JOHN HUGHES, POOL STREET, CARNARVON. OSEETS AND OWEN PROPRIETRS. hStoeoliihtu, ll'indred Years _-r"c.. 'X IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING. i^DWJN JONES, KYFFINPLACE CABINET WORKS, BANGOR, has a lai'ge and extensive Stock of all kind of Household Furniture, consisting of Dining, Draw g and Bedroom suites, Bookcases Cheffonieis, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Chest of Drawers Dreesirg Drawers and all kind of Bedroom and Par- lour Chairs, Solas and Couches in leather and hair cr.vers, Iron 11 and Brass Bedsteads, Feather, Wool and Flock Beds, Spring and Wool Mattresses, Dining and Drawing Room Tables, Kitchen Tables, Chain, Dressers of all descriptions. Most of the above are made on the premises under his own supervision. Edwin Jones, owing to his increasing buisiness, has secured a large Warehouse in addition to bis :other premises, and invites customers to inspect his largs stock which he intends to sell Att a very small proiit Cariage paid for distances -of fix ea mIJelj I JAMES HUGHES, UPHOLSTERER AND DECORATOR. Furniture Re-upholstered and made equal to new and French Polished. All kinds of Bedding re-made and cleaned* Carpets, Blinds, and Draperies made and altered. Jobbing punctually attended to. Terms Moderate. LONDON HOUSE, CARNARVON THE PHARMACY. I J. F RAN CIS, t Dispensing Chemist (Exam.), 1 POOL STREET, CARNARVON. Special attention paid to Dispensing of I Physician's Prescriptions. 543 Ri, IL),, R OBERTS, COAL MERCHANT, I CARNARVON. All kinds of Steam and House Coal always on hand. Wharf Railway Coal Yard. Residence: Bodowyr, 15, Tithebarn street. CIEIEAP SPON GES. A good Bath Sponge for a I Shilling. I have all kinds of sponges suitable for all purposes in the household or stable, priees far below the ordinary. Hundreds to select from. It will cost you nothing to look at my atock. You cannot do better elsewhere. ROBERT ROBERTS, —— CHEMIST, —— BANGOR STREET. CARNARVON, CARNARVON AND DISTRICT. "VILLIAMS & GRIFFITHS Bill Posters, Distributors, and 10wn Criers by appoiniment of the Town Council, Members of the United Billposters'Association. 5, NORTH PENRALLT, CARNARVON. Owners of the Chief Posting Stations, all in the most prominent parts of the town and neighbourhood. Contracts taken for Bill Posting and Distributing for 20 miles round. We are the only men Bill Posters in tie town. All orders entrusted to our care shall be 1 promptly attended to and executed at the most reasonable terms. ROBI WLLLIAMK, PAWNBROKER, JEWELLER & CLOTHIER, 303, HIGH ST, BANGOR LEFT OFF CLOTHING BOUGHT IN. I LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES DISTANCE NO OBJECT Clothiers, Bcot and Shoe Dealers. Drapers, &c STOCKS BOUGHT GOOD PRICES GIVEN. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. MONEY ADVANCED AT MODERATE RATES ON Gold, Silver, Plate, Watches, Antique China, Coins, Medals, c. CASH per return for Parcels sent by post. it MILNER'S SAFES for VALUABLES, OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT, FOREIGN MONEY EXCHANGED, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, CLOCKS, SILVER, and BEST QUALITY ELECTRO PLATED GOODS FIELD, MARINE, and OPERA GLASSES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, & I A Miscellaneous Stock kept. Our CLOTHING is replete with a great variety of Ready Made Suits, Trousers, Jackets, &c. Men's and Boys' Boots, Shirts, Hosiery, &c. Working Men's Trousers in Drab White, Brown Cards and Mole, Ready Made or to Measure, from4s lid. A large assortment of SecondHand Blankets Quilts, Sheets, at very low prices. Inspection of our large and varied Stock is specially in- vited. NOTE THE ADDRESS— 303, HIGH STREET BANGOR. RRANCHRS- Flint and Eoljiead. The daily delight of Thousands. Tne Tea for all. ANCHOR TEA Our great success having brought many imita- tions of our packet into the market, wejtrust that consumers will see the Trade Mark is on every I Packet. TRADE SIST a I I I I I MARK.1 The Winged Anchor Trade Mark will be on every packet if the tea is genuine, and consumers may rest assured of the quality by noting this. ANCHORt TEA Is 4d, ls^i, Is lOd, 2s, & 2s 4d per Pound. SOLD BY AGENTS EVERYWHERE. liM- CAUTION.—Beware of spurious and un- scrupulous imitations of our packets by small local houses throughout North Wales. For Agencies apply to the ANCHOR TEA COMPANY, 41, Great Tower street, London, E.C. mONEY LENT PRIVATELY. rpHE CHARING CROSS BANK Established X 1870), 28, Bedford street, Channg Cross, London, W.C. £ 512,475 18 2 LShm.V.V.V. 209,475 18 2 Capital and Reserve.303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Notes Loans of JE30 to £2,000 granted at a few hours notice in town or country, male or female on mortgage of Wture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., Shout removal; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, stocks shares, and merchandise of every description. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. Two and a half per cent. interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances of Current Accounts when not drawn below JE20 Deposits of £10 and upwards received on terms as onder: 4 per cent. per annum, subject to 3 morths' notice of withdrawal. 6 „ Special tenus for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly, free of Income Tax. Depositors have no liability whatever, and are amply secured. Write or call for prospectus. v A WILLIAMS. Manager I- ESTABLISHED IN i836. FOR THE PROTECTION of TRADE STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICE4; (STUBBS' Ltd.), 42, Gresham Street, LONDON, E.C. Subscribers bv obtaining timely information, may HE STATUS ENQUIRY DEPARTMENT MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. EVERY TRADER SHOULD READ STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With which is issued a Supplement containing LISTS OF CREDITORS Under All the Important Failures. THE COMMERCIAL REGISTERS Contain more than ca- NINE MILLION ENTRIES DEBTS RECOVERED PROMPTLY A¡.U paid over to Subscribers on Tuesday ana Friday in each week. BRANCHES at (jRAhLE8 STREET CHAM- BERS, CARDIFF, 1 and 2 SWANSEA ARCADE, SWANSEA, Aberdeen, Birmingnam, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Belfast, Cork, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Huh Leedi, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle Nor- wich, Nottingham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Shef- field, Sunderlaad. SUB-OFFICES.—Blackburn, Cambridge, Derby, Exeter, Gloucester, Grimsby, Halifax, Hanley, Huddersfield, Ipswich, Leicester, Limerick, Lon- donderry, Middlesbro', Newport (Mon ) North- ampton, Oxford, Preston, Reading, Southampton, Stockton-on-Tees, Walsall, Torquay, Waterford, Wolverhampton, Worcester, York. TF,RMS.Cl Is, A:2 28, JE3 3s, £ 5 5s, according to requirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to any ef the above offices CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to cure in either sex, all acquired or constitutional Dis- charges from the Urinary Organfl, Gravel and Pains in tire back. Free from Mercury. Estab- lished upwards of 30 years. In boxes 4s 6d each of all Chemists an.1 Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and M'dland Counties » Drug woiupauy, Lincoln., LORNE HOUSE LIBRARY. ALL THE NEWEST BOOKS. SUBSCRIPTION 17/6. CYCLES FOR ilSl9P7 SWIFTS, ALLDAY'S,! JAMES), f CONDOR, GROSVENOR, CLAREMONT, CLEVELAND Sole" Agents, JOSIAH HUGHES & CO., IRONMON GERS, BANGOR. MACHINES FROM £ 8, 8s. Od THOMAS'S THE DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT. Is under experienced management, aided by a very efficient staff of assistants. Every effort is made to ensure satisfaction. Ladies may safely rely upon having the Latest Fashion, with Artistic and Perfect Fitting Costumes, at most Moderate Charges. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The Stock in this Department will be found to worthily represent the class of Goads to pre^ dominate in Fashion and Favor throughout the Season, being large, choice and varied and *or Stylcq. Beauty, Quality and Price, never previously excelled. LONDON HOUSE. BAN GOB ^■■ ■■■ ESTABLISHED 1874. E. NOBLE, SODA WATER AND LEMONADE MANUFACTURER, — CARNARVON- — 11 and 12, Great Tower Street, London, 30th March, 1897. COPY CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. ———————— In pursuance 01 a practise that I have carried out for a number of years past, I have again submitted to very careful chemical investigation, samples of the Aerated and Fermented Beverages (as well as the materials from which they have been made) manufactured by Mr Edward Noble, Car- narvon, and I am pleased to be able to report that, as before, they continue to maintain their excellence of purity and standard of quality. The public may place full confidence in their merits aDd whole- someness, as everything has been done that skill and practical experience can devise to obtain the highest degree of perfection. GRANVILLE H. SHARPE, F.C.S., &c., Analyst, 498s Late Principal of the Liverpool College of Chemistry. STILL IN THE FRONT. T E R W E R I N. PURE TEA & COFFEE. SALES INCREASING WEEKLY FROM HUNDREDWEIGHTS TO TONIA ¡ AMERICAN LINE SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW YORK DIRECT Every SATURDAY. Highest Class of Accommodation for Saloon, Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers. Steerage Outfit Free. LIVERPOOL—PHILADELPHIA SERVICE. EVERY WEDNESDAY. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA "Calling at Queenstown every Thursday. 5 Steerage Outfit Free. Passengers and goods are landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which has the Shortest and most Direct Route to all places in theWettern States. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE k C Southampton or Liverpool, Or to LOCAL AGENTS — Messrs W. J. Wil- liams, 7, Market street; Richard R, Stythe, 39 Bangor street, Carnarvon T. S. Ingham, 3, tligh-atreet Ebenezer W. T Jones, Pwllheli E. Jones, 173 High-street, Bangor H. Hughes, 8, Maiket street Amlwch; H. J. Willia.me, Douglas Terrace Richard Roberta, Old Post Office, Bethesda; 0. Jones, Old Post Office, Penygroes; W. Jones, Rosehill-station Conway; J T Williams, Meirion Terrace, Blaenau Feetiniog; T. Evans &Co., Station Chambers, Rhyl R. Statia. Station Road, ColwvD BPV NO PRELIMINARY FEES CHARGEu MONEY LENT PRIVATELY TO Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodging house Keepers, and rthers, in sums OF £ 10 UP TO jRoOO ON BORROWER'S own PROMISSORY NOfE Without Sureties, at reasonable tsrms. Repay monts arranged to meet Borrower s requirements NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. Genuine and extensive business done for 25 years past. Hundreds of Borrowers have given unsoli- cited testimony to the Fair and Considerate Treat- ment received.. Full particulars on application, by letter or per- sonally,#" QEQEQE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, Oretoent Road, I WHITE STAR LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via Quesustows every Wednesday. MAJESTIC Wed- Oct. IS. BRITANNIC Wed. Oct. 6 Cotton not Carried on Passenger Steamers. Second Cabin will be earned on the voyape marked thus* STEERAGE PASSAGE at Low rate# Outfit frea of charge to New ork, Boston, delphia, and Baltimore. The splendm vessels of this liae are all of the largest class, uniform in model and arrangements, and unsurpassed in the completeness of their appointments. Saloon and Stateroom amidships. A r> oly to Ship and Insurance Broker, and VV._ Williams, 7, Market street, Cunarvon; M. Goldie, 217, High street,BangorzO. S. Parry, slate merchant, Dolwyddelen and 31aenau Festiniog -1 William Jones, Old Bank. Holyhead Joseph Francis, Glanhwfa Road, Llangefni; R. G, Roberts, Hoc 'oa( Cottage, Penygroes, R.S.O., Talysarn; W 0. Williams. Globe Shoe Warehouse, Llaprws or ta ISMAY, IMRIE, and Co., 34, Leadenhall street, London. E..1 and 10. Water tr et Liverpo, D JOHNSON, CLAPHAM & MORRIS, LID., fi. 24 & 26, Lever street, Manchester. rpHE J.C.M. FALCON CYCLE. Lady s fa- J- vourite, for easy running and graceful mHB POPULAR* CYCLES.—Go-a-Head and A Electric. „ ci OLE Agents for the Famous Gladiator Cyciei. Holds nearly 1300 World's Records. BEST Value in the Market. All Machines Warranted. [ Local Agent: i ET AN JONES, IRONMONGER, CARNiBVOX I f